Gesamtschau-Digital: Carl Huter
David Icke: The Biggest Secret. Forbidden Knowledge. The Key to our Past - Part 07

Maurice Cotterell studied the sunspot cycles and established short, long and great cycles of solar activity, as he explains in his book with Adrian G. Gilbert called The Mayan Prophecies.20 When Cotterell’s research was already advanced, he came across the amazing mathematical system of numbers and symbols left by the ancient Maya people in Central America. The Maya claimed to have originated with the ‘gods’ and recognised a lost island as their former home. Their astonishingly accurate mathematical and astronomical systems, and their measurement of time, were inherited from much older cultures and ultimately from the extraterrestrials. We have already seen that Mexican President Miguel De La Madrid claimed that the Mayans were interbred with the reptilians, the ‘iguana race’ as he put it.

Maurice Cotterell was fascinated to realise that the Mayan cycles of human evolution corresponded remarkably with his sunspot cycles of magnetic emissions. Even over thousands of years, they were incredibly close. This is perfectly explainable. Everything is energy. Life is the interaction of magnetic vibrational fields.


Change the magnetism and you change the nature of the energy field. Change the energy field and you change the nature of mental, emotional, spiritual and physical life, all of which are energy in different forms. The other planets do this as they circle the Sun and affect the magnetic field of the Earth: we call this astrology. Cotterell believes that we are effected by these fields most powerfully at the time we are conceived rather than the time we are born, a point which has much validity. I feel that both powerfully affect us. His research established that sunspot activity corresponds with the human fertility cycles and with the emergence and demise of great civilisations and empires. Scientists have also discovered that humans have an internal clock which is in sync with the Sun. In short, the Sun’s effect on human life is fundamental and far beyond its obvious contribution of warmth and light. The extraterrestrials knew this in these ancient times and the Sun was viewed with awe. It is the physical and spiritual heart of the solar system and it came to symbolise the creator, particularly the male aspects of the creative force... ‘He Who Is The Light Of The World’. This knowledge of the Sun will be a common theme throughout the rest of this book as we journey through history to the present day. It does, however, make the decoding of history a little more complex because the ancients would constantly use Sun and astrological symbolism in their stories and some of the names for their gods would be used to symbolise the Sun and the planets. Working out what is literal and what is symbolic is a considerable challenge. I also think that the term ‘Sun god’ has been used to symbolise the extraterrestrials and their crossbreeds, who were said in the ancient texts to have faces which shone like the Sun - the Shining Ones. 

Imagine the power you would have to advance an Agenda and manipulate the human race if you knew the cycles of energy from the Sun and other planets and how they were likely to affect human consciousness. You would know when people would be more prone to anger, aggression, fear, doubt and guilt, and therefore when to have your wars, economic collapses and so on. The Brotherhood have always had this knowledge and they use it to great effect today as I shall document.

The Babylonian Brotherhood and its reptilian bloodlines expanded across the Middle and Near East, especially to Egypt, and eventually into Europe and the Americas. I think the early Egyptian civilisation after the Venus upheavels was the work of the Aryans from Mars, the Phoenicians, with or without the reptilian Anunnaki. But before 2,000 BC the reptilians were taking over. The Royal Court of the Dragon was founded by the priests of Mendes in around 2,200 BC and this still exists today as the Imperial and Royal Court of the Dragon Sovereignty. The author, Laurence Gardner, is the present Chancellor of the Imperial Court of Dragon Sovereignty and his postal address in Devon, England is at Colomba House. Columba = dove = Queen Semiramis. According to Gardner, the name Dracula means ‘Son of Dracul’ and was inspired by Prince Vlad III of Transylvania-Wallachia, a Chancellor of the Court of the Dragon in the 15th century. The prince’s father was called Dracul within the Court. Dracul = Draco. Wherever they went, the Babylonian Brotherhood created their own mystery schools to manipulate the population into believing a nonsense and into giving away their power through superstition and fear. At the same time the higher levels of these pyramid structures communicated the advanced knowledge to those who would serve the reptilian Agenda. Where other nonreptilian initiation schools existed, they were infiltrated and taken over by the Babylonian priesthood. Mystery schools have been around for tens of thousands of years, probably hundreds of thousands, and they are used to pass on advanced knowledge to those the hierarchy and priests decide are worthy enough. In his book, The Masters Of Wisdom, J. G.


Bennett writes of how the Russian mystic, Gregori Gurdjieff, told him that the mystery schools went back at least 30,000 to 40,000 years.21 Gurdjieff said he had learned this from cave drawings in the Caucasus Mountains and Turkestan (that area again). I often hear New Age people scream with indignation at the thought that the ancient mystery schools were part of the manipulation. Well, first of all there should be no structures, whatever their intent, that deny knowledge to people. I don’t care what their intent may be, once you consider it your right to deny knowledge and decide who should and should not have access to it, you are playing a very dangerous and arrogant game. There were those of positive intent who wanted to use the mystery schools to give the knowledge to people they believed would use it wisely and I am not suggesting that all these schools were malevolent, certainly not. But even the positive ones were eventually infiltrated by the servants of the reptilians. As Manly P. Hall, the Freemasonic historian, wrote:

“While the elaborate ceremonial magic of antiquity was not necessarily evil, there arose from its perversion several false schools of sorcery, or black magic, (In Egypt)... the black magicians of Atlantis continued to exercise their superhuman powers until they had completely undermined and corrupted the morals of the primitive Mysteries... they usurped the position formerly occupied by the initiates, and seized the reins of spiritual government.

“Thus black magic dictated the state religion and paralysed the intellectual and spiritual activities of the individual by demanding his complete and unhesitating acquiescence in the dogma formulated by the priestcraft. The Pharaoh became a puppet in the hands of the Scarlet Council - a committee of arch-sorcerers elevated to power by the priesthood.”22

The black magicians that Hall says were formerly in Atlantis were, for me, the reptilian-human hybrids of what I call the Babylonian Brotherhood. It is their secret society network that now spans the globe and operates in literally every country. It allows the coordination of the Agenda across national borders and between apparently unconnected companies and institutions like politics, banking, business, the military and the media. Knowledge is not good nor bad, it just is. It is how we use that knowledge that is positive or negative. At the upper levels of this network they know of the true power of the Sun, magnetics and the mind; the effect of the planets on human behaviour; how to manipulate time, consciousness, energy, the weather and so much more. If used malevolently, this knowledge can be incredibly destructive and manipulating and this is what has happened. At the same time the reptilians have used their secret societies to create institutions in the public arena such as religions and political parties to suck this advanced knowledge out of circulation. The Inquisition was a wonderful example of this technique. Merely to speak about esoteric matters was to sign your own death warrant. This scam has been so effective that still today you have Christians condemning esoteric information as ‘the Devil’ when this same knowledge is the very foundation of their religion. If you want to know where Christianity really came from, stick around. It is recycled Paganism and provably so.

Figure 7: The Land of the Gods in the ancient world from where the Aryan and reptile-Aryan bloodstreams emerged in the Caucasus
 Mountains, Sumer; Babylon, and Egypt. There were other advanced peoples in other parts of the world, however, not only here.

Yet Christianity has been used quite brilliantly as the major vehicle for removing vital knowledge from the public domain. Whenever Christianity and other religions took control of a country or region, the ancient texts and records were removed or destroyed. This took out of circulation the very knowledge the reptilians have used and still use to manipulate an ignorant population. It was also in the name ofChristianity that most of the accounts of the true history of humankind have been destroyed, along with knowledge of the influence on human affairs of extraterrestrial races, positive and negative. This allowed an alternative invented ‘history’ to be written which has delinked humanity from its origins. Controlling history is so important because if you manipulate how people see what we call the past, you will influence massively how they see the present.

