DEUTSCHLAND 07 - Holey Roman Empire: ROMA = AMOR (Inverse)

Holy Roman Empire

"When Hitler spoke of the Third Reich, meaning Third Empire, he was speaking of the Restoration of the Holy Roman Empire".


The Holy Roman Empire started when Charlemagne conquered ancient Europe on behalf of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, smashing the Celtic and Pagan nature-cult religions and replacing them with Roman Catholicism. 

Rome map: Air, Fire, Earth and Water


From the 8th Century, the Holy Roman Empire shared power with the Church, although throughout history conflicts arose as the Emperors ironically clung to the Pagan and Gnostic beliefs and practices that they had eradicated on behalf of the Church.  By the 12th Century, the Church's beliefs were moving towards what we now see as modern Catholicism, and a great schism occurred between Church and Empire.  This feud of 100 years resulted in the simultaneous rise of three different Popes who all sought the support of the Emperor.


Unity was finally achieved under Emperor Sigismund who saw the danger of a fractured belief system.  While he remained loyal to his Occult beliefs, Sigimund gave his political support to the strict dogma of the Roman Catholic Church as we see it today, which moved to abolish any such Gnostic practices from amongst the ordinary peoples of the Empire through the introduction of the horrific Inquisition.

Simultaneously, Emperor Sigismund consolidated the power of the Holy Grail bloodline Royal families of Europe by the creation of the occult and alchemical Imperial and Royal Dragon Court and Order - the "Secret Church" within the Church.

The County (later Principality) of Habsburg never formed part of Austria-Hungary, but was part of The Holy Roman Empire and is now in Switzerland. The Dukes of Austria, later emperors of Austria-Hungary, however, were from the Habsburg dynasty. Habsburg was first mentioned in 1020 as a castle. The Habsburg family rapidly became one of the most powerful families in Europe, after acquiring Austria and later also Bohemia and Hungary.

The first use of a lion as the arms of Habsburg dates from 1186. Ever since the lion has been the arms of the County and the family.

Flag of the Habsburg Monarchy

Flagge der Habsburger. (Eigentlich die kaiserlichen Farben des Heiligen Römischen Reichs.) Sie wurde bis zum Österreich-Ungarischen Ausgleich auch als Flagge des Kaisertums Österreich verwendet, danach Flagge der österreichischen Reichshälfte in Österreich-Ungarn

All subsequent Holy Roman Emperors, such as the Habsburgs who remained in power for 600 years until they were defeated by Napoleon Bonaparte, have remained loyal to the Dragon Court, while also maintaining power and influence within the orthodox Roman Catholic Church. 


Not surprisingly, some of the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church and secret Catholic orders such as the Priory of Sion and the Knights of Malta have similarly remained loyal to both the Roman Catholic Church and the occult Secret Church of the Holy Roman Empire, with its Rosicrucian "Secret Doctrine".

When Hitler spoke of the Third Reich, meaning Third Empire, he was speaking of the restoration of the Holy Roman Empire and its Secret Church, led by the "pure bloodline" fraternity.

Sex and the Paranormal
"The inversion of AMOR, meaning love, is ROMA".

Most ancient cultures include some form of sexual ritual. The powerful opportunities lying behind the unity of the male and female energies and the possibility of creation make the sex act an obvious choice for ritualization. 

While Pagan cultures used sexual ritual to align with the fertile energies of the Universe through hedonistic Bacchanalian/Dionysian abandonment, Gnostic Christianity adopted more complex Eastern philosophy.  The ancient religious discipline of Tantra, from which Tibetan Tantric Buddhism and orthodox Hinduism have developed, teaches that mystical enlightenment can be achieved through the careful ritualization of sensuality. 

Movie: Kubrik - Eyes white shut

Unlike the ancient shamanic traditions from which it developed, Tantra taught the strict disciplining of Mind and Body to create an acute awareness and opening to the dual male/female energies of the Universe, and thus the ability to understand and experience the Unity of the Divine.  Simply put, it is the transmutation of desire and experience into an authentic understanding.  When Tantric ideas reached the Middle East from India, ecstasy cults such as the Nazarenes and the Mandeans sprung into being. 

Earth                                Air                                    Water                                Fire

Scholars now believe that the Historical Christ belonged to one such cult, and from the crossing of the two cultures, Gnostic Christianity emerged.  The Celts were the first Europeans to embrace Gnosticism recognizing the similarity in symbolism, and so Celtic Christianity quickly emerged.  Unlike the Holy Roman Catholic Church, it understood the sexual ideas of the teachings of the Historical Christ.  Transmutation of sexuality rather than repression of sexuality created a distinctly different form of Christianity, which is illustrated clearly on the covers of the first Christian Bibles that depict the crucified Jesus with an enormous erection, as displayed in London's British Museum. 

Celtic Christianity was destroyed by the Holy Roman Empire, but Christian Gnosticism saw a renaissance in Europe in the 12th Century.  Surviving Pagan nature cult followers again embraced Christian Gnosticism, but a split between the Holy Roman Empire and the Holy Roman Church caused the marginalization and eventually demonization of Tantric/Gnostic ideas.  In order to consolidate dogmatic power, theologians within the Church cast out sexuality from within ideas of spirituality.  

As we see today in most modern Christian traditions, sexuality far from offering a path to enlightenment, if embraced is seen to offer only a path to misery, destruction and perhaps even Hell.   

It is no coincidence that the inversion of AMOR, meaning love, is ROMA.  Evidence of Rome's demonization of Tantra is clearly displayed by the Holy Eucharist, which is the centerpoint of the Catholic Mass. 

Leonardo Da Vinci: Last supper

A particular Indian Tantric ritual, the Five Enjoyments, which is a celebration of life through the appreciation of fine meat, bread, fish, wine and sex, became to the Gnostic Christians the sharing of Bread and Wine as is illustrated in the story of the Last Supper.  It is pertinent that the meaning behind the echoed rituals of the Catholic Eucharist were radically altered in the turbulent 12th Century by St.Thomas Aquinas.  The bread and wine of the "five enjoyments" became the transubstantiated and literal body and blood of Christ.  The celebration of life was now a celebration of death through a vampiric act of cannibalism.

Movie: Kubrik - Eyes white shut

This fundamental alteration in the approach to simple human pleasures may go some way to explaining the repressed and violent nature of the European Christian cultures that have since spread throughout the world.

The Dragon Court

"The Black Mass was the original Christian Mass of Jesus".

Prince Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg
      (Princeps Draconis & Sovereign Grand Master)

The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court & Order was one of several  occult-inspired secret societies created by the aristocracies of Europe following the formation of the Catholic Priory of Sion and the Knights Templar in the 12th Century.


During a time of turmoil within the Holy Roman Empire that controlled most of Europe, these exclusive inner courts and more accessible outer orders were designed to unify the power of the aristocratic families under the Holy Roman Emperor, against an increasingly influential Vatican. 

The Dragon Sovereignty, also known as the Rex Deus fraternity, was created by Catholic Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund and occultist Vlad the Impaler - the historical figure behind the Dracula myths.  Following alchemical principles, the order sought to attain mystical powers that they believed to be their birthright, as inheritors of the bloodline of the Holy Grail.  Vlad the Impaler was a prominent member of the Holy Roman Emperor's court, and while the occult pursuits of the Dragon Court were not unusual amongst similar aristocratic brotherhoods, it is of relevance today as one of the longest surviving and most visible of these secret societies.  Recent publications from within the order such as Sir Laurence Gardner's Genesis of the Grail Kings outline their detailed beliefs about the evolution of Man, and are bestsellers at bookstore Barnes & Noble.  These books describe a belief system similar to that of Madame Blavatsky and her Theosophy movement, which was largely responsible for the esoteric ideas that led to the Jewish Holocaust: 

"In practical terms the concept of this unique fraternity can be traced back to the original Grand Assembly of the Annunaki in ancient Mesopotamia".

The aristocratic families of the Dragon Court believe their "pure blood" makes them the "genetically engineered" and chosen rulers of Man.  They believe the natural social order of Humankind is Feudalism rather than Democracy as "Incompetent self-seeking, middle-class idiots more often find themselves voted into control of vast social systems".

Movie: Kubrik - Eyes white shut. Torture in Irak/Bagdad from U.S.

Much of the European Community recognizes the Dragon Court as an ethnic racial group and Sovereign State, similar to the secret society the Knights of Malta, who incidentally have Permanent Observer status at the United Nations.  By its own admission, the order has within its ranks Catholic Bishops, Monsignors, and even a Papal Chaplain - Monsignor Laszlo Esterhazy of the Mariaremete Cathedral in Budapest.  Extraordinary claims by ex-Jesuit priest and Vatican insider Malachi Martin may finally get the attention they deserve, albeit after his untimely death in 1999.  Martin worked in the inner circles of the Vatican for over twenty years, spoke 17 languages, and wrote many respected scholarly books.  However, his final book claimed an occult conspiracy was afoot within the Vatican, and that Satanic rituals were conducted within a Secret Church dedicated to "Lucifer."

The Dragon Court is directly linked to the European Council of Princes - the political body of the European Grail families, who participated in the formation of the New World Order think-tank The Bilderberg Group.  Sir Laurence Gardner is both Chancellor of the Dragon Court and Presidential Attaché to the Council of Princes.  By their own admission, the Council of Princes was supported by the CIA in their fight against global communism.  However, the Princes did not fight communism in order to restore democracy, but in order to reclaim their birthright as "natural rulers" within a feudal system that caused so much suffering to the Russian people prior to their revolution of 1917. 

The Dragon Court primarily concerns itself with Witchcraft and alchemical Vampirism, and considers itself the terrestrial incarnation of the pantheon of the Gods.

Its function is to do "the will of the Gods" as interpreted by the Court's hierarchy.  Gardner bluntly elaborates in his book Genesis of the Grail Kings:

"The Mesopotamian (Sumerian) accounts indicate a rampant population problem which had to be curtailed.  An ancient Akkadian text states that the people had multiplied beyond any control and were so noisy that Enlil (Annunaki God) could not get any sleep... they were still lacking the key elements of wisdom and a properly regulated society.  There was no marital institution and there were no rules governing procreational couples.  Until 4000 BC, sexual mating was largely a matter of free will, with a freedom of partners... they were apparently not conditioned to municipal laws and organized social government.  The tablets reveal that Enlil had tried to reduce the population by means of selective famines and plagues, but without success.  And so the Assembly of the Annunaki elected for a drastic solution that could quickly pave the way to a new beginning.  They agreed to flood the Sumerian region in its entirety".


The genocidal impulse of the Gods doesn't find any difficulty expressing itself in modern times.  No doubt the recent spread of AIDS in Africa is also the handwork of the Assembley of the Annunaki Gods. 

Presumably so was the naming of the vast mountain range which covers much of South Africa - the Drakensberg Mountains.

Levitating Stone

In a naive attempt to put a human face to the mask that the Dragon Court has worn since its inception, Chancellor Gardner and Sovereign Grand Master Prince Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg reveal much about their Occult philosophy and belief system.  Having been appointed Sovereign Grand Master by the House of Habsburg (former head of the European Council of Princes Prince Otto von Habsburg), De Vere von Drakenberg is attempting to make a case with his website, where he openly discussed the values of the Order - namely Vampirism, Witchcraft and Satanism.  His e-book From Transylvania to Tunbridge Wells candidly admits that their forefathers the Knight's Templar were a "deeply Satanic organization.".

This would be of little consequence were it not for the fact that the Knights Templar are also the founding fathers of modern Freemasonry, and the role model for the Ivy League secret society Skull and Bones of which past President and CIA director George Bush was a member.  President George W. Bush admitted in a Time magazine interview (Aug 7, 2000) that he too is an initiate.  When asked to elaborate, he responds "Without revealing all the great secrets?", then adds that his father told him "These same secret societies are behind it all".

Erstellt 2006. Update 13. Juli 2007
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm