Gesamtschau-Digital: Carl Huter
David Icke: The Biggest Secret. Forbidden Knowledge. The Key to our Past - Part 16

For instance, the white horse was a Sun symbol of the Phoenicians and so the black horse under the Brotherhood’s system of reverse symbolism, represents the malevolent use of the Sun energy. The black horse is the symbol of the Brotherhood front in the United Kingdom, Lloyds Bank. The statues of Mary holding the baby Jesus in the Christian churches are mirrors of the way the Egyptians portrayed Isis holding the baby, Horus. St Bernard was clearly a covert disciple of the goddess religion and was born at Fontaines near Dijon, a centre for Black Madonna worship. The Templars shared his passion and they built their own churches in a circular shape, indicating the feminine. The widespread use of the dome or ‘womb’ by the Brotherhood also relates to this, among other things.

The white horse was a Sun symbol of the Phoenicians

The New Age belief system has often fallen into the trap of believing that female energy is good and male energy not so good, because they think the world is maledominated. In fact the world is dominated by the extremes of both energies, male and female. I am not talking about male and female bodies here, but male and female energy which both men and women have the potential to manifest. When a male suppresses his female polarity he becomes ‘macho man’ and thinks the only way to be a ‘real man’ is to be dominant and aggressive. This extreme of male energy is reflected by soldiers with guns and overt, in your face, aggression and power. Thus we think the world is male-dominated because you can see the extremes of male energy on the news every night. That’s the point, you can see it. 


The negative extreme of female energy, however, is behind the scenes manipulation, covertly setting up the events and conflicts which the extreme of the male energy can play out in public. In other words, you can’t see it. This is the energy that the agents of the Babylonian Brotherhood work with and they symbolise this with names like Semiramis, Isis and all the rest. They also know that the female energy is the creative force, which brought forth even the Sun, as the Egyptians used to say of Isis. This female force, like all energy, is neutral. You can create something positive or something malevolent, but to do either you need to harness the female, the creative force. Hence you have the constant female symbolism by the Brotherhood in all its forms. It is the balanced, positive expression of the female energy that they have sought to suppress, not the female energy itself.

The Gothic cathedrals and Christian churches are full of Sun, astrological, goddess and sexual symbolism. The great Gothic doorways and the ridges around them are depictions of the vulva and many even have a clitoris symbol at the top of the arch. The same is depicted in windows and especially the rose windows of the Gothic cathedrals which face west, the sacred direction of female deities. Carvings on other medieval churches have been found which portray monks and priests having sex with young girls and wearing animal heads. This is what the Satanists still do today. 

The Sheela-na-gig symbols in old churches, particularly prevalent in Ireland, represent naked women with spread legs and inside the alters of churches have been found stone phallic symbols. My goodness, what will the vicar think? The often shell-like receptacle for the ‘holy water’ is goddess symbolism also, and churches were actually built as a symbolic womb. The spider’s web and maze decorations of the Gothic and other cathedrals and churches refer to the female ‘goddess’ energy, the intuitive, creative force, which weaves and spins the fate of the world. This is also the symbolism of the Spider Woman legends of the Native American traditions and the names of sacred places like Spider Rock in Arizona. A book by Fred Gettings, The Secret Zodiac (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1987), features the zodiac mosaic in the marble floor of the Gothic church of San Miniato in Florence, Italy, which dates from 1207. Gettings suggests that the church was built to align with a rare conjunction of Mercury, Venus and Saturn in the sign of Taurus at the end of May that year. Astrology, which can be traced back to the beginning of known history, was a very important art to the Templars and was taught in the school at Chartres. 

When Christians go to church they have no idea that they are entering a ‘Pagan’ shrine, but that’s exactly what they are doing. The Templars had close relationships with most of the monarchs of the time, although less so in France. Given their immense wealth, the Templars ‘owned’ many of the kings who appeared to be in power, just as their Brotherhood successors own the governments of today. The Templars were close to Henry II of England, the sponsor of Glastonbury. 

How interesting that Henry’s famous feud with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas a Becket, ended when two knights arrived from France to murder him in Canterbury Cathedral in 1170. Henry’s son Richard the Lionheart was, in effect, a Templar himself, though not officially. He used their ships and preceptories and when he was forced to escape from England and the threats of his brother, John, he did so disguised as a Templar. He was protected by them and headed for the Holy Land crusades against the Muslim Saracens. Richard sold Cyprus (a former Phoenician settlement) to the Templars and he was involved in negotiations between them and their Islamic version, the secret society called the Assassins. This word is now used to describe a killer and it derives from the Assassins particular method of ruling by fear and terrorism. Assassin is said to mean ‘user of hashish’ because they used the drug to trick and manipulate young men into killing for ‘God’ in the belief that this would secure their place in paradise. The name could also originate from the words hass (to destroy) and asana (to lay snares). They waged an international terrorist war from their mountain headquarters at Alamut or Eagles Nest in Persia (Asia Minor/Turkey). Pottery decorated with pentagrams and the symbol of the female vulva have been found at this site and the Assassins wore white tunics with a red sash. 

The Assassins, who still continue today under different fronts, emerged from a sect founded by a Persian called Hassan Sabah (another very possible origin of the name) in 1090, the same period the Templars, Knights Hospitaller, and the Teutonic Knights were being formed. The Templars and the Assassins worked together although they appeared to be on different sides. This is the way the public are still duped today into believing that because two groups war or oppose each other in public they must be on different sides. If you want to control the outcome of a game, you have to control both sides, but to get away with this you must kid the people that the two sides have different masters and goals. 

One of the most effective methods of manipulation by the Brotherhood is to create or infiltrate all sides and so control the outcome. The Templars were skilled in this. While they were escorting Richard the Lionheart to the Crusades, they were supporting his brother and fierce rival, King John. The Templars were behind the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215, thanks to the efforts of Aymeric de St Maur, the Templar’s Grand Master in England and King John’s closest advisor. 

The Magna Carta curtailed many powers of the monarchy, so increasing the Templars control and leading further down the road to the Agenda’s long term goal to introduce ‘democracy’: imprisonment disguised as freedom. Covert control instead of overt control. I am not saying that all the Templars were of negative intent. I’m sure that’s not the case. But as always in these secret societies there were many levels of knowledge and agendas. The French writer and researcher, Jean Robin, concluded that the Order of the Temple consisted of seven outer circles which were taught the ‘minor’ mysteries and three inner circles which worked with the ‘great’ mysteries. It is the same with Freemasonry and all secret societies today. The mass of the membership has no idea what their top levels know or the Agenda they are promoting.

Despite their wealth, the Templars were exempt from taxes (just like the taxexempt foundations of the Brotherhood today) and they had their own courts. They controlled monarchs, people of influence, businesses and countries. Their method was to manipulate their ‘targets’ into a position of dependency, usually through blackmail or debt. In this way the Templars could then dictate their actions. Nothing changes. Edward I borrowed substantial sums from the Templars while King John and Henry III were up to their necks in debt to them. At one point, Henry pawned the Crown Jewels to the Templars to pay for military exploits. This is another ancient technique of the Babylonian Brotherhood still constantly used today. Manipulate wars, lend all sides the money to fight them, and pick up massive profits from the horrors you have secretly caused. You also lend the same countries money to rebuild their shattered societies and this makes them even more in your debt and further under your control. You can also use the war to remove leaders, take over lands, and redraw the boundaries in line with your Agenda. Look at the two world wars in the 20th century to see how it is done. This is explained in detail in .. .And The Truth Shall Set You Free.

The English Crown Jewels at the time of King John were kept at the Templar’s London Temple and under John, Henry II, Henry III and Edward I, it was also one of four royal treasuries. The Templars collected the taxes for the Pope and the Crown, plus the taxation known as tithes. They were a private organisation with a secret agenda, collecting taxes from the people on behalf of others and a great slice of that money went straight to themselves in payment for interest on loans. Apparently they were ruthless with non-payers. Today these are still the methods used throughout the world. 

The Templar vows of sobriety and chastity were often so much hypocrisy. One description for heavy drinking in medieval England was to ‘drink like a Templar’. When it came to the serious business of money, however, they were as ruthless with their own as they were with the populace. It is the same today when members of the Brotherhood and their lackeys step out of line. 

French King, Philippe the Fair

In France, the Templar centre in Paris was the leading royal treasury and the French monarchy was also in serious debt to them. But the French king, Philippe IV, or Philippe the Fair, decided, it seems, that he’d had enough and took steps to destroy the Templars in a purge against them in October 1307. Or at least that’s the official story. There is a great deal more to know before we can understand what really happened and its relevance to the world events which followed. I will summarise some of the background.

The Merovingian bloodline

From their creation, the Templars and the Order of Sion, later Priory of Sion, were two branches of the same organisation. The role of the Priory of Sion, claimed by the book Holy Blood, Holy Grail, is to protect a ‘royal’ bloodline called the Merovingians, but there are so many smokescreens in this story to obscure the truth. One of these is the claim that the Merovingians are the bloodline of Jesus, via the child or children he conceived with Mary Magdalene, who fled with them to the South of France after the ‘Crucifixion’. But there was no Jesus and no Mary because these are symbolic figures in a story which has been told endless times throughout the pre-Christian world, using different names. I find it hard to comprehend, therefore, how two symbolic people could conceive a bloodline that became the Merovingians. It’s baloney and this tale has been hatched to divert researchers from the truth. Yes, the truth is about bloodlines and no doubt the Merovingians are a major one. But no, it has nothing whatsoever to do with Jesus. This particular line became known as the Merovingians in France by the 5th and 6th centuries. We are indebted for the early history of these people to Fredegar’s Chronicle, a copy of which exists in the National Library in Paris. 

Fredegar was a 7th century scribe from Burgundy and he worked for 35 years to complete his record of the early Franks and Merovingians. A tribe called the Sicambrian Franks, from whom we get France, was another link in the Aryan and reptile-Aryan ‘vine’. The Franks were named after their leader, Francio, who died in 11 BC. Francio’s people migrated from Troy in what is now Turkey and became the Scythians and eventually the Sicambrian Franks, named after their tribal queen, Cambra, in the late fourth century. They originated in Scythia, north of the Black Sea in the Caucasus Mountains, from where the Aryan and reptile-Aryan race swept across Europe. The Sicambrian Franks called themselves the Newmage - the People of the Covenant; that is the covenant of the Anunnaki.

PARIS - FRANCE: The French city of Troyes

The Sicambrian Franks later lived in an area west of the River Danube and settled in Germania (named by the Romans after the Scythian ‘genuine ones’) and their centre was Cologne. It was from the time of King Meroveus, who was named Guardian of the Franks in 448, that this line became known as the Merovingians. These were the sorcerer kings who were noted for their esoteric knowledge and magical powers which they inherited from the underground bloodline streams of secret groups and initiations.


Francio, the founder of the Franks, claimed to be a descendant of Noah and his ancestors once resided in ancient Troy. I think myself that the story of Noah is symbolic of the reptilian crossbreed bloodlines which survived the flood and afterwards returned the dove and the olive branch (Semiramis-Nimrod) to power. Decendents of Noah = humanreptilian crossbreeds, or at least those who have interbred enough to maintain that genetic structure. The French city of Troyes, where the Templars were officially formed, was named by the Sicambrian Franks after their former home. The City of Paris was established by them in the 6th century after they became known as the Merovingians and it was named after Prince Paris, the son of King Priam of Troy. It was the relationship between Prince Paris and Helen of Sparta which supposedly caused the Trojan War in which the Trojan Horse infiltration assured victory for the Spartans. Both the Trojans and the Spartans were offshoots of the same Aryan and reptile-Aryan peoples. 

Assassination of Diana in Paris. Map

The Merovingians established the city of Paris on a major vortex point and used an underground chamber there for their rituals, including human sacrifice to the goddess Diana. Here, kings in dispute over property would settle the issue in combat. Meroveus, the founder of the Merovingian dynasty, followed the Pagan goddess cult of Diana, another symbol for Isis/Semiramis. This is not surprising because the centre for Diana worship was at Ephesus in Asia Minor, not far from the alleged site of Troy. The location of the ancient underground chamber in Paris where the Merovingians worshipped and sacrificed to the goddess Diana is now called the Pont and Place de liAlma and it is still, by design, an underground chamber. On the site today is a road tunnel and it was here that the car of Diana, Princess of Wales, crashed in the early morning of Sunday, August 31st 1997. 

10th Anniversary sacrified and murdered Diana Princess of Wales in Paris
From left: Harry, Charles, William, Queen, Philip in  London 31.08.2007 (Hinzugefügt)

Another offshoot of the Scythian-Sicambrian Franks-Merovingian bloodline emigrated from northern France and Belgium in the 12th century to become the famous ‘Scottish’ families and some of these were the ancestors of Diana, Princess of Wales.

The Fleur-de-lis, symbol of the Babylonian trinity of Nimrod, Queen Semiramis and Tammuz, among other things.

The Merovingian king, Clovis, had the iris, or fleur-de-lis, as his royal emblem, a flower which grows wild in the Middle East. It is also known as a three-pronged lily and it was used to symbolise Nimrod or rather the reptilian bloodline of Nimrod. In Latin it means small sword and it became the symbol of the royal bloodline of what is now France and this was because in ancient Sumer the reptilian bloodline, as passed on through the female, was symbolised by a lily. Hence the main reptilian gene carriers were given names like Lilith, Lili, Lilutu and Lillette. Another version is Lilibet or Elizabeth and this is why the present British Queen is called Elizabeth (El-lizard-birth) and was known to her family circle as Lilibet. She is a major reptilian gene carrier who produced a major reptilian full-blood called Prince Charles. Both are shape-shifting reptilians, a fact that will be supported by later evidence. So is the Queen Mother, formerly Elizabeth (El-lizard-birth) Bowes-Lyon. The fleur-de-lis is an ancient symbol and also represents the twin phallic pillars of Jachin and Boaz in the symbolic Solomon’s Temple, which were carved with ‘lilywork’, as described in Kings 7:22.


Today you will see the fleur-de-lis used profusely on the regalia of British royalty, on official buildings and the fencing around them, and in churches. It is, appropriately, on a public gate to the White House in Washington, another home of the bloodlines. The three-leafed shamrock in Ireland is likewise an ancient symbol of the bloodline and the word shamrock comes from the North African term: shamrukh. All these symbols relate to the three horned depiction of Nimrod in Babylon and to other esoteric principles.

Other Merovingian symbols were the fish (Nimrod again), the lion (Leo, the Sun, authority), and the bee. Three hundred golden bees were found on the burial cloak of King Childeric I, the son of Meroveus, who died in the 5th century. Bees are an ancient symbol of the Love Goddess (Semiramis) and symbolised royalty in Egypt. They also focus on the Queen Bee, symbolic of Isis/Semiramis.

The Merovingians were another name for a Babylonian Brotherhood bloodline and the idea that they are from the bloodline of Jesus is a play on words, or, rather, a play on deities, by the Priory of Sion. Jesus is another name for Nimrod/Tammuz, the father-son of Babylon. Therefore, I would suggest, the bloodline of ‘Jesus ‘is really the bloodline of the ‘Nimrod’ Brotherhood, the reptile-Aryans. Also, the Priory of Sion say they are dedicated to restoring the Merovingian line to the throne of France. They never were the monarchy of France, because it didn’t exist at that time. It’s all nonsense and designed to hide the real Agenda of the Priory of Sion which is a Babylonian Brotherhood front. What all these diversions obscure is a simple and devastating truth.

The ‘Grant of Arms’ or symbol of the Dragon bloodine in Sumer was called a Gra-al, also known as the Mark of Cain. The biblical Cain was one of the early Anunnakihuman royal crossbreeds who followed ‘Adam’. It is this Gra-al that became the so called Holy Grail and this is why its equvilant in Old French means ‘blood royal’. The Grant of Arms emblem in Sumer was... a cup of waters or a Rosi-Crucis or ‘Dew Cup’.

It is described in Egyptian, Sumerian, Phoenician and Hebrew records as a cup decorated with a red cross within a circle. This is the true origin of the ‘grail cup’. It wasn’t the cup that caught the blood of Jesus at the crucifixion because there was no Jesus or crucifixion. It was the cup that symbolised the womb and the bloodline of the most ‘pure’ of the reptilian crossbreeds which is passed on most crucially through the female. 

The term Rosi-Crucis was also the origin, quite obviously, of the Rosicrucians, an ancient secret society which has schemed and manipulated to ensure the reptilian bloodlines continue to occupy the positions of power. One of the authors who is selling the idea that the bloodline relates to Jesus is Sir Laurence Gardner, ‘a sovereign and chivalric genealogist’. Funny that, because he must know this is not true. Sir Laurence is Chancellor of the Imperial and Royal Court of the Dragon Sovereignty, the former Royal Court of the Dragon in Egypt. He is also Prior of the Celtic Church of the Sacred Kindred of Saint Columba (Semiramis); Presidential Attache to the European Council of Princes; formerly attached to the Noble Household Guard of the Royal House of Stewart (Stuart, the Merovingian line); he is known as Le Chevalier Labhran de Saint Germain, and is Preceptor of the Knights Templars of Saint Anthony. I think it’s fair to call him an insider. So why does he keep telling us the Holy Grail bloodline is about Jesus when, with that background, he must know that it isn’t? Eventually the Roman Church withdrew its support for the Merovingians and they lost their power and faded from the public scene until the last few years. 

Another bloodline monarch from the reptilian ‘stable’ became King of the Franks. His name was Charles, better known as Charlemagne, one of the most celebrated monarchs in the history of Europe. He was an early patron of the stone masons who later built the Gothic cathedrals of Europe for the Templars. In Toulouse he is said to have founded a lodge of the Rosicrucian Order, which has its origins at least as far back as ancient Egypt,4 and relates, as stated, to the Rosi-Crusis, the symbol of the reptilian bloodlines.


Charlemagne vastly extended the Frankish empire and in 800 he was installed as Emperor of the West in the papal empire of Pope Leo III. The Church of Rome/Babylon controlled much of western and central Europe. This domination was completed when the military opposition to Rome, the Hohenstaufens or Ghibellines, were defeated by the Guelphs, named after Welf, the Duke of Bavaria, in 1268. This led to the creation of the Holy Roman Empire, an horrendous papal dictatorship. Its most prominent dynasty of Emperors were the Habsburgs, a bloodline family first noted in Switzerland during the 10th century. They emerged with papal support to govern the Holy Roman Empire for five hundred years until its demise in 1806. They ruled Austria from 1278 and in the 16th century they inherited the crown of Spain. 

The Habsburgs are a reptilian bloodline and I know a high priestess who has officiated at top Satanic rituals and who has seen the modern Habsburgs at rituals shape-shift into reptilians. A lot more from her later. Charlemagne was a wonderful servant of the Babylonian Brotherhood and his bloodline has continued to hold the reins of power. At least 33 American presidents are genetically related to him.

Levitating Stone

Erstellt 2007. Update 12. Januar 2008
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Bearbeitung Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm