Gesamtschau-Digital: Carl Huter
David Icke: The Biggest Secret. Forbidden Knowledge. The Key to our Past - Part 38

Bearbeitung Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm


Trauma-based mind control

Project Monarch is one of the many offshoots of MKUltra, a programme which, despite official denials, is not only continuing today under other names, it has massively expanded. The foundation of these projects world-wide is a technique called traumabased mind control and now we can see how the Satanic networks fit into this picture.


The mind has a defence mechanism which compartmentalises the memory of extreme trauma. This is why people cannot remember serious road accidents. Their mind creates an amnesiac barrier around the event so they don’t have to keep reliving such horrible memories. From ancient times this has been understood by the Brotherhood. In the concentration camps of Nazi Germany the methods of exploiting this phenomena for mind control were further perfected. Mengele and the Nazis realised that if you could systematically traumatise someone through torture, sexual abuse, and by sacrificing and torturing others as they watched, you could shatter a person’s mind into a honeycomb of self-contained compartments or amnesiac barriers. Satanic rituals are widely used to do this. Once the mind’s unity has been shattered, these various compartments, each unaware of the other’s existence, can be programmed for various tasks or experiences.

Using trigger words and hypnotic keys, sounds, or signals, these compartments can be pulled forward and pushed back like a mental filing cabinet. One self contained compartment or fragment of mind becomes the person’s conscious level and it is then returned to the subconscious and another compartment accessed. This means that after the victim has performed a task they forget what they have done and who with. This condition has become known as Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) or Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). The latter is more accurate because the compartments are not ‘personalities’ as such, they are fragments of mind which have disassociated, become detached from, the rest of the consciousness. It is like moving a radio dial across the stations, the compartments, tuning into one and then another. Even this technique is primitive compared with the latest methods. I knew from my research that there is an obsession among Satanists and paedophiles with having anal sex with young girls, as well as boys, and the British therapist, Vera Diamond, told me that this is a way of creating multiples. Anal penetration is so painful to a child that it sends a surge of energy up the spine which explodes in the brain, causing further ‘personality’ splitting.


It is called vaso-vagal shock. She showed me a painting by a female victim of this and it portrayed a surge of white energy rising from the bottom of the spine and exploding in all directions in her head. So even anal sex has an ulterior motive for those who understand its mental and emotional effect.

Most people are MPD or ‘multiples’ to an extent because we are all shutting out what we would rather not face, but we are talking here about an extreme and calculated version of it. Many soldiers become multiples when they witness unimaginable slaughter, as their mind walls off the memory and they have no recollection of what they saw. Traugott Konstantin Oesterreich, a professor at Tubingen University in Germany, wrote a classic study of Multiple Personality Disorder and ‘demonic possession’ in 1921 called Possession, Demonical And Other. This revealed that trauma-based mind control was being used in France, Germany and Belgium long before the dawn of the 20th century. Survivors and professionals have told of how the British used agents programmed through MPD in the First World War.9 Although the trauma may be forgotten, subconsciously it is still affecting them and their lives, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Many people who are sexually abused and systematically traumatised as children appear mentally and physically unstable, especially if the programming has stopped and the compartment walls begin to dismantle. I have sat in on sessions with the British therapist, Vera Diamond, and seen people switch between vastly different ‘personalities’, one after the other, by the use of a single word or sentence. It is incredible to experience. One of her clients has to be attached to a plastic bag which collects her urine because her bladder has been destroyed by torture.


Her medical records are so enormous it shocked a doctor who saw them. When I met her, this lady was just 30... 30... years of age. In the UK the psychologists, social workers, and police, glean their knowledge of Multiple Personality Disorder from the Tavistock group which claims to be the authority on treating the problem while secretly using it to programme people. Dr William Sargant, a psychiatrist at the Tavistock Institute, wrote in his 1957 book, Battle For The Mind:

“Various types of belief can be implanted in many people after brain function has been deliberately disturbed by accidentally or deliberately induced fear, anger or excitement. Of the results caused by such disturbances, the most common one is temporarily impaired judgement and heightened suggestibility. Its various group manifestations are sometimes classed under the heading of “herd instinct”, and appear most spectacularly in wartime, during severe epidemics, and in all similar periods of common danger, which increase anxiety and so individual and mass suggestibility.”

Der offizielle Attentatsbericht Robert F. Kennedy

Sirhan Sirhan

Am Abend des 4. Juni 1968 feiert Senator Robert F. Kennedy gemeinsam mit seinen Anhängern im Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles zwei entscheidende Vorwahlsiege, die ihn auf dem Weg zur Präsidentschaftskandidatur der Demokratischen Partei ein großes Stück weitergebracht haben. Kurz nach Mitternacht beendet Kennedy eine Rede, die er vor seinen Wahlkampfhelfern gehalten hat. Danach soll er durch die Küche des Hotels zu einer Pressekonferenz geführt werden. Doch dort kommt er nie an.
Der gebürtige Palästinenser Sirhan Sirhan geht in der Küche von vorne auf Kennedy zu und feuert mit einer 22kalibrigen achtschüssigen Pistole aus 2 Meter Entfernung auf ihn und seine Begleiter. Die ersten 3 Kugeln treffen Kennedy, die vierte streift ihn und trifft Paul Schrade, ein Wahlkampfhelfer Kennedys. Die übrigen 4 Kugeln treffen jeweils weitere 4 Leute. Erst danach wird Sirhan von umstehenden Zeugen überwältigt. 26 Stunden nach dem Attentat stirbt Kennedy. Ein Zug bringt seinen Sarg an die heimische Ostküste. Er hinterläßt 10 Kinder und seine schwangere Frau Ethel.
Eigentlich alles eindeutig, oder ? Es gab diverse Zeugen, die Sirhan gesehen haben, acht Kugeln, die alle getroffen haben und dazu einen Täter, der ein Motiv hatte: Haß auf Robert F. Kennedy. Im Tagebuch, daß in Sirhan's Zimmer gefunden wurde, tauchte auf einer Seite des öfteren der Satz "RFK must die" auf. Zudem hatte sich Kennedy erst einige Wochen vor dem Attentat auf die Seite Israels gestellt. Sein Todesurteil?
Sirhan's Verteidiger plädierten - da der Mord ja eindeutig war - lediglich auf Geistesgestörtheit. Denn Sirhan konnte sich an nichts erinnern. Die Minuten vor dem Attentat waren weg. Er sagte aus, daß sein Gedächtnis erst wieder einsetzte, als er festgenommen wurde. Sirhan wurde am 23. April 1969 zum Tode in der Gaskammer verurteilt. In der Verhandlung bat er sogar um die Todesstrafe...Da das oberste Gerichts Kaliforniens allerdings kurze Zeit später die Todesstrafe abschaffte, wurde die Strafe in eine lebenslange umgewandelt. Noch heute sitzt Sirhan im Staatsgefängnis Corcoran. (Hinzugefügt).

There you have another reason why the public are fed a constant diet of events which induce fear, anger or excitement. Once again, the knowledge of this is not new, it is just more widely used and focused today. People, or rather zombies, in a programmed state are used for many things. They are activated to carry out assassinations, as with the killers of John Lennon and Robert Kennedy. Sirhan Sirhan, the mind controlled puppet alleged to have murdered Robert Kennedy in 1968, was on a ‘mind expansion’ course with the Rosicrucians when he began to hear messages telling him to kill Kennedy. I detail the background to this in .. And The Truth Shall Set You Free. We can now see why so many assassinations are performed by people with the same mental profile - the so-called ‘lone nutters’. They are neither alone nor, in most cases, insane if they were allowed to live in their natural state. They are programmed people, often since childhood. By this method, you can use these mind controlled robots to plant a terrorist bomb and then ensure they are in the right place at the right time to be accused and charged with the outrage. You can also program that person’s mind while in custody to make sure that he even thinks he was involved. The infamous CIA mind controller called Dr Louis Jolyon ‘Jolly’ West, who features strongly in .. And The Truth Shall Set You Free, gave a ‘mental examination’ to Timothy McVeigh, the microchipped former US soldier who was convicted of the Oklahoma bombing. West was deeply involved in MKUltra and one of his keenest supporters was the then Governor of California, later President of the United States, Ronald Reagan.

Oklahoma City Bombing, Timothy McVeigh

We have seen a spate of ‘lone nutters’ in many countries who commit mass murder by going apparently crazy with guns. In the United Kingdom we have had horrendous examples of this in the little towns of Hungerford in Berkshire in 1987 and Dunblane in Scotland on March 13th 1996. A ‘nutter’ called Thomas Hamilton walked into a school in Dunblane and opened fire on little children in a gymnasium. He killed 16 five and six year olds and a teacher. The effect on the collective psyche of hundreds of millions of people across the world, especially of course, in the UK, was devastating. Shortly after that came the massacre in Port Arthur, a small town in Tasmania, Australia, when another lone gunman called Martin Bryant went ‘crazy’ on April 28th 1996 and killed 35 people.

This was followed in England by a guy attacking children and their teachers with a machete at a school in Wolverhampton. In March 1998 came ‘America’s Dunblane’ when two youngsters, Mitchell Johnson aged 13, and his cousin, 11-year-old Andrew Golden, opened fire on their school friends and teachers at the Westside Middle School in Jonesboro in Arkansas, just 130 miles from Bill Clinton’s political base at Little Rock. 27 shots were fired killing four students and a teacher and wounding eleven others. Often reports emerge after these events that some of the killers were involved in Satanism. Similar incidents happened in Pearl, Mississippi, on October 1st 1997, and in December the same year at West Paducah, Kentucky, and Stamps, Arkansas. Again, it was claimed hat those involved in Pearl had been taking part in Satanism. There have been many more since. These events have all the hallmarks of mind control operations.

So what goes on here? Look at the profiles of many of these people. Most have a background of being a bit strange, troubled or simple - “Not the full quid”, as neighbours described the Port Arthur killer, Martin Bryant. This is perfect when you want them and their horrors to be dismissed as the work of a lone nutter. In Bryant’s case, he had apparently just returned from a two week stay in the United States when he went berserk with his gun. People close to him said his character had changed after he came back from the US, although he had a long history of psychiatric problems and Bryant was a creation of the global mind control centre at Tavistock in London. He was ‘examined’ in 1983-84 by Tavistock’s Dr Eric Cunningham Dax, who decided on his future ‘treatment’. Dax was for decades a close associate of Dr John Rawlings Rees, the inspiration for the Tavistock brainwashing operation. 

It has been shown that terrorist groups like the IRA have what they call ‘sleepers’, people who lie low unused for years, even decades, until circumstances occur in which they and their cover can be exploited for a particular task. It is the same in this world of mind control. There are people programmed to live in the community with a certain character profile until the time comes when they can be used.

They are known in the ‘trade’ as ‘dead eyes’. They have no idea that they are being used in this way because they are not in control of their minds, their programmers are. There are so many unanswered questions, interestingly, about why the Dunblane killer, the Freemason Thomas Hamilton, was allowed to legally keep guns when his strange behaviour should have ensured his licence was refused. And why did the police in Port Arthur take an hour to respond when the scene of the massacre was close to the police station and they had been informed within minutes of Bryant’s first shot? Also, Bryant, Hamilton, and so many other people who commit such outrages are reportedly taking Prozac. Side effects include nervousness, anxiety, suicidal tendencies, hypomania, and violent behaviour when the drug is withdrawn. Doctors are warned not to prescribe Prozac to anyone with a history of ‘mania’. A number of people involved in mass shootings in the United States have been taking this drug. Traces of the active ingredient of Prozac were also found in the blood of Henri Paul, the driver of Princess Diana’s Mercedes when it crashed in Paris in 1997.


So what is the motivation behind these gun massacres? The manipulation of the mind and emotions. Where did these mass murders take place? Not in the gangland areas of London, Glasgow, Los Angeles, or Sydney, but in quiet little communities where everyone felt perfectly safe. In the same way, the ‘McVeigh’ bomb and the school shootings did not happen in New York or Washington, but in Oklahoma. We would be advised not to underestimate the effect on the collective psyche in terms of fear and a desire for the authorities to ‘protect’ people from that fear. That means more cameras in the streets and more security guards and cameras in schools so that children are brought up to accept the culture of being ‘protected’ from danger by ‘Big Brother’ authority. A front page headline in, I think, the London Daily Mail encompassed the very reaction the manipulators wanted to stimulate. It said after the Australia killings:

“Is nowhere in the world safe anymore?” When these things happen in quiet communities, it encourages even more powerfully the response of “My God, this could happen to me and my children - hey, we need protecting”. A traumatised mind is far more susceptible to mind manipulation. The Brotherhood want to remove all guns from the general population in preparation for their final coup d’etat. No-one wants to rid the world of weapons more than me, but we need to ask about the motivation behind the immense pressure for gun laws inspired by... Hungerford, Dunblane, Tasmania, Oklahoma, etc, etc. Problem-reaction-solution. Getting hold of illegal weapons is so easy that gun laws would not stop anyone who really wanted to kill. The gun used by Martin Bryant in Port Arthur was stolen and he had no licence. Gun laws would not have stopped that, but the reason such laws are being introduced all over the world is to prevent the population from defending themselves when the order goes out to round up those who are challenging the Agenda. In the UK the distraught parents who lost children in Dunblane were sickeningly and callously used to spearhead anti-gun legislation by the very people who orchestrated the murder of their loved ones. I don’t think I would use a gun, but who knows what a person would do in certain circumstances? My instincts are that I don’t see the point of using violence to oppose violence, but many people would and the Brotherhood know that. For this reason they want an unarmed population. 


Adolf Hitler introduced gun laws shortly before he began to transport people to his concentration camps. Similar camps, or ‘holding facilities’, have already been built in the United States by an organisation called FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which was set up by Zbigniew Brzezinski, a shape-shifting reptilian, and the man who launched the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller. FEMA is headed by James Lee Witt and I would advise you to take a look at his eyes if you get the chance on television and ask yourself what they remind you of.

Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski


Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzeziński (* 28. März 1928 in Warschau) ist ein polnisch-amerikanischer Politikwissenschaftler und gilt neben Henry Kissinger und Samuel P. Huntington als graue Eminenz unter den US-amerikanischen Globalstrategen. Von 1977 bis 1981 war er Sicherheitsberater von US-Präsident Jimmy Carter. Heute ist er Professor für Amerikanische Außenpolitik an der Johns-Hopkins-Universität in Baltimore, Berater am „Zentrum für Strategische und Internationale Studien“ (CSIS) in Washington D.C. und Verfasser von politischen Sachbüchern. Daneben betätigt er sich als Berater für mehrere große amerikanische und internationale Unternehmen. Source: Wikipedia. (Hinzugefügt).

Levitating Stone

Erstellt 2007. Update 9. Januar 2008
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Quicktime Movie: David Icke 18 of 42.  Only if we know, who we are, can we know freedom. 9:47 min. 7.1 mb.