Gesamtschau-Digital: Carl Huter
David Icke: The Biggest Secret. Forbidden Knowledge. The Key to our Past - Part 29

Bearbeitung Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm


The network today

After thousands of years of evolution, the reptilian network is now a vast and often unfathomable web of interconnecting secret societies, banks, businesses, political parties, security agencies, media owners, and so on. But its basic structure and Agenda remains very simple.

The centre of the operational web is the City of London with interlocking leaderships in places like France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy and the United States. These are the spiders in the web with the City of London, ‘New Troy’, the most important. From this centre the Global Agenda and policies are administered and their ‘branch managers’ introduce those policies in each country. So if it suits the Global Agenda to crash the US dollar, the Mexican peso, the South African rand, or the Far East stock-markets, the branch managers in those areas will take the action necessary to do that. The Brotherhood don’t suffer, indeed quite the opposite, because they know what is coming. The major Brotherhood banks in the United States, like the Rockefellers’ Chase Manhattan, increased their profits on the Mexican peso in 1991, the year the value of the peso collapsed, because they sold their peso holdings just before the crash. In 1987, the late billionaire financier and Rothschild relative, Jimmy Goldsmith, sold all his holdings just before the world stock-market crash. A coincidence, of course.

At the heart of the web, or the top of the pyramid, whichever analogy you choose, are the reptilians. These operate mostly in the background from underground bases and overwhelmingly by possessing the reptilian-human bloodstreams which resonate most closely to the reptile consciousness of the lower fourth dimension. These reptile fullbloods and reptile-possessed people hold the major positions of power in the world orwork in the background controlling those in the positions of apparent power like prime ministers and presidents. Having a reptilian or reptilian-controlled human as president might sound fantastic if you have allowed yourself to have your vision of possibility suppressed to the size of a pea, but when you see the evidence put together over thousands of years, it makes perfect sense of the ‘mysteries’ of history. 

People ask me the understandable question of why anyone would want to dedicate their lives to taking over a planet when they knew they were going to die long before it was achieved. Answer: The consciousness controlling that body is only using it as an overcoat, a space suit, until it wears out. When that happens, it possesses another one. These same reptilians have been occupying the bodies of all the main players in the conspiracy going back to ancient times. The obsession with interbreeding within the Brotherhood bloodstreams comes from the need to hold the reptilian genetic inheritance and therefore maintain the vibrational connection between the human body on the third dimension and its controlling force on the lower fourth. It was to hide this truth that they arranged for the destruction of ancient historical records, texts, and accounts over the centuries as they ravaged and raped the native societies of the world. 

The reptilians wanted to destroy all memory and records of their earlier open existence and control in the past. If they could do that, humanity would have no idea that they were being controlled through physical bodies that look human by a fourth-dimensional force that is not human.

The truth of what happened and continues to happen is held under the strictest secrecy at the highest level of the secret society network and only a relative handful of people know the story. Each section of the global pyramid is itself a smaller compartmentalised pyramid. These are like watertight compartments on a ship or, more appropriately given its covert nature, a submarine. As above, so below. For example, the Freemason’s pyramid answers to a common leadership and then this leadership in turn answers to a higher one. The Illuminati degrees begin where the Freemasons degrees end so the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite and tenth degree of the York Rite appear to be as far as anyone can go and for most Masons that’s true. But if someone is considered the right mentality and bloodline by the Brotherhood, they move on to the next level, the Illuminati degrees or to another of the highly secretive inner-circle groups like the Round Table which operate above the levels of the official secret societies like the Freemasons and the Knights of St John of Jerusalem (Malta). At their peak, the hierarchies of the secret societies fuse and connect with a common leadership and at that level they are all the same organisation working to the same Agenda, despite their countless internal quarrels and conflicts.

Figure 25: The pyramid of power in which all institutions ultimately fuse into the same tiny Elite.
This allows the same Agenda to be orchestrated through all areas of society.

This secret society network places its trusted initiates into the most influential positions in the world of banking, business, politics, the media, the military, medicine, etc, and again at their highest levels, these apparently unconnected organisations and institutions fuse into the same pyramid peak and are controlled by the same people. It is like Russian dolls, one doll, or in this case, pyramid, inside another, until you reach the global pyramid which encompasses all of them (see Figure 25). The public faces of these organisations, and those who control them behind the scenes, might connect into the network by being a Freemason, a Knight of Malta, an initiate of the Skull and Bones Society, or as a member of a group of secret and semi-secret organisations called the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the Club of Rome, and the Trilateral Commission, which I will explain more about in a moment. The point I am stressing here is that while all these groups have different names and apparently different aims, they are all the same organisation controlled in the end by the same leadership.

The Spider

The secret societies and groups which form the vast web of interconnected operations are an expanded version of the same network which goes back into antiquity. Some researchers say that the upper hierarchy appears to consist of the Council of 3, the Council of 5, the Council of 7, Council of 9, Council of 13, Council of 33, the Grand Druid Council, the Committee of 300 (also known as the ‘Olympians’), and the Committee of 500. Many groups have no name to avoid detection.1 I’m sure that there is one, maybe two, people, sitting atop this pyramid, a sort of High Priest and High Priestess of the world because, as I will expand on later, the most important hierarchy to which all others are subordinate is the Satanist hierarchy. If you want to control the game, you have to control all sides and this structure allows that to happen.

Olympics Peking 2008

The Brotherhood control the ‘fors’ and the ‘againsts’ in politics, banking, business, the media, and politics. They have agents in all governments and agents in the other political parties ‘opposing’ those governments; they have agents on both sides in wars and political conflicts; in the drug-running cartels and in the anti-drug agencies ‘opposing’ those cartels; within the organised crime syndicates and the police and security agencies ‘investigating’ those syndicates; within terrorist groups and the intelligence agencies ‘investigating’ those groups. Just because someone says he stands for freedom and peace does not mean that he does. In fact, if he did he would not need to say it because it would be obvious. I have a simple rule. Anything that calls itself ‘democratic’ stands for anything but. Look at the number of Democratic Fronts around the world which spend their time imposing a dictatorship.

The Round Table network

One of the major networks is governed from the centre by the Round Table (see Figure 26 overleaf). As we have seen, the Round Table has branches all over the world and in 1920 and 1921 it added the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) to its web. The RIIA itself created its own offshoots. The Council on Foreign Relations in New York developed its own subordinate network within the United States which connects the Babylonian Brotherhood with US government departments, Congress, media owners, editors, journalists, the tax-exempt foundations like the Rockfeller Foundation, universities, scientists, ambassadors, military leaders, ‘historians’, bankers, and business people. Each major country has such a network which follows the Agenda dictated from the global centres in the City of London, Germany, France, and Switzerland. 

Figure 26: The Round Table network.

I was attacked in my absence once on a Cape Town radio station by an ‘astrologer’ who said that the conspiracy I am exposing could not exist because it could not be organised over such a long period. As usual he had not read any of my books or done any research whatsoever before dismissing the possibility and if he had he would realise that, because of the structure I am describing, it is not onlv Dossible to follow the same Agenda across the generations, it is perfectly straightforward. Why don’t big corporations or banks cease to exist when one generation of leadership retires or dies? Because the next generation takes over. Exactly. So it is with the Brotherhood and its Agenda. Perhaps the astrologer might consult his own birth chart and identify the planetary conjunction which is closing his eyes to the obvious and the planet which impels him, like billions of others, to dismiss and condemn information they have made no attempt to read, check, or understand.
Former Nazi SS officer, Prince Bernhard                                     William of Orange
Married into the Dutch Royal Family (Hinzugefügt)

In May 1954 came the first official meeting of the next organisation in the Round Table web, the Bilderberg Group (Bil), which was named after the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, the Netherlands, where that opening meeting took place. Or that’s the official story, anyway. Bil or Bel was also the Sun God of the Phoenicians. Bilderberg translates as ‘Bel of the rock’ or ‘Bel of the mountain’. The Bilderberg Group was chaired from 1954 to 1976 by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, the former Nazi SS officer and German spy working for the NW7 Intelligence department operating within the unspeakable chemical giant, I. G. Farben, which ran the Auchwitz Concentration Camp.2 Pope John Paul II is said by some researchers to have worked for I. G. Farben, also. It makes sense because the Brotherhood pick the Popes, of course. Prince Bernhard, a German who married into the Dutch Royal Family, just as William of Orange had done, is a reptilian blood relative and great friend of Britain’s Prince Philip.

KEY DATE 1. MAI 1776 (Hinzugefügt)

Together they launched the World Wildlife Fund, now the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF). The last thing they were interested in was protecting wildlife as we shall see in a later chapter. In 1968 came the Club of Rome, headed by the Bilderberger and Freemason, Aureho Peccei (Comm 300), the number two at Fiat to the Black Nobility Bilderberger, Giovanni Agnelli. Peccei once said to his friend, the former US Secretary of State, Alexander Haig (TC, Knight of Malta), that he felt like Adam Weishaupt reincarnated.3 Weishaupt was the man behind the Bavarian Illuminati. 


The Club of Rome, set up at the Rockefeller family’s private estate at Bellagio in Italy, created the environmental movement. The Rockefellers and the Rothschilds have played the environmental movement like a violin. The Club of Rome has used the environment to centralise power and confiscate land. It claims to be campaigning to ‘save the planet’ when in truth it is just another front for the Agenda intent on controlling the world and, what’s more, a front peopled by those who are demonstrably creating the very environmental problems they say they wish to stop. The same applies to the so-called Club of Budapest which is trying to do with ‘spirituality’ what the Club of Rome has done with the environment. The Club of Budapest is headed by Ervin Laszio, an associate of the Club of Rome’s, Aureho Peccei. Another important Round Table satellite is the Trilateral Commission which was created by the Rockefellers in the United States in 1972 and it has a role in the network of coordinating the Agenda between three parts of the world, the United States, Europe and Japan. In .. And The Truth Shall Set You Free, I expose these organisations and their membership at great length, but for those who have not read that book I’ll give you an idea of the scale of their influence on daily life and world affairs. Whenever I mention someone who was, is, or would later become, a member of these groups, I will use the shorthand of RIIA, CFR, Bil and TC. I cannot at this time tell you much about the modern membership of the Royal Institute of International Affairs because it is so secretive and if anyone can help me with that I’d be much obliged. Some of their most important members I do know, however.

These interlocking groups have among their number the top people in global banking, business, media, military, intelligence agencies, education, and politics. A look at some of the people who attended the first Bilderberg meeting in 1954 gives further indication of the sort of people we are talking about. The chairman was Prince Bernhard, the husband of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands (Comm 300), who has herself been a regular Bilderberg attendee. The present Queen, Beatrix, is another Bilderberg promoter.

Other Bilderberg chairmen have included Sir Alex Douglas Hume (Lord Home), one of the Elite Scottish bloodlines and a former British Prime Minister, and another British aristocratic bloodline, Lord Carrington, who became chairman in 1991. More about him in a second. Prince Bernhard was head-hunted to be the Bilderberg chairman by Lord Victor Rothschild, the spy, conman of colossal proportions, and one of the major manipulators of the 20th century. Other attendees of that first meeting included: David Rockefeller (CFR,TC); Deak Rusk (CFR, TC, Rhodes Scholar), the head of the Rockefeller Foundation and Secretary of State under John E Kennedy; Joseph E. Johnson (CFR), head of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (War!) and US Secretary for the Bilderbergers; Denis Healey (TC, RIIA, Comm 300, Fabian Society), the British Labour Party Minister of Defence from 1964-1970 and Chancellor of the Exchequer 1974-1979; and Lord Boothby, who worked with Winston Churchill on the unification of Europe, later known as the European Union.


NATO was a creation of the Brotherhood and is designed to evolve by stealth into a world army by encompassing more and more countries and by manipulating ‘problems’ which give it the opportunities to operate outside its designated area. The last five Secretary-generals of NATO alone have all been Bilderbergers, Joseph Luns, Lord Carrington, Manfred Woerner, Willy Claes, and Javier Solana. The head of the World Bank, the Rothschild partner, James Wolfensohn, and a stream of his predecessors like Robert Strange Macnamara, are Bilderbergers. So are the first two heads of the new World Trade Organisation, a Brotherhood creation which imposes heavy fines on countries who seek to protect their people from the merciless global financial and trading system. 

World Trade Organisation

The first head of the World Trade Organisation was Peter D. Sutherland of Ireland (Bil, TC, Comm 300), the Director of the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT), Commissioner of the European Community (Union), and chairman of Allied Irish Banks and Goldman Sachs. He later became head of British Petroleum (BP). Sutherland is an Elite clone make no mistake and he was replaced at the WTO by an Italian Bilderberger, Renato Ruggeno. Both the World Bank and the World Trade Organisation connect with other global financial agencies like the International Monetary Fund and the G-7/G-8 group to impose their will and policies on developing countries in Africa, South and Central America, and Asia, and to ensure they are controlled by the transnational corporations which answer to the same overall leadership. 

The Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) is another scam designed to dramatically increase the ability of the transnational corporations to destroy a country’s economic base by imposing their will on the government and walking away with the profits while avoiding the tax and business laws the other businesses have to face. The central banking network connects into the Round Table-Bilderberg operation. A number of heads of the Bank of England including Sir Gordon Richardson have been Bilderbergers and the same applies to the other central banks like the United States Federal Reserve, the cartel of private banks controlled from Europe which controls the US economy. The current head of the ‘Fed’ is Alan Greenspan (CFR, TC, Bil) and he replaced Paul A.Volker (CFR, TC, Bil). You get the picture. Every few weeks in the United States and Britain, the media speculate on the possible content of statements by Greenspan and the Governor of the Bank of England or the Bundesbank about the state of their countries’ economies. These statements can, and do, send the stock-markets rising and falling on the basis of what these people say. If they put interest rates up or down it can have a spectacular effect on the markets and people’s lives. 

Who do you think controls these people and the statements they make?  Exactly. A friend of mine who invests heavily in the US markets began to study the investment patterns of the major corporations, banks, and insurance companies, in the period immediately before Bilderberger Greenspan was due to make his financial statements. On every occasion he found that the big players either massively buy or sell stock or bonds of a specific kind in the three days before Greenspan speaks. And the statement made by Greenspan has, on each and every occasion, had a fundamental effect on precisely the stock or bonds the Brotherhood have bought or sold. If you want to know what the stockmarkets are going to do, watch the buying and selling patterns of the Brotherhood families and corporations who control the markets. Interlocking with ‘gofers’ like Greenspan and major players like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, are ‘renegade’ financiers such as George Soros (Bil) who simply follow orders. It was Soros who made billions by attacking the British pound in September 1992, costing the people unbelievable amounts of money as the Chancellor of the Exchequer tried to defend the currency. Who was that Chancellor? Norman Lamont... Bilderberg Group. Soros did the same to the Swedish currency with the same outcome. Who was the Swedish Prime Minister at the time? Carl Bildt... Bilderberg Group. It was the fear of standing alone caused by that Soros raid which turned a majority of Swedish public opinion to favour entry into the European Union, something most Swedes now appear to bitterly regret.

The careers of so many politicians have taken off dramatically after they attended Bilderberg meetings. In the 1970s the career of the British Conservative Party politician, Margaret Thatcher, soared when she began to attend Bilderberg meetings and her election to Prime Minister was made certain in 1979 by the explosion of scandals and strikes which brought down the Labour Government. A year later Ronald Reagan and George Bush were elected to the White House and they introduced exactly the same extreme economic policies that Margaret Thatcher was doing under the name Thatcherism. It wasn’t Thatcherism at all, it was the Agenda unfolding as interest rates took off to levels that crippled the Third World and made them ripe for the recolonisation programme through financial control. Also, the privatisation mania under Thatcher-Reagan-Bush handed over state assets to the Brotherhood transnational corporations at knock-down prices. When Thatcher had outlived her usefulness she was dumped, because everyone 15 expendable to the cause. In 1991, a relatively unknown Governor for Arkansas called Bill Clinton was invited by David Rockefeller to the Bilderberg meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany. A year later this man of British (Black Nobility) royal blood was President of the United States. In 1993, a British Labour Party Home Affairs spokesman called Tony Blair was invited to the Bilderberg meeting at Vouliagment, Greece, and a year later after the sudden and unexpected death of the Labour leader, John Smith, it was Blair who took over. From the moment that happened, a series of scandals and conflicts destroyed the credibility of the ruling Conservative Government of John Major making it certain that Blair would become Prime Minister in a landslide victory in 1997. When I was on a speaking tour of Australia in early 1997, I predicted that not only would Blair be elected as Prime Minister, the election would take place on May 1st because, going back to ancient times, that was a very important Day to the Babylonian Brotherhood. Examples of this are the May Day fertility rituals and the also May 1st celebrations in the Brotherhood created Soviet Union. The Bavarian Illuminati was officially formed on May 1st 1776.

Labour's new logo created after 1983

Tony Blair was such an important frontman for the Brotherhood that I just knew they would bring him to power on May 1st. In Britain they do not have fixed term governments, the Prime Minister can call the election any time within five years of coming to power and so he is the one who officially announces the date. What did John Major do? Under instruction from the Tribe, he called the 1997 General Election for May 1st and Tony Blair, a big-time Brotherhood chosen one, was elected Prime Minister on that day. From the moment he came to power, Blair and his Bilderberger Chancellor, Gordon Brown, began to introduce the Brotherhood Agenda for the Millennium years in Britain and Europe. This included conceding the government’s power to set interest rates to the Bank of England, a move which happened within days of the election. The economic policies followed by Bilderberger Brown were no different in fundamentals to those of the previous Conservative Chancellor, Kenneth Clarke, whom Brown replaced.

Tony Blair

This is not surprising because Clarke is also a Bilderberger and attended the meeting with Tony Blair in Greece and again at Tumberry, Scotland, in May 1998. Brotherhood Labour yes-man replaces Brotherhood Conservative yes-man as the official head of the nation’s finances and the only thing that changes is the name on the door. Britain, like America and virtually every other country in the world, is a one-party-state while the public go on thinking they are free because they have the right to put a cross on a piece of paper every five years and choose the next Brotherhood puppet to run their country. In the United States, staggeringly, they vote electronically and this makes it so easy to rig.

Bush steals Election 2000 and 2004
Key-State Florida, Brother Jeb Bush = Governor; Election 2004 Manipulation Key-State Ohio = Electronic Vote with agreement Skull&Bone „Brother“-Member Kerry 

Anmerkung Timm: Gerade die letzten beiden „Wahlen“ in U.S.A. verdeutlichen, daß der Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika in Wahrheit überhaupt nicht vom Volk gewählt - sondern manipulativ selektiert wird!

James Gordon Brown (* 20. Februar 1951 in Glasgow) ist ein britischer Politiker und seit dem 27. Juni 2007 Premierminister des Vereinigten Königreichs von Großbritannien und Nordirland. Damit ist er ex officio Erster Lord des Schatzamtes, sowie Mitglied des Privy Council. Zudem ist Brown Vorsitzender der Labour Party.

Primeminister Gordon Brown

Seit 1983 gehörte er dem britischen Unterhaus als Abgeordneter für den Wahlbezirk Dunfermline East an, seit einer Reorganisation der schottischen Wahlbezirke im Jahr 2005 vertritt er den Wahlbezirk Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath in der Grafschaft Fife. Brown war von Mai 1997 bis Juni 2007 Schatzkanzler in der Regierung von Tony Blair und war damit der am längsten amtierende Schatzkanzler seit Nicholas Vansittart (1812-1823). Source: Wikipedia. (Bild und Text hinzugefügt).
Bill Clinton und Gordon Brown

Tony Blair became an immediate bosom-buddy of Bill Clinton (CFR, TC, Bil) and they speak with one (Brotherhood) voice. Blair’s ‘minder’ in the Labour Government has been Peter Mandelson (RIIA), nicknamed the Prince of Darkness. He is one of the most important Brotherhood link-men within the British Labour Party and continues to be so despite his resignation from the cabinet over a financial scandal. Incidentally it was when Peter Mandelson took charge of the Labour Party’s image-making in the 1980s that they changed their party symbol from the red flag to the classic Brotherhood symbol over the ages... the red rose.

Bilderberger Willy Brandt, Helmut Kohl und Helmut Schmidt

Chancellor Kohl of Germany is a Bilderberger and so were his predecessors, Brandt and Schmidt. Many prime ministers and leading politicians in the Netherlands, including Ruud Lubbers, are Bilderbergers and it’s the same throughout Europe with people such as Carl Bildt and the assassinated Olof Palme (Sweden), Uffe Ellemann-Jenson and Ritt Bjergegaard (Denmark). Jacques Santer, the head of the European Commission, is a Bilderberger. He is the most important public voice in the European Union and he runs his centralised dictatorship with the stunning arrogance that Brotherhood initiates find so easy to manifest. European royalty is represented at Bilderberg meetings by the Dutch, Swedish, Spanish and British royal families, or in truth: family. Lord Mountbatten, Prince Philip, and Prince Charles have attended Bilderberg meetings.

Levitating Stone

Erstellt 2007. Update 9. Januar 2008
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Quicktime Movie: David Icke 09 of 42.  Only if we know, who we are, can we know freedom. 9:59 min. 7.5 mb.