Gesamtschau-Digital: Carl Huter
David Icke: The Biggest Secret. Forbidden Knowledge. The Key to our Past - Part 27

Bearbeitung Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm


Another of Hitler’s obsessions was the so-called Spear of Destiny, the weapon alleged to have been used to pierce the side of ‘Jesus’ at the crucifixion. He stole what is claimed to be the spear when the Nazis annexed Austria in 1938 and it was taken to Nuremberg.

Spear of Destiny

The legend says that whoever has this spear and decodes its secrets will have control of the world for good or evil. The one that Hitler stole is now in the Hofburg Museum in Vienna, where there was a major fire in November 1992, seven days before the blaze which destroyed part of Windsor Castle. 

Adolf Hitler

Heinrich Himmler was another dedicated occultist who was into all matters esoteric. He used this knowledge in the blackest of ways. Himmler was particularly interested in the rune stones, a system of divination in which stones carrying symbols are thrown or selected and the choice or combination ‘read’ by an ‘expert’. It was Himmler who formed the notorious SS and, as with the swastika, he chose an esoteric symbol for his horrific organisation and this was the double S or sig rune which looks like two flashes of lightning. 

Thule Society

The SS was a virtually self contained body and the epitome of all the esoteric knowledge in which the Nazis believed so passionately. Only those considered racially pure were allowed to join, and instruction in the esoteric arts, including the rune stones, was fundamental to their training. The SS was run and governed as a black magic secret society. Their rituals were taken from others such as the Jesuits and the Knights Templar. The highest ranking initiates were the 13 (here we go again) members of the Grand Council of Knights led by their Grand Master, Heinrich Himmler, and the black rituals were performed at the ancient castle of Wewelsberg in Westphalia. They celebrated the rituals of the Nordic Pagans and the summer solstice. Here they worshipped Satan, Lucifer, Set, whichever name you prefer. 

Prince Bernhard, one of founders of the Brotherhood front, the Bilderberg Group, and an extremely close friend of Prince Philip, was in the SS. Black magic and the esoteric arts pervaded all that Hitler and the Nazis did, even down to the use of pendulums on maps to identify the positions of enemy troops. 

The original swastika Sun symbol was right handed which, in esoteric terms, means light and creation, the positive. The Nazis reversed it to symbolise black magic and destruction. This is the classic reversed symbolism of Satanism which does precisely the same. The inverted pentagram is but one example. The mass rallies that Hitler used so effectively were designed with the knowledge of the human psyche and how it can be manipulated. In the book, Satan And Swastika, Francis King says:

“Hitler’s public appearances, particularly those associated with the Nazi Party’s Nuremberg Rallies, were excellent examples of this sort of magical ceremony. The fanfares, military marches, and Wagnerian music, all emphasised the idea of German military glory. The mass swastika banners in black, white, and red, filled the consciousness of the participants in the rally with national socialist ideology. The ballet-like precision of the movement of the uniformed party members, all acting in unison, evoked from the unconscious, the principles of war and violence which the ancients symbolised as Mars. And the prime rituals of the rallies - Hitler clasping to other banners the ‘blood banner’ carried in the Munich Putsch of 1923 - was a quasi-magical ceremony designed to link up minds of living Nazis with the archetypal images symbolised by the dead national socialist heroes of the past. 

Thule Society

The religiomagical aspects of the rallies were emphasised by the fact that their high points were reached after dusk and took place in a ‘Cathedral of Light’ - an open space surrounded by pillars of light coming from electric searchlights pointed upwards to the sky. If a modern ritual magician of the utmost expertise had designed a ritual intended to ‘invoke Mars’ he could not have come up with anything more effective than the ceremonies used at Nuremberg.”

And what applied then, applies now, the esoteric knowledge used by the Nazis for mass hypnosis on the German people, is being used today to expand the global hypnosis on the human race. Symbols, words, colours, sounds and techniques of which the public are not even aware, are being used in the media and advertising to hypnotise us. 

Anmerkung Timm: Carl Huter (1861-1912) der Begründer der wissenschaftlichen und praktischen Menschenkenntnis riet seinen Schülern, grundsätzlich Massenversammlungen zu meiden und warnte in seinen Werken aus guten Gründen vor den Gefahren von Hypnose!


The propaganda ministry of Joseph Goebbels was based on the esoteric knowledge of the human psyche. He knew that people will believe anything if you tell them often enough and if you can engineer events which create the ‘something must be done’ mentality in the public mind. He used colours, symbols and slogans, to great effect. The slogans were used like mantras and repeated over and over again, hypnotising the mass psyche. 

Goebbels kontra Amandus Kupfer, student of Carl Huter

All alternative views and information were censored and the people were programmed to respond as desired. What is the difference between that and the constant drip, drip, drip, of inaccurate and biased information that is fed to us and our children today? It may not have a swastika on it, but it is still mass hypnotism.


It would seem to be a contradiction that Hitler sought to destroy secret societies like the Freemasons and to prevent the use of esoteric knowledge in German society, but it isn’t. He knew as much as anyone the power available to those with the understanding, and he wanted to keep that for himself. In 1934, all forms of fortune telling were banned in Berlin and later esoteric books were banned throughout Germany. Secret societies were disbanded and even the Thule Society and the German Order (which had together founded Nazism) were targeted. Astrologers were attacked and killed and people like Lanz von Liebenfels were prevented from publishing their work. This purge had two main motives: to distance Hitler and the Nazis from the occult in the minds of the public and other countries and, most importantly, to pull up the ladder and stop anyone else from using esoteric knowledge against them as they were using it against others. 

Bild 13   Ein Gemälde
Source: Das Buch von 1941 zeigt Goebbels (Hinzugefügt)

Interessant ist noch Bild 13, denn hier hat der Künstler die bis in das Fabelhafte gesteigerte Intelligenz durch die Anspannung aller Muskeln, Adern, Nerven und Gewebe (besonders an der Hand zu sehen, die im Unterton einer Teufelsklaue gleicht), hervorheben wollen.
Daß aber diese Intelligenz in das gesteigerte Unnormale geht, das liegt auch in dem Bilde; denn jede einzelne und kleinste Formbildung zeigt schwerste Verhärtung, Verknöcherung und Disharmonie, aber so aus gesucht versteckt und verborgen, daß der Nichtfachmann nicht weiß, was er sagen soll.
Hiermit ist das Geheimnis des ganzen furchtbaren Geschehens unserer Zeit aufgedeckt und greif- und sichtbar vor Augen geführt.
Hätten die Staatsmänner der Welt Menschenkenntnis besessen, so hätten sie von Anfang an erkannt, daß der Ha-Typus die treibende Impulskraft ist und die Macht erhalten hat. Das Weltunglück wäre verhütet worden!
Hätte man dem Volk die Naturellehre gelehrt, niemals hätte es dem Ha-Typus zugejubelt, auch nicht, wenn alle Kirchenglocken läuten und ein Meer von Fahnen, Birken- und Tannengrün die Umrahmung bildet. Dann hätte man die Gefahr erkannt, die darin liegt, daß die Millionenmenge der neutralen und indifferenten Naturelle, diese grau getönte farblose Menge, auf die wir noch besonders zurückkommen, der Suggestion verfällt und mit den Ton angibt, daß alle guten und vernünftigen Menschen die Opfer werden.
Denn zu allem Unglück hatte die vorgeschobene Person, Hitler, die völlig dem Ha-Typus verfallen war, zu seinem Tat- und Bewegungs-Naturell noch die
ausgesprochene Urmenschenstirn,
die wir hier kurz im Bilde zeigen und erklären wollen. Möge dies zu eindringlicheren Warnung dienen, nie wieder einem Menschen mit stark fliehender, niedriger Stirn Macht und Einfluß zu geben!

Bild 14 Hitler    Die Urmenschenstirn    Bild 15 Der Urmensch

Im Bilde 15, links, ist deutlich die Urmenschenstirn Hitlers zu erkennen.
Man vergleiche damit das Bild 15 des mutmaßlichen Urmenschen, der hier nach dem Neandertal-Urmenschen, der vor über 30.000 und mehr Jahren gelebt hat, rekonstruiert ist. Das ist keine Täuschung, daß ist die Wirklichkeit, denn das Bild Hitlers ist lebens- und naturgetreu und völlig unretuschiert.
Was sagt der Leser nun?
Ist nicht, - wenn man einem solchen Menschen die höchste Macht gibt - die Unvernunft auf die Spitze getrieben?
Man hat damit buchstäblich und tatsächlich gerade einem Menschen die höchste Macht in die Hände gegeben, der nach seinem Nerven-, Schädel- und Gehirnbau die ausgesprochene Veranlagung hat, alle besseren und höheren Errungenschaften der alten Kultur zu zerschlagen!
Das klingt kaum glaublich, ist aber Tatsache. Aus Mangel an Menschenkenntnis werden die haarsträubendsten Fehler gemacht. Source: Das Buch von 1941. (Bilder und Text hinzugefügt)

This is a mirror of the tactics of the reptile-Aryans throughout known history as they have used the knowledge to control and suppress while creating the religious dictatorships to take the same knowledge out of public circulation. In truth, the Nazis were created and controlled at every level by the secret society underground and, ultimately, by the reptilians. They believed the Sumerian gods were the extraterrestrial master race; they believed in the existence of Atlantis; and they launched expeditions to North Africa, Rennes-le-Chateau and Montsegur in Cathar country, and to Tibet, where they believed the underground supermen were based. There is a positive Buddhist stream of belief and a highly negative one. The Nazis connected with the latter and when the Russians arrived in Berlin at the end of the war they found many dead Buddhist monks who had been working with the Nazis.

The hollow Earth

The Nazis also believed that the Earth was hollow with entrances at the poles and a number of researchers report that they established an underground base in Antarctica towards the end of the war which is still in operation today. I have no doubt from the evidence I have seen that the Earth is hollow, or, at the very least, there are vast regions inside where highly developed civilisations live. I also feel that there are ancient societies living under the ground between the Earth’s surface and the inner ‘hollow’ centre. It is like three levels of peoples living on and within the same planet.


The writer, Jules Verne, was a high initiate of the secret society network with his connections to the Theosophical Society, the Order of the Golden Dawn, and the Order of the Oriental Templars. Therefore, he knew far more than the public are allowed to know. His science-fiction stories were based on fact. He wrote of the two moons of Mars before they were identified (officially) in 1877. Verne’s epic, Journey To The Centre Of The Earth, was not entirely a fantasy. He knew the basis of it was true.

Those who promote the idea of a hollow Earth say that water flows from one polar entrance to another and in the centre of the planet is a vast sea and an inner central sun’ which provides the heat and light. In the film version of the Jules Verne story, which I watched again recently, the scene is depicted in the same way. Interestingly, the main opposition Verne’s explorers face are from massive reptiles, one of which they found in the sunken city of Atlantis. There has been speculation, supported by much evidence, that dinosaurs may have survived the cataclysm of 65 million years ago by living within the Earth, particular in the Southern polar regions. Tom Rich, a palaeontologist at the Museum of Victoria, Australia, suggested this possibility after he discovered the fossilised remains of a polar dinosaur in 1987 in an excavated tunnel on the Southern tip of Victoria state at a place known as Dinosaur Cove.14 

Source: Zeitenschrift Nr. 1, Titel (Hinzugefügt)

Jules Verne, a high initiate, would have known the true background and so much truth is passed on through symbolism in ‘fiction’ stories and movies. Steven Spielberg’s films are prime examples, particularly the Indiana Jones series and, I feel, Jurassic Park in which 251 DNA is manipulated to create reptilian dinosaurs. My view is that human DNA was manipulated to create reptilian-humans.

There is certainly plenty of evidence that there are civilisations living within the Earth and even that the Earth is hollow. These are more themes of ancient knowledge and traditions. Humans have become such puppets of the official line that to suggest the Earth is not solid to the core is to invite enormous ridicule. After all, isn’t that at odds with what those highly intelligent scientists say? Yes it is, just as it was to suggest the Earth was round and not flat. When you research this subject you realise how little evidence the scientists produce for their indisputable ‘facts’. They have penetrated only a few miles into the Earth and their theories of what exists at deeper levels are just that - theories. 


When you ask a few questions of the official line, it is soon a stuttering wreck. For example: The very spin of the planet creates centrifugal force which throws matter to the outside, very much like a spin dryer in which the clothes spin around a hole in the centre. When the planet was in its molten form, spinning into existence before it cooled, how could it possibly remain solid to the core? It is against all logic and laws of force, and if you look at Figure 23 you will see from the drawing of Donati’s Comet from 1853 how matter is hurled to the outside to spin around the bright core or ‘sun’. The Earth is basically the same. 

Researchers of the hollow Earth have suggested that the outer crust goes down some 800 miles and beyond that the planet is hollow. People live on the other side of the very land that we live on. If you think that is impossible then ask why people in Australia don’t fall off the Earth even though they are on the opposite side of the surface to those in the northern hemisphere. The answer is that they are pulled to the land by gravity. So are those who live inside the Earth. The force of gravity pulls towards matter and so those on both sides of the planet’s landmass, inside and outside, will be pulled by gravity towards the land and neither will ‘fall off’. 

Figure 23: A drawing of Donati’s comet in 1853 showing how the disintegrating mass is thrown outwards by centrifugal force to ‘orbit’ a 
central energv source. This leaves the interior hollow in the same way that clothing spins around a hollow centre in a washing machine
or spin dryer. Surely this would have happened when the Earth was forming also?

The centre of the Earth’s gravity is not at the core of the planet, but at about 400 miles down... the centre of the outer land mass and so gravity pulls equally on both sides (see Figure 24). The alleged openings at the poles make sense because the power of centrifugal force in the period of formation would have been far less in those areas. At about 70 to 75 degrees north and south latitude, the Earth starts to curve into the polar openings to the inner Earth, supporters of this theory suggest. It is so gradual that people who claim to have experienced this had no idea they were entering the inner Earth until they began to see land that did not appear on the maps. These openings are an estimated 1,400 miles across and around them is a magnetic ring. The entrances are covered by clouds most of the time, advocates claim, and the airspace is restricted by law. When explorers searching for the North or South Pole reach this magnetic ring their compasses point straight down and they believe they are at the pole. They are not. They are at the magnetic ring which encircles the poles. The light and warmth inside the Earth come from an inner ‘sun’, it is claimed. 

Source: Zeitenschrift Nr. 16 (Hinzugefügt)

Marshall B. Gardner, one of the best known advocates of a hollow Earth, believed that this ‘sun’ was created from the original central fiery core around which the forming Earth was spinning, very much like the picture of Donati’s comet. If the Earth is hollow, so it must be that the other planets, formed in the same way and subject to the same laws, would be hollow. How many civilisations live within these planets while humans only look for life on the surface?

Some other questions for the solid-to-the-core advocates: Why are icebergs made of fresh water when the only water available at the poles, according to the conventional view, is sea water? Where does all the vegetation come from that is found inside these icebergs? Why is it that explorers who have ventured beyond the magnetic poles have found that the weather gets warmer and the seas become ice-free? Why do some animals and birds in the north polar region, like the musk-ox, migrate north in the winter? The conventional scientific view cannot answer these questions, but the hollow Earth view can. There are fresh water rivers which flow out of the inner Earth and this warm water, carrying vegetation and pollen, freezes, so forming the fresh water icebergs in an area of apparently only salt water. There are some books which reveal the detailed evidence of the inner Earth in much greater detail than I have space to do here and I can recommend.

Figure 24: The inner earth as some researchers believe it to be. Hollow in the centre with an inner central sun and water flowing
between the polar openings. Gravity would be the same on both sides of the crust because gravity attracts to mass.

The Hollow Earth by Dr Raymond Bernard as an excellent summary of this evidence.15 One man famously flew into the inner Earth at the North Pole in 1947 to a distance 1,700 miles beyond magnetic north and the South Pole in 1956 to a distance of 2,300 miles beyond magnetic south. He was Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, a well-known figure in the United States Navy. He called the land he found: “that enchanted continent in the sky” and “the land of ever lasting mystery”16 In 1947, Byrd and his passengers broadcast live on the radio as they flew inside the planet and they saw the ice of the northern regions replaced by ice-free lands and lakes and mountains covered with trees. They described strange animals resembling mammoths and the land they saw does not appear on any map to this day. After the initial publicity, information about the Byrd expeditions was suppressed and he died in 1957, the year after his trip to the Antarctic.

Two years later in December 1959, Ray Palmer, the editor of Flying Saucers magazine published an issue detailing Admiral Byrd’s discoveries, but when the truck arrived from the printer with that edition, all the magazines were missing. Palmer called the printer, but he was told there was no shipping receipt to prove the shipment had been made and when he asked for the edition to be reprinted he was told the printing plates had been so badly damaged this was not possible. Palmer believed that UFOs came not from space, but from the inner Earth and that was part of his article in that ill-fated edition. I think he could have been right and the ancient Indian epic, Ramayana, describes Rama as an emissary from Agharta arriving in a flying vehicle.

The legends of inner Earth peoples and blond-haired, blue-eyed master races, can be found in countless ancient cultures including China, Tibet, Egypt, India, Europe, the Americas, and Scandinavia. William E Warren in his work, Paradise Found, Or The Cradle Of The Human Race, suggests that humans originated on a tropical continent in the Arctic, a land of sunshine where a race of gods lived for more than a thousand years without growing old. Warren connects this northern paradise with the ancient Greek concept of Hyperborea. 


The Eskimos, who may originate from inner Earth peoples, have legends which tell of a paradise island to the north, a beautiful land of perpetual light where there is no darkness nor extremes of sunlight, a place where people live for thousands of years in peace and happiness. You find the same in Irish myth also. It was to the inner Earth, legends say, that some of the fleeing Lemurians and Atlanteans sheltered at the time of great geological turmoil and flood on the surface. Plato wrote of mysterious passageways in and around the Atlantean continent, “tunnels both broad and narrow, in the interior of the Earth.”17 He also described the great ruler “who sits at the centre, on the navel of the Earth... the interpreter of religion to all mankind”18 

The Roman writer, Gaius Plinius Secundus, better known as Pliny, refers to underground peoples who had fled from Atlantis and there are the legends of the inner Earth dwellers called the Troglodytes who, Pliny said, have hidden in their tunnels a great, ancient treasure.19 Such stories abound in every culture.

Levitating Stone

Erstellt 2007. Update 9. Januar 2008
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Quicktime Movie: David Icke 07 of 42.  Only if we know, who we are, can we know freedom. 9:45 min. 7.5 mb.