The themes I have highlighted so far, along with the deities and symbols, will travel with us from here to the present day as we follow the expansion of the Babylonian Brotherhood across the world. Invariably, the Babylon reptilian full-bloods and hybrids manipulated themselves into the positions of power and influence in the countries where they settled. They had a much higher level of knowledge than most of the people and, as vehicles for the fourth dimensional reptilians, there was already a long term plan to work to, the Great Work of Ages as it became known to the Freemasons. They allowed the non-reptilian population to do the work and then, when new societies were established, the Brotherhood priests and initiates would hijack the positions of religious and political power and ensure that any advanced knowledge in circulation was sucked out of the public domain and into their mystery schools and secret societies. The white race and the reptile-Aryan crossbreeds had emerged from the Caucasus Mountains and the mountains of Iran and Kurdistan after the flood to settle in Egypt, Israel/Palestine and what we now call Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Turkey, going up to the Caucasus Mountains (see Figure 7). Significantly it was from this same region that all the world’s major religions emerged and this is no accident. In earlier times, the civilisations of Sumer, Babylon and Assyria were in the general area of what we call Iraq, while Turkey was previously known as Asia Minor and Persia. Richard Laurence, the Archbishop of Cashel, who translated the first English edition of the Book of Enoch from the Ethiopian, established from the descriptions of the longest day of the year, that the author of the text had to have lived in the Caucasus region and not Palestine, as most people believed.23 This was where the main reptile-human bloodlines emerged from and the original text of the Book of Enoch was the much older Book of Noah, the reptilian crossbreed. The Aryan race as it expanded into new territory was known under various names, the most significant of which were the Hittites and Phoenicians. I think there were definitely other Aryan settlements outside this region, possibly Britain among them, and certainly the reptilians were operating in other parts of the world, like the Americas. But this mountainous region around the Caucasus and down to the plains of Sumer and Egypt is a key to the true history of humankind over the last seven thousand years.

The Caucasus Mountains came up again and again in my research and how appropriate that in North America white people are known as ‘Caucasian’. Even according to official history it was a white ‘Aryan’ race from the Caucasus Mountains region which moved into the Indus Valley of India about 1550 BC and created what is today known as the Hindu religion. It was this same Aryan race (they called themselves ‘Arya’) which introduced the ancient Sanskrit language to India and the stories and myths contained in the Hindu holy books, the Vedas. L. A. Waddell, in his outstanding research into this Aryan race, established that the father of the first historical Aryan king of India (recorded in the Maha-Barata epic and Indian Buddhist history) was the last historical king of the Hittites in Asia Minor.24 The Indian Aryans worshipped the Sun as the Father-god Indra, and the Hittite-Phoenicians called their Father-god Bel by the name, Indara.25 Under many names this same Aryan people also settled in Sumer, Babylon, Egypt and Asia Minor, now Turkey, and other Near Eastern countries, taking with them the same stories, myths, and religion. This is why, as we shall see in detail later, all the major religions tell the same tale but using different names. They all come from the same source, this Aryan race, which seems to have originated on Mars, and the reptile-human bloodlines operating covertly within them.

What we call the Jewish race also originated in the Caucasus region and not, as claimed, in Israel. Jewish historical and anthropological sources have shown that only a few of the people known as Jewish have any genetic connection to Israel. In the 8th century a people called the Khazars living in the Caucasus Mountains and southern Russia had a mass conversion to the Jewish religion. Later when that empire folded, these same people made their way north over a long period of time to settle in other parts of Russia, Lithuania and Estonia. From there they entered Western Europe and eventually the United States. The Rothschild family is one of these bloodlines. These are the same people who justified the takeover of Arab Palestine after the last war by saying that ‘God’ had given them an ancient right to that land as his ‘chosen people’. In truth their original homeland is the Caucasus region and southern Russia, not Israel. See ...And The Truth Shall Set You Free for a detailed and sourced account of this story and the secret society manipulation that was behind the creation of Israel, or Rothschildland as it really is.

Figure 8: The Aryans and the reptile-Aryans expanded by sea and land into Europe under many names, and especially thanks to 
the ‘British’ Empire, they would eventually take over the world.

The white race expanded northwards into Europe. The first people went by sea under the name, the Phoenicians, and over many centuries others migrated over land (see Figure 8). Two of the latter groups were called the Cimmerians and the Scythians and through a series of name changes these same bloodlines populated Europe and reconnected with the earlier Aryan settlers of Britain and Northern Europe who had been installed by the seafaring Phoenicians. The Phoenicians are crucial to the story and I will come to them in detail in a moment. The Cimmerians migrated north west from the Caucasus and Asia Minor (Turkey) into the countries we now call Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. The Roman historians, Pliny and Tacitus, said that all the people along the coast from the Netherlands to Denmark were the same ethnic group and this is supported by archaeological evidence which indicates that this people arrived in that region about 300 to 250 BC. Another group of Cimmerians travelled up the River Danube through Hungary and Austria into southern Germany and France. The Romans called them Gauls and the Greeks knew them as the Keltoi or Celts. Groups of these Celtic tribes also settled in Bohemia and Bavaria and others invaded northern Italy. Sallust, the Roman historian, records how Romans were defeated a number of times by the ‘Cimbri’, who he says were Gauls. Other Roman historians say the Cimbri were ‘Celts’. They were divided into three tribes, the Belgae (north east France), the Gauls (central France) and the Acquitanae (southern France to the Pyrenees Mountains). By the second century BC, the Gauls/Celts (the white Cimmerians from the Caucasus Mountains and the Middle East) occupied all of central Europe and northern Italy and they went on to conquer the whole of that country. Around 280 BC they swept down into Asia Minor and reoccupied the lands of their ancestors. As the historian Professor Henry Rawlinson said: “These two great invasions into Asia Minor proceeded from the same identical race, in the first instance called the Cimmerians and in the second, the Gauls.”26 These invading Gauls based themselves in a place called Phrygia which became known as Galatia (Gaul-atia) and it was to these people that St Paul was supposed to have written in the New Testament’s Letter to the Galatians. The Cimmerians or Cimbri also settled in Wales and to this day the name for that country in the Welsh language is Cymru.

The Scythians, another Aryan group, also moved north from the Caucasus into Europe where their name was changed by the Romans to distinguish between them and other peoples. The sacred emblems of the Scythians included the serpent, the Ox (Nimrod/Taurus), fire (the Sun, knowledge), and Tho or Theo, the god the Egyptians called Pan. The Romans called the Scythians the Sarmatae and the Germani from the Latin word Germanus, meaning ‘genuine’. The Scythians were known, therefore, as the ‘Genuine People’ and of course from Germani we get German and Germany. The name change is confirmed by the writings of the Roman historians Pliny and Strabo.

The Anglo-Saxons who invaded Britain were also known as Germani by the Romans

The Anglo-Saxons who invaded Britain were also known as Germani by the Romans. The land called Old Saxony is modern day north Germany and the Netherlands. Both the Angles and the Saxons came from the same genetic source -the white Cimmerians and Scythians from the Caucasus and the Middle/Near East. It is the same with William the Conqueror and his Normans, the last people to invade Britain in 1066 at the Battle of Hastings. The terms Norman and Normandy originate from the Norse (North) men because they came from Scandinavia to occupy that region of France. The story of the Scandinavian hero Odin, says that he came from Asaland or Asaheim, which just happens to be the lands of Scythia and can be identified in Aryan India. From there about 200 to 300 AD, it is said, Odin led a huge army north to conquer Sweden. His army was called the Svear and in Swedish that country is still called Sverige, the Land of the Svear.

Another group of Scythians, who became known as the Sakkas, went east from the Caucasus following the trail of the earlier Aryans and they reached the borders of China by 175 BC. About this time Chinese records tell of a people called the Sai-wang or Sok-wang who were forced to flee India. Sok-wang means ‘Sakka princes’. The records indicate that these Sakka retreated south into India through the mountain passes from Afghanistan, and coins dating from about 100 BC confirm that a Sakka kingdom was created in the upper Indus valleys between Kashmir and Afghanistan. Again it is not a coincidence that the religion of Buddhism emerged from lands occupied by the Sakka (Aryan Scythians). 

At least by 500 BC a tribe called the Sakyas lived in the area where Buddha is supposed to have been born around years earlier. Guatma (Lord Buddha) was called Sakyashina, Sakamuni, the Sakya sage, Sakya the teacher and the lion of the tribe of Sakya. All this will become highly significant when we look at the single origin of all the major, and most minor, religions and their ‘heroes’. The Scythian/Sakka and the Cimmerians/ Cimbri were in fact all the same people and this is confirmed by inscriptions scored into the Behistun Rock in the Zargos Mountains on an old caravan trail from Babylon. The inscriptions were ordered by Darius the Great about 515 BC and they were written in three languages, Babylonian, Elamite and Persian. Whenever the Elamite and Persian versions say Sakka, the Persians/Babylonians use the term Cimiri.

So these white Aryan peoples under different names with their same religion and religious heroes under different names, expanded from their origins in the Caucasus and the Middle and Near East and went overland into Europe, India and as far as China. And within them were the reptile-human bloodlines who battled for, and eventually won, supremacy to control the course of events as the kings, queens, priests and military leaders under the collective title I dub the Babylonian Brotherhood. That the Babylonians were part of the Aryan race is confirmed by ancient inscriptions and titles.

The Kassi or Cassi was a title first used by the Phoenicians about 3,000 BC and this was adopted by the Babylonians who ruled the Mesopotamian empire. Kassi also appears as a personal name of Phoenicians in Egypt and Cassi was the inspiration for the ruling kings known as Catti in pre-Roman Britain, one of whom minted ‘Cas’ coins featuring the sun-horse and other solar symbols.27

This Aryan expansion began as far back as 3,000 BC, probably earlier, with their seafaring branch, the Phoenicians. They were a technologically advanced people who have been marginalised by official history and this has obscured their true identity. They are fundamental to understanding where we have come from and where we are now. It was they who brought both their genetic lines and their knowledge to Europe, Scandinavia and the Americas, thousands of years BC. Their story is told by L. A. Waddell in his book, The Phoenician Origin Of Britons, Scots And Anglo-Saxons. Waddell was a fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute and spent a lifetime researching the evidence. He shows that the Phoenicians were not a Semitic race as previously believed, but a white Aryan race. Examination of Phoenician tombs reveals that they were a long-headed Aryan race and of a totally different racial type to the Semites. 

The Phoenicians of the ancient world travelled by sea from their bases in Asia Minor, Syria and Egypt to settle in the islands of the Mediterranean like Crete and Cyprus and also Greece and Italy. It was the Phoenicians who carried the knowledge which later emerged as the civilisations of Minoan Crete, classic Greece and Roman Italy. They were also the ‘brains’ behind much of the Egyptian culture in this period, before it was hijacked by the reptilians.

The Egyptians knew the Phoenicians as the Panag, Panasa and Fenkha. The Greeks called them the Phoinik-as, and to the Romans they were the Phoenic-es.28 There is a simple reason why the Egyptians depicted many of their gods with white skin and blue eyes in exactly the same way as other cultures all over the world did. This advanced race, called the Phoenicians, were white skinned and often had blue eyes - the same as the reptilian-human crossbreeds and the same, it would appear, as the race from Mars. Thus we have the Scandinavian races, which were installed by the Phoenicians and other peoples of the same bloodstock and general location. It is also the origin of the Aryan ‘Master Race’ nonsense which obsessed the Nazis and the secret societies which created them. The hero of the Freemason secret society to this day is the mythical Hiram Abif, the so-called builder of King Solomon’s Temple. Abif is supposed to have been a Phoenician. The grandfather of the famous Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten, the father of Tutankhamen, was a Phoenician high priest. The Phoenix, the mythical bird of Egypt, was in fact the Sun bird of the Phoenicians, the emblem of the Sun God, Bil or Bel, and as it has been later symbolised, a peacock or an eagle.29 

Evidence has emerged in recent years about pyramids on Mars, when the NASA scientists, Vincent DiPietro and Gregory Molenaar, discovered six enormous pyramids like those in Egypt in the Cydonia region of Mars.30 It would make sense that the same Martian race with the same knowledge would also build pyramids when they came to Earth, and the same can be said of the Anunnaki if, as Zecharia Sitchin speculates and I agree, they had settlements on Mars.

D&M Pyramid, Cydonia/Mars

The Phoenicians were not confined to the Mediterranean and the Middle East. They landed in Britain around 3,000 BC and unmistakable Phoenician artefacts have been found in Brazil, as well as possible Egyptian remains in the Grand Canyon in America.

The Phoenicians landed in the Americas thousands of years before the manufactured ‘photo opportunity’ better known as the journey of Christopher Columbus. The reason that the native legends of the Americas speak of tall ‘white gods’ coming from the sea bringing advanced knowledge is because that is precisely what happened, if you forget the gods bit. They were the Aryan race and the reptile-Aryans from the east landing in the Americas thousands of years ago, the same Aryan race or ‘gods’ who the Sumerians said gifted them their civilisation after the flood. This is also why the later white invaders who followed Columbus were astonished to find that the native peoples of the American continent had the same basic religious stories and myths as they had.

Levitating Stone

Erstellt 2007. Update 13. Januar 2008
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Bearbeitung Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm