Gesamtschau-Digital: Carl Huter
David Icke: The Biggest Secret. Forbidden Knowledge. The Key to our Past - Part 25

Bearbeitung Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm


The Second World War

At the Versailles Peace Conference in 1919 a number of decisions were made which culminated in the genocide known as World War Two. Firstly the reparations imposed on the German people were so fantastic that the Weimar Republic which followed the war had no chance of economic survival. This was precisely as planned. That economic chaos was a massive problem in need of a solution and the solution was Adolf Hitler.

Man braucht nur einige der großen Reden, die Göbbels gehalten hat, mit normalem Sinn zu überprüfen, und man kommt dahinter, welche unsagbare Raffiniertheit in Wirklichkeit dahinter liegt; alles Gute ist umgedreht und in das Gegenteil verkehrt, und zwar in dem gleißendsten Gewande, alles irreführend.
Nur wenn diese Entdeckung Huters bekannt wird, kann die Welt vor einer Wiederholung all des Schlimmen, das sie erlebte, bewahrt bleiben. Nun zum Ha-Typus selbst.

Bild 10    Der Ha-Typus
Bild 10 stellt eins der üblichen Photos dar, das von dem beauftragten Photographen wunschgemäß retuschiert ist.
Der erste Eindruck, den der Psycho-Physiognomiker von dem Bilde hat, wenn man die Person nicht kennt, ist der, daß der Mann im Empfindungs-Naturell mit Disharmonie liegt, denn die Oberlippe ist bedeutend zu breit und zu schwer, die Ohren sind ungleich am Kopfe angesetzt und dabei in der Form verschieden, die Nase sitzt etwas schief im Gesicht und erscheint im untersten Teil unschön geformt, die Entfernung von der Nasenspitze zur Kinngrenze ist im Verhältnis zur Nase und zum mittleren Gesicht zu groß, das Kinn ist unschön geformt, der Mund ist zu groß, hartförmig und die Winkel sind messerscharf, der untere Seitenkopf ist im Bilde rechts anders wie links und harteckig.
(Dieses letzte Zeichen würde stutzig machen und zur genauesten Betrachtung des Bildes Anlaß geben.)
Das sind also mehrere Verbrecher- und mehrere leichtere disharmonische Merkmale. Die letzteren kommen etwa einem Verbrechermerkmals gleich. Solche Verbrechermerkmale genügen bekanntlich, um erkennen zu lassen, daß man einen zu Verbrechen disponierten Menschen vor sich hat.
Das ist der erste oberflächliche Eindruck des sehr vorteilhaft retuschierten und zurecht gemachten Bildes.
Da nun das erwähnte Merkmal, das stutzig macht, das Interesse des geschulten Psycho-Physiognomikers wachruft, so ist der zweite genauere Eindruck der, daß ja eine gesteigerte, harte Intelligenz aus Augen und Stirnausdruck spricht, daß am Mund eine rohe Boshaftigkeit liegt, daß das Gewebe des Gesichts im Unterton hart wie von Blech erscheint, daß die Augen verschieden sitzen, daß Einschnitte in den Wangen vorhanden sind, daß sie wie verborgen die Ohren oben wie spitzig zuzulaufen scheinen, daß die Schultern hängend sind, daß die Kleidung, der Binder mit der Brilliantnadel ausgesucht vornehm ist, daß aber im Gegensatz hierzu die Partie zwischen Unterlippe und Kinn, wo sich die Lebensart ausprägt, eine rohe Form zeigt; daß dabei die breite Stirn eine vielseitige Übersicht und Berechnung kundtut, daß die breiten Ecken der oberen Stirnbildung, die dort auch in der Mitte plastisch ist, Weltideal- und Tiefensinn zeigen; daß aber das Haar im Gegensatz dazu und wie es beim Empfindungs-Naturell sonst nicht ist, drahtartig erscheint; daß die seitliche Spannung des unteren Augenlides sich zum Mordsinn hinter den Ohren hinzuziehen scheint; daß der Gesamteindruck wohl ein gesteigert intelligenter, aber kein normaler ist.
Der dritte Eindruck ist der, daß man sich ein Seitenbild wünscht, siehe Bild 11

Bild 11    ist ebenso vom Photographen zurecht retuschiert
Bild 11. Es zeigt die Disharmonien deutlicher. Das Ohr ist stark schräg angesetzt, wie zum dahinter liegenden Mordsinn und zum oberen Hinterhaupt mit den Macht- und Herrschertrieben hingezogen, die obere Stirnbildung zeigt dort, wo der psychologische Erkenntnis- und Gefühlssinn liegt, eine merkliche Abflachung, das Haar erscheint dunkel - finster - hart; die Nasenwurzel zeigt starke Geisteskraft; die Jochbeine sind seitlich spitz und keilförmig; die ganze Formbildung von Hals, Nacken, Hinterhaupt und dem Unterteil des Gesichts erscheint höchst eigenartig und abnormal, das Seitenhaupt erscheint dort, wo der Wissensdrang, Wissensbesitz und die Schönheitsliebe liegen, außerordentlich merkwürdig usw.
Das macht dermaßen stutzig, daß der Verdacht rege wird, den Ha-Typus vor sich zu sehen.

Bild 12
Bild 12. Dieses Bild stammt von einem anderen Photographen und sollte wahrscheinlich dem niederen Geschmack im Volke entsprechen.
Es ist die ausgesprochene eingetrocknete Galgenvogelphysiognomie, es zeigt die zweite Natur des Ha-Typus, den Vater der Suggestionskunst (lies Propaganda), der Lüge, Verstellung und Hinterlist, der Bosheit und Grausamkeit, der Parteibonzen-Vergötterung und der seelischen, körperlichen und geistigen Versklavung des Volkes und teilweisen Verteufelung desselben. Interessant ist, wie die Stirn dort, wo der praktische Sinn liegt, einfällt und schwach ist, wie der für das Empfindungs-Naturell überstarke mittlere Hinterkopf abnormale Virtuosität zeigt. Das ist die andere Seite des Ha-Typus, ebenso Wirklichkeit wie der teils glanzvolle Ausdruck der beiden vorherigen Bilder, es zeigt die Doppelnaturigkeit.
Wer das Bild gesehen hat und weiß, wen es darstellt, und die Reden und Handlungen der Person vom menschlich vernünftigen Standpunkt aus betrachtet und vergleicht, für den besteht kein Zweifel mehr, daß er den gefährlichsten Typus der Welt, den des Halbentarteten in Reinkultur vor sich hat, gegen den die Mephistonatur weit in den Hintergrund tritt. Man kann verstehen, daß dieser Mensch drauf und dran war, die ganze Kultur der Welt, fast alle Ideale mit Hilfe der Suggestion zu vernichten und die Menschheit zu verteufeln.

Bild 13   Ein Gemälde
Interessant ist noch Bild 13, denn hier hat der Künstler die bis in das Fabelhafte gesteigerte Intelligenz durch die Anspannung aller Muskeln, Adern, Nerven und Gewebe (besonders an der Hand zu sehen, die im Unterton einer Teufelsklaue gleicht), hervorheben wollen.
Daß aber diese Intelligenz in das gesteigerte Unnormale geht, das liegt auch in dem Bilde; denn jede einzelne und kleinste Formbildung zeigt schwerste Verhärtung, Verknöcherung und Disharmonie, aber so aus gesucht versteckt und verborgen, daß der Nichtfachmann nicht weiß, was er sagen soll.
Hiermit ist das Geheimnis des ganzen furchtbaren Geschehens unserer Zeit aufgedeckt und greif- und sichtbar vor Augen geführt.
Hätten die Staatsmänner der Welt Menschenkenntnis besessen, so hätten sie von Anfang an erkannt, daß der Ha-Typus die treibende Impulskraft ist und die Macht erhalten hat. Das Weltunglück wäre verhütet worden!
Hätte man dem Volk die Naturellehre gelehrt, niemals hätte es dem Ha-Typus zugejubelt, auch nicht, wenn alle Kirchenglocken läuten und ein Meer von Fahnen, Birken- und Tannengrün die Umrahmung bildet. Dann hätte man die Gefahr erkannt, die darin liegt, daß die Millionenmenge der neutralen und indifferenten Naturelle, diese grau getönte farblose Menge, auf die wir noch besonders zurückkommen, der Suggestion verfällt und mit den Ton angibt, daß alle guten und vernünftigen Menschen die Opfer werden.
Denn zu allem Unglück hatte die vorgeschobene Person, Hitler, die völlig dem Ha-Typus verfallen war, zu seinem Tat- und Bewegungs-Naturell noch die
ausgesprochene Urmenschenstirn,
die wir hier kurz im Bilde zeigen und erklären wollen. Möge dies zu eindringlicheren Warnung dienen, nie wieder einem Menschen mit stark fliehender, niedriger Stirn Macht und Einfluß zu geben!

Bild 14 Hitler    Die Urmenschenstirn    Bild 15 Der Urmensch
Im Bilde 15, links, ist deutlich die Urmenschenstirn Hitlers zu erkennen.
Man vergleiche damit das Bild 15 des mutmaßlichen Urmenschen, der hier nach dem Neandertal-Urmenschen, der vor über 30.000 und mehr Jahren gelebt hat, rekonstruiert ist. Das ist keine Täuschung, daß ist die Wirklichkeit, denn das Bild Hitlers ist lebens- und naturgetreu und völlig unretuschiert.
Was sagt der Leser nun?
Ist nicht, - wenn man einem solchen Menschen die höchste Macht gibt - die Unvernunft auf die Spitze getrieben?
Man hat damit buchstäblich und tatsächlich gerade einem Menschen die höchste Macht in die Hände gegeben, der nach seinem Nerven-, Schädel- und Gehirnbau die ausgesprochene Veranlagung hat, alle besseren und höheren Errungenschaften der alten Kultur zu zerschlagen!
Das klingt kaum glaublich, ist aber Tatsache. Aus Mangel an Menschenkenntnis werden die haarsträubendsten Fehler gemacht.

Bild 16 Carl Huter
Den Weltweisen Carl Huter mit seiner vollendeten guten Stirnbildung und seiner guten Lehre ließ man zugrunde gehen. Man vergleiche sein Bildnis Nr. 16 mit den beiden vorhergehenden Abbildungen.
50 Jahre wurde diese Lehre in ganz Deutschland gelehrt und ist bekannt geworden. Man hatte dennoch keinen Sinn für das Gute und kein Verständnis für die Bedeutung des guten Menschen und damit für die Erhaltung und den guten Ausbau der Kultur. (Anmerkung Timm: Heute, Jahr 2008, also schon 112 Jahre!). Source: Das Buch von 1941. 

The second important development, in a secret meeting of the Versailles collaborators at the Hotel Majestic in Paris, was the creation of offshoot organisations connected to the original Round Table. The first came in 1920 with the formation of the Institute of International Affairs, also known as Chatham House, at 10 St James’s Square in London. The monarch is its official head and it was given the title Royal Institute in 1926. It’s American branch, the Council on Foreign Relations, was formed by the American members of the Round Table in 1921 with funds from the Rockefellers and others. These were additions to the Brotherhood network designed to control even more completely British and American politics and indeed the much wider world. They are both the same organisation under different names. The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) was formed by friends of Cecil Rhodes and all the familiar names, including the Astors. It was funded, as it is today, by a long, long, list of global corporations and media groups owned by the bloodline families. I list them in .. And The Truth Shall Set You Free.


The Royal Institute connects into the top levels of politics, banking, business, media, all the usual stuff. For instance, one of its top figures was Major John (Jacob) Astor (Comm 300), a director of the Hambros (Brotherhood) Bank and owner after 1922 of the Times newspaper. Other founders included Sir Abe Bailey, the owner of Transvaal Mines in South Africa who worked with Alfred Milner to start the Boer War; and John W. Wheeler-Bennett, who would be General Eisenhower’s ‘political advisor’ in London in the last two crucial years of the Second World War when the design for the post war world was being drawn. The Institute interlocks with British universities like Oxford and Cambridge and the London School of Economics which has produced many of the ‘radicals’ of the political ‘left’. Adolf Hitler’s infamous book, Mein Kampf, was ghostwritten by Major General Karl Haushofer, who acknowledged that a major source of the ideas it expressed was Halford J. MacKinder, a director of the London School of Economics. As with the Round Table, Royal Institute branches were established in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Nigeria, Trinidad and Tobago, and India, where it is known as the Council of World Affairs. Its American branch, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), made its home at Harold Pratt House at 58 East 68th Street in New York, the former mansion of the Pratt family, friends of the Rockefellers. It was organised by Colonel Mandel House, J. P. Morgan (Payseur), the Rockefellers, and their associates.


The CFR was soon in control of the United States and that remains the case today. Look at its membership and you will find the top people in all the institutions which control the lives of the American people, including education. These organisations, like the Round Table, are made up of inner and outer circles.The inner circle knows the Agenda and works full time to achieve it. The next circle knows much of the Agenda and works to that end in their particular sphere of influence. The next circle is pretty much in the dark about the real Agenda, but is manipulated to make the ‘right’ decisions in their area of operation without knowing the true reason for them. Admiral Chester Ward, a former US Judge Advocate General of the Navy, was a member of the CFR for sixteen years. He said that the purpose of the organisation was the “...submergence of US sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world government”. In his book, Kissinger On The Couch, written with Phyllis Schafly, Ward said:

(the)... lust to surrender the sovereignty and independence of the United States is pervasive throughout most of the membership, and particularly in the leadership of several divergent cliques that make up what is actually a polycentric organisation... (the main clique) is composed of the one-world-global-government ideologists - more respectfully referred to as the organised internationalists. They are the ones who carry on the tradition of the founders.”

Since 1921 virtually every President of the United States has been a member of the CFR along with most of the main government posts including most, today all, the American ambassadors around the world. The CFR also includes media owners, key journalists and editors, educationalists, military leaders, on and on it goes. The membership of the Royal Institute of International Affairs remains a secret, but it also includes people of the same positions and background in the United Kingdom and I stress the American CFR is subordinate to, and takes orders from, the Royal Institute in London. These interlock with the Illuminati; the ‘knight’ Orders like the Knights of St John of Jerusalem (Malta); the network controlled by the British monarch which I will reveal later; the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, and the Round Table; the American ‘foundation’ network like the Rockefeller Foundation and an endless web of interconnecting groups operating ultimately to the same global leadership. This network was spanning the globe by the 1930s and the Brotherhood was ready for its biggest project yet, the Second World War. It was an effort to achieve further centralisation of power and the creation of a global body which could be evolved into a world government. We know that body today as the United Nations.

With the German economy in tatters and inflation running at thousands of per cent, the German people looked to Adolf Hitler as their saviour. Problem-reaction-solution. As I document and source in .. And The Truth Shall Set You Free, the Nazis were funded from Wall Street and the City of London. This was done via the German subsidiaries of British and American companies and American loans known as the Young Plan and the Dawes Plan. These loans were supposed to be helping Germany to pay the reparations, but in fact went straight into Hitler’s war machine. Standard Oil (the Rockefellers) and I. G. Farben, the German chemical cartel which ran the concentration camp at Auchwitz, were, in effect, the same company. Hitler came to power in 1933 and in that same year, no coincidence, Franklin Delano Roosevelt became President of the United States. His route to power was the same as Hitler’s. 

In 1929, the Brotherhood bankers crashed the Wall Street stock-market and caused the Great Depression. From this problem came the solution, the ‘New Deal’ economic package offered by Roosevelt which won him the presidential election of 1933. This ‘New Deal’ was a replica of the economic package offered by Hitler to the German people to solve their manufactured economic problems. When he came to power, Roosevelt pulled off one of the biggest thefts in human history when he passed laws forcing the American people to hand over all their gold to the government in return for worthless pieces of paper known as Federal Reserve banknotes. This was necessary, he said, to solve the dire economic problems. Soon afterwards, with the American economy now completely under Brotherhood control, Roosevelt put their symbol, the pyramid and all seeing eye, on the dollar bill. He was saying to the American people: “Gotch-yer”.

Franklin Roosevelt, a 33rd degree Freemason, held the title, Knight of Pythias, in a secret society called the Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles and Mystics. Among its previous members were Francis Bacon and the French revolutionary, Mirabeau. Membership is only open to Freemasons who have reached at least the 32nd degree or are members of the Templar lodges of Freemasonry.13 The Order was allegedly founded by a descendant of Mohammed who based it on a secret society in medieval Europe which included Jews, Arabs, and Christians.14 Its symbol is a crescent moon represented by the claws of a Bengal Tiger, engraved with a pyramid, an urn, and the pentagram, a combination representing the Universal Mother: Isis-Semiramis-Ninkharsag.15

Roosevelt’s Secretary of Agriculture, Henry Wallace, was also an occultist who was involved in the decision to put the all-seeing eye symbol on the dollar bill.16 Wallace had a guru, the Russian mystic and artist, Nicholas Roerich, who spent many years travelling through Nepal and Tibet studying with the lamas and searching for the lost city of Shamballa, the legendary home of the secret occult adepts or ‘masters’ who are said to have secretly influenced’ world affairs throughout history. They are variously known as the Secret Chiefs, the Hidden Masters, or the Great White Brotherhood and some researchers believe they are the force behind the creation of the Freemasons, Sufis, Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, Theosophical Society, and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.17 I think these people are reptilians, some of them anyway. Roerich was involved in the formation of the League of Nations, the first attempt at world government, and supported the work of Dr Andrija Puharich, a scientist who helped to develop the psychic powers of a young Israeli called Uri Geller.18

Bild 16 Carl Huter                                                Bild 33  Neville Chamberlain
Source: „Das Buch von 1941 von und nach Carl Huters Menschenkenntnis (Hinzugefügt)

Bild 33 zeigt uns den während des Krieges verstorbenen englischen Ministerpräsidenten Neville Chamberlain. Es ist das Bewegungs-Empfindungs-Naturell mit hoher Kultur und einer Richtung zur Harmonie.
Starke Empfindung und ein starkes Tatleben zeichnen ihn aus. Man betrachte den hohen und schönen Bau des Oberhauptes, das geistbelebte Auge und das volle, weiche Gewebe der mittleren Gesichtsregion, worin sich dieses reichere Empfindungsleben kundgibt, während das ausgeprägte Kinn das starke Tatleben kennzeichnet. Glanz und Feinheit liegt über dem ganzen Bildnis; es ist der hochentwickelte Kulturmensch unserer Zeit, in dessen Hände große Macht gegeben war. Dieser hervorragende Staatsmann hat ganz gewiß den Krieg nicht gewollt und sicher nicht geahnt, daß sich die Verhältnisse durch Maßnahmen der deutschen Regierung so entwickeln würden, wie er es noch zum Teil erlebt hat.
Zweimal reiste er als Siebzigjähriger nach Deutschland, um mit Hitler persönlich zu verhandeln. Es war aber bereits zu spät, um den Gang der Ereignisse noch aufzuhalten. Sie wären aufzuhalten gewesen, wenn England, anstatt zu verhandeln, mit Krieg gedroht hätte und bereits mit seinen Verbündeten völlig einig und so stark wie Deutschland gerüstet gewesen wäre. Aber das war nicht der Fall und hätte eine ganz andere Kenntnis der Zustände in Deutschland und Vorausberechnung der Folgen vorausgesetzt.
Trotz aller hohen Kultur fehlte Chamberlain das Wichtigste, diese neue große physiognomische Menschenkenntnis, eine entsprechende Menschenbewertung und die darauf beruhende Voraussicht.
Denn wir und viele unserer Freunde haben nicht gewußt, was wir sagen sollten, als nach dem Umsturz von Seiten der Kulturstaaten Europas nicht sofort alles geschah, um dieser Entwicklung mit allen Machtmitteln entgegenzutreten und damit das Verderben aufzuhalten und unmöglich zu machen. Denn damals war es noch Zeit; aber Jahr um Jahr verging, und es geschah nichts.
Hätten die Regierungen der Kulturstaaten Europas diese Menschenkenntnis, so wie sie in dieser Schrift niedergelegt ist, gepflegt, sie hätten sich sofort geeinigt und hätten eingegriffen und das Unglück verhütet, das totsicher durch den Ha-Typus, der alle Macht erhalten hatte, kommen mußte. Denn wir haben es doch erkannt und jahrelang eine Hoffnung nach der anderen aufgeben müssen.
Das ist es, was uns dieses Bildnis in Verbindung mit den übrigen Darlegungen in dieser Schrift lehren und deutlich zeigen soll. Man betrachte nur den Ausdruck in Augen und Gesicht Chamberlains und vergleiche damit den Ausdruck im Gesicht Huters, letzterer zeigt große phyiognomische Menschenkenntnis und die daraus sich ergebende psychologische Vorausberechnung.
Auf Grund der Veranlagung der führenden Staatsmänner lassen sich mit größter Wahrscheinlichkeit ihre Handlungen und Maßnahmen im voraus berechnen. Es soll damit niemandem eine Schuld gegeben werden, sondern es soll nur gezeigt werden, von welcher Bedeutung diese neue tiefere Natur- und Menschenkenntnis für das Staats- und Völkerleben ist. Alles Menschenglück und alle Kultur der Zukunft ist daran gebunden.
Eins möge man daraus lernen: daß alle Kultur, Güte und Gerechtigkeit stets in größter Gefahr ist und bleibt, solange nicht diese Psycho-Physiognomik herrschend wird. Das lehrt die Erfahrung und Geschichte. Die Kultur und alle ihre Errungenschaften zu besitzen, nutzt wenig; der erste raffinierte Verbrecher, der zur Macht kommt stürzt sie um. Daher muß der gute Mensch einen Schutz haben durch die Menschenkenntnis, um gründlich die Sachlage zu erkennen,und er muß auch die unweigerliche Tatkraft aufbringen, sofort entsprechend zu handeln, ehe es zu spät ist, damit er das Unglück verhütet und dieses nicht seinen Lauf nehmen kann.
Der gute Mensch muß also in Zukunft sich mit seinesgleichen zu einer Macht der Guten zusammenschließen, er darf keinen Augenblick die praktische Psycho-Physiognomik außer acht lassen und muß seine Tatkraft so schulen, daß er jeden Augenblick breit ist, mit voller Energie und Durchführung sofort richtig zu handeln, zuzugreifen und zwar mit allen Mitteln, ehe es zu spät ist. Jede Güte, jedes Abwarten ist dem Verbrecher gegenüber völlig unangebracht; hier hilft nur eiserne Strenge und völlige Ausschaltung von jeder Führung, Verantwortung und freien Selbstbestimmung; denn hier versagt die Bibel und die alte christliche Kultur völlig. Mit ihren ethischen Grundsätzen läßt sich weder eine Diplomatie, noch ein Krieg führen.
Das hat der alte Chamberlain, das haben andere Staatsmänner seiner Zeit erfahren. Das hat vor ihnen auch der alte Ohm Krüger erlebt, und die Völker haben das Unglück durchgekostet. Möge es eine Warnung für alle Zeiten sein. Nur durch umfassende Natur- und Lebenserkenntnis auf Grund scharfen Sehens und Beobachtens läßt sich ein modernes Staats- und Völkergebilde aufrecht erhalten und glücklich fortschreitende weiterführen.
Im Prinzip ist das mit Hilfe der Psycho-Physiognomik leicht, und es ist gar kein Fehlgehen möglich. Kunst, Religion, Naturwissenschaft und praktische Lebensgestaltung, wie sie die Psycho-Physiognomik vereinigt, müssen Hand in Hand gehen, sonst ist und bleibt die Entwicklung und Kultur dem Zufall überlassen, dem Auf- und Niedergang. Source: „Das Buch von 1941“, Amandus Kupfer, publiziert in der Schweiz 1948. Hier vollständig als welterste Digital-Publikation in Rubrik „Licht“ im Verlag Carl-Huter-Zentral-Archiv von Wolfgang Timm. (Hinzugefügt).

In Britain, the Round Table-Royal Institute of International Affairs members in the Houses of Parliament at first called for appeasement with Germany until Hitler’s military build up had reached the point where he could fight a long war. Then suddenly, as I show clearly in .. And The Truth Shall Set You Free, they switched and called for all-out war against Hitler. Among the most grotesque examples of this were Lady Astor, Leopold Amery, Lionel Curtis, and Lord Lothian, all members of the Round Table and/or the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Lord Halifax, the Foreign Secretary and a Round Table member almost from its foundation, was another who supported the appeasement of Hitler. He met Hitler on November 19th 1937 and Hitler’s representative, Alfred Rosenberg, had come to Britain in May 1933, to meet with Sir Henry Deterding (Comm 300), head of Royal Dutch Shell, Geoffrey Dawson, the editor of the Times newspaper owned by the Astors (Round Table, Royal Institute, Comm 300), the 1st Viscount Hailsham, the Secretary for War, Walter Eliot MP, and the Duke of Kent, brother of King Edward VIII and King George VI. We will see the British Royal family’s Nazi connections later. The sudden change from appeasement with Hitler to war with him was mirrored in Downing Street as the appeaser prime minister, Neville Chamberlain, was replaced by the Brotherhood’s man of war, Winston Churchill, on May 11th 1940. Soon after his appointment, the mass bombing of civilian targets in Germany began. The reptile-Aryan black magicians had themselves another global blood ritual.

Churchill’s membership of the Freemasons has often been played down as it has with Prince Philip. But Churchill was in fact, behind the scenes, a very active Mason after his initiation into the Studholme Lodge (No 1591) at the Cafe Royal in May 1901 19 Local historians in Bradford, England, uncovered evidence that some of Churchill’s wartime policies were influenced by the fact that he and King George II of Greece were Masons.

One example of this was in 1943 when Churchill sent 5,000 troops to Athens to restore George to the throne even though the beleaguered monarch was detested by all sides and the troops were needed elsewhere.20 The Churchill family has close links with the Rothschilds and the esoteric underground. Winston Churchill joined the Albion Lodge of the Ancient Order of Druids at Blenheim Palace on August 15th 1908.21 His father, Lord Randolph Churchill, was funded by the House of Rothschild while he was Chancellor of the Exchequer in the mid 1800s and his closest friend was Nathaniel Rothschild. When Randolph died, he was in debt to the Rothschilds to the tune of £65,000, a fantastic amount in those days.22 Winston, too, was in debt to them and he was a good friend of Lord Victor Rothschild, the orchestrator of British Intelligence, and the Rothschilds’ arch manipulator in the United States, Bernard Baruch. 

Churchill had close links with the Cecil family who, in effect, controlled him, and the Cecils have long time connections with the networks created by that Brotherhood front, the Jesuits, and to the Habsburgs, the British monarchs, and the families of the Black Nobility in Italy. The Churchills are related to the Duke of Marlborough family who played an important role in putting William of Orange on the British throne and in fact Winston Churchill was born at their ancestral home, Blenheim Palace, near Oxford. Churchill knew exactly what he was doing and the image of him left us by official history is a farce. He did not save the British Isles from tyranny, he was part of the tyranny.

An American decoding officer at the United States Embassy in London called Tyler Kent was jailed throughout the war for passing evidence to the Conservative MP Colonel Ramsey, that Churchill and Roosevelt had been communicating in coded messages before Churchill was Prime Minister making arrangements to ensure that war would break out.

Ramsey was also jailed under a law called Regulation 18b which was introduced just before the war, the Government said, to deal with terrorism by the Irish Republican Army (IRA). Another problem-reaction-solution. This was merely the excuse they used to have a law in place that would allow them to jail people without trial during the war and so keep the lid on their game. One woman, an admiral’s wife, was jailed under regulation 18b as she left a courtroom which had cleared her of all charges! The man behind this law was Lord Victor Rothschild, one of the most important manipulators of the second half of the 20th century and a friend of Winston Churchill. It was Churchill who began to use Regulation 18b as soon as he took office in order to jail people who knew what was going on and were prepared to say so. The American Ambassador in London in this period was Joseph Kennedy, the deeply crooked father of John F Kennedy. 


The Kennedy’s are an Elite bloodline going back to the Irish kings and beyond. To complete the set, the British ambassadors in America during the war were Lord Lothian of the Royal Institute of International Affairs and Lord Halifax of the Royal Institute, Round Table, and Committee of 300. Franklin Roosevelt won a second term as President in 1937 by repeating over and over that the sons of America were not going to fight in another war in Europe, while he knew full well that that was exactly what they were going to do. Representative Philip Bennett of Missouri told Congress:

“But our boys are not going to be sent abroad, says the President. Nonsense, Mr Chairman; even now their berths are being built in our transport ships. Even now the tags for identification of the dead and wounded are being printed by the firm of William C. Ballantyne and Co of Washington.”23

Roosevelt had come to power for the second time by saying that America would not fight in another war in Europe and so when he returned to the White House he had a public relations problem because he was already helping to arrange that very war. As with Woodrow Wilson and the sinking of the Lusitania, a problem-reaction-solution was organised to give him the excuse to break his ‘promises’. In 1939, Senator P. Nye of North Dakota said that he had seen a series of volumes called The Next War, including one called Propaganda In The Next War which originated in London (of course!). It revealed the game plan for manipulating America into the Second World War. This document, written between the wars, said:

“To persuade her (the United States) to take our part will be much more difficult, so difficult as to be unlikely to succeed. It will need a definite threat to America, a threat moreover, which will have to be brought home by propaganda to every citizen, before the Republic will again take arms in an external quarrel...

“...The position will naturally be considerably eased if Japan (my emphasis) were involved, and this might and probably would bring America in without further ado. At any rate, it would be a natural and obvious effect of our propagandists to achieve this, just as in the Great War they succeeded in embroil mg the United States against Germany.

“Fortunately with America, our propaganda is on firm ground. We can be entirely sincere, as our main plank will be the old democratic one. We must clearly enunciate our belief in the democratic form of government, and our firm resolve to adhere to... the old goddess of democracy routine.”24

Source: David Icke (Hinzugefügt)

On December 7th 1941, Japanese planes attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and the United States entered the war. It has since been established that many intercepted messages gave Roosevelt considerable prior warning of the Japanese attack, but no action was taken and Americans were left to die for the sake of the Brotherhood Agenda as literally billions of people have these past few thousand years. The attack itself came after a long campaign by the Americans to goad Japan into attacking them. 

Henry Stimson, Roosevelt’s Secretary of War and a founder of the Council on Foreign Relations, had said: “We face the delicate question of diplomatic fencing to be done so as to be sure Japan is put into the wrong and makes the first bad overt move.”25

That is the brief summary of how the Second World War was visited upon the planet and how tens of millions of men, women, and children, lost their lives. The climax was to drop two atomic bombs on Japan which had already agreed to surrender on the very same terms it eventually agreed to after the bombs had caused such devastation. Again the detailed background to all this is in .. And The Truth Shall Set You Free. 

The man who ordered those bombs to be dropped was President Harry S. Truman who had replaced Franklin Roosevelt at the end of the war. Truman was a 33rd degree Freemason and when he reached that level he added the middle ‘S’ which stood for Solomon. Truman was a failed haberdasher and deemed unemployable before the Freemasons launched his career.

His mother lost her farm because of his debts and when he became President he used to go on nightly drunken binges around the back alleys of Washington followed at a discreet distance by two FBI agents despatched by J. Edgar Hoover to look after him.26 Truman’s career took off after he became chief organiser of the Freemasonic lodges in Missouri and then he was nominated to become a judge before moving into the White House.27 The man behind this meteoric rise was another Mason and the head of organised crime in Kansas City, Boss Prendergast.28 Truman’s closest confidant was David Niles, or Neyhus, who had one sister in an important position in the government of Israel and another making policy in Moscow!29 

This is the background to Harry S. Truman, the Freemason placeman, who refused to accept Japan’s terms of surrender, ordered the atomic devastation, and then accepted the surrender on the same terms he had refused before. The bombs were dropped because as one phase ended in the reptilian Agenda, another was immediately begun - the Cold War - and it is so much easier to engender the fear necessary for that if people have seen for themselves what happens when one of these devices explodes.

After the war, the world was mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically devastated. This allowed the banks to make vast fortunes lending money to governments to rebuild the societies destroyed by a war the same banks had funded. This massively increased the debt owed by nations to private banks and the control over those countries increased in proportion. The desperation for peace made the world open to the main reason the Brotherhood had created the war - the formation of the United Nations. Problem-Reaction-Solution (see Figure 22). The charter for the United Nations, the global body the Brotherhood so badly wanted, was written by a committee of the Council on Foreign Relations. The writer, James Perloff, revealed the background to the UN in his 1988 book, The Shadows Of Power: The Council On Foreign Relations And The American Decline:

“In January 1943, the Secretary of State, Cordell Hull, formed a steering committee composed of himself, Leo Pasvolsky, Isaiah Bowman, Sumner Welles, Norman Davis, and Morton Taylor.  All these men - with the exception of Hull - were in the CFR. Later known as the Informal Agenda Group, they drafted the original proposal of the United Nations. It was Bowman - a founder of the CFR and a founder of Colonel House’s old ‘Inquiry’ (another Elite grouping) - who first put forward the concept. They called in three attorneys, all CFR men, who ruled that it was constitutional. Then they discussed it with Franklin D. Roosevelt on June 15th 1944. The President approved the plan and announced it to the public the next day.”30

In his book, The American Language, H. L. Mencken suggests that the term ‘United Nations’ was decided by President Roosevelt during a meeting with Winston Churchill at the White House in December 1941, shortly before the attack on Pearl Harbor. When the United Nations was officially formed in San Francisco on June 26th 1945, the US delegation included 74 members of the CFR, including John J. McCloy, the CFR chairman from 1953-70, a member of the Committee of 300, chairman of the Ford Foundation and the Rockefellers’ Chase Manhattan Bank, and friend and advisor to nine presidents from Roosevelt to Reagan. Also there were John Foster Dulles, the Hitler supporter, CFR founder, and soon-to-be US Secretary of State, and Nelson Rockefeller, the Satanist and arch manipulator, who was four times Governor of New York and Vice President to Gerald Ford after Richard Nixon was ousted by Watergate. 

Remember, too, that while the CFR created the United Nations, it is still only a branch of the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London, which is only an offshoot of the Round Table, which is only an agency of an even higher authority in the hierarchy. The Rockefellers paid for the headquarters of the League of Nations in Geneva and now they gave the land for the United Nations building in New York. The land had previously been used for a slaughter house and that was exactly what the Satanists of the Brotherhood wanted. Land covered in blood, fear, and pain, for the foundations of the organisation designed to do the same to human beings.

The UN is a Trojan Horse for world government and it sits atop a vast network of organisations which present themselves as serving the people when in fact they are Problem-Reaction-Solution (Second World War) fronts for the most grotesque manipulation, not least in the developing world of Africa, Asia, South and Central America. The UN network includes the World Health Organisation (WHO), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Anglo-American-Swiss pharmaceutical cartel with its interlocking leadership. The WHO tell the world there is going to be an epidemic of something or other and its controllers, the pharmaceutical corporations, provide the vaccine. Another problem-reaction-solution and the vaccines are causing untold harm to the physical and spiritual well being of billions. The UN Population Fund uses ‘population control’ for a policy of eugenics against people with black faces and those with white faces who are not up to the genetic ‘purity’ (reptilian bloodline) demanded by these deeply imbalanced people. The UN Environment Programme uses the environment as an excuse to create international laws, take control of great swathes of land, and steal land from developing countries under the heading of ‘debt for nature’ swaps. UNESCO, the science and culture operation, advances the Agenda across many areas of life. Now the United Nations, which was set up to stop war, according to the propaganda, is actually going to war. This happened in the Gulf when American, British and French soldiers and pilots killed untold thousands of Iraqi civilians under the banner of the UN flag.

Today the latest of the stooges wheeled in to be UN Secretary-general is Kofi Annan, a black man who ought to be disgusted at what his organisation is doing to his African continent. An advisor is Maurice Strong, the Canadian oil tycoon, Rockefeller clone, and manipulator extraordinaire, not least of the environment movement. The United Nations is there for the good of the world? Yes, sure it is. Oh look, another pig goes flying by.


1 Dr John Coleman, Committee Of 300, The Conspirators Hierarchy (Joseph Holding Company, Nevada, USA, 1995).
2 Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler, The Illuminati Formula To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave (Springmeier, S.E. Clackamas Road, Clackamas, Oregon, 97015, 1996), p 61.1 will list it as The Illuminati Formula from now on.
3 Ibid.
4 The Occult Conspiracy, p 116.
5 Ibid, p 117.
6 Said at a hearing of the post-war Graham Committee which investigated Baruch.
7 Norman Dodd reported these findings in an interview with the writer, William H. McI lihany II, for his 1980 book, The Tax Exempt Foundations (Arlington House, Westport, USA). The Special House Committee to Investigate Tax Exempt Foundations reported in 1954. It was named after its chairman, Representative, B. Carrol Reece of Tennessee. 237
8 Ibid.
9 The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines, p 154.
10 The Spotlight newspaper, May 16th and September 12th 1994.
11 Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists, October 1946.
12 Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919-1939, first series Volume IV, pp 245-247.
13 The Occult Conspiracy, p 93.
14 Ibid.
15 Ibid.
16 Ibid.
17 Ibid, p 94.
18 Ibid, p 96.
19 Scallywag magazine, issue 26, 1994, p 35.
20 Ibid.
21 A picture of this event appears in The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines, p 100.
22 The Churchills, Independent Television, May 1995.
23 Quoted by A. H. M Ramsey in The Nameless War (Omni Publications, London, 1952).
24 Congressional Record, 76th Congress, Volume 84, No 82, pp 6597-6604.
25 Jim Keith, Casebook On Alternative 3 (IllumiNet Press, Lilburn, USA, 1994), p 25.
26 The Curse Of Canaan, p 54.
27 Ibid.
28 Ibid.
29 Ibid.
30 James Perloff, The Shadows Of Power: The Council On Foreign Relations And The American Decline, p 71.

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