DEUTSCHLAND 45 - New World Order Takeover? Illuminati: Bilderberger - Part 2
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm


Illuminati Devil Hand Signals Prevalent Throughout Inauguration

We have noticed in the past that the mainstream media would just carry these photos without attempting to whitewash what we were seeing. Bush and his entire family flashed so many of these hand signs today that they had to mention it. Associated Press and Reuters called it the 'Texas Longhorn' or 'Texas UT' symbol. Since our feature on the use of the Satanic hand gesture during the inauguration we have received a massive volume of E mail. Quelle:

We have received E mail from deaf people claiming that the signal is sign language for 'I love you'. This is only true in the case of the thumb being extended outward (see here). As you can see from the Bush family photos, in no instance is the thumb extended outward. The sign was created by a counselor at the Indiana State School for the Deaf in 1970 and submitted to the Deaf Congress by the students thereof in 1972. It was created after the school banned the use of the words "I Love You" on campus by the students following a student pregnancy. I know because I was there. The sign was a secret sign so the students could communicate their feelings without risk of reprissal. The " I Love You Story" was in print many years before any offering of Harris Communications. You will find the actual story at Additionally, people still seem to think the signal is solely the 'hook 'em horns' UT symbol. We know this to be true but this doesn't answer our primary questions.
1) If the symbol denotes Texas football or UT, why are people like Silvio Berlusconi and Bill Clinton doing it too? They have no links with Texas.
2) Why are the Bush family so obsessed with the signal, displaying it dozens of times during both the inauguration and the evening ball? A few times maybe we could accept, but why this many? What has Texas sports got do with a national inauguration?

We have now uncovered photos where the gesture is used in a clearly Satanic context.
This is a photo of an apparent Satanic ritual. We are yet to find the source. The diablo symbol is clear again

The Diablo Symbol

The first image Represents the horned god of witchcraft. Pan or Cernunnos. Note the thumb under the fingers and given by the right hand. The next image is a sign of recognition between those in the Occult. When pointed at someone it is meant to place a curse. Note the thumb over the fingers and given by the left hand. Take a look at the photos and decide for yourself.

Why The Outrage Now? Nobody Cares About Fascist Symbols In The House Of Representatives
Paul Joseph Watson. January 14 2005

The sudden outrage and in other cases apologetic soft-peddling of Prince Harry's Nazi outfit are another example of a 'Johnny come lately' public and media attitude that shifts the debate away from the true undertones of Nazi influence in our culture and government today.

Son William and his father Charles    The Sun: Prince Harry's Nazi outfit        Harry as Troop Leader

Anmerkung Timm: Ist Harry wirklich der Sohn von Charles? Hat die ermordete Diana, ehemals Princess of Wales, in Paris, ehemals unglücklich verheiratet mit dem ersten Thronfolger in England, möglicherweise mit ihrem zweiten Sohn nach William ihrem damaligen Ehemann Charles und somit dem Britischen Königshaus ihren Sohn Harry als nicht vollständig genetisches „Royal-Member“ quasi als Artefakt untergeschoben? Spekulation: Lässt man Harry als Soldaten demnächst im Irak „heldenhaft“ sterben, um das Problem zu beseitigen? Es ist mir unvorstellbar, daß “Die Royalty-Community“ einen genetisch korrekten Blutsverwandten diesem enormen Risiko für das Leben aussetzt. Normalerweise fliegen verwandtschaftlich verbundene königliche Mitglieder aus Sicherheitsgründen vor einem Unglücksfall, prinzipiell in getrennten Flugzeugen. Datum 24. April 2007. Update: Inzwischen wurde Einsatz vom 2. Prinzensohn von Diana wegen Sicherheitsrisiken - gegen den persönlichen Willen von diesem - ausgesetzt.

Prince Harry is the younger son of The Prince of Wales and the late Diana, Princess of Wales.
Prince Henry Charles Albert David (always known as Prince Harry) was born on 15 September 1984 at St Mary's Hospital, Paddington. He was christened by the Archbishop of Canterbury in December 1984 in St George's Chapel, Windsor.
Prince Harry attended the same schools as his brother, Prince William. He started at Mrs Jane Mynors' nursery school in London from September 1987, when he was three.
In 1989 Prince Harry joined Prince William at Wetherby School, moving to Ludgrove School in Berkshire in September 1992.
Like Prince William, Prince Harry attended the VE and VJ commemorations in London in 1995. In November 1997 he accompanied The Prince of Wales to South Africa, where he was able to go on safari before joining his father at a concert featuring the Spice Girls and meeting President Nelson Mandela.
Prince Harry walked behind the cortege of his mother, The Princess of Wales, at her funeral in Westminster Abbey on 6 September 1997, accompanied by his brother, father, grandfather and uncle.
In 1998 both young Princes were with The Prince of Wales in Canada, for brief public appearances and a skiing holiday in Whistler, British Columbia. Like his brother, Prince Harry is a keen skier.
In September 1998 Prince Harry started at Eton College, Windsor.
On 2 January 2000, Prince William and Prince Harry accompanied The Prince of Wales on a visit to Cardiff. They heard rap music and dance as well as hymns and readings in Welsh and English at the Tabernacl, and joined 60,000 people for a special edition of the BBC's Songs of Praise at the Millennium Stadium.
Prince Harry celebrated his 18th birthday on 15 September 2002. To mark the occasion, The  Queen gave the Prince his own unique coat of arms.
In 2003 Prince Harry left school at Eton College with A Levels in Art and Geography.
Prince Harry then left Britain to spend the first part of his gap year in Australia, followed by a stay in Africa, where he worked in an orphanage in Lesotho. His time in Lesotho led him to create Sentebale, a charity helping children and young people in Lesotho.
Upon his return from Africa in July 2004, Prince Harry began preparing for the Army's Regular Commissions Board (RCB) exams, which he passed in September 2004.
On 6 July 2004 Prince Harry, Prince William and their father, The Prince of Wales, accompanied The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh to the opening of the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain in Hyde Park, London.
In May 2005 Prince Harry entered Royal Military Academy Sandhurst to begin his training as an officer in the Army.
On 10 July 2005, Prince Harry accompanied The Queen and other members of the Royal Family to the national commemoration of the end of the Second World War 60 years ago.
On 12 April 2006 Prince Harry was commissioned as an army officer. His grandmother, The Queen, was the Reviewing Officer at the Passing Out Parade at Sandhurst.
Prince Harry has now joined the Household Cavalry, and is currently serving as an Armoured Reconnaissance Troop Leader.

Where is the outrage about Fasces symbols which appear on everything from US coins to the House of Congress rostrum? The bronze fasces, used since Roman times to symbolize civic authority, are located on both sides of the U.S. flag as seen below. The original Roman fasces consisted of an axe within a bundle of rods, bound by a red strap. Fasces in the root of where the term 'fascism' comes from.

Roman "Fasces" on the wall behind the Speaker's Podium 
US House of Representatives chamber. United States Capitol

This is from where President Bush has delivered four State of the Union speeches

At the Lincoln Memorial. Washington DC. Lincoln's seat of state bears the fasces on the fronts of its arms

The same symbol on a Nazi stamp

Two large crossed FASCES compose the insignia of the National Guard,
creating a huge "X" (AX) superimposed upon an openwinged eagle

The Fasces on a US dime. Well, well, well, what do we have here?

The Mace, which is the symbol of the Office of the Sergeant at Arms, is placed by the Sergeant at Arms on a pedestal at the Speaker's right each time the House convenes. The Mace is also used in the British and Australian parliaments and is also a Nazi symbol of power.

And this time Maces can be seen in the background as Hitler gives a speech

Another shot of the Mace in the US House of Representatives

I have focused on just two symbols, the Mace and the Fasces. I could list hundreds of examples. Where are all the Jewish groups? Where's the outrage? A fancy dress outfit causes what will be a national debate for three months and yet these things have been in front of our faces for our entire lifetimes and there is no mention of them. Even to highlight this one risks being sidelined as a crackpot.

Levitating Stone

The details of the Illuminati conspiracy are brilliantly laid out in the books of David Icke (Tales from the Time Loop, Children of the Matrix, Alice in Wonderland and the World Trace Center Disaster, The Biggest Secret, The Truth Shall Set You Free, and I am Me, I am Free; and in three books by Dr. John Coleman (Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of The Committee of 300; One World Order: Socialist Dictatorship; and Diplomacy by Deception.

Erstellt 2006. Update 28. Juli 2007
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Quicktime-Movie: Illuminati, Bush, New World Order, Brotherhood of Death. 8.7 mb. 11:31 min.