Gesamtschau-Digital: Carl Huter
David Icke: The Biggest Secret. Forbidden Knowledge. The Key to our Past - Part 21

Bearbeitung Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm


Land of the ‘free’

The most powerful country on the planet today would appear to be the United States of America if you believe what you are told. But the United States has always been controlled from London and still is. America has never been the land of the free and it’s time it was.

The focus of the world has been on big, bad America, as the global villain while all the time the events blamed on Americans have been orchestrated by the Elite of the Babylonian Brotherhood in England and elsewhere. The apparent break up of the British Empire and Britain’s decline, on the surface, as the super power, has further obscured, on purpose, where the real power lies. I emphasise that by London I do not mean the British Government which is just another facade no matter who is in office. I mean that for historical and other reasons the major operational centre of the secret society web of the reptile Brotherhood is based in London or New Troy and, to a large extent, Paris, Brussels and Rome, also. Once again, to understand what has happened in the United States we have to go back a very long time. 

The Phoenicians landed there in ancient times and what appeared to be Egyptian (Phoenician) or Oriental remains were found in the Grand Canyon in the early years of this century, although the knowledge of this has been suppressed. The naming of the US city of Phoenix in the Valley of the Sun in Arizona was inspired by an understanding of the true history of that area, no matter what the official version may wish us to believe. There is evidence that the Welsh, Irish, English and Scots landed in North America many centuries before Columbus.

The official story that Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas is ludicrous. A few miles from Edinburgh in Scotland today still stands Rosslyn Chapel, that holy grail of the Brotherhood Elite. It was built in the shape of a Templar cross by the St Clair-Sinclair family and is a mass of esoteric symbolism. The foundations were laid in 1446 and it was completed in the 1480s. How remarkable then that the stonework at Rosslyn includes depictions of sweetcorn and cacti which were only found in America and Christopher Columbus did not ‘discover’ that continent until 1492! How could this be? There is, in fact, no mystery.

Christopher Columbus was not even nearly the first white person to land in the Americas. The Phoenicians, Norse, Irish, Welsh, Bretons, Basques and Portuguese, all sailed to America before him and so did Prince Henry Sinclair of Rosslyn, as documented in a rare book by Frederick I. Pohl called Prince Henry Sinclair’s Voyage To The New World 1398. Sinclair made the journey with another Brotherhood bloodline, the Zeno family, one of the most prominent Black Nobility families in Venice. 


Sinclair and Antonio Zeno landed in what we call Newfoundland and went ashore in Nova Scotia (New Scotland) in 1398. Antonio’s descriptions in his letters of the land they found correspond perfectly, and in detail, with an area of pitch (asphalt) deposits in Pictou County, Nova Scotia, not far from the present town of New Glasgow.

Sinclair went on to land in what is now New England. In Massachusetts at a place called Prospect Hill at Westford, 25 miles from Boston, a representation of a sword and an armoured knight have been found in the rock. T. C. Lethbridge, the curator of the University Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Cambridge, England, said that the arms, armour and heraldic emblems were those of a late 14th century knight, north Scottish, and: “a kin to the first Sinclair Earl of Orkney”.1 The Brotherhood had known about the Americas for thousands of years and Christopher Columbus was used to make the official discovery so that the occupation of the Americas could begin. This is the story of how it was done.


After the purge of 1307, many Templars left France for Scotland, as we have seen. But others headed for Portugal where they operated under the name, the Knights of Christ, focusing mainly on maritime activities. The most famous Grand Master of the Knights of Christ was Prince Henry the Navigator (another Prince Henry) who lived between 1394 and 1460. The term ‘navigator’ or ‘nautier’ was used by the Knights Templar and the Priory of Sion to denote a Grand Master and so not surprisingly it was continued by this Templar front, the Knights of Christ. Prince Henry was a maritime explorer of royal blood and it was his sailors who ‘discovered’ Madeira and the Azores, two possible remnants of Atlantis. 

Because of his connections to the secret Brotherhood knowledge, he had access to many maps compiled from the journeys of the Phoenicians and others, including those which charted the existence of the Americas. Only a little over 20 years after Columbus set sail for the Americas, sorry ‘India’, the Ottoman Turkish Admiral, Pin Reis, drew a map of what the land mass of Antarctica looked like 300 years before that continent was officially discovered! The accuracy of his map has been confirmed by modern techniques.

Turkish Admiral, Pin Reis, map Northamerica - 300 years before Columbus

How could he do that? He said he drew the map from earlier ones, the same sources available to Prince Henry the Navigator and the Knights of Christ - Knights Templar. This becomes extremely important when you realise that one of Prince Henry’s sea captains and a Knight of Christ was the father-in-law of... Christopher Columbus. This guy was not looking for India. He knew where he was going all along. This is why so many maritime explorers and circumnavigators of the world, like Vasco de Gama and Amerigo Vespucci, came from Portugal. As the Freemasonic historian, Manly P. Hall, has explained, Columbus was connected to the secret society network in Genoa and northern Italy, the bastion of the Black Nobility Venetian-Phoenicians and the reptilian crossbreeds.

Columbus und Santa Matria
The flag: The red Cross ond the White Background. (Hinzugefügt)

He was at one time employed by Rene d’Anjou of the reptilian House of Lorraine, a member of the Babylonian Brotherhood and a nobleman with endless contacts across Europe, including Genoa and Venice. Columbus (real name Colon) was a member of a group inspired by the beliefs of the poet, Dante, who was a very active Cathar and Templar and the flag Columbus flew on his ships on that journey to the Americas was...the red cross on the white background. 

Crucial support for Columbus came from two high initiates of the Babylon Brotherhood network, Lorenzo de Medici, one of the most powerful Venetian reptilian families, and the artist Leonardo da Vinci, a Grand Master of the Priory of Sion.

Five years after Columbus landed in the Caribbean, an Italian known as John Cabot set sail from the Templar port of Bristol in the west of England to officially discover Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and North America. The name Bristol evolved from Barati and was once called Caer Brito. Bristol was a centre for the Knights Templar and the area of the city today called Temple Meads relates to that. Cabot was backed by England’s Henry VII and Cabot’s son, Sebastian, born in Venice, was an explorer and map maker for Henry. Sebastian also sailed to the Hudson Bay in Canada and led an expedition for the Spanish to South America. The Cabots said they were looking for Asia!  The expeditions of the Spanish to South America and the British and French to North America were all coordinated by the same source, branches of the Brotherhood.

Official history does not connect Cabot with Columbus, but not through lack of evidence. John Cabot’s real name was Giovanni Caboto. He was a naturalised Venetian who came from Genoa - the very city where Columbus operated from at the same time Cabot was there. Manly P. Hall, a high degree Freemason himself, said that both were connected to the same secret societies and ‘Wise Men of the East’. He adds in his book, America’s Assignment With Destiny:

“The explorers who opened the New World operated from a master plan and were agents of re-discovery rather than discoverers. Very little is known about the origin, lives, characters, and policies of these intrepid adventurers. Although they lived in a century amply provided with historians and biographers, these saw fit either to remain silent or to invent plausible accounts without substance.”2

Of course they did. They didn’t want the people to know the truth that it was all a scam and part of the long term Brotherhood Agenda. Over the next four centuries the Brotherhood-controlled countries of Europe, particularly Britain, but also including the Dutch, French, Belgians, Spanish, Portuguese, Germans and others, plundered the planet, taking over the world, in effect, and expanded the reptile-Aryan control as never before.

Typical of the mentality and the methods employed were those of Hernando Cortes, who led the Spanish takeover of Central America after Columbus. The native peoples had their own system of measuring time and they had a date on which they expected the return of their god, Quetzalcoatl, in many ways their version of Jesus. The stories told about Jesus in the Middle East and Europe and those of Quetzalcoatl in Central America were basically the same because they came from the same source. The date of the expected second coming of the white god, Quetzalcoatl, was, in European time, 1519 and they believed that he would be wearing attire in keeping with his nickname of the Plumed Serpent. Cortes went ashore in Mexico in 1519 wearing plumed feathers and he even landed close to the spot where Quetzacoatl was expected. He was also carrying a cross, again in keeping with the Quetzalcoatl legend. Because of this, the Aztec king, Montezuma, believed, like his people, that Cortes was the long awaited return of their god. This allowed Cortes, with only 598 men, to gain control of a vast number of people.

By the time they realised that Cortes was no second coming, it was too late. Enormous slaughter of the native peoples followed and one Spanish historian estimated at least 12 million natives of South America alone were killed after the Europeans (Aryans and reptile-Aryans) arrived and an even greater number became slaves. Among the Spanish conquests were the lands of the Incas and the Maya and much of their knowledge was lost or systematically destroyed. 

The same happened in North America where the Europeans killed untold numbers of Native Americans and virtually wiped that culture from the face of the Earth. The native peoples of Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and elsewhere suffered a similar fate. The Aryans, unknowingly controlled by the reptile-Aryans, took over the world through these British and European empires and wherever they went the knowledge of life and history (ie, the reptilian involvement in human affairs) was stolen or destroyed. One of the most obvious earlier examples of this was the destruction of the great esoteric library at Alexandria in Egypt on the orders of the Romans in the 4th century. Books that were not destroyed were hoarded in the Vatican.

The contact who has relatives working at high levels in the Vatican told me how, during his guided tour of the place, he saw vacuum-sealed vaults under the building which housed thousands of ancient esoteric books. “It was unbelievable”, he said.

The first permanent English settlement in what became the United States was at Jamestown, Virginia, in the early 17th century. Virginia, it is said, was named after Elizabeth I, the completely misnamed ‘virgin queen’. It is far more likely, however, given the background, that it was named after the virgin goddess of ancient Babylon, Queen Semiramis and her mirror in Egypt, Isis. Many members of the Francis Bacon family were among the early settlers and so were the Puritan-Calvinists in their black clothing and tall hats who treated the native population, like their own women, with an arrogance and inhumanity beyond description. With the settlers, as the Brotherhood expanded their occupation of the planet, came the reptilian bloodlines of the European aristocracy and royalty who would become the business leaders, bankers, presidents and administrators of the new United States. 

The financial and land ownership of America was assured from the start with the formation of the Virginia Company, set up by King James I in 1606. James knighted Francis Bacon and appointed him to many important positions, including Lord Chancellor of England. Under James’s patronage, the Templars, Rosicrucians and other secret societies joined forces under one name, Freemasonry. Look at some of the early members of the Virginia Company - Francis Bacon, Earl of Pembroke, Earl of Montgomery, Earl of Salisbury, Earl of Northampton, and Lord Southampton. All of them of Brotherhood bloodlines.  The Virginia Company still exists under other names and it still controls the United States, as I shall explain in a moment.

The Freemasons were at the forefront of the change from overt to covert rule by Britain of the North American continent. This transition is known by history as the American War of Independence. The Brotherhood Agenda for America was encapsulated in Francis Bacon’s work, The New Atlantis, published in 1607, in which an ‘Invisible College’ of elite intellectuals dictated events. One of the leading Freemasons of the British colonies in America was Benjamin Franklin, who is still revered as a Founding Father who believed in freedom for the people. His face can be seen on the $100 note. Even the Christian patriot movement which has understood many elements of the global conspiracy, has bought the idea that Franklin would have been on their side. I beg, most strongly, to disagree. Franklin was an asset of British Intelligence, a Satanist, stalwart of the Babylonian Brotherhood, and sacrificer of children. If Americans are not to lose the plot here they need to take a whole new look at the background and motivations of many of their Founding Fathers. Franklin was the Henry Kissinger of his day. 


It was Franklin who, on December 8th 1730, printed the first documented article about Freemasonry in his newspaper, The Pennsylvania Gazette. He officially became a Freemason in February 1731, and was made Provincial Grand Master of Pennsylvania in 1734. In the same year Franklin printed the first Masonic book in America and the first recorded American lodge was founded in his province in Philadelphia. Where was the American War of ‘Independence’ orchestrated from? Philadelphia and there you will still find the Liberty Bell - symbol of Bel, the Sun god of the Phoenicians and the Aryans.

The Phoenician language is about sound, not spelling, and integral to the secret, symbolic language of the reptile-Aryans is the sound of a word. Franklin, who was also a Rosicrucian Grand Mastei, was at the heart of the Brotherhood operation to take over America and replace overt control from London with covert control, the most effective and ongoing form of ruling the masses. I would urge those who think that people like Franklin and many other Founding Fathers were believers in freedom, not to be duped here. If I want you to give me power and support me at an election, am I going to tell you what you want to hear or what I know you don’t want to hear? Many of the main Founding Fathers, like Franklin and Jefferson, were obvious hypocrites who said one thing and did quite another. This is something, of course, that everyone does from time to time, but we are talking scale here. 

Jefferson wrote that all men are created equal while keeping 200 black slaves and writing elsewhere that black people are genetically and intellectually inferior to whites. How do you square those statements? You can’t.

Franklin, too, kept black slaves while parroting on about freedom. Franklin was the leading Freemason in the very place where the War of Independence was organised; he was a member of Freemasonic networks in France, like the Nine Sisters and the San Juan Lodges, which helped to manipulate the French Revolution in 1789; he was an initiate of the highly exclusive Royal Lodge of Commanders of the Temple West of Carcassonne; he was also a member of the Satanic Hellfire Club with his close friend, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Francis Dashwood, who was linked to many esoteric groups, including the Druid Universal Bond. Dashwood had a huge cave dug at his West Wycombe (Wicca) estate for their Satanic rituals and sexual ‘magic’ ceremonies.3 I will discuss the reasons behind the obsession with sex ritual in a later chapter. Let me stress again here that I am not condemning all Druids or the Wiccan traditions, not at all. I am pointing out the malevolent use of this knowledge, which can, and is, used very positively and lovingly also by people who call themselves Druids and Wiccan. The reason I mention that people were Druids etc, is to confirm that they understood and worked with the esoteric knowledge while condemning it in public and hiding behind Christianity. 


Another Hellfire Club member at this time was Frederick, the Prince of Wales, and so were the Prime Minister, the First Lord of the Admiralty, and the Mayor of the City of London.4 This was the company kept by Benjamin Franklin, the man who would lead a ‘rebellion’ against the same British Crown! In truth he was agent 72 of British Intelligence, the very same organisation created by people like Francis Bacon and Dr John Dee during the reign of Elizabeth I. In 1998 excavations under Franklin’s former home at 36 Craven Street, near Trafalgar Square in London, found the remains of ten bodies, six of them children, and they have been dated to the time that Franklin lived there. The cover story appears to be that he and his house mate must have been into grave robbing or buying bodies for medical research. Given that Franklin was a member of a group involved in ritual sacrifice, in line with the ancient rituals of the Babylonian Brotherhood, does anyone seriously believe that? Oh yes, one other thing. It was these two Satanists, Benjamin Franklin and Sir Francis Dashwood, who produced a prayer book which became the basis for the Christian Book of Common Prayer! As Dashwood was also known as Lord le DeSpencer, their work became known as the Franklin-DeSpencer Prayer Book and, in the United States, it was the Franklin Prayer Book.5 

Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

Franklin was working in both America and Europe for the Brotherhood Agenda as were other Founding Fathers, and it is no accident that both Franklin and Jefferson were appointed at different times to represent American interests in that key centre, Paris, as was Sir Francis Bacon as a ‘British’ representative. It was Franklin’s close contacts with the secret society network in France which led to so many French revolutionaries and Freemasons, like Lafayette, being involved in the American War of Independence. His underground contacts also secured the services of the German Freemason, Baron von Streube, who served in the army of Frederick of Prussia. Streube played a significant role in the war, as, of course, did the high degree Freemason, George Washington, the head of the American forces, and the first President of the United States. Most of his officers were Freemasons, as were the leaders and many of the troops in the British armies.

Francis Bacon (1561-1626) - Timeline

Lord Geoffrey Amherst was Commander-in-Chief of British forces in the War of Independence and the man who paid for his commission to become an officer in the first place, was Lionel Sackville, the first Duke of Dorset, an associate of the Duke of Wharton. In 1741, Sackville and Wharton became Knights of the Garter, the Elite chivalric order of the British monarch which slots into the other ‘knights’ networks like the Knights of St John of Jerusalem (Malta). The symbol of the Knights of the Garter is a red cross on a white shield. Sackville founded the Grand Orient network of Freemasonry in Italy which worked with the highly secretive Carbonari and the Alta Vendita. His sons, George and Charles the Earl of Middlesex, were both very active Freemasons. Charles Sackville formed a lodge in the Black Nobility stronghold of Florence, Italy in 1733 and he cofounded the Dilettanti Society with Benjamin Franklin’s friend, Sir Francis Dashwood. Charles Sackville and Dashwood were members of an Elite group of Freemasons around Frederick, Prince of Wales, a member of the Hellfire Club. Charles’ younger brother, George, became colonel of the 20th Foot Regiment (later the Lancashire Fusiliers) and Master of their Freemasonic field lodge. One of the wardens in this lodge was Lieutenant Colonel Edward Cornwallis, another of the top British Army commanders in the war with the American colonies. Cornwallis, who’s twin brother was Archbishop of Canterbury, was made Governor of Nova Scotia in 1750 and formed a Freemasons lodge there. Serving under Cornwallis was Captain James Wolf, yet another figure who would play a vital role for the British in the War of Independence. In 1751, George Sackville became Grand Master of the Irish Grand Lodge, the very body to which the field lodges of the British Army in the colonies were affiliated. And in 1775, just as the war in America was getting into full swing, this same George Sackville, a close friend of the Black Nobility’s King George III, was appointed Colonial Secretary in charge of the American colonies! This was the same network to which Benjamin Franklin was connected. In short, the Babylonian Brotherhood, via the Freemasons, controlled and manipulated both sides in the American War of Independence, just as they do in every other war.

As historians have documented, the British military and naval operation during the War of Independence was incredibly inept. It wasn’t that the colonies won the war, it was that the British chose to lose it. Now we can see why, and the channels through which this was made possible. Also, the British regiments were awash with Freemasonic field lodges which interlocked with their brethren in the American Army.

Benjamin Franklin based himself in Paris during the crucial period and from there he could communicate easily with the French lodges and the British. Paris was also a major centre, and still is, for the British spy network. The role of British Postmaster General was traditionally one of espionage, not least because you had control of all communications. Britain split the job between two people, Sir Francis Dashwood, Franklin’s fellow Satanist, and the Earl of Sandwich who, with Dashwood, formed yet another secret society called the Order of St Francis. This was another Hellfire Club.

The Earl of Sandwich was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty in charge of the naval war against the American colonies and the Encyclopaedia Britannica says that for corruption and incapacity, the administration of the Earl of Sandwich was unique in the history of the British Navy. Equally inept (on purpose) was the commander of naval operations, Admiral Lord Richard Howe, who had been brought together with Franklin in 1774 by Franklin’s sister, a member of his spy network who lived in England. Howe later admitted publicly that he had not told his superiors of his meetings with Franklin.

In the three or four years leading up to the American Declaration of Independence in 1776, Franklin spent the summer at Dashwood’s estate in West Wycombe, north of London, where they took part in ‘rituals’ in the specially-created caves dug on Dashwood’s orders to provide the appropriate locations for their Satanism. A statue of Harpocrates, the Greek god of secrecy and silence, was to be found on the premises of the Hellfire Club depicted with a finger held to his mouth.6 Statues of Harpocrates were often found at the entrances to temples, caves and other sites where the mysteries were performed and communicated. It was Dashwood and Franklin, himself a deputy Postmaster General for the Colonies, who coordinated the war from both sides to ensure the outcome - the covert control of the new United States by the Babylonian Brotherhood in London. A letter dated June 3rd 1778, written by John Norris, an agent of Dashwood, says that he: “Did this day Heliograph intelligence from Doctor Franklin in Paris to Wycombe.”7

The American War of Independence broke out officially in 1775, triggered by the imposition by the British Crown of higher taxation on the colonies to meet the huge costs of the Seven Years War between Britain and France, another Brotherhoodmanipulated conflict. The Seven Years War itself began after George Washington, then a young military leader in the British Colonial Army, had apparently ordered the killing of French troops in Ohio. The seeds of revolution in America were sown when the Brotherhood in London ensured that new taxes were introduced and their representatives in the colonies began to stimulate the rebellion against them. This is a classic technique used throughout the ages. The mass of the people stood in the middle with no idea of what was going on, taking everything on face value. 

Among the American ‘rebels’ were the Freemasons, Patrick Henry and Richard Henry Lee, who led a rebellion by the Virginia Assembly in 1769. The situation came to a head with the passing of the Tea Act which allowed that Brotherhood operation, the British East India Company, to unload its surplus tea in the colonies without paying duty. This clearly destroyed the market for everyone else. Official history to this day says that a group of Mohawk Indians boarded a ship called the Dartmouth in Boston Harbour and threw its cargo of tea into the water.

This was dubbed: the Boston Tea Party. In fact the ‘rebels’ were not Mohawk Indians, but members of the St Andrew’s Freemasons Lodge in Boston dressed up as Indians. They were led by their junior warden, Paul Revere. This event could not have happened without support from the British-controlled Colonial Militia who had been detailed to guard the Dartmouth. The captain of one detachment, Edward Proctor, was a member of... the St Andrew’s Lodge. This lodge was the first in the world to confer a new Freemasonic degree called the Knights Templar Degree. The Grand Master, Joseph Warren, was appointed Grand Master of the whole of North America by the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Other members of the St Andrew’s Lodge included John Hancock. He would be a leader of the so-called Continental Congress who signed the Declaration of Independence. At least three members of the St Andrew’s Lodge, including Paul Revere, were members of the ‘loyal nine’, the inner elite of an important revolutionary group called the Sons of Liberty. It was this group which organised the Boston Tea Party.

George Washington = Freemason
Source: Gardner (Hinzugefügt)

Much of this information is documented by the Freemasonic historian, Manly P. Hall, who also points out that of the 56 signatories of the American Declaration of Independence, almost 50 were known Freemasons and only one was definitely known not to be. On September 3rd 1783, the colonies were recognised as an independent republic, the United States, in the appropriately named, Treaty of Paris. The new constitution was primarily produced by George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Edmund Randolph, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams, at least officially. Most of the Founding Fathers who were so committed to freedom were, like Franklin and Jefferson, keen owners of slaves. Franklin owned slaves for 30 years and sold them at his general store. He placed an advertisement for a slave in 1733 which read: “A likely wench about 15 years old, has had the smallpox, been in the country above a year, and talks English. Inquire the printer hereof.” 

Knights Templar
Source: Gardner (Hinzugefügt)

George Washington owned slaves as did other big names in the War of Independence like John Hancock and Patrick Henry. It was Henry who said: “Give me liberty or give me death.” Unless your face is black, that is. In all, nine presidents were slave owners and one, Andrew Johnson, placed an advertisement seeking the recapture of a runaway slave and offering an extra ten dollars for every 100 lashes the captor gave the slave. Edmund Randolph, a close associate and aide to George Washington, and later Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, was appointed the first Attorney General and Secretary of State of the United States. It was Randolph who proposed a system of central government based on the structure long proposed by the ‘Invisible College’ and the Francis Bacon network.

Most Americans believe the Constitution was compiled to ensure freedom, but it was carefully worded to create loopholes through which the Brotherhood Agenda could be ridden. For a start it says that if the President vetoes a bill passed by Congress the legislation goes back to the House of Representatives and the Senate and to override the presidential veto it has to be voted through again by a majority of at least two-thirds in both houses. This means that you only have to control the President and one third of one house and you stop any legislation becoming law. What more powerful weapon could you have within a ‘free’ society to defend your status quo and stop challenges to your power?


Patriots believe that the creation of money by the private banks is unconstitutional in the United States because the Constitution says that Congress must create the currency. But it doesn’t say that. Article One, Section 8, says that: “Congress shall have the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof.” It does not say (on purpose) that only Congress shall have that power, nor that they have to use that power. Section 10 says that no State shall coin money and that gold and silver coins shall be the only payment of debts. So paper money must be unconstitutional? No. An area of Maryland was given to the new Congress to create the District, not the State, of Columbia for the new federal capital called Washington DC. Within this district is the privately-owned central bank of America, the Federal Reserve, which issues the nations paper currency. 

Supreme Council 33° Temple. Washington DC.

The District of Columbia is effectively isolated from many of clauses in the Constitution which apply to the States. The main Founding Fathers would have known that.

A Chair with a rising Sun.

The first President was George Washington who sat in a chair with a rising Sun carved into the back, an ancient symbol of the Aryan Sun religion. He was Grand Master of the Freemasons Lodge at Alexandria (named after its Egyptian namesake) near Washington DC. When he was inaugurated as President on April 30th 1789, the day before the major Brotherhood ritual day, May 1st or May Day, the oath was taken by Robert Livingstone, the Grand Master of the New York Grand Lodge. The ceremony was entirely Freemasonic ritual carried out by Freemasons. A Grand Procession included Washington and the officers and initiates of American lodges in their regalia.


Like most of the leading Founding Fathers, Washington was from an English aristocratic bloodline and one of his ancestors was an English knight of the 12th century, the time the Templars were formed, and another was a relative of the Duke of Buckingham who had fought for the Crown in the English Civil War. Washington was only the first example of how the Babylonian Brotherhood based in Britain has used its reptilian bloodlines to rule the United States from that day to this. Look at the genealogy of American presidents, leading politicians, banking and business tycoons, military leaders, media owners, government officials, intelligence agency chiefs, etc, etc, and you will find they come from the same bloodlines which can be charted back to the British and European royal and aristocratic (reptile-Aryan) families and their origins in the Middle and Near East at the time of Sumer and Babylon. 


Two examples: At least 33 of the first 42 presidents of the United States have been related to England’s King Alfred the Great (849-899) and Charlemagne (742-814), the famous monarch of France, and 19 Presidents are related to England’s King Edward 111(1312-1377), who has a thousand blood connections to Prince Charles. George Bush and Barbara Bush are both from the same British aristocratic line, among others. They come from the Pierce bloodline, which changed its name from Percy after fleeing England in the wake of the Gunpowder Plot to blow up the English parliament. The Bushes married for genetics, as the Eastern Establishment families in the States always have done in line with their fellow reptilian royal and aristocratic blood relatives in Europe.

Levitating Stone

Erstellt 2007. Update 13. Januar 2008
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Quicktime Movie: David Icke 01 of 42.  Only if we know, who we are, can we know freedom. 9:59 min. 7.4 mb.