DEUTSCHLAND 52 - New World Order. Faction Two.  Bibliografie Flying Saucer

Records of Births and marriages - gold - the ancient manuscripts

During the Crusades the Templars, who take their name from the Temple of Solomon, erected the stable for their horses on the very site where King Solomon’s Temple lay buried! The Knights Templars came to the holy lands and to King Solomon’s Temple for three things. They came to find the records of births and marriages. They came for the gold that was stored in secret underground chambers. And they came for the ancient manuscripts, which were preserved in hermetically sealed chambers deep below the original temple.

With these three things in hand, the Knights Templars went back to Europe and became the undisputed Rulers of Europe. They ruled until King Phillip the Fair of France conspired with the Catholic Pope Clement III to destroy the Templars. But even their destruction was part of a hidden agenda.

The Templars had accomplished what they set out to do. They had accumulated enormous wealth and knowledge. Now they needed to establish an empire whose descendants would carry out their benevolent plan for the World.

The Austrian Connection

The surviving Templars moved to the mountains above Salzburg. They went on to create the Austrian Empire and ruled Europe for hundreds of years. The Austro-Hungarian Empire was built and financed by Templar wealth and information. 

English bankers who controlled the British Throne from behind the scenes

Through shortsightedness, assassinations, insanity, ego and stupidity, the Empire was eventually lost to the age-old enemy of the Knights Templars, an evil cabal which now masqueraded as English bankers who controlled the British Throne from behind the scenes.

Even though the Templars lost the Empire from which their creators had planned to serve the World in benevolence, they did not disappear.

Admiral Wilhelm Canaris

During World War II, the head of the true Order of Knights Templars was Admiral Wilhelm Canaris. Admiral Canaris was descended from northern Italian and Bavarian royalty. (In 1776, the year of America’s Declaration of Independence, Bavarian Royalty alerted Europe to the Illuminati plan to create a New World Order.)

Hitler as Knight

Adolph Hitler invaded Austria in 1938

Adolph Hitler invaded Austria in 1938 and stole the Austrian treasury, which was transferred to Swiss banks by Hitler himself. Much of the gold in the Austrian treasury was Templar gold taken from King Solomon’s Temple. During World War II, even though Admiral Canaris was the head of German Military Intelligence, he made two trips a month to Switzerland and then to the Catalan region of Spain. He was stealing back the Templar gold and storing it in Spain!

The Templar gold stayed hidden in Spain until it could be transported by submarine to Paraguay. In 1955, its location was discovered and the gold was moved to the Philippines. In 1994, members of Faction 2, who are Knights Templars, arranged for the Philippine gold to be returned to Austria. In December of 1994, the largest gold transfer in history entered Germany from a gold smelter in Greece. This was the Templar gold.

Fall of the Dollar - End of the Federal Reserve Banking System - End for creating New World Order

Sources have said that this gold will be used to back the new monetary unit of Europe, the Euro. When the Euro is finally backed by gold, it will become the currency of choice for the business World. This will cause the dollar to fall, and according to my sources in Faction 2, the fall of the dollar will mean the end of the Federal Reserve Banking System and its member banks. Hopefully this will also end the international bankers’ plans for creating a New World Order.

Admiral Canaris Was Resettled in Oklahoma

After the assassination attempt failed to kill Hitler, many of Admiral Canaris’ closest allies fled to the United States. The rest were horribly tortured and murdered. According to history books, Admiral Canaris was jailed and was about to be tortured to reveal the truth of the conspiracy when he swallowed cyanide and died. According to sources who are sons of the men of the Abwehr, however, Admiral Canaris escaped to the United States and lived in Oklahoma under the name of Samuel Randall Pittman, a lawyer. The men who told me the story of Admiral Canaris say he died in 1973, in Oklahoma.

The men who survived Hitler’s purge and came to the United States were the ones who formed the CIG. When the CIG was replaced by the CIA, these men retreated to the shadow World where their Templar ancestors have lived for hundreds of years. In modern day parlance, they formed a covert spy network and continued to work against their age-old enemy, the men who make up the New World Order.

Pilots for the Saudi Royal Family

These men are now members of intelligence communities around the World. They call themselves Faction 2. The Saudi Royal Family works with Faction 2. Several Faction 2 individuals, who were exiled members of the Austrian and Czechoslovakian Royal families, were the pilots for the Saudi Royal Family.

Higher nature power in man
Der gute Menschenkenner Nr. 84 von 101. Hrsg. Amandus Kupfer. 1940. Hinzugefügt

Sign agreements with the allied victors of World WAR II

Many of the royal family members who were exiled to the United States had been sent into exile because they would not sign agreements with the allied victors of World War II, stating they would not plot to restore the monarchies of central Europe. The royals who did sign the agreement not to restore the monarchy were given back their money and lands. Those who refused to sign had everything they owned confiscated.

In 1995 their exile ended

The highest-ranking members of the Austro-Hungarian family were sent into exile. Some of the children of these highest-ranking Royals were taken from their parents and placed in ordinary middle class American families. Usually the “adopting” father was part of Faction 2. The children were never told their true identity. This was done to hide them and their future children until the time was right. In 1995 their exile ended. Many members of Faction 2 have now started to move back to their homelands.

War in financial world

Since 1995 a war has been going on in the financial world. Most people are so naive about the way the financial world works that they do not even begin to understand how the war is being fought.

One of the ways it is being fought is by sucking as many naive investors into the stock market as possible. Once the powers who are fighting this war believe they have sucked up as much money as they possibly can, they will try to engineer a stock market crash in a way that will leave as much money as possible in the hands of their group. In other words, both groups are working to crash the market, destroy their enemy, and leave themselves in the driver’s seat. The real losers in all of this are the innocent people who put their life savings in a rigged stock market!

If Faction One the international bankers who we call the New World Order wins, a one world government will be implemented and humanity will become slaves at least the ones who survive the and I will bet you that YOU and I won’t be amoung the survivors!

If Faction Two wins, there is a plan to take the money that has been stolen from the people of the world, and give it back to the people of the world. These plans are drawn up and can be implemented at any time the funds are released.

New Faction: Faction Three

There is a new faction, one that has labeled itself Faction Three. This new faction is not aligned with either of the two older factions. Some members are the children of Faction One, others are the children of Faction Two. The job of dispersing the money that has been stolen from the nations of the world has been given to this Faction. It appears that the people who make up this Faction are ALL Knights Templars or live according to the same standards.

Forbidden to restore the Monarchies - Hapsburgs

After World War Two, the Hapsburgs and all other royal families were forced to sign contracts which forbade them to try to restore the Monarchies to their countries. If they signed the agreement, they could keep their titles, lands and money and stay in the country. If they refused to sign the agreement all their lands, monies and titles were taken from them. The highest ranking Hapsburgs, (those above the rank of Baron) who refused to sign the agreement, were also sent into exile. Signing the agreement meant that you were a traitor to your blood and had become ONE with the people who destroyed your family! Those who are exiled see those who signed as traitors.

Faction Two is made up of these exiled royal family members. The taxi driver who was my teacher in Austria was a member of the group who refused to sign the agreement. He is the one who taught me most of what I write about. He is a Hapsburg Baron, but because his family refused to knuckle under to the NWO, they lost everything, including the right to use their titles. This man is the one who showed me a copy of the Original Templar Charter, a portion of which I have included below.

Since these men and women are hidden and no one, to the best of my knowledge, with the exception of me, has ever been admitted to their inner circle and lived to write about them, I doubt very seriously if the information about Faction Two, that is presented here on the forum, by people other than me, is accurate. Why was I given the right to know and talk about these things? That is something that I cannot tell now because if the truth were known, I would have more enemies in the NWO than just the Bush Family!

I am sorry that I don’t have the time to actively take part in this forum and correct the many mistakes I see made. I am still working over 10 hours every day and 14 on Mondays!

If the error that has made you think that Faction Two is in charge of our current government is mine, please show it to me and I will correct it.

Family Bush

I have been hoping that the Bush family was strong enough to stand up against the NWO and I have written about this often in the recent past. Maybe this hope is what confused you. However, I have recently been told that they will never stand up to the NWO.

There is a huge Bush scandal just about ready to blow. One that will make Iran Contra look like a mosquito bite compared to having your head cut off. I don’t have all the details yet, but it involves the Carlyle Group and a “gift” that was given to Tony Blair to make him go along with the Iraq war.

Alan Greenspan and his wife are the ones who are in possession of the blackmail material. If you remember, their house was broken into last year. What the Bush “plumbers” were looking for were the “Carlyle Papers”. But Andrea Mitchell had already hidden them away in Canada. This is all I know. If I ever get more facts, I will post them. But when the scandal breaks, just remember, you heard it here first.

“Carlyle Papers”

The Bush Family was the only major political family that could have weathered an attack by the NWO. This made them the ONLY political family that Faction Two could USE to go against the NWO. But evidently the “Carlyle Papers” are so devastating that if the secrets ever come out, most of the family will be lucky to stay out of jail, let alone ever hold office again.

However, there are things going on in the world that still make me think that the “bankrupt the FED” plan which Faction Two put online in the early 70s is having some success. If Faction Two has any power left at all, you may probably see Dick Cheney step down, and someone like Rudy Giuliani picked to replace him.

One other sign that Faction Two may still be in the game is if the United States really DOES pull out of NATO and the United Nations.


Most people who have been reading RMN for years don’t have to be convinced that the UN is an organization that was started by the New World Order. How can anyone take the UN seriously after they put Lybia in charge of human rights abuses, and Iraq in charge of searching for weapons of mass destruction? The United Nations is made up of dictators patting other dictators on the back. True democracies have no place in an organization like that!

I have inserted below, bits and pieces of an article about the difference between the two factions. I sincerely hope that this can dispell the misinformation that has been posted here about the Two Factions. If not, please tell me what it is that you disagree with? Maybe I can show you the same picture from another angle, and maybe I can’t.

Respect human life

As for myself, I still throw my lot in with Faction Two, because what I know of them lets me know that they respect human life and wish to create a world in which human dignity is the property of every human.

An aside that is pertinent  although many may wonder what I am talking about, is the knowledge that there is an Underground Movement that defies the NWO.

Underground armies to fight against New Worl Order = Totaly Enslavement worldwide

If you haven’t read the articles I have written about the Underground Armies, you should do a search in the Reading Room Archives for them. I have been told that most of the people who were actively fighting the New World Order have now gone underground. If you remember, before Waco there were many Patriot Groups that were trying to show people the truth about the New World Order. Most of those groups are gone now. Waco was a powerful message to those groups. But they still exist. And if the NWO tries to take over this country in the next few years, most of those old warriors are still strong enough to fight.
Huter-Büste. Stuttgart-Leonberg.        Bagdad 20.3.2003.            Amandus Kupfer 20.3.2002. Fotos Timm
50. Todestag vom bedeutsamtsten Schüler Huters, A. Kupfer am 20.3. 2002 und am 51. Todestag von A. Kupfer U.S.-Bombenangriff auf Bagdad/Irak (Mesopotamien/Sumer

And yes, the war will come to this country. All you have to do is look at Baghdad to see Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Dallas, Seattle, Miami
Quelle 1: Timm, W. Gesamtschau-Digital: Carl Huter und Amandus Kupfer. Hrsg. Wolfgang Timm. Verlag Carl-Huter-Zentral-Archiv. 2004.
Quelle 2: Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 12. Number 6 (October-November 2005).

Year        Author                    Title                                                Source                                               Type
1992                       UFO's: Alien or Man-Made ?                      Nexus                                                                 article    
199?                       Saucer Kraut                                                                                                                     article
1995                       The UFOs of World War II                       UFO Universe Vol. 5, #3                                         article
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1958  ????                        ????                                        Saucer News Apr-May                                                article
1957  AA.VV.            Das Gab's - Die Fliegende Untertasse der Deutschen Luftwaffe   ZB n° 25, December, 1-3       article
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1994  AA.VV.            Der Tanz am Abgrund                                Zeiten Schrift                                                    article
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1992  Ratthofer N & Ettl R.    Das Vril-Projekt                                STM-Tempelhof                                              book
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2000  Remdt G. & Wermusch G.            Rätsel Jonastal                Jung, Heinrich, Verlagsgesellschaft                    book
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1958  Sanderson I.T.    Man-Made UFO                                    Fantastic Universe Sept., 37-49                           article
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1990  Sider J.          Ultra Top Secret                                Axis Mundi, 368-379                                                  chapter
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1978  Snell K.          The Nazi Polar Mystery                        Paranormal & Psychic Vol. 3, 1, 15-18                        article
1998  Steiger B. & Hansen S.    Earth Science and Alien Technology    Unsolved UFO Sightings Vol. 5, 4, 22-35       article
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2002  Stevens H.   Hitler's Flying Saucers: A Guide to German Flying Discs...    Adventures Unlimited Press              book
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1994  Stilo G.          I ''dischi'' di Hitler                                Il Giornale dei Misteri n° 269, 60-62                         article
1998  Stilo G.          I Miti UFO-Nazismo                                            UPIAR                                                      booklet
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1994  Videotape         UFO Secrets of the Third Reich                                    58'                                     PAL videotape
1997  Videotape         Nazi UFOs & the Illuminati Conspiracy                    75 minutes                             NTSC videotape
         Videotape         UFO, Secrets of the Third Reich                                                                           NTSC videotape
         Videotape         Germany and the Secret UFO's                                                                            NTSC videotape
1993  Videotape         Top Secret German UFO Coverup                                 30'                                   NTSC videotape
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1989  Walter W.           Der V-7-Schwindel                                   CENAP REPORT 162, 3-18                            article
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1998  Zunneck K.H.    Geheimtechnologien, Wunderwaffen und die irdischen Facetten des UFO...    Amun Verlag      book
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Levitating Stone

Erstellt 2006. Update 14. Juli 2007
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm