Gesamtschau-Digital: Carl Huter
David Icke: The Biggest Secret. Forbidden Knowledge. The Key to our Past - Part 31

Bearbeitung Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm


Control of the media

The names Rothschild, Rockefeller, Kissinger and Carrington appear on the boards and ‘advisory’ boards of global media corporations and that’s no surprise. To control humanity through the mind and emotions you simply have to control the media. Without that it’s impossible. This is made so much easier because the overwhelming majority of journalists in the world, including the so-called ‘big names’ in each country, are either agents for the Brotherhood (the small minority) or they don’t know their arse from their elbow when it comes to understanding what is going on in the world. I’ve been a journalist and so I have seen both sides and what is termed the communications industry is really the blind (journalists) leading the blind (their readers and viewers). 

My experience as a journalist, and as the target of journalists, has shown me very clearly how remarkably few brain cells you need to do the job. Every day on television stations all over the world, journalists and correspondents give their viewers the official version of the event they are reporting.

“White House sources say this..., the Prime Minister says that..., the FBI say the other... “In all my time in journalism I cannot recall a single conversation in a newsroom that didn’t reflect the official version of life and the world. Most journalists are not manipulating, they are simply stunningly uninformed and often incredibly arrogant. They believe that if anything of magnitude was going on they would know about it because they are ‘journalists’. In truth they are the last to know. Arrogance and naivete, the mental combination that produces so many journalists, is a telling and highly destructive combination. Add a padlocked mind and you’ve got the job. One BBC interviewer said to me in all seriousness that we should be no more concerned about the membership of the Freemasons than we should the membership of the local squash club. I’m not kidding. I have given many journalists the story of what is going on and they have either dismissed it without even looking at the evidence or they have ridiculed the information without looking at the evidence. I remember meeting a guy, I think his name was Taylor or something, in Los Angeles in early 1997. He worked for The Observer newspaper in London. I told him about the paedophile activities of George Bush and his drug running operation. I offered to put him in touch with some of those who had been abused by Bush.

What did this ‘journalist’ do? He went away and wrote an article making personal attacks on me, including the fact that my eyes appeared bloodshot. Not surprising after a non stop speaking tour of Australia, New Zealand and the United States over a period of two months, but how can anyone write about the state of someone’s eyes when they are being offered, as he put it himself, the “Story of the century”? Because he’s a journalist, that’s why I offered to put the British Sunday People in contact with similar sources, but they didn’t want to know. As the old saying goes: “You cannot bribe or twist the great British journalist, but seeing what they will do unbribed, there’s no reason to.” 

Of course there are journalists who are exceptions, and honourable ones, but they are so, so rare and ask them what happens when they try to write the story as it really is. Journalists dance to the official tune and become the copy typists and town criers for the official version of life. They are the ‘gofers’ for those higher up the media pyramid. At the top are bankers who provide the funds to buy the media groups. These bankers also control the major industries and business networks and the newspaper, television, and radio operations cannot survive without the advertising revenue from these people. The threat to stop advertising has led to many an expose of the truth ending up in the bin.

Below the bankers and industrialists come the media ‘barons’, the Murdochs, Blacks, O’Reillys, and Packers. They toe the line of the funders and advertisers and they appoint their editors to make sure that the same policy appears in the papers and broadcast media day after day. The editor appoints the journalists and they have to follow the same line the editor has been told to follow. The journalist answers to the editor, the editor answers to the proprietor, and the proprietor answers to the banks and the corporations - the Brotherhood.


This is what we call ‘news’. We are led to believe that the great media egos like Murdoch, Packer, and Ted Turner don’t like each other. Maybe that’s true and maybe its a smokescreen, it doesn’t really matter. Whichever of them heads an organisation, the same policy prevails, so the Brotherhood could not care less which of their puppets owns a newspaper because their policy will be followed whatever. These ‘barons’ are not in control. They are frontmen, that’s all. Look at Ted Turner, the Council on Foreign Relations member who was supposed to be taking on the system with his Cable News Network (CNN). He sold out to Time Warner, one of the greatest Brotherhood operations on the planet, and CNN pounds out the official line hour after hour, day after day. When someone genuinely wants to start a television station or newspaper to tell the truth, they can’t get advertising or funding or they have their share price undermined via the unimaginable amounts of money the Brotherhood banks, corporations, and insurance companies move around every day. This opens up such media operations to a hostile takeover. 


The three television networks in the United States, CBS, ABC, and NBC are controlled by members of the Round Table network and so are the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and a long, long list of others. The same goes for country after country.


Two of the lesser known groups which make the point about control of the media are Hollinger Inc. and ‘Independent’ Newspapers. Hollinger owns 68% of newspapers in Canada and more than 250 papers and magazines worldwide, including major US papers, The Jerusalem Post, and Telegraph Newspapers in London. Hollinger is a front for British Intelligence. During the last world war, an Elite section of British Intelligence called the Special Operations Executive formed a front organisation called War Supplies Ltd under the leadership of two British agents, George Montagu Black and Edward Plunkett Taylor. It was Taylor who later wrote the banking laws for the Bahamas and the Cayman Islands. After the war this British Intelligence company continued under the name of the Argus Corporation and more recently it changed its name again to Hollinger. Today it is headed by Conrad Black, the son of the British spy, George Montagu Black, who set it up in the first place. 

Conrad Black is a member of the inner sanctum of the Bilderberg Group. His father was close to the Bronfman gangster family who, like the Kennedys, made a fortune from running illegal booze during the prohibition the Brotherhood themselves had introduced. The Bronfmans today own the liquor giant, Seagrams, as well as a substantial drug running operation. On the ‘advisory’ board of Hollinger are Henry Kissinger, Lord Carrington, and Edmund de Rothschild!

Independent Newspapers is owned by the Irish billionaire and former rugby player, Tony O’Reilly. It includes newspapers in Ireland, Britain, France, Portugal, Mexico, South Africa, and New Zealand. The South African President, Nelson Mandela, spent Christmas 1993 at O’Reilly’s holiday home at Nassau in the Bahamas and soon afterwards the Irishman bought the Argus group, South Africa’s biggest newspaper chain.4 This is now a mouthpiece for Mandela’s African National Congress (ANC). Since 1994, O’Reilly has bought 60% of the Argus Group, 43% of Newspaper Publishing in Britain, 55% of Australian Provincial Newspapers, 25% of Irish Press Newspapers, and 44% of Wilson and Horton the largest newspaper group in New Zealand.5 He also has extensive interests in cable television in Ireland, and radio and television in Australia and New Zealand. His acquisitions will go on and money will be no object because for all his self-promotion he is just a puppet. His Sunday Independent in Ireland devoted an eight page supplement to him called “A Man For All Continents” and it included seventeen photographs of him with his friends... Henry Kissinger (Bil, CFR,TC, RIIA, Comm 300), Margaret Thatcher (Bil), Valery Giscard D’Estaing (Bil), and Robert Mugabe. One of O’Reilly’s close friends in Ireland is the former Prime Minister, Garret Fitzgerald (Bil, TC).6 O’Reilly also idolises Churchill, apparently. His friendship with the Zimbawe dictator, Robert Mugabe, began while O’Reilly was still chairman of Heinz and Mugabe will still put a giant-sized can of Heinz beans on his head to amuse visitors to the State House.7 In 1992, Mugabe joined O’Reilly at his mansion in County Kildare, Ireland, and these two Jesuit-educated initiates celebrated high mass in a medieval private chapel built around a crusader’s (Knights Templar) tomb.8 O’Reilly and his business associates have since bought a 60% stake in Associated Newpapers of Zimbabwe (ANZ) with the intention of launching a new English language daily.9

The Agenda today

The control and manipulation of the media and the other institutions which direct human thinking and perception is not only to achieve power for power’s sake, there is a much bigger reason for it. The Agenda is for the complete takeover of the planet by the reptilians without anyone realising that it has even happened. They are well on their way to achieving this unless people wake up. The basic structure is designed around a world government which would take all the major decisions in the world (see Figure 27). This would control a world central bank, currency (electronic, no cash), and army.

All this would be underpinned by a microchipped population linked to a global computer. Under this structure would come three superstates - the European Union, the American Union, and the Pacific Union (Asia, Far East, Australia). This edifice of power would dictate to the current nation states which are planned to be broken up into regions to dismantle any unified response to the structure I’ve described. It would, quite simply, be a global fascist dictatorship and we are so close to this unless there is a revolution of thinking among the mass of humanity. The network I have summarised in this chapter allows for this Agenda to unfold because there are Brotherhood agents working within all the political and economic groups needed to make it happen. 

The more global problems that can be created, the more pressure there will be for global solutions - the centralised control. The second tier, the ‘unions’ of superstates, is well on the way.

The Superstate ‘Unions’

The European Union with its central bank and single currency has been evolved from a free trade area called the European Economic Community or Common Market. There was no mention of the superstate when we joined, but that was always the Agenda and it has been achieved by the stepping stones approach: moving towards the goal step by step with very few realising where these steps are heading. Had Adolf Hitler won the war he had an economic design for Europe he called it the Europaische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft. This translates as... the European Economic Community! Hitler lost the war, at least on the surface, but we got the same policy anyway because it was part of the Agenda.

Figure 27: The structure the Babylonian Brotherhood is seeking to introduce early in the new Millennium.

If I summarise how the European Union has been engineered and the people and organisations behind it, you will see how the hidden hand operates and be more aware of the tactics being employed to do exactly the same in the Americas, the Pacific region, and Africa. A United States of Europe under centralised control was the aim of the Knights Templar way back in the 12th and 13th centuries and under their different names and incarnations this same force has achieved that target via the Freemasons, the Bilderberg Group, and others. 

The Bilderberg Group is particularly important, however, in the creation of the present superstate. The men behind the formation of the European Economic Community on behalf of the Brotherhood were Jean Monnet (Comm 300), Count Richard N. Coudenhove-Kalergi (Comm 300) from Austria, and Joseph Retinger (Comm 300), a Polish ‘socialist’ who helped Prince Bernhard to create the Bilderberg Group. 

Monnet, the son of a French brandy merchant, went to Canada in 1910 and there connected with the Hudson Bay Company, an old Black Nobility operation, and the Lazard Brothers Bank. He became a confidant to presidents and prime ministers, including Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and his influential friends gave him a very lucrative contract to ship materials from Canada to France during the First World War. When the war ended he was appointed to the Allied Supreme Economic Council and became an advisor to the group around Lord Milner (Round Table, RIIA, Comm 300) and Colonel Mandel House (Round Table, CFR, Comm 300) which was preparing the Treaty of Versailles and creating the League of Nations. 

Monnet was appointed the Deputy Secretary General of the League of Nations and later vice-president of a company called Transamerica which was owned by the drug-money-laundering Bank of America. Monnet was perfectly placed to be the puppet through which other powers could manipulate into being the European Economic Community. Count Richard N. Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote’ a book in 1923 calling for a United States of Europe. He was named after Richard Wagner, of whom Hitler had said that to understand Nazi Germany one had to understand Wagner. A close friend of the Count’s father was Theodore Herzl, the founder of Zionism (Sionism - the Sun cult). The Count’s book was called Pan Europa and he went on to form the Pan European Union with branches right across the continent, supported by leading politicians and the Anglo-America Establishment, including Colonel House and Herbert Hoover. The Count said in his autobiography:

“At the beginning of 1924, we received a call from Baron Louis de Rothschild; one of his friends, Max Warburg (Hitler’s banker) from Hamburg, had read my book and wanted to get to know us. To my great surprise (sure!), Warburg spontaneously (sure!) offered us 60,000 gold marks to tide the movement over for its first three years... Max Warburg, who was one of the most distinguished and wisest men that I ever came into contact with, had a principle of financing these movements. He remained sincerely interested in Pan-Europe for his entire life. Max Warburg arranged his 1925 trip to the United States to introduce me to Paul Warburg and Bernard Baruch.”10

The European Community, now Union, is another creation of the Brotherhood with all the old familiar names involved. Winston Churchill (Comm 300) was a supporter of the European superstate and he wrote an article in 1930 for the American publication The Saturday Evening Post, called “The United States of Europe”. A few years later he would play his part in advancing the war which led to the creation of that very structure.

Count Coudenhove-Kalergi was given enthusiastic backing from people like John Foster Dulles, Nicholas Murray Butler, the President of Columbia University and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (‘War’), and Dr Stephen Duggan, the founder and first President of the Institute of Education which was 100% controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations. The United States Congress passed seven resolutions on the political union of Europe and one of them stated:

“The creation of a United Europe must be regarded as an essential step towards the creation of a United World” (world government). 

Jean Monnet also headed the Committee for the United States of Europe which had the same goal. Since the creation of the European Economic Community (EEC) it has been evolved as planned, by the stepping stones method, to become the centralised fascist state it was always designed to be. Two admirers of Monnet are Merry and Serge Bromberger, and they set out the plan in their book, Jean Monnet And The United States Of Europe:

“Gradually, it was thought, the supranational authorities, supervised by the European Council of Ministers at Brussels and the Assembly in Strasbourg, would administer all the activities of the continent. A day would come when governments would be forced to admit that an integrated Europe was an accomplished fact, without their having a say in the establishment of its underlying principles. All they would have to do was to merge all these autonomous institutions into a single federal administration and then proclaim a United States of Europe.”11

That is where we are now. Again you have the structure of the core few at the centre dictating the overall plan and the interlocking networks in each country manipulating their people and Parliament to follow that overall Agenda.The two Prime Ministers of Britain before, during, and after our entry into the European Community were Labour’s Harold Wilson (Bil) and the Conservative Edward Heath (Bil, TC). They were both close associates of Lord Victor Rothschild and Heath made Rothschild head of his ‘policy unit’ during his four years as Prime Minister between 1970 and 1974. It was in this period, in 1972, that Heath signed the Treaty of Rome which ensnared the United Kingdom into the Brotherhood’s European spider’s web. Sitting beside Heath at the signing ceremony was his Foreign Secretary, Alec Douglas Hume (Lord Home), a chairman of the Bilderberg Group and a member of an ancient Scottish bloodline. The whole thing was manipulation on a vast scale. The ‘opposition’ Labour Party when we went into Europe under Harold Wilson (Bil) included in its leadership, Roy Jenkins (Bil, TC, RIIA), who would go on to become the President of the European Commission, James Callaghan (Bil, RIIA), and Denis Healey (Bil, TC, Comm 300), chairman of the International Monetary Fund Interim Committee and member of the council of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. 

Healey was at the first Bilderberg meeting in 1954 and attended more of their gatherings than any other British politician in his period in active politics. Good Old Denis, the man of the people? Excuse me. In this same period the leaders of Britain’s third party, the Liberals (now Liberal Democrats) were Jo Grimond (Bil) and Jeremy Thorpe, author of the book, Europe: The Case For Going In. I wonder when they were in the highest political positions in the land, if Wilson, Heath, Jenkins, and Healey, ever got together and pondered on the remarkable twist of destiny which led four people, who attended Oxford University in the same period, to become the leading political names of 1960s and 1970s, just as the United Kingdom was committing itself to membership of the European Community. Wilson (Jesus College, University College), Jenkins (Balliol), Heath (Balliol), Healey (Balliol), Grimond (Balliol), and Thorpe (Trinity College) are such an inspirational example of what can happen when you have an Oxford education. The fact that Oxford has always been a major Brotherhood centre and, with Cambridge, is a key recruiting ground for manipulators of the next generation, is purely coincidental, of course.

Heath, a shape-shifting reptilian, was manipulating Britain toward membership of the Community right through the 1960s and he was agreeing to the political union of Britain in Europe as early as April 1962 when he was Lord Privy Seal. Before taking Britain into Europe, Heath attended a meeting in Paris in October 1972 to negotiate the conditions with the French President Georges Pompidou (Bil), a former employee of Guy Rothschild. Douglas Hurd was the British Foreign Secretary who signed the fascist Maastricht Treaty in February 1992 which turned the European Community into the European Union, the superstate. Hurd was a private secretary to Ted Heath between 1968 and 1970 and his political secretary from 1970 to 1974 when Heath was Prime Minister and signing Britain into Europe. Hurd was also Minister of State to Lord Carrington in the run up to the Falklands War and it was Hurd who recommended an ‘honorary’ knighthood for Henry Kissinger. Since that time influential and apparently opposing political figures like the Conservatives Ted Heath (Bil, TC), Kenneth Clarke (Bil), Geoffrey (Lord) Howe (Bil, Comm 300), the Labour Party’s Tony Blair (Bil), Gordon Brown (Bil, TC), and the Liberal Democrat leaders, David Steel (Bil, TC) and Paddy Ashdown (Bil), have pressed and argued for further and further erosion of British decision making and the swamping of freedom by the centralised, bureaucratic European Union. Blair has blatantly filled his ministerial team negotiating with the European Union with people who want the UK to join the single bank and currency.

Among them, before his resignation in a financial scandal, was our friend Peter Mandelson, the man members of Parliament have dubbed: “the Prince of Darkness”. At the time of writing, the three major British political parties are headed by Tony Blair (Bil), William Haig (Bil), and Paddy Ashdown (Bil). We are being conned and the Brotherhood initiates at the top in the banks and corporations have been activated to frighten the people into believing there will be an economic collapse if a country does not join the single bank and currency. What nonsense. Norway refused to join the European Union and has had great economic prosperity, not least through its exports to the European Union countries! 

What I have described in Europe is planned for the Americas, the Pacific region, and Africa. The American Union is designed to evolve from NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, and the Pacific Union from APEC, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, the ‘free-trade area’ formed in 1994 after much campaigning by the Rhodes Scholar and former Australian Prime Minister, Bob Hawke. NAFTA was negotiated between George Bush (CFR,TC, Skull and Bones), the paedophile President of the United States, and Brian Mulroney, a rapist of mind controlled women, who was Prime Minister of Canada. I’ll expand on their activities in a later chapter. 

Bush said when he signed the free trade agreement with Canada and Mexico on August 12th 1992 that he wanted to see NAFTA stretch from the tip of North America to the tip of South America. His ‘opponent’, Bill Clinton, said at a gathering of leaders from throughout the Americas on
December 10th 1994:

“History has given the people of the Americas the chance to build a community of nations, committed to liberty and the promise of prosperity... early in the next century (I want to see)... a huge free trade zone from Alaska to Argentina.”

Other elements of the Agenda include the microchipping of the global population; the complete control of energy supplies, the destruction of alternative forms of healing that expose established medicine as a fraud; and global marshal law. I will write more about this towards the end of the book. The one-party-state and the one-world-Agenda rolls on and here I have given only an outline of the people, organisations and events to which I have referred because they are all covered in intricate detail, and sourced, in .. And The Truth Shall Set You Free.


1 The Illuminati Formula, p 7.
2 Anthony C. Sutton, Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler (Heritage Publications, Melbourne, Australia, and Bloomfield Books, Sudbury, Suffolk, England, 1976), p 39, and Trilateralism, The Trilateral Commission And The Elite Planning For World Management (edited by Holly Sklar, South End Press,Boston, USA, 1980), p 182.
3 Quoted in The Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story Of The Committee of 300, p 15.
4 Fintan O’Toole, Brand Leader, An investigation Of Tony O’Reilly, (Granta), p 72.
5 Ibid, pp 61-62.
6 Ibid, p 47.
7 Ibid, p 58.
8 Private Eye magazine, No 956, Friday, August 7th 1998, p 6. 279
9 Ibid.
10 Quoted by Eustace Mullins in The World Order; Our Secret Rulers (Ezra Pound Institute of Civilisation, Staunton, VA, USA, 1984), p 248.
11 Merry and Serge Bromberger, Jean Monnet And The United States Of Europe, (Coward- McCann Publishers, New York, 1969), p 123.

Levitating Stone

Erstellt 2007. Update 9. Januar 2008
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Quicktime Movie: David Icke 11 of 42.  Only if we know, who we are, can we know freedom. 9:59 min. 6.6 mb.