Gesamtschau-Digital: Carl Huter
David Icke: The Biggest Secret. Forbidden Knowledge. The Key to our Past - Part 57

Bearbeitung Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm


Henri Paul was not a qualified chauffeur and had no hire car permit. L. Fletcher Prouty, a former colonel in the US Airforce who worked closely with the intelligence agencies, once said:


“No-one has to direct an assassination - it happens. The active role is played secretly by permitting it to happen. This is the greatest single clue. Who has the power to call off or reduce the usual security precautions?”45


Absolutely right. If we apply Prouty’s rule to Diana and ask who had the power - and used that power - to reduce the usual security precautions for her that night, we have a rather interesting answer: Mohamed Al Fayed. Given these circumstances he must answer the obvious question: Why was this security reduced? When President Kennedy was assassinated, there were no bodyguards standing on his car while four were standing on the one immediately behind (see picture section). He was also in an open-topped car at a dangerous time in a dangerous city. When Martin Luther King was shot dead at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4th, 1968, the black police officer in charge of security for King was sent home against his will hours before the shooting. The only two black firemen at the station next to the motel were sent to other stations just for that day. The scapegoat for this assassination was a guy called James Earl Ray. Not even King’s family believed he was responsible. So much so that they attended his funeral a few years ago. When Bobby Kennedy was murdered after making a speech at the Ambassadors Hotel in Los Angeles on June 4th 1968, again the security arrangements were tampered with. The plan was for Kennedy to walk off the stage and through the crowd to the exit. But immediately after the speech, Kennedy’s ‘aides’, especially Frank Mankiewicz, insisted that it was safer for him to go out through the hotel kitchen. When he walked into the kitchen he was met by the mind controlled Sirhan Sirhan with a gun in his hand. It is far more likely that Bobby Kennedy was actually shot by members of his ‘security’ team, particularly Thane Eugene Caesar, the ‘security guard’ who was employed at the last minute and had endless connections into far right groups and the intelligence community. 


But with Sirhan Sirhan at the scene with a gun, they had a mind controlled scapegoat to take the rap and that was all they needed. Sirhan Sirhan had been on a ‘mind expansion’ course with the Rosicrucians in the weeks before he was implicated in Kennedy’s death (see .. .And The Truth Shall Set You Free). Frank Mankiewicz, who guided Kennedy to the kitchen, was a former public relations man for the Mossad-front in America, the Anti Defamation League. He turned up later as head of publicity for the Oliver Stone film, JFK, which claimed to be an expose of the assassination of President Kennedy. It wasn’t. 


Jitzchak Rabin (hebr. יצחק רבין‎;  * 1. März 1922 in Jerusalem; † 4. November 1995 in Tel Aviv) war Generalstabschef der israelischen Streitkräfte sowie Verteidigungsminister und Ministerpräsident Israels. Über Jahre hinweg war Rabin einer der wichtigsten Entscheidungsträger Israels in außen- und sicherheitspolitischen Fragen. Das Amt des Ministerpräsidenten hatte er zweimal inne, erstmals von 1974 bis 1977 und nochmals von 1992 bis zu seiner Ermordung im Jahre 1995.
1994 erhielt Rabin gemeinsam mit seinem damaligen Außenminister Schimon Peres und dem damaligen Chef der palästinensischen Autonomiegebiete, Jassir Arafat, den Friedensnobelpreis. Source: Wikipedia (Hinzugefügt).

Yitzhak Rabin (1922-1995)

When the Israeli Prime Minister, Zitzhak Rabin, was shot dead by an assassin in Tel Aviv in 1995, an extraordinary video taken by an onlooker showed how Rabin’s security detail stepped back in unison to leave the assassin alone and free to kill his target. You can see the pattern. And what happened in the crucial last minutes of Diana’s life? They withdrew her security on the orders of Mohamed Al Fayed via his son. That is a fact. 

All day she had travelled in the same Mercedes with the Range Rover as a back up vehicle. Now she would transfer to another Mercedes with no back up support whatsoever. This was an extraordinary decision for a man obsessed with his own security. Bob Loftus, the former Head of Security at Harrods, said:

“Compared with the protection that Al Fayed affords himself, which is very professional, of a very high standard, that which was afforded to the mother of the future King of England was a Mickey Mouse operation.”46


He added that “Al Fayed was absolutely paranoid about his personal protection”. Just for him to walk around his own store, there would be three or four plain clothes members of his personal protection team who travelled with him all the time, plus another four uniformed security who would act almost as ‘outriders’ to create two rings of security around him. That’s in his own store! But is it paranoia, or the knowledge of the seedy, cesspit, world of arms dealers and Brotherhood fixers of many kinds, in which Al Fayed constantly operates? People who think nothing of the mass murder of children, let alone the assassination of a wealthy ‘yes’ man like him. Dodi Fayed was obsessed with his security for the same reason. A lot of this security was also inspired by the size of Al Fayed’s ego, to be fair. Mostly he recruited his body guards from the SAS and the Parachute Regiment and used the Brotherhood operation, Control Risks, to make recommendations. Tom Bower tells in his book about Al Fayed of how armed guards at the Oxted estate hide behind bushes wearing full combat uniform and blacked out faces. 

Whenever Al Fayed travelled in his Mercedes there was always a back up Range Rover carrying emergency medical equipment and security staff, but now he withdrew that protection from Diana. More than that, a new car was introduced for her, another Mercedes was sent to the rear entrance of the Ritz, supplied by a car hire company called Etoile Limousines, the same name as Dodi’s flat. Etoile Limousines is based at the Ritz and depends for its entire income on contracts with the hotel and its guests. In other words, it is controlled completely by Mohamed Al Fayed and whoever controls him. The new Mercedes was an S-280, lighter in weight than the 600 series they had used all day and without the dark tinted windows. Other cars were available, but this one was chosen instead. 

A director of Etoile, Niels Siegel, told the inquiry into Diana’s death that he delivered the car to the rear entrance of the Ritz, but the Dispatches programme showed that this is a lie. It was delivered by a driver called Frederic Lucard and he can be seen doing so on the security video. Lucard said he found it very strange that Etoile would allow Henri Paul, a man not qualified as a chauffeur, to drive one of their cars. So why did they do it? Because Mohamed Al Fayed told them to, that’s why. Brian Dodd, the former Head of Security for Al Fayed in the 1980s, gave his assessment of the situation to Dispatches:

“It’s a new car that’s come into the system. They wouldn’t have had time to check that car out. It should have been checked out. There could have been a bomb on the car, for instance. It was a most stupid plan. It shouldn’t even have been considered. The back up vehicle is there, not just to avert the paparazzi, but for instance, a motor cyclist with a pillion rider to pull up and shoot, or put a magnetised bomb on top of the car. That’s why the back up car is there - to stop any of that. Why they never had a back up car, God only knows. (I think I can offer a good guess without the need for Divine inspiration.) “I had probably six or eight men I would consider professional bodyguards who I would have had on that job and Trevor Rees-Jones and Kes Wingfield, after what I have seen happened, would not have been in Paris that night.”

The Mercedes with Henry Paul at the wheel sped off from the rear entrance of the Ritz at 12.20am with Paul telling the paparazzi not to bother following because they would never catch him.



Diana and Dodi were in the back seat and in the front was Trevor Rees-Jones, the former ‘Para’ with the reputation for being ‘fearless’. Rees-Jones says he disagreed with the change of plan. He was not wearing a seat belt which is normal practice because body guards need to be free to react quickly. 


The car was driven at speed down the Rue Cambon and turned right down the Rue de Rivoli into the Place de la Concorde where it stopped briefly at the lights. The paparazzi photographer, Romuald Rat, on the back of a motor cycle, drew up alongside them here, but he says that Henri Paul jumped the lights on red and headed onto the dual carriageway alongside the River Seine called the Cours la Reine. 

The car plunged down into one tunnel, came back to the surface, and almost immediately went down into the very short tunnel at the Pont de UAlma. Here it went out of control and struck the 13th pillar in the centre of the tunnel which is lined with concrete pillars unprotected by crash barriers. Henri Paul and Dodi Fayed died immediately. According to the autopsy report Diana was clinically dead within 20 minutes and this was long before she arrived at hospital. Trevor Rees-Jones survived the crash because he was wearing a seat belt and Diana and Dodi were not. 

Crowd                    Driver Henry Paul

This could be highly significant. Rees-Jones was not wearing a belt when they left the Ritz in accordance with normal practice for body guards, and when Romuald Rat took a photograph at the lights at the Place de la Concorde, Rees-Jones still did not have a seat belt on. But little more than a minute later when the car struck the pillar, he was wearing a seat belt. Why? If he donned the belt because for some reason he sensed danger, why did he not scream at Diana and Dodi to put their seat belts on? After all it only takes a second and the whole reason he was in the car was to protect them. Rees-Jones has some serious questions to answer here and he is giving no answers. 

Some bodyguards do put a seat belt on when the car is on a fast road, but Rees-Jones is not saying this. He says he doesn’t know why he strapped himself in. And if they were going to Dodi’s flat, they would have been on the fast road for about a minute. All he says is that he remembers they were followed by two cars, one of them white, and a motorcycle, which is in keeping with the smokescreen story. But one simple fact about the crash has been missed by all the newspaper articles, magazine features, television documentaries and discussions I have seen, and by all but a few researchers. 

Everyone is agreed that the couple were being driven back to Dodi’s flat near the Arc de Triomphe when the crash happened. Well there is one glaring problem with that:

The Pont de L’Alma tunnel is not on the way to Dodi’s flat. It takes you away from that area.

The Pont de L’Alma tunnel - Morning after Crash and News: Death of Diana

I have been to Paris and walked the route the car took that night, in fact I have walked extensively around that whole area, and the route to Dodi’s apartment is the same as the one they took earlier that night. You go to the Place de la Concorde and, half way around, you turn right into the Champs Elysees and drive straight up to Dodi’s flat on the right near the Arc de Triomphe (see Figure 53 overleaf). At that time of night it would take only a few minutes. But Henri Paul did not do that. He drove past the turning for the Champs Elysees, jumped the lights on red and sped down the duel carriageway to the Pont de L’Alma. This took them AWAY from Dodi’s flat. I have heard it said that Paul was going a long way round to avoid the photographers and traffic, but the photographers would have been waiting at the flat anyway by the time they got there. 

What is most important to stress here is that Henri Paul’s route was not the direct one to Dodi’s apartment, but it did ensure that it took them through the Pont de UAlma Tunnel, the significance of which is fantastic, as you will soon appreciate. Interestingly, it was after Paul went past the turning to Les Champs Elysees and headed towards the Pont de L’Alma that Rees-Jones put his seat belt on. He says he can’t remember why, but I can help him there. There can only be two reasons for this. Either he knew what was coming or he realised when Henri Paul screamed off from the lights that something was seriously wrong and he put the seat belt on to protect himself. But again if that is the case, why did he not tell Dodi and Diana to do the same? And if Rees-Jones had realised a potential danger, why had Dodi and Diana not seen it and taken the appropriate action to protect themselves? I’m sorry if that upsets Rees-Jones’ family, but given the circumstances these are questions that need to be asked.

Once the deed was done; the scapegoat was produced. The methods are so predictable, but they keep working so why change them? The Lee Harvey Oswald,
Sirhan Sirhan and James Earl Ray of the Diana assassination was the driver, Henri Paul. Once the paparazzi card had been played and focused public and media attention in the days after the crash, it was announced that Paul was three to four times over the French drink driving limit and that his blood contained traces of antidepressant drugs, including Fluoxetine, the active ingredient of the infamous Prozac.

“The cause of the crash was simple,” we were told. “The driver was drunk.” Tampering with blood samples or creating alcohol in the blood is child’s play and so is the insertion of tiny ‘balloons’ which release alcohol into the blood stream in stages. There was certainly no sign before he drove away from the Ritz that he was intoxicated to the extent, according to his blood tests, that he must have drunk the equivalent of eight Scotches on an empty stomach. A behavioural psychologist on the Independent Television documentary, Diana - Secrets Of The Crash, could find no evidence that he was drunk after studying the Ritz videos of him that night, but there could be an explanation for this which I will come to shortly. 

Only two days earlier, Paul had undergone a rigorous medical for the renewal of his pilot’s licence and there was no sign of the alcohol abuse the post-crash propaganda claimed. Quite the opposite. And there was another strange anomaly revealed by the ITV documentary in 1998. The Haemoglobin in Henri Paul’s blood was found to contain 20.7% carbon monoxide and this would have been at a much higher level earlier because the carbon monoxide content halves every four to five hours once exposure to it has stopped. Haemoglobin carries the oxygen. Debbie Davis of the Carbon Monoxide Support Group said that with these levels in his blood, Henri Paul would not have known his left hand from his right, because of the reduced oxygen reaching the brain.

Figure 53: The change of route which cost Diana her life. Instead of going directly to Dodi’s apartment, Henri Paul sped off in another 
direction away from their destination. It is said that he was taking the long way round to avoid the paparazzi, but what an amazing 
‘coincidence’ that this took the car into the Pont de L ‘Alma tunnel, one of the Babylonian Brotherhood’s most sacred sites 
for the goddess Diana!

Dr Alastair Hay, an expert on carbon monoxide poisoning, agreed and could not explain why Paul showed no signs of the considerable symptoms that should have been evident:

“I find it difficult to rational ise everything. A blood-carbon monoxide level of 20% and (a high blood-alcohol level) suggests this would be someone with a much slower reaction time, certainly be someone who would be slowed up in the way he did things, would probably also be somebody who was in some pain, but none of those things appear to be evident from the pictures that we see of him. It is a bit of an enigma.”47

Driver Henry Paul

There is a lot more to know about Henri Paul. His best friend, Claude Garrec, told the ITV documentary that Paul had contacts within the French and foreign intelligence services and maintained them throughout his time at the Ritz. This is no surprise because the intelligence agencies recruit the security men at the top hotels and the Ritz, with its VIP clientele and reputation for espionage and arms dealing, would have been a prime target. Paul certainly had unexplained sources of income. He earned about £20-25,000 a year at the Ritz and yet he was a keen pilot with 605 hours of flying time at about £300 an hour. He had a string of bank accounts. There were two in a bank outside Paris and three accounts, plus a safe deposit box, at the Banque Nationale de Paris near the Ritz. He had three accounts at the nearby branch of Barclays and one current and four deposit accounts at the Caisse D’Epargne de Paris. In the eight months before the crash, sums of £4,000 were paid into an account here on five separate occasions. In total he had £122,000 (1.2 million francs) and no-one knows where it came from. 

Then there is the question of where Paul was in the three hours between 7pm when he went off duty and 10pm when Dodi called him on his mobile phone and told him to return to the Ritz. His whereabouts in this period are a mystery. A very significant one.

To understand how the Brotherhood operates requires immensely detailed research over a vast array of interconnecting subjects. Everything from ancient history, to Satanic symbolism and ritual, the Earth’s magnetic grid, the power of the Sun, the banking system, and mind control. The journalists who have produced the articles and documentaries about the crash came to the subject cold and they can never uncover the truth because they don’t understand what they are dealing with. Their vision of possibility is limited by their indoctrinated view of reality. They can’t see, for instance, that there are organisations within organisations which means that one force can work through apparently unconnected agencies like British and French Intelligence, the Paris police and medical services, and the inquiry investigating the cause of the crash. I mean, you don’t have to search far for evidence of that. Look at the Kennedy assassination for one. It is this lack of research of the big picture that leads reporters like Martyn Gregory on the Dispatches programme to state categorically that “there is not a shred of credible evidence to support the conspiracy theory” and that the suggestion of Prince Philip’s involvement was “ludicrous”. 

I wonder after reading the evidence so far -and there is a great deal more to come - which you think is more ludicrous: the idea of a plot to kill Diana or Martyn Gregory’s statement? It was an unfortunate comment in a programme that produced some good information about Al Fayed. Then there was the ‘investigation’ into the crash by John Stalker, the former deputy chief constable of Greater Manchester, in the News Of The World newspaper, in which he dismissed all idea that Diana was murdered. Ironically, Stalker claimed, quite rightly, that he was the victim of a conspiracy to remove him from the police force after he identified a policy by the Northern Ireland police, the RUC, to shoot people they believed were terrorists and ask the questions later. This was the so-called shoot-to-kill policy. 

Pushing aside every suggestion of a conspiracy to kill Diana, Stalker asked: “Why would the French want to cover up the murder of an English woman?”48 The naivety of that statement is so breathtaking, I need a glass of water. At the same time, Stalker did ask some pertinent questions about the crash and its aftermath: “Why was the Fayed security around the princess reduced to one wholly inadequate man with no back up? Why did the police not appeal for help from the public? Why was there no post mortem-autopsy on Dodi Fayed’s body?” Answers: because of the very conspiracy you dismiss, Mr Stalker.

One of the most important subjects to research if we are to understand how Diana was killed, is the power and potential of mind control. I’ll give some examples. In the 1980s the best part of 30 scientists working in top secret projects, mostly computer programmers, died in very strange and unexplained circumstances. Marconi was the major company involved, but there were others like Plessey and British Aerospace. 

In 1986, Vimal Dajibhai, who was working for Marconi Underwater Systems, drove from London to Bristol, a city with which he had no connection, and threw himself off the famous suspension bridge there. A few months before, Arshad Sharif, a computer programmer with Marconi Defence Systems, also drove from London to Bristol and hanged himself. Why Bristol? It is a former Knights Templar port and its name has evolved from Barati, the Phoenician goddess. It just so happens that an elite unit of British Intelligence called the Committee of 26 is based there and they use the runway at the British Aerospace complex to fly British and foreign agents in and out of the country. I was called once, from what sounded like a plane, by a guy claiming to represent the CIA. He said he was flying into the British Aerospace runway to sort me out. “The Company (CIA) are not happy,” he said. Oh, I thought, I am sorry, I do hope they cheer up soon. I drove over to meet him just to check it out, but he didn’t show. He was probably a guy who needed help, or perhaps they were seeing how I would react to threats. Either way, they got the airport right. In that period in the 1980s, not only in Bristol, there were strange deaths galore of people at the cutting edge of development in the ‘defence’ industries.

What possesses a man to get into his car, drive more than two hours to the Bristol Suspension Bridge, and jump off? This may seem a long way from the Diana assassination, but it’s not. I’m talking about mind control. A CIA scientist told me that he was put through forms of mind control to stop him recalling his knowledge once a project was completed. I’ll give you an example of mind control in a situation very similar to the one in Paris. 

David Sands was a highly skilled scientist working in a very sensitive area of defence, but at 37 he was talking about leaving the industry and changing his lifestyle. He was happily married with two small children, a son aged six and a three year old daughter. Sands and his wife had just returned from an enjoyable holiday in Venice when he died in mysterious circumstances. Although they are not so mysterious if you understand mind control. He worked for Easams who, in turn, were operating contracts for the Ministry of Defence. It appears that while Sands and his wife were in Venice, the company was visited by members of the elite British police unit, the Special Branch. Then, on Saturday, March 28th 1987, David Sands told his wife he was going out to refuel the car, but he didn’t return for six hours. No-one has any idea where he was, but I think I do. His wife, Anna, called the police and constable John Hiscock was at the house when Sands returned at 10.2Opm. Asked the obvious question:

“Where have you been?”, he said that he had been driving and thinking. His wife said that it was out of character for him to be away for so long and she didn’t think he realised how long he had been out. He seemed confused, but happy, she said. Two days later, on Monday, March 30th, he climbed into his excellently maintained Austin Maestro and began his regular journey from his home in Itchen Abbas, near Winchester, to Easams at Camberley in Surrey. His wife said there was nothing unusual about his demeanour or behaviour and driving conditions were good. But about 30 minutes into the journey when David Sands was driving along the A33 at Popham, near Basingstoke, he suddenly did a U-turn across the duel carriageway and headed at high speed in the opposite direction to his destination. Turning onto a slip road at about 80 miles an hour, Sands then drove his car straight into a disused cafe building killing himself in an explosion of flame. There were no skid marks. He had not even tried to stop.49 

It is so clear that during the time he was missing, his mind was being programmed and all it took was a trigger word, sign, sound or action, and the programming was activated. At that point he would have switched from his normal self to a man focused only on driving into the cafe building and blowing himself away. The subconscious programming overpowers the conscious mind and robot replaces human.

The Pont de L´Alma tunnel

That, I am convinced, is what also happened to Henri Paul in Paris. Sands went missing for six hours before he drove into the cafe. Paul went missing for three hours before he drove into the 13th pillar in the Pont de L´Alma tunnel. This is what I suggest happened in Paris. The Brotherhood networks were working through many people and agencies to ensure that Diana was in Paris that night because, at its foundation, the plan was to perform a specific Satanic ritual and the timing, circumstances and the place of death had to be arranged in intricate detail. 

Diana was under Al Fayed’s security web for much of the time leading up to the crash and all of the time in those last few days. Her conversations were heard and monitored throughout by the Al Fayed bugging system. During his missing hours, Henri Paul,the asset of French and British Intelligence, was being programmed for his role, or perhaps the final touches were being put to programming already installed. Diana’s ritual death was arranged from the very top of the Brotherhood and, by comparison, people like Al Fayed are small and powerless nonentities, pawns in the game they probably do not fully understand. 

The Mercedes which was brought to the rear entrance of the Ritz had been stolen some weeks earlier - before the Diana-Dodi relationship began - and when it was recovered it underwent extensive repairs. It had been standing outside the exclusive Taillevent restaurant when the driver’s door was flung open and the chauffeur pulled out by three Arabic-speaking men with hand guns. The vehicle was missing for two weeks and when it was found the wheels were missing, the door ripped off, and the electronic system and equipment controlling the braking system had gone.

Al Fayed, as we have seen, controlled the company, Etoile Limousines, which supplied the vehicle. No wonder the French authorities turned down the offer by experts from Mercedes to examine the car after the crash.

When Henri Paul came back on duty that night he seemed his normal self to most observers. The programming was deep within his psyche still waiting to be activated.

He may well have had a couple of alcoholic drinks in the Ritz bar, but his intake and demeanour did not correspond with the later medical report. Claims that he was an alcoholic also do not match with the examination of his liver. But if, as I suggest, Henri Paul was a mind controlled ‘multiple’ he could have been drunk in one compartment of his mind and not in another. I have heard from recovering ‘multiples’ who have experienced this. Someone close to Paul that night, his handler, was switching his compartments. In this way he could have had a considerable level of alcohol in his blood while, in some compartments, he would have been unaffected by it. 

Driver Henry Paul and Diana with Dodi

The same with the carbon monoxide. Just before or just after the Mercedes pulled away from the Ritz, Henri Paul was given the trigger which activated the programming. It could have been a sound, a sign, a colour or more likely a word or sentence. With Paul’s subconscious programming now overwhelming his conscious mind, he sped away to the Place de la Concorde and down the dual carriageway to the Pont de L´Alma. 


Rees-Jones put his seat belt on, but apparently did not alert Diana and Dodi to the danger. Thus they stay unbelted. As Paul entered the Pont d L’Alma tunnel at an estimated 80 miles an hour (some reports say slower), he braked fiercely, scraped the right hand wall of the tunnel, and then aimed the car at the 13th pillar. It is the 13th pillar that gives it away. The Brotherhood throughout history has had such an obsession with the number 13 that to believe this was a coincidence is taking chance to the level of fantasy. There must be 30 pillars in that tunnel and the car hit the 13th because it was meant to. 

The 13th pillar where the car crashed!

Diana had an aversion to the number 13 and she would not allow a 13th lot in her dress auction at Christies the June before she died. If, as some witnesses have suggested, the crash was caused by the Mercedes hitting a white Fiat Uno or by a motorcyclist flashing a powerful light into Paul’s eyes from a motor cycle, there is no way he could be sure of hitting the 13th pillar. But a person with a deeply programmed subconscious would be able to put the car right on the button, even at speed.

Levitating Stone

Erstellt 2007. Update 5. Januar 2008
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Quicktime Movie: David Icke 37 of 42.  Only if we know, who we are, can we know freedom. 9:59 min. 7.1 mb.