Gesamtschau-Digital: Carl Huter
David Icke: The Biggest Secret. Forbidden Knowledge. The Key to our Past - Part 35

Bearbeitung Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm


On more than one occasion, she says, she was brutally raped by a man who has been a major name in United Kingdom politics for decades. This man, she says, used to hold her naked body to him by using hooks inserted into her flesh at the hip. She was just a little girl when this was happening. She told me that this man was Edward Heath and his name comes up again and again in interviews with victims of Satanic abuse in Britain. Heath was the UK Prime Minister from 1970-74 and the Bilderberg Group member who signed the UK into the European Community, now Union. He has been one of the main architects of Britain’s further integration into the United Fascist States of Europe. One of the many unconnected people who have identified Heath as a Satanist was the lady I mentioned early in the book who saw the ‘lizard’ figure at Burnham Beeches in Buckinghamshire, 25 minutes drive from the British Prime Minister’s official country residence called Chequers. The game of chequers is played on a board of black and white squares - the floor plan of all Freemasonic temples.


Edward Heath (1916-2005)
Zur Person:
• Geboren am 9. Juli 1916 in Broadstairs (Kent).
• Studium der Philosophie, Politik und Wirtschaftswissenschaften am Balliol College in Oxford. Militärdienst im Zweiten Weltkrieg.
• Ab 1950 war er Unterhausabgeordneter für die Konservative Partei, wobei er sich schon früh für die Einbeziehung seines Landes in den europäischen Integrationsprozeß einsetzte; 
• von 1955-1959 war er als Parlamentarischer Staatssekretär im Schatzamt tätig. Danach wurde er Arbeitsminister (1959 - 1960).
• 1960 erhielt er das Amt des Lordsiegelbewahrers mit der doppelten Funktion, den Außenminister im Parlament zu vertreten und sich der europäischen Frage anzunehmen; dieses Amt übte er bis 1963 aus. Er war der Delegationsleiter für die ersten Beitrittsverhandlungen Großbritanniens zur Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft (1961-1963), die am französischen Veto scheiterten.
• In den Jahren 1963/1964 übte er das Amt des Staatsministers für Industrie, Handel und Regionalentwicklung aus.
• Von 1965-1970 war er Oppositionsführer der Konservativen Partei im Unterhaus; nach dem Wahlsieg seiner Partei wurde er 1970 Premierminister und Vorsitzender des Rates für das Commonwealth und überseeische Beziehungen. Diese Ämter bekleidete er bis 1974.
• Gestorben am 17. Juli 2005

Der Karlspreisträger 1963, Edward Heath (1916-2005)

Der Text der überreichten Urkunde lautet:
An Christi Himmelfahrt, dem 23. Mai 1963, wurde im Krönungssaal des Rathauses, der ehemaligen Kaiserpfalz, der Internationale Karlspreis der Stadt Aachen für das Jahr 1963 dem Britischen Lordsiegelbewahrer The Rt. Hon. Edward Heath PC., M.B.E. M.P. verliehen in Würdigung seines unentwegten Mühens um die Eingliederung Großbritanniens in das kontinentale Einigungsstreben und seines Bekenntnisses zur europäischen Schicksalsgemeinschaft.
Der Text der überreichten Medaille lautet:
Karlspreis der Stadt Aachen 1963, Edward Heath, Einordnung und Festigkeit in Europäischer Zukunft

Burnham Beeches is not far from High Wycombe and the headquarters of the Hellfire Club of Benjamin Franklin and Sir Francis Dashwood. I’m sure Burnham Beeches would have been one of their haunts, too. This lady was the wife of the Head Keeper at Burnham Beeches and they lived on the land. She had been brought up by a Satanic family in Scotland and had been sexually and ritually abused as a child by the Scottish Brotherhood network. Her husband was also a Satanist which is why he was given the responsibility of looking after Burnham Beeches, an area of ancient groves and forests managed by the authorities in London and including an area called Egypt Wood. Late one night in the early 1970s during Heath’s reign as Prime Minister, she was taking her dog for a walk when she saw some lights. Quietly she moved closer to see what was going on. To her horror she saw that it was a Satanic ritual and in the circle was the then Prime Minister, Edward Heath, and his Chancellor of the Exchequer, Anthony Barber.

The Child Abuse Pyramid

She says that as she watched him, Heath began to transform into a reptile and she said that what surprised her was that no-one in the circle seemed in the least surprised. “He eventually became a full-bodied Reptiloid, growing in size by some two foot.” She said he was “slightly scaly” and “spoke fairly naturally, although it sounded like ‘long distance’ - if you can imagine the short ‘time’ lapses”. I remember well meeting Heath on a television election programme in 1989 while I was a spokesman for the British Green Party and I have never seen such cold and unpleasant eyes in my life. I knew nothing of these subjects then, but the look of his eyes I have never forgotten.


Another famous paedophile and Satanist in Britain is Lord McAlpine, the former treasurer of Heath’s Conservative Party, and executive of the McAlpine Construction empire. He also followed the late Jimmy Goldsmith as head of the Referendum Party in Britain which was created to hijack the groups opposing the European Union and lead them to glorious failure. McAlpine, who is heavily involved in a network of Brotherhood secret societies, including the Freemasons, has been publicly named as a paedophile by the investigative magazine, Scallywag.35 He was accused of having oral sex with an underage boy in 1965 and was formerly cautioned by Strathclyde Police for sexual offences against a minor. McAlpine was also named by one of the former residents at the Bryn Alyn Children’s Home in North Wales who said he was forced to have oral sex with him. The McAlpine family is one of the Elite bloodlines of Scotland, possibly connecting with the ancient Scottish king, Kenneth McAlpin. The McAlpine family has a long history of Satanism in its ranks, as does the Scottish Keswick family. Both are part of a web which operates across the world into the Far East and Australia. A close friend of the McAlpines is Willie Whitelaw, a chairman of the Conservative Party. He was also Deputy Prime Minister to Margaret Thatcher, who was ‘minded’ by Whitelaw, the McAlpines, and Sir Geoffrey Howe, during her years as Prime Minister. When she had outlived her usefulness to the Brotherhood, it was Howe who made the speech in the House of Commons which effectively ended her reign. Whitelaw was named as a leading Satanist by self-confessed Satanist, Derry Mainwaring-Knight, at Maidstone Crown Court in 1986. As usual, nothing was done about it.36 Mainwaring-Knight lived near East Grinstead, one of the centres of Satanism in England. 

Aleister Crowley

In Scotland, a foremost Satanic centre is Loch Ness, near Inverness, the home, according to the legend, of the famous reptile, the Loch Ness monster. So what could these legends really be symbolic of? Aleister Crowley, the best known Satanist of the 20th century, had a house at Loch Ness and it was to this area that he came to perform some of his most powerful black magic rituals. A rock formation near the loch called the Rock of Curses has been used by black magicians for hundreds of years and Crowley was particularly drawn to the energy emanating from a nearby mountain known as Mealfuorvonie.37 There is much more to the legend of the Loch Ness Monster than meets the eye and the same is true of other unidentified creatures like the so-called Bigfoot. Some Native American shamans believe that the entity which manifests as the Bigfoot can also appear as an aquatic monster or a panther because it has the ability to shape-shift.38

Over and over I have been told by survivors of how they were abused or programmed at the stately homes of the aristocracy or in rooms under the British Museum and other official buildings in London. Names of Conservative government ministers keep recurring in survivor’s accounts. Another paedophile is the former Leicester member of Parliament, Greville Janner, a vociferous campaigner for Jewish causes in Britain. A notorious location for paedophile activities is an apartment block called Dolphin Square in Pimlico, the biggest block of flats in Europe and the London residence of many members of Parliament. The building has been under surveillance by the British Customs after the discovery of pornographic material from Amsterdam. One resident was quoted as saying: “We often have underage boys wandering in the corridors totally lost, asking for the flat of a particular MP.” Pimlico has been nicknamed ‘Pimp-lico’ because of the widespread use of boy prostitutes known as rent boys. The Dolphin Square resident, David Steel, the Scottish former leader of the Liberal Democrats, has actively supported campaigns for ‘gay rights’ by Ian Campbell Dunn, a planning officer at Edinburgh District Council. But Mr Campbell wants rather more than just ‘gay rights’. He is a founding member of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), which wants to legalise sex with children.39 Should Mr Steel be supporting such a character? The former cabinet ministers, Michael Portillo and Peter Lilley, are apparently regular diners at the restaurant in Dolphin Square along with many famous political figures. I wonder what the attraction can be? Must be the food. Yes, definitely the food.


People think that ritual abuse and sacrifice, if it exists at all, is rare. Like hell it is. Human sacrifice and ritual abuse is rampant. Look at the Satanic child abuse and murder network exposed in Belgium which involves the police, judges, and top politicians. The same is coming to light in North Wales and other areas of the UK. The lack of interest by the media is stunning, if not surprising. Ted Gunderson, a man of 28 years experience with the FBI, told a mind control conference in the United States that after long and detailed research, he estimates there are 3.75 million practising Satanists in the US and between 50 and 60,000 human sacrifices a year. Therapists at the conference said that their clients had pointed to a massive Satanic grave site in open land outside Lancaster, California.40 Another exists, apparently, at Matamoros, Mexico.

The Satanic ritual network connects into the children’s homes, care centres, and runaway hostels to ensure a constant supply of children. Please tell me what you know. A short while before this book was sent to the printer, I was contacted by a friend in the United States who was deprogramming a mind controlled slave of the Brotherhood called Arizona Wilder. I will explain how this mind control is done in the next chapter.

She had been mind controlled from childhood to be a so-called Mother Goddess, who conducts sacrificial rituals at the highest levels of the global Brotherhood. Arizona was one of only three women at that level in the world. She has performed rituals for the British royal family, as you will see in the chapter, The Goddess and the King, and this lady is so high in the Satanic hierarchy that even the Queen is, apparently, forbidden to speak to her during the ceremonies. She was genetically bred for this job and her mother is of French noble descent. Arizona told me that the reptilians do not appear to be that psychic, and I guess this has something to do with the lack of a fully formed emotional and spiritual level of being, and so they mind control and programme humans of particular bloodlines, like her, to perform the rituals and draw in the energies for them. She says she was personally programmed by Josef Mengele (she knows him as Green or Greenbaum), a shape-shifting reptilian, and the infamous Nazi mind controller and genetic manipulator, who escaped at the end of the war with the help of British and American Intelligence to continue his horrors in the United Kingdom, the United States, and South America. He once showed her a spider a foot wide which he had genetically developed and he introduced her to Adolf Hitler in the United States in the 1960s. 

She has described many top secret facilities in the United States which my friend has personally seen himself and every time she has been 100% accurate. She says that each of the ruling 13 families of the global Brotherhood have their own council of 13. The most powerful council in the United States is based in California and among the members are Robert Caldwell, his son Richard, Jim Christensen, Richard Hoehn, Richard Bradbury, Jim Efferson, Fred Danger and Frank Cohen. But the head of that council, and the highest-ranked member of the Illuminati (Brotherhood) that she knows, is a man code-named Pindar from the Alsace-Lorraine region of France. Pindar means ‘Penis of the Dragon’. His name, Arizona says, is the Marquis de Libeaux. I have not yet established if this is his real name or another pseudonym - can you help? Libeaux relates to ‘of the water’ and is consistent with the ancient legends of reptilian gods coming from the water. She says that in the basement of his chateau in Alsace-Lorraine there is an opening into the subterranean world. Note the area - Lorraine, home to key reptilian bloodlines going back many centuries as I outlined earlier. This mind controlled high priestess/ Mother Goddess was impregnated by Pindar, she says, but her own mind began to reject the programming and she aborted the foetus and broke with the Brotherhood. As often happens, her programming began to break down when her programmer, Mengele, died in the late 1980s. Arizona says that Pindar, like all the reptilians when they shape-shift, has very powerful hypnotic eyes (the ‘evil eye’ of legend) and at sacrifices the victim’s face is turned to Pindar at the moment of death for him to steal the person’s soul or energy through this ‘evil eye’ magnetic process.

The following is information that has been supplied by Arizona: Pindar attends the major Satanic ceremonies in Europe and then flies to California for the rituals there. Beltane used to be celebrated in Trebuco Canyon in Orange County, California, but due to urban sprawl, the rites are now conducted in nearby Blackstar Canyon, which is closed to the public. Local streets are also cordoned off by members of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department. The Samhain ritual is conducted at the Eastside Christian Church located at the junction of 7th Avenue and Temple in Longbeach. Outside the church is a logo of a white dove with a red goblet between its wings. This is Semiramis again and white is considered a demonic colour by these people, hence Pindar, the ‘Marquis de Libeaux’, travels in a white limousine. (A ‘code-white’ is a code understood by judges, police, the military, etc, and it means: look the other way or do not prosecute this person). Military guards carrying automatic weapons protect the church and inquisitive outsiders are ritually murdered and disposed of at the mortuary down the street. The Walpurgis ritual takes place at the west side of Catalina Island. The Coastguard vessel, Golden Eagle, takes sacrificial children who can’t swim across to the site and they are thrown overboard. The bodies are recovered and placed in cages filled with starving sharks for disposal.

At outdoor rituals, Arizona says she wore a red robe and stood in the centre of a pentagram which was surrounded by a hexagram or Star of David. She was triggered into her ‘Isis’ program and conducted the Drawing Down of the Moon ceremony which, she says, made four snarling, hideous creatures materialise in the Satanists’ circle. The sacrificial victims, who have been bred from birth for the role, are ritually killed by slashing the throat from left to right. This is the origin of the Freemasonic sign of pulling the flat hand across the throat from left to right, a movement which means “You’re dead”. The blood from the victims is collected and mixed with arsenic, which appears to be a necessary element for those of the human-reptilian bloodlines. This is poured into goblets and consumed by the Satanists, together with the liver and eyes.

This is supposed to provide strength and greater psychic vision. Fat is scraped from the intestines and smeared over the bodies of the participants - like the fat of the ‘messeh’ in ancient Egypt. The corpse is then suspended from a tree and the Satanists stand naked to allow the dripping blood to fall on them. The Mother Goddess says that by this time the participants are in such a high state of excitement that they often shape-shift into reptilians and mostly manifest, she says, in a sort of off-white colour. They are also terrified, because at this point the Mother Goddess points to four of them and they are then ritually murdered. Clare Reeves, the President of Mothers Against Sexual Abuse in the US, told me that at least 12 ritually abused clients had reported that the participants shape-shifted into reptilians. Another ritual takes place in Orange County at Dana Cove Point in which a pregnant woman is drowned and her baby removed. The British royal family, Ronald and Nancy Reagan, Gerald Ford, George Bush, the two Bush Governor sons, Henry Kissinger, Newt Gingrich, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Rothschilds, Habsburgs, Bob Hope, Rupert Murdoch and a stream of other famous names have all attended sacrificial rituals at which this Mother Goddess has presided, Arizona says.

Hillary is the power that controls Bill Clinton

She says that Hillary is the power that controls Bill Clinton because she is far higher up the hierarchy than him. He is mind controlled, she says, and Hillary is his handler. She also reports that she has seen reptilians, Greys, and reptile-human hybrids at many underground facilities, including the infamous Area 51 in Nevada. She says that astronaut Neil Armstrong took pictures on the Moon of translucent structures and an underground habitat. These pictures are, apparently, in a building in Oklahoma City.

The Mother Goddess said that she had also conducted Satanic ceremonies in France involving Pope John Paul II. Another source within the mind control community reports that the Pope is also a mind contolled stooge and a contact with relatives in the Vatican told me that they were slowly poisoning the Pope to ensure that he dies in time for their chosen one to replace him at the right time. We should expect, he said, to see the Pope looking more and more frail and sick in the weeks and months ahead.

What the victims have told me would be almost unbelievable were it not coming from so many different, unconnected sources and were not the stories across the world not telling the same basic tale, even down to the details of the rituals and the mind programming techniques. The children, and the traumatised adults they become, have nowhere to turn. Their stories are so astonishing that few believe them and they are frightened of going to the police because they know that the Satanic network includes top police officers, judges, civil servants, media people, politicians, and many others who control our ‘free’ society. Questions like “Who are you going to tell?” and “Where are you going to run?” are used to break their spirit. Their sense of hopelessness makes them think there is nothing they can do to seek justice, so they give up and stop trying.

Masonic Secret Services Pyramid

The vast majority of Freemasons are not Satanists or child abusers, but there is a far greater ratio of them in secret societies like the Masons, than outside. How can you have confidence in justice therefore when, for instance, the Manor of St James’s Freemasonry Lodge, No 9179, consists of the leading operational police officers from all the major units of London’s Metropolitan Police, including the Anti-Terrorist Squad, Fraud Squad, and the Complaints Investigations Branch which is supposed to investigate allegations of police wrong-doing! The St James’s Lodge further includes senior figures from the Home Office, judiciary, and the Directorate of Public Prosecutions, which decides if a person will or will not be prosecuted. The whole system of investigation, prosecution, and trial, or the suppression of them, can be achieved by members of this one lodge working together. What chance has a child got against that?

Levitating Stone

Erstellt 2007. Update 9. Januar 2008
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Quicktime Movie: David Icke 15 of 42.  Only if we know, who we are, can we know freedom. 5:38 min. 4 mb.