Gesamtschau-Digital: Carl Huter
David Icke: The Biggest Secret. Forbidden Knowledge. The Key to our Past - Part 48

Bearbeitung Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm


Another hand signal for the Brotherhood is to put your arm in the air with the two outer fingers pointing upwards and the two middle fingers held down by the thumb.


This is the symbol of the Devil or Baphomet, the horns of Nimrod, and this is the sign that Bill Clinton made after his first inaugural speech as president in January, 1993.

Bill Clinton with Devil-Sign

Baphomet is also symbolic of the Watcher-reptilian, Azazel, the ‘goat’. 




Devil-Sign from Pope Benedikt XVI.


The double square, one square on top of another in any form, is more secret society symbolism. In the secret language, one square by itself means control of what is right and just. From this we get phrases like “fair and square” and a “square deal”. One square on top of another means control of all that is right and all that is wrong, all that is just and all that is unjust, all that is positive and all that is negative.

Figure 43: One square placed over another in any form means “we control everything”.
Appropriately we see that here in the badge of Sussex Police in England.

In other words “we control everything”. The double square, or eight pointed star, can be seen in the lobby at the heart of the British Parliament and a long list of world police forces surround their badge with the same symbol (see Figure 43). The chevron is another version of this (see Figure 44). You need to look at this as symbolic of two three-dimensional boxes, one above the other, and not as one-dimensional ‘ticks’. This is the logo of the Brotherhood oil company, Chevron, and the other oil and transnational corporations are a maze of symbols featuring the secret language of the force which controls the world.

Figure 44: Chevron. You need to look at this as a three-dimensional, not a one-dimensional image. There are two boxes,
symbolising one square on top of another. We control everything.

The double cross of the House of Lorraine is the origin of the phrase to ‘double cross’ someone, to manipulate them. This same symbol can be found in the Rockefeller-guided oil giant, Exxon (see Figures 45 and 46).

Figure 45: The double cross of the House of Lorraine which can be seen today in the logo of the Exxon Oil company - Figure 46.

Texaco has the pentagram inside a circle with the T square of Freemasonry (see Figure 47). The symbol of Atlantic Richfield Oil (ARCO) is a pyramid with the capstone missing looked at from above (see Figure 48) and Amoco has the lighted torch (see Figure 49). 

Look at the names of some of the Brotherhood’s insurance companies: Sun Alliance, Sun Life, Britannic Assurance, Eagle Star. The Sun. Alliance building in Piccadilly Circus, London, is decorated with two pillars, two flames, and a statue of Britannia (Barati) holding her circle and cross shield, the ancient Sun symbol! Note also the names given to space craft, military aircraft, and naval ships like Hermes, Nimrod, Atlantis, and Columbia. All symbolic to the Brotherhood.

Figure 47: Texaco. The pentagram in the circle with the Tau cross, the Tsquare of Freemasonry.

Figure 48: Atlantic Richfield Oil and the pyramid with the capstone missing seen from above.

Figure 49: Amoco, now merged with British Petroleum. The lighted torch.

The Fleur-de-lis is another ancient symbol which is widely used today, particularly by royalty, and you find it on the fences around many buildings. It can be found on one of the gates to the White House. It was used by the Merovingians in France and, apart from its connection to them, it symbolises the Babylonian god Nimrod, and Lilith, the name symbolising the reptilian bloodline. 

The Fleur-de-lis

The red rose is another Brotherhood signature and the bell, as in the American Liberty Bell, is symbolic of Bel, Bil or Baal, the Aryan Sun god of the ancient world. The most obvious symbol of the Brotherhood’s intent is the fasces, from which we get the word, fascism. You can see it at the bottom of a United States ‘liberty’ symbol and in the Congress Building (see Figure 50). It was a symbol used widely in the Roman Empire and it consists of rods bound together around an axe. This axe is the origin of the term Axis Powers for the fascist countries in the Second World War. The symbolism is of people and countries bound together under a common centralised dictatorship, the axe.

The Fasces - word Fascism

The Fasces - World Fascism

The Fasces - World Fascism

That is a perfect description of the European Union in which the nations of Europe are subordinate to common laws decided and imposed by the unelected dictatorship in Brussels. The European Union is truly a fascist state in accordance with the fascist symbol.

Figure 50: Liberty? Then why the fascist symbols at the bottom which stand for anything but freedom.

Another form of symbolism is known as reverse speech or word inversion. A great deal more research is being done into this today and it is one of the mysteries held by the Brotherhood since ancient time. Under this system, for instance, the car hire company, Avis, becomes Siva, one of the gods in the Hindu triad or trinity. The symbol of Siva is the penis and, like Neptune and Satan, Siva is usually pictured with a trident.13 Avis, which is owned by the Brotherhood’s International Telephone and Telegraph, have formerly registered the words ‘Wizard’ and ‘Golden File’ as trademarks, as in ‘The Wizard of Avis’. Sun and sex rite symbolism is constantly used in advertising by the Brotherhood corporations. These words and symbols communicate with the human subconscious and affect people without them being aware of it.

AVIS - reverse SIVA

But symbolism does not have to be negative. It is simply a form of communication and it has also been used to keep the knowledge alive by those who have a positive intent for humanity. Knowledge is neutral; it is the use of it that is positive or negative.


Tarot cards, the forerunner to our playing cards, were used to pass on suppressed knowledge. Hence the reason why the church has so condemned the tarot cards and dubbed them evil. In the centuries which followed the elimination of the Cathars in France, the Tarot was circulated by travelling entertainers and gypsies. Some researchers say the Tarot cards were introduced to Europe by the returning crusaders who had acquired them from mystical sects in the Middle East and that is certainly true to an extent. But what is often forgotten is the role played by the gypsies and why they have been persecuted so often, not least by Adolf Hitler. There is the legend, I believe based on truth, that priests from Alexandria saved whatever they could when the great esoteric library at Alexandria was burned by the Roman Church and they became wanderers, a people apart, with their own language and they symbolised their knowledge in the Tarot. When gypsies are first mentioned in English records at the time of Henry VIII, they are described as ‘outlandish people, calling themselves Egyptians’14 The term, Tarot, is believed to be derived from two Egyptian words, Tar meaning road, and Ro meaning royal.15 The royal road to wisdom if the knowledge is used properly and not malevolently. The Tarot consists of the Minor Arcana, four suits called swords (blade), cups (chalice), pentacles and sceptres, and the Major Arcana or ‘Great Secrets’, known as trumps. Among the trumps was the ‘Joker’ which has survived in modern playing cards. The Joker is the jester who used humour and clowning to pass on the message.

The Joker also connects to the Trickster, a term you find in native American myth. Today’s playing cards are an abridged form of the Tarot. The colours black and red represent the two great divisions of the year, Winter and Summer, when the Sun is in the north or south. The four suits are the seasons. The 13 cards in each suit are the 13 lunar months of the year and the 52 cards in the deck are the 52 weeks of the year. If you count the joker as one point and the Jack, Queen, King, as 11,12 and 13, the sum value of the 52 cards is 365, the days of the year. There is astrological symbolism in there, too. The highly symbolic game of chess, the ‘royal game’, was played in China and India long before it arrived in Europe. A form of chess, more like draughts, was played by the Pharaohs in Egypt. The chess board consists of 64 black and white squares, symbolising the floor of the House of Mysteries. The black and white chess ‘teams’ symbolise the eternal battle between negative and positive, light and dark, among much else. The 64
squares on a chess board relate to the Chinese esoteric system known as the I Ching, which consists of 64 hexagrams. It is all the same knowledge hidden or presented in different ways. 

The Troubadours of 12th and 13th century France

The singers and song writers known as the Troubadours of 12th and 13th century France sang the praises of their ‘lady’. The name troubadour itself leads us back to North Africa because it comes from the Arab term ‘tarab dour’, meaning House of Delight, a remnant of the Muslim occupation of southern France. They hid their ‘lady’ behind the biblical Mary in order to stay alive, but the true meaning of their ‘lady’ was Isis. Later would come the stories of King Arthur and his search for the Holy Grail, stories that would clearly echo the themes of the Gospels, Mithra, Horus, etc., in their symbolism of the Sun, Isis and the astrological Round Table.

There you have just some of the symbolism which non-initiates, or those who have not taken the trouble to find out, simply cannot see. If you are new to this language of symbolism, I hope that now you will be able to read more easily the signs and signatures of the Brotherhood and therefore be more streetwise to their games and aims.


1 The Woman’s Encyclopaedia Of Myths And Secrets, pp 73-73.
2 The Secret Teachings Of All Ages, p LXXXIX.
3 The Templar Revelation, pp 36-39.
4 My thanks to Ivan Fraser for this information.
5 Charles L. Westbrook Jr, The Talisman Of The United States, Signature Of The Invisible Brotherhood, p 48. To locate a copy, contact The Talisman newsletter, P0 Box 54, Ayden, NC 28513, United States.
6 Ibid, p 50.
7 Ibid, p 12.
8 The Woman’s Encyclopaedia Of Myths And Secrets, pp 754, 755.
9 The Talisman Of The United States, p 67.
10 Ibid,p69.
11 Ibid, p 79.
12 Ibid, p 116.
13 Secret And Suppressed, p 90.
14 The Secret Teachings Of All Ages, p CXX1X.
15 Ibid.

Levitating Stone

Erstellt 2007. Update 9. Januar 2008
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Quicktime Movie: David Icke 28 of 42.  Only if we know, who we are, can we know freedom. 9:58 min. 7.7 mb.