DEUTSCHLAND 55 - New World Order Takeover? Original Sin - Occultism
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm 

Original Sin

"I  am lonely, and I want to experience you"

The concept of Original Sin stems from the myth of the separation of Man from God, as described in the story of the Fall from the Garden of Eden. Most cultures have a similar myth to this Judeo-Christian story, and all are an attempt to explain how Humanity became separated from his Divine and Eternal nature.

Albrecht Dürer: Adam und Eva 1504

When Adam and Eve eat from the apple of the Tree of Life, they are beiginning the journey of Understanding and Self-Knowledge.  This act is a positive and necessary act, and yet has been perceived by the theology of organized Religion as a negative act, and therefore a Sin.  

Holy Roman Catholic theologian Saint Augustine developed these ideas further during the formative years of the Church.  In his early years, Saint Augustine had himself been a member of a Gnostic Christian ecstasy cult called Manichaeism that was widespread throughout Europe at this time, and was founded by the prophet Mani in the third century.  The teachings of this cult included sexual ritual and ritualized "possession".  By the time Augustine switched his allegiences to the Roman Catholic Church, Manichaeism had nearly as many followers as the orthodox Church, and was seen as a very real threat to Rome. Augustine spent his life intellectually attacking and demonizing the ideas and practices that he had once followed. 

Central to Augustine's new concepts was the idea of "Original Sin".  He argued that Original Sin was a literal and incurable disease that was passed to each child through the very act of sexual intercourse that had conceived the child.  Thus, Original Sin was an incurable sexually transmitted disease.  However, the Church also claimed to have the invisible cure to this invisible disease.  Through the act of Baptism, the first stage of the treatment is applied.  The child will be safe if he or she continues to follow Church dogma and partake of its necessary Sacraments, which are a continuation of the treatment.  Weekly doses of the "Holy Spirit" through the Mass and Holy Eucharist, as well as regular Confessions of one's current Sins, both literal and imagined, ensure a clean medical record is maintained.  Sex must be avoided at all costs as it is the ultimate regression into the state of Original Sin.  As women were the "temptresses" of the all-male priests and theologians, they too were seen as dangerous contributors to the spread of Sin and Disease.  

This concretization of Original Sin as a literal disease is the root of racism within the Roman Catholic Church.  Those who did not accept Baptism and enter the Church were now harborers of a deadly sexually transmitted disease.  From this time onwards Jews throughout Europe, who by nature of their culture and religion had not been baptised, were feared and victimized as carriers of Original Sin.  During outbreaks of very real disease such as Bubonic Plague, Jews were massacred and burned for having spread the disease.

A similar attitude was taken to Native Americans first encountered in 1492.  These unbaptised indigenous people were accused of introducing the sexually transmitted disease syphilis that ravaged Europe until the discovery of penicillin.   Indeed, the current scientific belief states that no cases of syphilis had been encountered in Europe up until this time, whereas a single skull of a Native American girl with characteristic jaw-bone deformation is seen as evidence of one born with syphilis.  However, the prominent "Pompeii syphilis" case has been largely ignored by the scientific community.  The famous volcanically preserved bodies of Pompeii include two victims with prominent pelvic bone deformation, a tell-tale sign of prolonged genital syphilis.  It is ironic that it is the Native American population who are blamed for a fatal incarnation of Original Sin, when it was these same people who were the innocent victims of European smallpox, measles, influenza, mumps, scarlet fever, diphtheria and plague, which ultimately claimed as many as 250 million indigenous people in the "New Worlds".  As a German missionary testified in 1699 "The Indians die so easily, that the bare look of a Spaniard causes them to give up the ghost".

In fact, syphilis was historically embraced by the Roman Catholic Church as evidence of God's support of their theories of Original Sin.  In 1826 Pope Leo XII banned the use of condoms because they prevented "the immoral evildoers from suffering diseases as are the just punishment for their Sin".  The current AIDS pandemic has been perceived in a similarly perverse moral way.  Pope John Paul II and the Catholic Church continue to outlaw and fervently oppose the use of life-saving condoms throughout the world.  Like Baptism's purification of Man's Original Sin, they claim that only they have the invisible cure to this incurable disease.  If one joins the Church and accepts their dogma, one will refrain from having sexual intercourse, therefore avoiding the inevitable consequences of God's wrath.  Abstinence from sex and sin is the only way not to catch a fatal sexually transmitted disease and die of Original Sin.  

If we return to the Garden of Eden and investigate the true meaning of the act of the eating of the apple of knowledge and its consequences, we will see that the sex act is in fact far from being a sin of any kind.  Adam and Eve live in a state of innocent perfection within the Divine realm of Unity in the Garden.  However, like children they are unconscious of their particular and special individuality as "created by God" and are therefore impotent of their own God-like individual self-expression and creativity.  They enjoy the garden but add nothing to it, and are not responsible for it.  By eating the apple of knowledge they begin to become aware of their individuality.  This starts them on a journey of Self-Discovery through the suffering of loneliness and lack of unity with each other and with God.  Through the act of sexual intercourse Adam and Eve are ritualistically re-forming themselves as the unified pair of opposites that they originally perceived themselves to be.  Like the journey of the child through to adulthood, as individuality is more deeply perceived and felt as separation, sexual desire is increased.  

Thus, the act of sex far from being negative or evil, as perceived by the Roman Catholic Church, is in fact Humanity's most fundamental way of saying "I am lonely and I want to experience you". 

This is the only pathway back to the Garden of Eden where individuality and unity are the perfect expression of the Divine. 

Ironically, it is known by historians that the Jesuit educated Adolf Hitler was convinced that the slight deformity of his penis (his urethal orifice opened around the back of the gland) was genetically inherited syphilis.  In this paranoid delusion he reasoned that his ailment was entirely the fault of unbaptized Jews, who harbored sexually transmitted "Original Sin" in the form of syphilis.

Clearly, the dogmatic teachings of the Roman Catholic Church are leading Humanity away from the Garden of Eden, and into the repressed abyss of loneliness, fear, and insanity.

Christianity & Racism

                                "Kill them all, God knows his own".
                                Pope Innocent III

The moment that Christianity was adopted by the political power structure of the Roman Empire it stopped being a pacifist Gnostic cult, and became a methodology for control. The racism that was inherent within an empire that thought nothing of enslaving foreign peoples has continued within the Roman Catholic Church right up to the present day. 

When the brutal Roman Empire witnessed the courageous martyrdom of the Gnostic Christian cult followers who were tortured and slaughtered in the Roman coliseum, it realized the incredible power of this new mythology.  Consequently, using the teachings of Saul/St.Paul the Holy Roman Catholic Church developed a manipulative dogma of the heroism of victimhood that gave the failing Roman Empire a new strength. 

When a new people were conquered by the Empire, the new mythology taught them to "turn the other cheek" and accept their suffering in order to be rewarded by a afterlife in Heaven. Yet the Empire itself never accepted these same conditions.  Eventually the Holy Roman Empire and its Holy Roman Catholic Church had conquered most of Europe, forcibly converting the Pagan cultures to Paulian Christianity.  However, the strength of this form of Christianity lay in the continued suppression of the true Gnostic Christian teachings upon which it was based. 

These teachings originally derived from a structured form of Shamanism developed in ancient India, and were merely echoed in Paulian Christianity.  Indeed, many scriptures document disagreements between Christ's closest apostle Simon Peter and Saul/St.Paul, who didn't even know Christ, yet claimed to have had a transcendental meeting with Him on the astral plane.  The conflict centered on the precise nature of the Last Supper, what should be eaten, and whom exactly it should be shared with.  Peter was inclusive, just as Christ was, accepting everyone as a welcome guest.  However, Paul insisted on excluding Jews. 

This seed of anti-Semitism was expanded upon by the Roman Church bishops who invented the apostle Judas, who was previously unmentioned in the first Gospels.  In later approved Gospels Judas became the central figure of betrayal.

Judas by name and description is clearly meant to represent the Jewish race, who have consequently been blamed for the murder of Christ. 

In fact, Paulian Christianity has always been based upon separation rather than inclusion.  Humanity is separated from God, and as Jesus is dogmatically also God, humanity is separated from Him.  The ordinary Christian congregation can only gain access to God through the initiated Priest.  This is the opposite to the original Gnostic teachings of the Historical Christ, who showed that Man through Tantric/Shamanic rituals and understanding could access the Divine and "walk with God". 

This mystical knowledge inspired the Early Christians in their martyrdom and gave them the power to face the mighty Roman Empire and an awful death.  It was clear to the Paulian Roman Church that to maintain its power base through its initiated priests, the true Shamanic teachings of Christ must not be accessed by Humanity. 

The destruction of Celtic Christianity, and the horrors of the Inquisition that lasted for six hundred years, clearly illustrates just how far the Roman Catholic Church was prepared to go in order to suppress this knowledge.  This Inquisition was directed against Jews, Muslims, Gnostic Christians, and followers of Pagan Nature cults.  Acts of violence directed against the Jewish people became a highly commendable religious act.  In plague ridden medieval Strasbourg 16,000 were murdered, and in Mainz, Germany, 12,000 were burned alive.  In the south of France one million Cathar Gnostic Christians were massacred.  Pope Innocent III declared "Kill them all, God knows his own", and as a consequence most of the region was laid to waste. 

When Shamanism in its rawest form was confronted in the new worlds of Africa and the Americas, it was important for the Church to stamp out these cultures based upon the similar Spiritual values that the Historical Christ had come to understand.  It has recently been estimated by the University of Hawaii's Anthropology Dept. that up to 250 million Ameri-Indians and Polynesians, equal to the population of Europe at that time, lost their lives through slaughter and disease due to "Civilization" and the Church's "Good News" being spread to the New World.  Not to mention the millions of Africans who died as a result of Church sanctioned slavery.

As recently as the late 1800's to the beginning of the 20th Century, over half of the population of the Belgian Congo were killed by the brutal imperialism of Belgium's King Leopold II.  Forced labor, starvation, village burning, torture and murder claimed over 11 million. The Congo's extensive network of Catholic missionaries remained silent during the slavery and genocide.   

If the Truth behind the metaphors of Paulian Roman Catholic dogma were recognized and accessed, their concretization of "the Word" would simply crumble.  If the seed ideas of Christ were allowed to merge with Pagan Nature religions, then the original dreams of unity, brotherhood, charity, equality, mutual compassion, and ultimately union with God of early Gnostic Christianity might create a Global Village, instead of a New World Order.

History has proven that the recognition of Christ's original truth must be avoided, whatever the cost. 

Pope John Paul II's recent lengthy apology for the above-mentioned crimes against Humanity, while admitting some degree of culpability, will not prevent history from repeating itself, unless he is prepared to show true Christian heroism, and remove the Mask of Evil from the face of the Roman Empire.


            "It was the greatest and the most powerful  dance of death of all time".
            Adolf Eichmann
            Nazi elite

Occultism today includes a broad mix of activities from many traditions. The fundamental difference between Occult pursuits and Spiritual pursuits is that the occultist seeks to gain control over the powers of the Universe, while the pursuer of Spirituality seeks the passive role of alignment with the powers of the Universe.

Occultism is basically derived from Shamanism, but as modern societies developed from tribal societies, a split occurred between Religion and Magic.  In Europe's Middle Ages, Magic was pursued through Alchemy, and mixed practices and beliefs from the pagan Wiccan religion of the ancient Celts, with the Christian Gnostic concepts that saw a popular revival in the 12th Century.  

The Wiccan nature cults included sacrificial rituals of animals and humans, and sexual fertility rites designed to harmonize communities with the sometimes brutal forces of Nature.  Many Gods were worshiped for their individual powers, including the horned and hoofed "Pan", and the Father of the Celtic Gods "Cernunnos", who standing proud with his huge erection, can still be seen today on the hillside of Cerne Abbas in Dorset, England, towering 100 feet over a Roman Catholic monastery.

Christian Gnosticism with its stories of the mystical powers attained by Christ, was embraced as a fulfillment of ancient myth and prophesy, and Christ as a high-priest who achieved God-like powers, was a natural figure to include in their pantheon.  Thus, the ancient Celtic Gods of Europe began to merge with the Christian Gods.

Satan and Pan were recognized for their similarities, not only in their physical form, but also in their personal traits.

As the Satan of Gnostic Christianity had such unified and great power in the Universe, as "king and creator of this world", he was a fabulous addition to the supernatural array of Gods.  The ancient nature cults, particularly the Gauls, used the conjuring of spirits, a practice derived from Shamanism, as part of their communication with the Gods.  According to St. Augustine's "The City of God", the spirits were used for seeking advice and favor, and were divided into "demons called Deuses, and the ancestors". 

Demons were hard to control, but could be convinced to do the will of an individual on the material plane if he or she followed certain principles.  The Christian Gnostic Satan became an obvious demon figure for worship, as he would be a powerful ally.  According to the traditions of the Nature cults, it would be natural to offer sacrifice in return for favors, or have sexual ritual in order to connect with a chosen spirit or demon, as is seen to this day in the indigenous/Hindu beliefs and practices of islands such as Sumatra or Java.

In Europe's Middle Ages, the confusion arising from a clash of mythic and cultural symbolism had obvious moral and ethical implications.  Ultimately, the question of whether a person was a "Satanist" would come down to what they were asking the demon to do for them, and what they were prepared to do in return.  

Of course, this all depends on one's personal beliefs, ethics, morality, and standing within the social order.  While a peasant was accused of selling his soul to Satan to ensure a good harvest, a King who embarked in a Faustian deuce or pact with the Devil, was merely entering into another business arrangement.  The myths of King Solomon who used the demon "Asmodeus" to build the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, clearly a metaphor for helping him create his power base, is illustrative of this.  However, this alliance ultimately led to the destruction of the Temple, as King Solomon reneged on the deal with his demons.  

This popular tale amongst occultists, indeed it is the cornerstone of Freemasonry, clearly contains the moral "always pay your dues to the devil", or your temple will come crashing down... such is the dichotomy within institutions of Western power and Judeo-Christianity.

The Inquisition of the Roman Catholic Church designed to root out "Satanism" claimed millions of victims from the peasant and indigenous classes, obliterating what remained of the Pagan nature cults, while "Satanic" practices continued amongst the circles of the power elite within their occult and alchemical secret societies, growing ever more morally and ethically inverted. 

The Grail/Dragon aristocratic bloodlines, also known as the Rex Deus fraternity, were evidently the Kings of Satan.

Adolf Hitler and his inner circle of Nazis called the Holocaust "The greatest and most powerful dance of death of all time".  Perhaps the real difference between a shamanically informed Pagan ritual, and a Satanic ritual, lies in the consent of any party.  A victim by definition is the unconsenting prey of the predator, and any such ritual intends to, and will only, create Darkness.

"The old beliefs will be brought back to honor again. The whole secret knowledge of nature, of the divine, of the demonic. We will wash off the Christian veneer. I want to see in the eyes of youth the gleam of the beast..." said Rosicrucian front-man Adolf Hitler.

Although the Nazis have often been labeled neo-Pagan, their rituals of death were as far from Pagan ritual, and as close to Satanism, as the human race has ever been. 


                    "A remnant of degraded human creatures persists... composed
                    of those souls not sufficiently advanced to take part".
                                    The Secret Doctrine

Rosicrucianism is a mystical belief system and ideology that pursues spiritual and alchemical goals largely through Occult and Christian Gnostic paths. However, throughout history its endeavors have largely been to gain material power on the material plane, and the deep Gnostic teachings have become twisted.  

The core of the Secret Doctrine of Rosicrucianism, or Mystic Christianity,  is the pursuit of psychic power to control the mind of one's self and others.  Through the control of one's will, one gains the unification of one's psychic energies, although it is accepted that certain negative emotions such as guilt, are the inevitable consequence of attempts to control another human being.  However, the doctrine overcomes these human feelings by requiring the student to "polarize themselves at the positive pole of a particular emotional state, and by a process of refusing or denial they manage to escape the effects of the swing of the emotional pendulum to the negative pole."

The philosophy goes so far as to state that there is no difference between these two poles or opposites and thus negativity or darkness can be perceived as positivity and light.  The Master has learned to strengthen his own will, and control others, directly through the repression of his emotions.  The initiated Rosicrucian therefore looks upon the pain and suffering of the world as being no different from the opposing pole of peace and happiness, and in fact believes that one cannot exist without the other.  Thus for peace to exist in one country, war must be raging in another, for wealth and abundance to exist in one region, poverty and famine must exist in another.

These mystical theories of opposites stem from Eastern Gnostic concepts of the dual energies of Man that are metaphysically expressed through the act of sex. 

Sex ritual and sexual concepts are central to the alchemical Secret Doctrine, as great Power is believed to be released by the union of the pairs of opposites - "Sex is the cause of all creation, for creation always results from generation, and generation proceeds from sex activity".

Though these ideas have developed from Indian Tantric traditions, within Rosicrucianism they have merged with Pagan ideas of sexual fertility ritual.  The goal of the Rosicrucian initiate is to gain magickal powers, as opposed to the Indian goal of attaining Enlightenment - an experience of the Love of God.

The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians, published anonymously early in the 20th Century by a senior Rosicrucian "Magus Incognito", was threatened with a lawsuit by the worldwide Rosicrucian Order (AMORC) for revealing the secrets of the order -- although AMORC is just one of many organizations that subscribes to Rosicrucian philosophy - beliefs that are the foundation of all so-called mystical or occult groups including Freemasonry.  As the Secret Doctrine states "The possession of Knowledge unaccompanied by a manifestation and expression in Action, is like the hoarding of precious metals.  Forget not the Law of Use, in this and all other things".  One must ask what this "magickal" power is to be used for? 

According to their dogma, it is the mission of the Rosicrucian initiate to assist in the evolution of human consciousness.

However, their evolutionary theories are fundamentally racist.  According to their beliefs, each race is of a higher or lesser degree of consciousness.  One race may only step forward to a higher plane when the lowest race is annihilated -- by whatever means it is their unfortunate "destiny" to endure.  As theories of reincarnation are also central to the Rosicrucian belief system, such racial genocides are not considered to be negative, but in fact, most positive. 

"The individuals of any sub-race who have outstripped their fellows in spiritual unfoldment, are still bound by race ties to their brothers, until the great body of the sub-race moves up to the position of the individual... Great convulsions of Nature destroy practically all traces of the preceding civilization, and leave but few survivors". 

The rich and powerful man is believed to be spiritually and genetically of a higher order than the poor man "The law of rebirth and consequences is the only law that can satisfactorily make sense of justice.  It explains why individuals are born into wealth or poverty, joy or sorrow, peace or conflict". The indigenous peoples of the world are considered "a remnant of degraded human creatures, persisting in incarnation for thousands of years, being composed of those souls not sufficiently advanced to take part in the life of the new races.  These left overs are in evidence in the cases of the Australian savages, the African bushmen, and the Indians, and others of a similar low order of developments". 

The higher ranks of Freemasonry are the lower ranks of the exclusive Rosicrucian orders. The Knights of Malta, the Knights Templar, the Priory of Sion etc. are instructed in these Occult beliefs; which means many powerful people have been conditioned to internalize these dehumanizing values.

At first glance it may appear that the Catholic monastic orders are at odds with Rosicrucianism, however, the historical "civilizing" and "educational" mission of the Jesuits is rooted in these same beliefs.  It is believed by scholars that the inner-circle mystic teachings of the Jesuits and Rosicrucianism are essentially the same thing.  Pope John Paul II's announcement that "God is a supreme being with both male and female qualities", contradicts traditional Catholic teaching, and is essentially a Rosicrucian/Gnostic concept.  In fact, the orthodox Roman Catholic Church has always been fundamentally linked with the Rosicrucian Secret Church. It is alleged that Pope John XXIII was Grand Master of the Priory of Sion during his papal reign, and the creator of the Cistercian monks St. Bernard was involved in the formation of the Knights Templar.  Rosicrucians believe that "Christ taught the laws of rebirth and consequences secretly to his disciples, but requested that these two laws not be taught publically for 2000 years".  Traditional Catholicism's obsession with sex, is also a result of the Vatican's knowledge of these secret teachings.

According to aristocratic historian Sir Laurence Gardner, the British contingent of the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court embodies the "Knights Templar of St.Anthony" and resides within the "Rosicruciana Anglicae" fraternity -- revealing that "Satanism" and Rosicrucianism are not so much distant cousins, as close relatives.  Perhaps this goes some way to explaining why the Catholic order of the Knights Templar worshiped an idol named "Baphomet" -- a goat headed and hoofed androgenous figure with female breasts, an erect penis, and a pentagram on its forehead.  The massively wealthy Knights (gold bullion got its name from Templar creator Godfroi de Bouillon) are widely credited with originating the capitalist banking system and corporate model, and were eventually hounded by the Church's Inquisition allegedly for "infanticide, sodomy, and witchcraft", although their demise did save the Church and many Princes of Europe from repaying great debts.  However, many Templars relocated to England and Scotland where their tradition continued with the formation of Freemasonry.

Levitating Stone

Just as within the enormous body of the Catholic Church there are many monastic and ecclesiastic orders with varying perceptions of Catholic dogma, so too the Rosicrucian Secret Church and its Great White Brotherhood can be seen to be totally unified within its apparent fragmentation.

The repression and denial of the "negative feelings resulting from one's actions" is an attempt to avoid feelings of guilt and social responsibility.  The reverse thinking of Rosicrucianism is clearly an historical ideology created by the rich and powerful, and based upon their pursuit of conquest and power.  Ultimately it is no different to the psychology of a psychopath or sociopath, as psychiatry defines.  The mental profile of a serial killer always follows a spiraling pattern -- feelings of inadequacy are overcome by power fantasies of control and murder.  These fantasies become an obsession and ultimately a compulsion, forcing the psychopath to act out his fantasy.  After the initial elation of fulfilment, guilt follows, and the feelings of inadequacy return, but to a higher degree.  The spiral downward begins again with renewed fantasies, more desperate than before, to repress the human feelings of guilt.  And so obsession becomes compulsion etc.  Any belief system founded on a similar spiral of repression of natural human moral feelings can only lead to similar compulsive sociopathic behavior.  This logic is apparent in the modern world with its internalized amoral "corporate values" of greed and conquest, and is illustrated by Henry Kissinger's infamous statement "We're bombing them to save them from themselves". 

Rosicrucianism was the foundation for the beliefs of the Theosophy movement, which was largely responsible for the ideology of the Nazis and the resulting Holocaust.

Erstellt 2006. Update 26. Juli 2007
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Quicktime-Movie: The Illuminati - Part 3 of 4. 17.9 mb. 23:45  min.: Blair, etc.