Gesamtschau-Digital: Carl Huter
David Icke: The Biggest Secret. Forbidden Knowledge. The Key to our Past - Part 03

“Don’t mention the reptiles”

Are you ready for this? I wish I didn’t have to introduce the following information because it complicates the story and opens me up to mass ridicule. But stuff it. If that is where the evidence takes me, that is where I shall go every time.

I don’t think the Anunnaki of the Sumerian Tablets and the white Martians proposed in Brian Desborough’s scenario are the same people, although there may well be a genetic connection between them. Putting together the mass of evidence, views, research and opinions, that I have read or heard almost daily these past years, I feel the Anunnaki are a race from a reptile genetic stream. In UFO research these have become known as reptilians. Nor am I alone in this view. 

I have personally been staggered by how many people today are open to these possibilities and, indeed, are coming to the same conclusions through their own research. These include many who would have laughed at the very idea not so long ago. Dr Arthur David Horn, a former professor of biological anthropology at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, once believed emphatically in the Darwinist version of human evolution, the slow development of the human species via the principle of the survival of the fittest. Purely on the weight of evidence and his own experience, he is now convinced that humanity was seeded by extraterrestrials and that a reptilian race has controlled the planet for thousands of years and continues to do so today. This is my own view, although I have taken a very different life path to reach those same conclusions. Dr Horn’s research is detailed in his excellent book, Humanity’s Extraterrestrial Origins1 in which he suggests that the ones the Sumerian Tablets call the Anunnaki are this reptile race, another point with which we agree. The famed British astrophysicist, Fred Hoyle, told a London press conference as long ago as 1971 that the world was controlled by a force which could manifest in many forms. “They are everywhere,” he told astonished journalists, “in the sky, in the sea and on the Earth...” He said that ‘they’ controlled humanity through the mind. I know this sounds utterly bizarre, but you need to read the whole of The Biggest Secret to see the wealth of evidence to support this. If you pull out now or after a couple of chapters because your belief system is in overload, that’s your choice, but you will miss the opportunity to see that the almost hysterically unbelievable is actually true.

The more I weave together incredible amounts of information, the more it seems to me that we are talking of two distinct situations running side by side. There were other extraterrestrial races at large on the Earth, and still are, as well as the extraterrestrial race which the Sumerians called the Anunnaki and other ancient texts called the Serpent Race. It could well have been that some of the others went to war with this reptilian Anunnaki. Ancient texts record these ‘wars of the gods’ all over the world and these could include conflicts between different extraterrestrial races as well as those described in the Sumerian Tablets that appeared to involve Anunnaki factions fighting with each other. Today there are many modern accounts from people who claim to have seen humanoid-type people whose skin and faces look like lizards and frogs with large protruding eyes. Jason Bishop III (a pseudonym), an investigator of the extraterrestrial phenomenon, says that the reptilians are mostly much taller than humans and are cold blooded like Earth reptiles.2 They appear to be far less emotionally sensitive than humans and most have great difficulty expressing love, though they are extremely intelligent and have very advanced technology. I must say that is an excellent description of the attitudes and behaviour of the Brotherhood who control the world today. The modern accounts of reptilians match the descriptions of many ‘gods’ of the ancient world in the surviving texts and legends. The Ubaid culture existed between 5,000 and 4,000 BC, even before Sumer, in what is now Iraq and figurines of their gods are clear representations of reptile-like, lizard-like humanoids. You can see a lizard Ubaid figurine holding a lizard baby in the picture section. The region where the Ubaid-Sumer cultures emerged is fundamental to this whole story and the Ubaid figurines depict physically the descriptions of ‘gods’ which dominated many ancient societies.

A lizard Ubaid figurine holding a lizard baby

The Central American cultures had their winged serpent god, Quetzalcoatl; the Hopi Indians had the plumed serpent god, Baholinkonga, and the Native American culture is awash with serpent imagery, including the mysterious serpent-shaped mound in Ohio; the East Indians speak of the reptilian gods, the Nagas (these were a race of ‘demons’ in Indian legend and their name means “Those who do not walk, but creep”); the Egyptians had their serpent god, Kneph, and pharaohs were often pictured with serpents; the Phoenicians had Agathodemon, another serpent figure; the voodoo people have a god they call Damballah Wedo, who is depicted as a serpent; and the Hebrews had Nakhustan, the Brazen Serpent. The ancient British god, known as the Dragon- Ruler of the World, was called HU and from this, very appropriately I would suggest, we get the term, Hu-man. The winged-disc symbol of the Sumerians, which is found all over the ancient world, was normally featured with two serpents. The symbolism of the serpent and its association with ancient ‘gods’ abounds throughout the world. The Reverend John Bathhurst Deane in his book The Worship Of The Serpent,3 wrote:

“...One of (the) five builders of Thebes (in Egypt) was named after the serpent-god of the Phoenicians, Ofhion... The first altar erected to Cyclops at Athens, was to ‘Ops’, the serpent-deity... The symbolic worship of the serpent was so common in Greece, that Justin Martyr accuses the Greeks of introducing it into the mysteries of all their gods. The Chinese... are said to be superstitious in choosing a plot of ground to erect a dwelling house or sepulchre: conferring it with the head, tail and feet of diverse dragons which live under the Earth.”

The idea of fire breathing dragons and evil serpents which appear in legends and texts all over the world could easily originate from the reptilian ‘gods’ who once operated openly thousands of years ago. These were the Serpent People of ancient texts, including the Bible, where the serpent is a regular theme. Of course, the serpent has been used to symbolise many things and not every reference will be literally a reptile, certainly not. But many of them are. There is also a common theme of a sacred place being guarded by a serpent or dragon. We have the serpent in the Garden of Eden and the serpent/dragon theme is global. The Persians spoke of a region of bliss and delight called Heden which was more beautiful than all the rest of the world. It was the original abode of the first men, they said, before they were tempted by the evil spirit, in the form of a serpent, to partake of the fruit of the forbidden tree. There is also the Banyon Tree under which the Hindu ‘Jesus’, known as Khrishna, sat upon a coiled serpent and bestowed spiritual knowledge on humanity. The ancient Greeks had a tradition of the Islands of the Blessed and the Garden of the Hesperides in which grew a tree bearing the golden apples of immortality. This garden was protected by a dragon.4 In the Chinese sacred books there is a garden in which grew trees bearing the fruit of immortality and it, too, was guarded by a winged serpent called a dragon. In ancient Mexican accounts, their version of the Eve story involves a great male serpent.5


Another Hindu legend speaks of the sacred mountain of Meru guarded by a dreadful dragon.6 Over and over we see the same theme of sacred places guarded by fearsome dragons and of a reptilian or a half reptile-half human, giving spiritual knowledge to humans.

The reptile species has a long, long connection with the Earth, going back more than 150 million years to the dinosaurs and beyond. If we are to understand the true nature of life we need to free our minds from the bonds of conditioning and realise that what we see around us on Earth is only a tiny fraction of possibility. The reptile species, like lizards and snakes, are but one form of the reptilian genetic stream in this universe.

While the dinosaurs were not all cold-blooded reptiles, as modern research has shown, the reptiles and dinosaurs are closely related by physical appearance alone and both have spawned an amazing variety of different forms. The dinosaurs manifested as everything from flying creatures, large and small, to the eight-ton, Tyrannosaurus Rex. Are we really saying that reptile-dinosaur genetic streams that can produce such diversity, cannot manifest in a two-legged, two-armed form with a brain capacity through which a technically advanced consciousness can operate? More recently a greater understanding of the dinosaurs has revealed that many were very intelligent a hundred million years ago. The Saurornithoides, named from its appearance as a birdlike reptile, had a large brain, wide-set eyes that gave it stereoscopic vision, and fingers with opposing thumbs which allowed it to catch and eat small mammals.7

Adrian J. Desmond, one of the world’s leading researchers into dinosaurs, says that creatures like the Saurornithoides, were separated from other dinosaurs “by a gulf comparable to that dividing men from cows”.8 He asks: “Who knows what peaks the sophisticated ‘bird-mimics’ would have attained had they survived?”9 Studies have suggested that had the dinosaurs not been wiped out by yet another cataclysm about 65 million years ago, they would have evolved into a reptile humanoid by now.10 Dale Russell, the senior paleontologist at Northern California University, was asked by the US space agency, NASA, to produce a report on what extraterrestrial life might look like.11 He evolved the Troodon dinosaur in line with natural genetic changes over millions of years and created a model of a being he dubbed a Dino-sauroid. This had a remarkable resemblance to a reptilian humanoid and was identical to those described by people who claim to have seen reptile extraterrestrials.

Who is to say that this evolutionary leap from classic dinosaurs to reptilian humanoids did not happen in another dimension or on another physical planet and perhaps on Earth before the dinosaurs were eliminated? In fact, were they all eliminated? Modern palaeontology (the study of fossils) now suggests that not all the dinosaurs were killed by the meteorite strike 65 million years ago and some continue to live today. More and more evidence is emerging that birds are descendants of the dinosaurs. And while the bodies of most dinosaurs might have been destroyed, their consciousness would have survived because consciousness is energy and energy is indestructible. It can only be transmuted into a different form. What happened to that dinosaur consciousness that dominated the Earth for 150 million years? As we’ve seen, the earliest accounts of Assyria, Babylon, Old Testament history, China, Rome, America, Africa, India and elsewhere, feature stories of the dragons. The serpent symbol has also been found in ancient Britain, Greece, Malta, Egypt, New Mexico, Peru and all over the Pacific Islands. There is an unmistakable resemblance between some dinosaurs and ancient depictions of dragons.

Several species of small Indo-Malayan lizards with webbed wings look so much like dragons that they have been given the name Draco after the star constellation from which the reptilian hierarchy are said to originate. Of even more interest to me is the armoured lizard called Moloch Horridus which also has a dragon-like appearance.

Moloch is an ancient deity to which children were sacrificed thousands of years ago and still are today in the vast Satanic ritual network. They are sacrificed to the reptilians in other words because, as will become clear, many ‘demons’of Satanism are the reptilians who have sought to take over the planet for thousands of years. Charles Gould who has written extensively about dragons and reptiles, says: “there is a lost species of lizard hibernating and carnivorous which had Draco-like wings and was protected by armour and spikes”.12 He believes its habitat was the highlands of central Asia and its disappearance coincided with the Great Flood.13 But there are still sightings of giant ‘flying lizards’ in remote areas of the world, especially in Mexico, New Mexico and Arizona.

Who are they and where do they come from?

There are three suggested origins for the Anunnaki reptilian intervention in human affairs: 1 They are extraterrestrials; 2 They are ‘inner’ terrestrials who live within the Earth; 3 They manipulate humanity from another dimension by ‘possessing’ human bodies. I think they are all true.

Figure 4: The Draco ‘dragon’ constellation to which so many ancient monuments appear to be aligned.


Researchers into the reptilian phenomenon conclude that at least some originate in the Draco star constellation (see Figure 4). The Draco system includes the star Thurban, once the North Star, by which the Egyptian pyramids are orientated.14 According to the research of author Graham Hancock, the ancient temple complex at Angkor Wat in Cambodia is a replica of the Draco constellation as it would have been in 10,500 BC.15 This is the time when the Earth and its people, human and extraterrestrial, would have been recovering from the cataclysm of 11,000 BC and rebuilding their civilisation. The author and researcher, Robert Bauval, says that the pyramids at Giza align with the stars on the ‘belt’ of Orion as they would have been in 10,500 BC when Orion was at the lowest point in its cycle (the Orions are another extraterrestrial race operating on this planet, I understand). And Hancock and other researchers suggest that the lion-bodied Sphinx at Giza, which is believed to be far older than originally dated, would have directly faced the constellation of Leo the lion at that same time, 10,500 BC. Research continues under the ocean off Japan into a fantastic structure which could also date to 10,500 BC at least. There are many who have questioned these findings, especially the synchronisation of the Giza pyramids to Orion, but at the very least they have triggered an important area of investigation, even if they prove not to be accurate in every detail. After all, finding the truth, especially so far back, is hardly easy. It is certainly astonishing how the ancient structures and temples, of apparently unconnected societies all over the world, align with each other with fantastic astronomical, mathematical and geometrical precision. But then, these societies were not unconnected. As we shall see, they had the same origins. The temples at Angkor Wat are covered in reptilian images, a feature of all the ancient cultures, including the Egyptian, the Central American and the Indian. Professor Phillip Calahan in his study of the surviving and mysterious round towers of Ireland has said that they are positioned with remarkable synchronicity to the star constellations of the northern sky at the winter solstice. And the towers most perfectly align with the constellation of... Draco. The head and eyes of the Draco formation, as designed on the ground in Ireland, are, according to Calahan, located either side of Lough Neagh right in the centre of Northern Ireland. The eastern side of Lough Neagh is close to the capital, Belfast.16 So the head of the Draco constellation is positioned on the ground in Northern Ireland and that small country has been the scene of so much upheaval, murder and suffering. By the end of this book, those who are new to these concepts will appreciate the power of symbolism to attract energy to a place, negative and positive. John Rhodes,17 one of the foremost of the researchers into the reptilian presence, says that they may be space invaders who move from planet to planet, covertly infiltrating the host society and eventually taking over. The reptilian military, it is said, carry out abductions of life forms while their scientists study the biology and introduce the reptilian genetic code into species they wish to manipulate. This involves a programme of crossbreeding and that is precisely what the Sumerian Texts are describing in relation to the Anunnaki. Rhodes adds that:

“From their underground bases, the reptilian military ETs. . (establish).. a network of human-reptilian crossbreed infiltrates within various levels of the surface culture’s military industrial complexes, government bodies, UFO/paranormal groups, religious and fraternal (priest) orders, etc. These crossbreeds, some unaware of their reptilian genetic “mindcontrol” instructions, act out their subversive roles as “reptilian agents”, setting the stage for a reptilian-led ET invasion.”18

I only came across the work of John Rhodes in the last few days before this book was complete and by then, as you will see later in the detailed text, I had reached exactly the same conclusions. Rhodes says that after the reptilians invade a planet from space and from their underground bases, the surface population quickly surrender to superior weaponry. Then the reptilians strip the planet of its resources like water, minerals and DNA information. The infiltration of human society via secret societies is a key method of reptilian control, as I shall detail. The American writer and researcher, William Bramley, concluded in his book, Gods Of Eden, that the Anunnaki created a secret society called the Brotherhood of the Snake and this has been used to manipulate humanity in the way described in the chapters that follow.19 This Brotherhood of the Snake is the core centre of today’s global secret society network which is controlled by the reptilians.


In their physical expression, the Anunnaki are one of the many inner-Earth races which live underground in the enormous catacombs, caverns and tunnels below the surface. A Hopi Indian legend says that a very ancient tunnel complex exists under Los Angeles and this, they say, was occupied by a ‘lizard’ race some 5,000 years ago. In 1933 G. Warren Shufelt, an LA mining engineer, claimed to have found it.20 Today, it is said, some malevolent Freemasonic rituals are held in this tunnel complex. There has been a massive cover up by the authorities of the existence of these subterranean races and where they live. In 1909 a subterranean city which was built with the precision of the Great Pyramid was found by G.E. Kincaid near the Grand Canyon in Arizona. It was big enough to accommodate 50,000 people and mummified bodies found on the site were of oriental or possibly Egyptian origin, according to the expedition leader Professor S. A. Jordan.21 Numerous artefacts were found, including copper implements as hard as steel. The Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC has ensured these finds remain unknown to the public (that’s its job!) and no-one would have known about this discovery had it not been for two articles in a local newspaper, the Arizona Gazette, in April 1909. The researcher and author, John Rhodes, claims to have located this site and he connects it with Sipapuni, the underground world from where the Hopi Indians claim to have originated. According to their legends, the Hopi once lived within the Earth and were fed and clothed by ‘ant people’, possibly the extraterrestrials known as the Greys. The Hopi refer to their ancestors as their ‘snake brothers’ and their most sacred of underground rituals is the snake dance. As I will keep emphasising, not all reptilians are of malevolent intent and I have no wish to demonise the reptile stream. We are talking here only of one group of them. 

The Hopi say that one day under the orders of their goddess, Spider Woman, they ascended to the surface of the Earth and emerged through their cave they called the Sipapuni. Once on the outside, the Hopi say, a mocking bird arrived to confuse their language and make different tribes speak different tongues. This is such a repeat of the biblical story of the Tower of Babel that a connection is obvious. To this day the Hopi will not recreate the images of their snake ancestors for fear of death. 

The layout of the underground world discovered in Arizona was described by G.E. Kincaid as a “...mammoth chamber from which radiates scores of passageways like the spokes of a wheel”. This is also how the modern reptilian underground base at Dulce, New Mexico is described, and concentric circles of people, compartmentalising different levels of knowledge, is the structure by which the global Brotherhood manipulate the world. Arizona, New Mexico and the Four Corners area where the states of Arizona, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico all meet, are some of the most important regions on Earth for reptilian underground bases. But underground worlds and cities, ancient and modern, abound all over the planet. There are eyewitness reports of giant humanoids sighted in the Hal Saflini catacombs in Malta during the 1930s, which were closed after a party of schoolchildren and their guide disappeared.

Underground worlds and cities

More than 30 vast ancient tunnel complexes and underground cities have been found near Derinkuya in Turkey. The list goes on and on. The mysterious creature known as the Bigfoot, a large hairy ape-like creature, is allegedly from within the Earth. There is a widespread belief among UFO researchers that there are reptilian underground bases where they work with their reptile-human crossbreed elite and I have spoken to former CIA employees who confirm this. A reptilian race definitely live within this planet in a physical form and the only question is whether they are native to the Earth or if they originate elsewhere? Again it is probably both, a mixture of the two.

Other Dimensional?

My own research suggests that it is from another dimension, the lower fourth dimension, that the reptilian control and manipulation is primarily orchestrated. Without understanding the multidimensional nature of life and the Universe, it is impossible to follow the manipulation of the Earth by a non-human force. As open minded scientists are now confirming, Creation consists of an infinite number of frequencies or dimensions of life sharing the same space in the same way that radio and television frequencies do. At the moment you are tuned to the three-dimensional world or third dimension and so that is what you perceive as your reality. You are tuned to this station in other words. But, as with radio and television, all the other stations are broadcasting at the same time and if you move your radio dial or change the TV channel you can connect with them. When you do this, the station or channel you were tuned to before does not disappear, it continues to broadcast, but you can’t hear it or see it anymore because you are no longer on its wavelength. So it is with human consciousness. Some people (everyone if the truth be told) can tune their consciousness to other wavelengths and connect with information and consciousness operating on that frequency. We call this psychic power, but it is merely the ability to move your ‘dial’ to another ‘station’. It is from one of these other stations or dimensions, that the Serpent Race, the Anunnaki, is controlling this world by ‘possessing’ certain bloodline streams. But as my research continues, it is clear that the fourth dimensional reptilian controllers are themselves controlled by fifth dimensional entities. Where does it end? Who the hell knows. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know it sounds off the wall, but the truth usually does. You can put the book down now if it is too much to take, but you need to read it all to see what enormous evidence there is that this is true. The ‘station’ from which the reptilians operate is the lower level of the fourth dimension, the one closest to this physical world.

Anmerkung Timm: Der italienische Psychiater, Calligaris, hat diese Multidimensionalität menschlichen per se unbegrenzten Bewusstseins experimental mittels systematischer Stimulierung von Arealen der menschlichen Haut nachgewiesen. Seine bahnbrechenden Experimente sind in seinen zahlreichen Publikationen bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg veröffentlicht worden. Diese bahnbrechenden Werke von Calligaris sind sofort nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg vom US-Geheimdienst auch von privat total aufgekauft worden, um diese Informationen der Öffentlichkeit vorzuenthalten.

Other people know this as the lower astral dimension, the legendary home of demons and malevolent entities going back to antiquity. It is from here that today’s Satanists summon their demonic entities in their black magic rituals. They are actually summoning the reptilians of the lower fourth dimension. It is suggested by some researchers, with good reason, that the non-physical reptilians were able to pour into this dimension through holes or portals in the time-space fabric caused by the nuclear tests and explosions which started in the deserts of New Mexico in the early 1940s. But I think such holes began to be created a long time ago, before the cataclysms, when the world was at an even more advanced technological stage than it is today.

The reptilian control of Planet Earth involves all three of the above themes. I think the reptilian genetic stream operates throughout the Universe and they are not all malevolent, far from it. As with humanity, they contain the whole spectrum of attitudes from love to hate, freedom to control. I am identifying a particular group of them, not the whole species - I cannot emphasise this enough. This controlling group came here from the Draco constellation and elsewhere, and this is the origin of terms like draconian, a word which sums up their attitudes and agenda. They love to consume human blood and they are the blood-sucking demons of legend. The vampire stories are symbolic of this and what is the name of the most famous vampire? Count Dracula! The ‘Count’ symbolises the aristocratic reptile-human crossbreed bloodlines which the reptilians possess from the lower fourth dimension and Dracula is an obvious reference again to Draco. The recent reports of the blood sucking Chupacabra in Puerto Rico, Mexico, Florida and the Pacific Northwest fit the reptilian description. They have been seen sucking the blood of domestic livestock like goats and their name means goat-sucker. The reptilians operate a pincer movement on the human race. Their physical expression lives under the ground and interacts in the underground bases with human and human-reptile crossbreed scientists and military leaders. They also emerge to engage in some human abductions. But the main control comes by outright possession. The crossbreeding programme (via sex and test tube) is described in the Sumerian Tablets and the Old Testament (the Sons of God who interbred with the daughters of men). These hybrid human-reptile lines carry the reptilian genetic code and thus can be far more easily possessed by the reptilians of the lower fourth dimension. As we shall see, these bloodlines became the British and European aristocracy and royal families and, thanks to the ‘Great’ British Empire, they were exported across the world to rule the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand and so on. These genetic lines are manipulated into the positions of political, military, media, banking and business power and thus these positions are held by lower fourth dimensional reptilians hiding behind a human form or by mindpuppets of the these same creatures. They operate through all races, but predominantly the white one.

As is well acknowledged, there is an area of the human brain to this day known as the reptile brain. Within the brain is the original segment to which all other parts are additions. And, according to the neuroanatomist, Paul MacLean, this ancient area of the brain is driven by another prehistoric segment which some neuroanatomists call the Rcomplex.22 R is short for reptilian because we share this with reptiles. MacLean says that this R-complex plays an important role in “aggressive behaviour, territoriality, ritualism and establishment of social hierarchies” 23 This is precisely the behaviour patterns of reptilians and their reptile-human hybrids as exposed in this book. The astronomer, Carl Sagan, knew far more than he ever made public and indeed he spent much of his career guiding people away from the truth. But his knowledge of the true situation occasionally came through, as when he said that: “ does no good whatsoever to ignore the reptilian component of human nature, particularly our ritualistic and hierarchical behaviour. On the contrary, the model may help us understand what human beings are all about.”24 He adds in his book, The Dragons Of Eden, that even the negative side of human behaviour is expressed in reptilian terms, as in cold-blooded killer. Sagan (the name in reverse spells the East Indian reptilian gods, the Nagas) clearly knew the score, but chose not to reveal openly what he knew. As the human foetus is forming into a baby it goes through many stages which connect with the major evolutionary points in the development of the present physical form. These include connections with non-primate mammals, reptiles and fish. There is a point in which the embryo develops gills, for example. The human embryo is very much like those of birds, sheep and pigs until the eighth week when it goes its own evolutionary way. Occasionally the genetic instructions fail to remember the latest script and some babies are born with tails. These are called caudal appendages and form in the lower lumbar region. Most are immediately removed by doctors, but in some poorer countries where such medical support is not available, there are people who live their whole lives with tails.25 Pheromone is the substance secreted and released by animals so they can be detected by members of the same species. The pheromones in human women and iguanas are a chemical match.26

Look again at those figures at the start of the first chapter detailing the number of planets and stars that exist in the fraction of Creation we know about. The number of life forms in this galaxy alone is beyond imagination and that’s only at the threedimensional level of existence. If we judge possibility, as we do, only by what we see on one little planet in one little solar system, our range of perception, imagination and vision will be so microscopic that an understanding of what is really happening to this world will be impossible. To that level of thinking the idea that a reptile race is controlling the planet from another dimension will be so far out as to be incomprehensible. That is the way the vast majority will, at first, receive the information in this book, but the appreciation of the ‘reptilian connection’ is growing among researchers who are interested in the truth and not just concerned with defending a belief system or looking for public approval.

Levitating Stone

Erstellt 2007. Update 5. Januar 2008
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Bearbeitung Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm