Gesamtschau-Digital: Carl Huter
David Icke: The Biggest Secret. Forbidden Knowledge. The Key to our Past - Part 37

Bearbeitung Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm


Where have all the children gone?

The Satanic networks are a vital part of the global mind control programmes designed to create a race of mindless zombies and an endless flow of mind controlled assassins, crazed gunmen, and agents provocateur. Human robots -mind controlled slaves - have been with us for thousands of years and it is an epidemic today. As Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler say in their detailed investigation into mind control:


“The basic techniques were developed in German, Scottish, Italian, and English families and have been done for centuries. Some report that techniques go back to ancient Egypt and ancient Babylon to the ancient mystery religions. The Nazis are known to have studied ancient Egyptian texts in their mind control research. The records and secrets of the generational bloodlines are very well guarded secrets.”1

Control of the human mind and emotions is the very foundation of the reptiliancontrol of the human race. Control a person’s mind and you control them. The external manipulation of the mind takes many forms and the question is not how many are mind controlled, but how few are not. Every time you allow a newspaper, news programme, or manipulating advertisement to affect your perceptions and decisions, you are being mind controlled. The emergence of today’s vast network of mind control centres and operations can be traced back to the British Army’s Directorate of Psychological Warfare commanded by Brigadier General John Rawlings Rees. This interlocked with the Tavistock Clinic which was founded in 1920 under the direct support of the British royal family through the Duke of Kent. Later came the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London and this is the centre of a global web which includes the Stanford Institute in the United States. The aim of these organisations is the control of humanity via the external manipulation of the mind. Rawlings Rees was a vehement racist and supporter of the eugenics ‘master race’ movement. He studied ‘war neuroses’ during World War I and he believed that by using the right conditions neurotic behaviour could be stimulated and controlled. He wrote in his book, The Shaping Of Psychiatry By War, published in 1945, that the Tavistock Group had demonstrated during the Second World War that there was a ‘psychopathological tenth’ of the population who were genetically stupid. The numbers of these people had to be controlled, he said, to protect civilised society and it was necessary to take steps, including the use of psychiatry, to prevent their increase in numbers - especially in the backward colonial countries which threatened the civilised world. This was the usual reptilian-Aryan bullshit and Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, and Adolf Hitler, could not have put it better. 

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, London

Rawlings Rees said there was another ten per cent of the population whose genetic superiority and psychological training made them suitable to occupy the seats of power (the reptilians and their crossbreeds). The other eighty per cent between these two extremes could, he suggested, be useful servants to the genetic elite if their neuroses could be controlled. Rawlings Rees wanted to see psychiatrists involved throughout society, in the home, at work, and in schools, and he arranged for the Tavistock group to train what he called the ‘shock troops’, the psychiatrists posing as ‘advisors’ to the business, military, political, and educational management. Their job was, and is, to shape the way people think in the educational, political and business sectors and therefore control the direction of the world. I was told by a member of the House of Lords in Britain that Dr David Owen, now Lord Owen (Bil, TC), the British Foreign Secretary in the 1970s, founder of the Social Democratic Party, and peace negotiator for the European Union in Bosnia, was trained at Tavistock, but I have not yet been able to confirm this or otherwise at the time of writing.

In 1947, Rawlings Rees took his ‘vision’ to the United Nations and formed the World Federation of Mental Health with Montegu Norman, the Governor of the Bank of England who had funded and manipulated Adolf Hitler and the Nazis to power. As usual, dozens of affiliated, and centrally controlled organisations with an identical agenda were formed around the world. In each country these groups targeted people for mind manipulation that ensured their unquestioning service to the Brotherhood Agenda.

The Vibrational Prision

Many of these people became the leaders of the Third World countries which, on the surface, were winning their ‘independence’. In truth they continued to be controlled by the same people as before. Running alongside this was the United Nations Social and Cultural Organisation under the leadership of another Brotherhood mind programmer, Julian Huxley. The late Dr Fred Wills, the Foreign Minister of Guyana, summed up the situation brilliantly when he said the United Nations was the world’s largest, continuously-run, brainwashing programme for leaders of developing countries. The same applies to the leaders of the industrial countries too, who also have their minds played with before they are allowed to enter the positions of political and economic power. Rawlings Rees’s protege, Eric Trist, was involved in a Tavistock project to ‘restructure’ the thinking of business management. This plan included breaking the power of the trades union movement and manipulating the thinking of top management. Among the corporations who hired Tavistock to do this were Shell, Unilever, the coal industry (then government owned), and a number of the leading financial institutions.

Major corporations today use ‘psychologists’ and they employ ‘facilitators’ or ‘group leaders’ to run business meetings. What are they really there for? And who are they working for? This all fits into the Tavistock plan to have ‘psychiatrists’ at every level of society hiding behind other job descriptions. Tavistock was behind the drug culture of the 1960s and the hippie movement and it was they who controlled the purveyors of the ‘tune in, drop out’ philosophy. This was underpinned by the Brotherhood-CIA operation which made the drug LSD widely available. They are constantly in search of more powerful techniques to imprison the human race in complete servitude. 


Aldous Leonard Huxley (* 26. Juli 1894 in Godalming, Surrey (England); † 22. November 1963 in Los Angeles, USA) war ein britischer Schriftsteller, der in die USA auswanderte. Er entstammt der berühmten Familie Huxley, die mehrere hervorragende Wissenschaftler hervorbrachte.
Schöne neue Welt (engl. Brave New World) ist ein 1932 erschienener dystopischer Roman von Aldous Huxley. In seinem wohl bekanntesten Roman beschreibt Huxley eine Gesellschaft, in der „Stabilität, Frieden und Freiheit“ durch Konditionierung des Einzelnen, das Fehlen von tieferen Gefühlen und die Beschränkung von Religion und Kultur gewährleistet werden. Mittels physischer Manipulationen des Fötus und anschließender Konditionierung werden alle Menschen auf eine festgelegte Rolle in der Gesellschaft genormt. Durch permanente Beschäftigung mit Sex, Konsum und der Droge Soma zufriedengestellt, verlieren die Menschen das Bedürfnis zum kritischen Denken und Hinterfragen der Weltordnung. Eine reibungslose Regierung der Welt wird für eine Handvoll „wohlwollender“ Kontrolleure möglich. Source Wikipedia (Hinzugefügt).

Aldous Huxley, a Tavistock agent, and guru of the 60s ‘revolution’, revealed the agenda at a lecture to the California Medical School in San Francisco in 1961. He said:

“There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears so to speak. Producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel - by propaganda, or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”

We are at that very point today. The work of John Rawlings Rees was continued by other Tavistock operatives such as Dr Kurt Lewin as Tavistock developed ever more sophisticated techniques for the individual and mass control of the human mind. These have increased the speed at which humanity has become unthinking and robotic.


Tavistock became the centre of a global network as unlimited funds were made available through ‘charity’ trusts sponsored by the British royal family and from familiar sources like the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Mellons, and the Morgans.

Tavistock created ‘terrorist’ groups are used to create conflict and turmoil in countries where the Brotherhood want to change the government or justify the imposition of ‘peace-keeping’ troops. In the 1950s, Brigadier General Frank Kitson commanded a Tavistock project which used mind control and torture techniques on prisoners in British prisoner of war camps in Kenya. These robots were then released to penetrate groups opposing British control, destroy them from the inside, and kill their leaders.

The World Wide Fund for Nature

Others formed their own groups to fight the genuine ones and so Kenyan was fighting Kenyan. This is why the SAS are operating in Africa and South America today under the cover of the World Wide Fund for Nature and the ‘security’ organisations, as I shall document. This has happened in Algeria, Rwanda, Burundi, the Congo, the list seems endless. The same Brigadier General Frank Kitson who created such conflict and terror in Africa was sent to Northern Ireland in 1970 to launch the initial bombing and murder campaign which triggered the Northern Ireland conflict that still continues today. Such conflicts all over the world lead to demands that something must be done and that ‘something’ is always further centralisation of power. It is not surprising to learn, therefore, that Eric Trist launched the Tavistock operation in the 1980s designed to use its enormous international network to programme the collective psyche to accept a world government.

Propaganda poster of the Provisional IRA 

In 1991, the Tavistock journal, Human Relations, reported on the world government project. The collapse of the Soviet Union (orchestrated by the Brotherhood) had created great opportunities for world government and the end of the nation state, the report said. It proposed a reformation of the United Nations to hand over all operations to a network of hundreds of thousands of (centrally controlled) ‘non-governmental organisations’.

The Flag of the old Soviet Union

These would operate across national borders and not be subject to any control by elected governments. All this is a systematic plan to impose the will of the reptilians on the collective human mind and it has constantly gathered pace since the 1950s. After the Second World War the Brotherhood emphasis changed from control of territory to control of minds and finances. People will eventually rebel against occupation of their land, but it’s very much more difficult to identify, and therefore resist, occupation of their minds and their financial choices. Winston Churchill told an audience at Harvard University on September 6th 1943, that to control what men think offered far better prizes than taking away other people’s lands or provinces or grinding them down in
exploitation. The empires of the future, he said, would be the empires of the mind. Lord Bertrand Russell said in his 1957 book, The Impact Of Science Upon Society, that when the techniques of mind control had been perfected, every government that was in charge of education for more than one generation would be able to control its subjects securely without any need for armies or policemen. That is what ‘education’ is doing to our children today.

Along with the British Psychological Warfare Department and the Tavistock operation, research also expanded rapidly under the fascists in Germany and Italy. Josef Mengele, ‘the Angel of Death’, conducted mind control experiments on thousands of twins under the supervision of Heinrich Himmler at the Kaiser Wilhelm Medical Institute in Berlin. Mengele was born into a rich Satanic reptilian bloodline. He was an expert in demonology and the Cabala and was at least a Grand Master in the Illuminati, though probably much higher.2 As the camp ‘doctor’ at the Auchwitz Concentration Camp run by I. G. Farben, he was able to experiment on countless thousands of inmates.

When the Allied armies were closing in on Germany in 1945 the British-United States Intelligence operation called Project Paperdip was launched to allow Mengele and the Elite Nazi leadership, ‘scientists’, ‘doctors’, and military personnel to escape. Mengele disappeared from Auchwitz in January 1945, and the public were led to believe he had escaped to South America. In fact, he travelled world-wide, working at both the Tavistock Institute in London and in the United States where he was known as Dr. Green or Greenbaum.3 The official records in Germany detailing Mengele’s mind control research were taken by the Americans at the end of the war and the millions of sheets of paper involved are still stored in the Suitland Annex in Washington DC where they are kept under strict security. Most of Mengele’s research gleaned in the concentration camps is still classified.4 Researcher Fritz Springmeier established the names of a number of people who had security clearance to access these files and every one was connected to the Brotherhood networks, including the Illuminati. Many other documents have been destroyed and in the bowels of the CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia, just across the river from Washington DC, is a basement area known as the Pit where documents are shredded around the clock.5

Mind control survivors from this period recall Mengele’s spotless uniform and shiny boots which he wore during programming sessions. They remember his thick German accent, the space between his front teeth, and the way he jabbed with his thumb.6 As in the concentration camps of Germany, he often had German shepherd dogs to frighten children in his programming sessions. Coordinating Project Paperdip and the subsequent mind control programmes in the United States were the Dulles brothers, cousins to the Rockefellers, both Satanists, reptilians, and Nazis to their core. 

John Foster Dulles became the US Secretary of State after the war while his brother Allen Dulles was appointed to head the new Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA. From this influx of Nazi mind-doctors into the United States came the now notorious and unspeakable mind control programmes known as MKUltra. MK stands for mind control; they used the German spelling of kontrolle in deference to the German Nazis who inspired the methods and techniques. It was headed, officially, by Ewen Cameron, an extremely sick individual, and a member of one of the Elite Scottish reptilian bloodlines. His favourite book as a child was Frankenstein which, he said, inspired him to follow a career in psychiatry. From his base in Montreal, Canada, he coordinated the infamous MKUltra mind control operation with funding from familiar names like the Rockefellers and he had regular meetings with Allen Dulles and the CIA. One of Cameron’s institutions administered 60,000 electrical shocks to patients in one year alone: 1961. Cameron’s code name was ‘Dr White’ and indeed colour was part of his research. He was trying to discover how to make brown eyes blue. Can it really be a coincidence that the country singer, Crystal Gayle, who is reported to be a mind controlled slave,7 made a hit record called Don’t It Make Your Brown Eyes Blue?

Many of the rituals and methods employed in the mind control projects are inspired by the ancient mystery schools. Admiral Stanfield Turner, the Director of the CIA, admitted publicly in 1977 that millions of dollars had been spent studying voodoo, witchcraft and psychics, and at the Senate hearing on August 3rd 1977, he said that the CIA had been mind controlling countless people without their consent or knowledge.

MKUltra had involved at least 185 scientists, 80 US institutions, among them prisons, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, and 44 medical colleges and universities. Some 700 drugs are used by the Babylonian Brotherhood’s mad professors in their mind control projects to create their human robots. This is why so many drugs were found at the Jonestown Compound in Guyana in 1978 when ‘cult’ members were murdered in their hundreds. The People’s Temple ‘cult’ was created by CIA operative, Jim Jones. It was not a new religion as portrayed in the media, it was a mind control experiment. See the chapter Cult or Con in .. And The Truth Shall Set You Free. Drugs have been used since ancient times to mind manipulate people and take them into altered states of consciousness. They can also suppress the will and allow what is called ‘demonic possession’. The CIA-British Intelligence networks fund drug research (in other words the public do) to find more and more effective ways of suppressing consciousness and will. This includes vaccinations, food additives, and electromagnetic techniques. One of the centres involved in drug research for the CIA is the California Medical Facility at Vacaville where the work was done by Dr Arthur Nugent. Countless experiments have been carried out and continue to be so. They include the use of mind controlling drugs on servicemen at the Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland (since exposed in a television documentary). One of the experiments is in Haiti where the Vodoun cult, a CIA-front, has turned most of the people into little more than zombies. Prozac is a drug that constantly appears in research into these matters and it is not confined to individual mind control projects, it is being issued like confetti by doctors who serve the profits and ambitions of the drug cartel instead of their patient’s wellbeing. It is one of the world’s most prescribed drugs for depression and, as I write, Eli Lilly is seeking approval to market a version of Prozac for children in peppermint and orange flavours.

Already some 400,000 youngsters under 18 are being treated with Prozac in the United States alone and that is just the start. This is a mass mind control operation we are seeing here, creating a race of zombies like the ones in Haiti. Eli Lilly is closely connected to the Morgan and Rockefeller networks, US Intelligence, and George Bush.

Other pharmaceutical companies involved in drug research for the mind control projects include: Sterling Drug (a spin-off from Hitler’s I. G. Farben) which is connected to the bloodline family, the Krupps, the CIA’s Tinker Foundation, and the Order of St John of Jerusalem; and Monsanto Chemical Company where the president Earle H. Harbison Jr is also president of the Mental Health Association and director of the infamous Bethesda General Hospital where slaves are programmed for a mind control operation called Project Monarch.8 Monsanto is heavily involved with genetically manipulated food.

Levitating Stone

Erstellt 2007. Update 9. Januar 2008
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Quicktime Movie: David Icke 17 of 42.  Only if we know, who we are, can we know freedom. 9:46 min. 7.5 mb.