Gesamtschau-Digital: Carl Huter
David Icke: The Biggest Secret. Forbidden Knowledge. The Key to our Past - Part 20

This publication was so revealing that the Brotherhood network had the publisher, Lord Alfred Douglas, imprisoned on the basis of an alleged ‘libel’ printed in his paper about Winston Churchill. How it is possible to libel a Satanist like Churchill is rather hard to comprehend. That correspondence between Cromwell and Pratt was mirrored by actual events. On November 12th 1647, Charles I was allowed to escape and in fact was ‘hidden’ on the Isle of Wight, just off the southern coast of England, where I am writing this section. Charles was recaptured and when he and Parliament appeared to be close to an agreement that would spare his life, Cromwell, by now Lord Protector, dismissed all the members supporting an agreement. History calls what remained the ‘Rump Parliament’.

Amandus Kupfer hat Hitler bereits 1932 in Bezug auf Cromwell diplomatisch beschrieben.
Es gab andere Personen, die sehr offen und provozierend direkt in Zeitungen Adolf Hitler beschrieben haben. Diese undiplomatische Vorgehensweise haben diese Personen mit dem Leben bezahlen müssen. Als Bespiel sei die Zeitung „Der gerade Weg“ von Dr. Fritz Gerlich benannt
Dr. Fritz Gerlich. Der gerade Weg. 1932                                                                   DgM Nr. 2 - Hrsg. Amandus Kupfer. 1932

DgM Nr. 2 - Hrsg. Amandus Kupfer. 1932 u. Gedenkschrift - Hrsg. Käthe Kupfer. 1962 (Text und Bilder/Dokumente hinzugefügt)

Another trial was ordered by Cromwell because his agreement with his backers in Amsterdam was that Charles would be executed. The indictment against Charles was drawn up by Isaac Dorislaus, the agent in England of Manasseh ben Israel, one of the main funders from Amsterdam of the Cromwell ‘revolution’ ~ The outcome of the ‘trial’ was the public beheading of Charles and this was followed by Cromwell allowing the ‘Jews’ to return to England. I would stress again that we are not, in truth, talking about Jews, but the financial hierarchy of the Black Nobility and the Brotherhood who hide behind the term ‘Jews’ and mercilessly manipulate the mass of those who call themselves Jewish. 

After Cromwell’s death in 1661, many of his Calvinist-Puritan followers headed for America to escape ‘religious persecution’ following the reinstatement of the monarchy under Charles II. These were the religious fanatics who slaughtered the Native Americans under the banner of ‘God’. The Black Nobility bankers in Amsterdam caused a financial depression in England to undermine Charles II. Eventually a ‘peace’ deal was struck between Holland and England in 1667 in which William of Orange (Black Nobility) would marry Mary, daughter of the Duke of York. When Charles II died in 1685, it was the Duke of York who became King James II. Now all the Brotherhood had to do was remove him from the throne and their guy would be King of England. They began to bribe James II’s most influential aristocratic supporters and the first to bite was John Churchill, the reptilian Duke of Marlborough. The Commissioner of Public Accounts revealed that Churchill had taken bribes totalling some £60,000 (an absolute fortune in those days) from representatives of Dutch and Spanish financial families like Sir Solomon de Medina and Antonio Machado. Researcher, Euctace Mullins, puts it at more like £350,000.36

Mr. und Mrs. Churchill
Source: „Das Buch von 1941“. Amandus Kupfer, Student from Carl Huter (1861-1912), founder of „Menschenkenntnis“ and „Kallisophie“ (Hinzugefügt)

John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, was an ancestor of Britain’s wartime prime minister, Sir Winston Churchill, and the Churchill-Brother-hood connections continue to this day. Sir Winston’s daughter-in-law, Pamela, married the American, Averell Harriman, one of the great Brotherhood manipulators of the 20th century and much documented in ..And The Truth Shall Set You Free. Pamela Harriman, who had formerly been married to Winston’s son, Randolph, became very influential in the American Democratic Party and is widely named as the force behind Bill Clinton’s election as US president. She was rewarded by being made US ambassador to the key Brotherhood city of Paris, where she died in 1997 at the age of 76. Her son, also named Winston, is a British member of Parliament who is close to the Rothschilds. Pamela Churchill-Harriman dated Elie de Rothschild before marrying Averell Harriman. 

In 1995 the Churchill family were given £12,500 million of National Lottery money when they sold some of Sir Winston Churchill’s Second World War speeches to ‘the nation’. The speeches were purchased with this public money by the National Heritage Memorial Board, chaired by... Lord Jacob Rothschild. Just a coincidence, nothing to worry about. The Churchill-Harrimans are bloodline families. One of Pamela Harriman’s ancestors conspired with the Percy family, ancestors of George Bush, in the attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament in the so-called Gun Powder Plot led by Guy Fawkes on November 5th 1605. As a Harriman, Pamela represented the ‘Democratic’ wing of the Brotherhood while the Bush’s, close associates and business partners of the Harrimans, represent the ‘Republican’ wing. Both have answered to the same master to ensure that the United States, like every other country, is a one-party-state. 

The Bush family are close friends of the Windsors, which shouldn’t surprise anyone who has read this far because both are shape-shifting reptilians. Bush and his associate, the Brotherhood’s tireless global manipulator, Henry Kissinger, have both been knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.

The modern version of Freemasonry expanded rapidly from its obscure beginnings among the Templars and other mystery initiates. The Grand Lodge of England - the centre of the network - was officially formed on June 24th 1717. This is St John the Baptist’s Day, a sacred day for the Knights Templar and an obvious connection to the Knights of St John of Jerusalem (Malta). John the Baptist is the patron saint of both the Freemasons and the Templars because Oannes was another form of John in Babylon and Oannes was a another name for Nimrod. The Irish Grand Lodge followed some six or seven years later. 

Most of the field lodges which emerged among the regiments in the British army were warranted by the Irish and not the English Grand Lodge. The Scottish clans introduced Freemasonry to their blood brethren in France and I should mention one man in this regard, Andrew Michael Ramsey, a tutor to the Scottish Stuart pretender to the throne, Bonnie Prince Charlie. Ramsey was born in Scotland in the 1680s and was a close friend of Isaac Newton, the Grand Master of the Priory of Sion. He was a member of many Elite groupings, including a sort of Rosicrucian society called the Philadelphians (named after the city from where the American War of Independence was orchestrated) and the French chivalric Order of St Lazarus. Many of these Elite groups give their initiates esoteric names and Ramsey’s Brotherhood name was ‘Chevalier’.37 He was a significant factor in the spread of Freemasonry and he is particularly remembered in Freemasonic circles for two versions of the same speech he made in December 1736 and March 1737. It became known as Ramsey’s Oration and in it he charted some of the history of Freemasonry. He confirmed that it was derived from the mystery schools of antiquity which worshipped Diana, Minerva and Isis (Semiramis). He said that Freemasonry had its origins in the Holy Land at the time of the Crusades (the Knights Templar) and did not originate with stone masons. Ramsey said that ‘our Order’ (the Templars) had formed an intimate union with the Knights of St John of Jerusalem (Malta) and from that time: “our lodges took the name of Lodges of St John”.38 In France, Freemasonry, with Ramsey’s keen support, spawned a particularly important strand, a fusion between Freemasonry and the Jacobite movement which became known as Grand Orient Freemasonry. 

There are also Grand Orient networks in others countries like Brazil and Portugal. Grand Orient means Grand East and its rituals are inspired by the worship of Zoroaster in Persia, Ishtar and Tammuz (Semiramis and Nimrod) in Babylon, Demeter, Persephone and Dionysus in Greece, Aphrodite and Adonis in Syria, Isis and Osiris in Egypt, and Mithra in Persia.39

The Grand Orient in France was to be the focus behind the manipulation and coordination of the French Revolution. From the Brotherhood’s point of view, this ‘peoples’ revolution had nothing to do with freedom and everything to do with its Agenda for global control. The famous cry of the French revolutionaries: “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”, is a Freemasonic motto.

The science of manipulation

As the power of religion began to wane, another mental prison cell was created. We call it, rather bravely, ‘science’. Not real science. Official science, the one that says that this world is all there is and there is no continuation of life after ‘death’. The Brotherhood had to find an alternative for those rejecting religion to ensure they would not realise that we are multidimensional infinite consciousness incarnate in a physical body for a period of intense experience on the road of evolution; that we don’t ‘die’ because we cannot die.

Anmerkung Timm: Carl Huter (1861-1912) führte empirisch den naturwissenschaftlichen Nachweis, das „Tod“ lediglich eine Art Umpolung ist, d.h. die Individualkraft, Seele (Zentrosomakraft der lebenden Zelle als Bewusstsein bzw. Empfindungskraft der Materie), eines Menschen überlebt, lediglich der Körper zerfällt. Näheres hier in Rubriken „Kräfte“ und „Menschenkenner“. Das Gute und Höhere Bewusstsein des Menschen ist in der Tat unzerstörbar! Gerade der Privatgelehrte Carl Huter, geboren bei Hannover/Hildesheim, vereinigt harmonisch den wahren Begriff „Religion“, also re-ligio mit Wahrer Wissenschaft/true science!, d.h. beantwortet die zentralen Menschheitsfragen: Woher komme ich?, Was ist mein/e Beitrag/Aufgabe für diese Welt in diesem Körper?, Wohin gehe ich nach meinem biologischen Tod? Erst diese harmonische Vereinigung von Wissenschaft und Religion führt evolutiv den Menschen zur nachhaltigen Befreiung aus seinem mentalen Gefängnis! Die zentralen Grundsteinlegungen der zukünftigen wahren Naturwissenschaft (Fokus MENSCH!) erfolgten durch Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) und Carl Huter (Begründer der Menschenkenntnis, die wahre Naturwissenschaften und Religion harmonisch vereint hat). ALBRECHT DÜRER verfasste die ersten systematischen Lehrbücher über menschliche Proportionen in deutscher Sprache! Albrecht Dürer ist somit Begründer der Kunst-Physiognomik. Erst im Klassischen Zeitalter Universaler Wissenschaften, also 19. Jahrhundert, konnten Dürers Bestrebungen vollumfänglich vom Privatgelehrten Carl Huter (1861-1912), insbesondere aufgrund wissenschaftlich bedeutsamer Kenntnisse der lebenden Zelle, vollendet werden.

David Icke (Hinzugefügt)

Energy is consciousness and energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed into another expression of itself. When you realise that you are not your physical body, but the infinite, eternal consciousness giving life to that body, your vision of yourself and your potential is expanded beyond measure. What a nightmare for those who wish to exert control. 

So through the Freemasonic networks, the Royal Society was formed, yet again in London, under a royal warrant from Charles II in 1662. It was the world’s first assembly of scientists and engineers, and it was to be the dominating influence on the direction of ‘science’. Virtually all the early members of the Royal Society were Freemasons who knew that that direction was flawed and untrue. No doubt the same applies today. 

Some familiar names are about to appear again. The ‘father’ of the Royal Society, who was said to be its inspiration before he ‘died’ (or moved locations), was Francis Bacon, the top Rosicrucian, translator of the Bible, and architect of Freemasonry. The Royal Society stalwarts also included: Isaac Newton, the Rosicrucian Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, who became a fellow in 1672; Lord Moray, a Scottish Freemason; Elias Ashmole, one of the first registered Freemasons; and Andrew Michael ‘Chevalier’ Ramsey, a leading light of Freemasonry, who was admitted to the Royal Society without any scientific qualifications whatsoever. Another fellow was John Byrom, a Freemason and member of the Cabala Club, also known as the Sun Club.40 In 1984, more than 500 of his papers were found in a house in Manchester and they included information about sacred geometry, architecture and cabalistic, Freemasonic and other alchemical and esoteric symbols.41

Ashmole, an alchemist and Rosicrucian with many esoteric contacts in Germany, was a close friend of Charles II and a Knight of the Order of the Garter, that premier order of ‘chivalry’ headed by the monarch. He wrote a book with Arthur Dee (the son of Dr John Dee), who was personal physician to the Tsar, Ivan the Terrible. When Ivan died, Dee’s manipulation installed the Romanov dynasty on the Russian throne.42

Ashmole was extremely well connected and maintained close contacts with the ‘Invisible College’ which met in Oxford from 1650. Just such a group was proposed by Francis Bacon in his book, The New Atlantis. This ‘Invisible College’ included the famed scientist Robert Boyle, another Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, and Sir Christopher Wren, the architect behind St Paul’s Cathedral in the City of London, the financial centre of the Black Nobility and the Babylonian Brotherhood. Both were Grand Masters of the Rosicrucian Order. 

St Paul’s, and the rebuilding of the City in general, was made possible by the Great Fire of London in 1666 and how interesting that both Wren, the architect who designed St Paul’s Cathedral on a former site of Dianaworship, and Robert Hooke, one of three city surveyors after the fire, were both members of the Royal Society and high initiates of the secret societies. 


The new City of London was built to a Masonic street plan with the design of the buildings based on the knowledge of the energy grid in that area and how best to manipulate it.

The Royal Society was - and is - more than a grouping of scientists. At its core it is a secret society controlled, indeed created, by the Brotherhood to limit the vision and breadth of scientific and spiritual understanding. For confirmation of that, look at the esoteric initiates behind an organisation which denies the esoteric. This becomes even more obvious when you consider the background of another group of esoteric initiates who merged into the Royal Society. They called themselves the Lunar Society because they met once a month on the night of the full Moon.43 Among its members was Benjamin Franklin, the high level Freemason, Rosicrucian, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, and closely connected to the Freemasons behind the French Revolution. More of him in the next chapter. 

Other Lunar Society members were Erasmus Darwin, the grandfather of Charles Darwin, the man who would be used to promote the belief in this world-is-all-there-is science and the survival of the fittest via natural selection. I don’t think that even Darwin believed that, certainly not at the end of his life, but the image, the myth, has prevailed. Anyway, the idea that Charles Darwin ‘discovered’ the theory of natural selection and survival of the fittest is ridiculous. His grandfather, Erasmus of the Lunar Society, wrote a book called Zoonomia in 1794 in which he outlined the very same opinion.44 Josiah Wedgwood of the Wedgwood pottery empire, was another Lunar Society member and his daughter married Erasmus Darwin’s son, Robert Darwin, and became the mother of Charles Darwin! 45 

This same bloodline produced Thomas Malthus, who’s sickening racist creed has been used by Adolf Hitler, Henry Kissinger and endless other frontmen for the Brotherhood to justify the genocide of ‘lesser’ races to maintain the genetic purity of the human blood stock - the reptile Aryans.46 Malthus, an Anglican clergyman, said that disease and appalling living conditions for the masses were essential to stop over-population and the dilution of the master (white) bloodlines. This is just one of his little gems of wisdom:
“We are bound in justice and honour formally to disclaim the right of the poor to support. To this end, I should propose a regulation to be made declaring that no child born... should ever be entitled to parish assistance... The (illegitimate) infant is, comparatively speaking, of little value to society, as others will immediately supply its place... All children beyond what would be required to keep up the population to this (desired) level, must necessarily perish, unless room be made for them by the deaths of grown persons.”47

The economist, John Maynard Keynes, who’s principles have dominated modern economic policy, thought Malthus to be a genius and Darwin and his circle believed him to be a master of logic.48 The population control policies of this century have been inspired by the genocide principles of Malthus, as I expose in .. .And The Truth Shall Set You Free. Again the Scottish connection appears. Six of the members of the Lunar Society were educated in Edinburgh and so was Charles Darwin. Another major voice in the official dismantling of ‘God’ and the denial of the eternal soul, was the Frenchman, Rene Descartes, born in 1596 and called: “the father of modern philosophy” .49

Source: Hollywood-Film „MATRIX“ (Hinzugefügt)

Descartes was educated by the Roman Catholic branch of the Babylonian Brotherhood, the Jesuits. He called himself a Roman Catholic all his life and yet his books were placed on the Catholic Index of Forbidden Books. His views would later be expounded by Isaac Newton. Both of them were fascinated by the esoteric and alchemy. Here we can see that the same force which created the religions of the ancient world, also designed the new ‘science’. Who created and sold the idea of a judgmental God and paradise only for believers? The very people who knew it wasn’t true. Who created the materialist and ‘cosmic accident’ version of ‘science’ that denies the eternal soul? The very people who knew it wasn’t true. This tradition is continued today by the movement known as Humanism. Its manifesto, published in 1953, says that the universe is self existing and not created; modern science offers the only acceptable definition of the universe and human values; and when you die you cease to exist.

DgM Nr. 84 - Hrsg. Amandus Kupfer. 1940

These two apparent opposites, religion and science, have many things in common, but one in particular. They both deny the true nature of who we are and the power we have within ourselves to control our destiny. Once we realise that and grasp the limitless power that is waiting to be tapped, the control of the reptilians and their bloodlines will be no more. The face of the Babylonian Brotherhood has endless interconnected masks, but the creation of Freemasonry provided a network which could act as a global coordinator for the thousands of these ‘masks’ to communicate with each other. Some of the masks operate within one group or area of society, but most, especially the major ones like Freemasonry, operate within organisations and groups which appear on the surface to be opposed to each other. This has been a means for the same ‘mask’ to manipulate conflicts and wars, and to direct science, politics and religion to advance the Agenda. The structure was now in place to press the button on the next stage of the plan. The reptile-Aryan control of Africa, Australia, New Zealand and, their biggest prize of all, America.


1 The Occult Conspiracy, p 51.
2 Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, The Temple And The Lodge (Arcade Publishing, New York, 1989), p 106.
3 Holy Blood Holy Grail, p 446-447.
4 Ibid.
5 Ibid, p 141.
6 Gerard de Sede has produced a series of books, L ‘Or de Rennes (Paris 1967); La Race Fabuleuse (Paris 1973); Le Vrai Dossier de l’Enigme de Rennes (Vestric 1975); Les Templiers Sont Parmi Nous (Paris 1976); and Signe: Rose + Croix (Paris 1977).
7 The Occult Conspiracy, p 47.
8 Ibid, p 74.
9 Manly R Hall, The Secret Teachings Of All Ages.
10 The Curse Of Ignorance, Volume II, p 30.
11 Ibid, p 32.
12 The Occult Conspiracy, pp 51-52.
13 George C. Andrews, Extra-Terrestrials Among Us (Llewellyn Publications, St Paul, Minnesota, USA, 1993), p 76.
14 The Secret Teachings Of All Ages, pp CLXV-CLXVIII.
15 Ibid.
16 Ibid.
17 Ibid.
18 The Templar Revelation, p 137.
19 The Secret Teachings OfAll Ages, p CLXVI.
20 Ibid,pCLXV.
21 Ibid,pCLXVI.
22 lbid,pCLXVI.
23 Ibid, p CLXXIV.
24 Ibid.
25 Ibid.
26 The Occult Conspiracy, p 17.
27 The Curse Of Ignorance, Volume II, p 219.
28 The Curse Of Canaan, p 44.
29 Frederick J. PohI, Prince Henry Sinclair - His Expedition To The New World In 1398 (Nimbus Publishing, Halifax, Novia Scotia, originally published 1967), p 18.
30 Ibid.
31 The Temple And The Lodge, p 119.
32 Ibid, p 120.
33 Ibid.
34 Quoted in The Curse Of Canaan, p 83.
35 lbid,p83.
36 lbid,p84.
37 The Temple And The Lodge, p 187.
38 Ibid, p 189.
39 The Curse Of Canaan, p 40.
40 The Templar Revelation, p 139.
41 Ibid, pp 139, 140
42 The Occult Conspiracy, p 56.
43 lan T. Taylor, In The Minds Of Men - Darwin And The New World Order (TFE Publishing, Toronto, Canada, 1984), p 55. An excellent expose of the scam called ‘science’.
44 Ibid, p 58.
45 Ibid, p 55.
46 Ibid, pp 59-65.
47 From a work called his Essay in 1878.
48 In The Minds Of Men, p 63.
49 Ibid, p 29.

Levitating Stone

Erstellt 2007. Update 12. Januar 2008
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Bearbeitung Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm