Gesamtschau-Digital: Carl Huter
David Icke: The Biggest Secret. Forbidden Knowledge. The Key to our Past - Part 42

Bearbeitung Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm


The mind controlled Elite

The Brotherhood scientists realised that the ability to disassociate quickly is passed on from generation to generation through genetics. This is why the CIA targeted Cathy O’Brien. She was the daughter of parents who had themselves been sexually abused as children and therefore the parents ability to disassociate to cope with their childhood trauma would have been passed on to their children. This makes the children much more open to disassociation via trauma-based mind control. There is no greater example of this than the bloodline families themselves. They put their children through staggering traumas and abuse and this multigenerational genetic ‘baton’ has made these families particularly open to disassociation by mind control. They apparently put their children through a series of tests around the age of 18 months to determine which of them are most open to disassociation. They are then programmed through their childhood to think the way the Brotherhood wants them to think so they will take the Agenda forward into the next generation. It is the mind controlled manipulating the mind controlled. According to the experiences of Cisco Wheeler and many of the other victims and therapists involved in this subject, the child of the Elite families are conceived according to ancient rituals and their programming is agreed and set out largely before they are even born. One of these prebirth rituals is called the Moon Child ceremony. Mothers who give birth to a so-called ‘dark child’ are called a ‘Rosemary’ - the rose of Mary. Roman Polanski, the husband of Sharon Tate, the actress murdered by Charles Manson’s cult, made a film called Rosemary’s Baby. Polanski’s film was about a woman impregnated by a demon summoned by a Satanic cult. Over the centuries it became understood that if you torture a child in the womb the baby would disassociate or ‘split’ and so mothers are traumatised during pregnancy to traumatise the child. Needles are inserted into the womb to stab the baby. Many are induced prematurely because of the effect that has on them and it is also part of the selection process.

A child who shows the instinct and spirit for survival in a premature birth will normally enlist that same spirit during the trauma-programming which will often take them to near death. After birth, a programmer is assigned to them. This is normally a woman, although it can be male. The Brotherhood children are often assigned a programmer known in the hierarchy as a Grande Dame.91 Children are ‘bonded’ to the programmers and taught to become dependent upon them. The idea is to manipulate the children to worship the programmer and see them as a god. The child is only allowed to develop a close relationship with the programmer and that relationship is based on adoration, dependency and obedience. They are taught total obedience to the programmer and later to the Agenda and the Brotherhood hierarchy. Once the process of crying has developed their lungs, they are taught not to cry through a series of punishments and rewards under the system known as behaviour modification. Already they are becoming robots. One foundation technique is to give them intense love and affection for the first 18 months of their lives and then suddenly withdraw it and treat them with extreme cruelty. This is a technique known as ‘love bombing’ and when the switch is made from love to cruelty the trauma this creates in the child is enormous. They will also be allowed to bond with a pet and then the pet is killed. The programmer the child loved so much is now the person the child fears with equal intensity. Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler, herself a victim of government programming, describe what follows:

“Everything imaginable can be used to overwhelm the caged little child’s senses and create dissociation. Rotten foul odours of the child’s excrement, of ammonia, and rotten food while it huddles in its cage will overwhelm the child’s sense of smell. Being fed blood overwhelms the sense of taste. The chanting of the programmers dressed in Satanic garb, banging noises, rock music, and the electric hum, and ultrasonic stimulation overwhelms the child’s sense of hearing. The child’s natural developing sense of shapes is taken advantage of by spinning the child and making it feel like it is going to fall. The child will also be deprived of sleep and drugged...

“...The fourth stage is to strip the child of everything nice and lovely in the world. The child is caged and tormented by electric shock. The child’s senses will be overloaded and they will become numb. Eyewitnesses have described these hundreds of numbered children as ‘zombies’... In the fourth step, the child is starved, cold, and naked. When they finally see their beloved master or beloved adult caretaker appear after suffering from 42 to 72 hours, they are excited and they dissociate the pain of the previous hours of deprivation. Help appears to be on the scene. At that point the programmer/ beloved adult shows her/his most vicious side, and the child in order to deal with how this loving caretaker has not only rejected them, but is now hurting them, dissociates along the same lines of dissociation created by the trauma of the premature birth.”92

How can the Brotherhood initiates be so inhuman? Because they are reptilians, or rather that group of reptilians on the lower fourth dimension and they do not have the emotions that we feel. This treatment is, in part, to ensure that any consciousness which incarnates into these bloodlines with the aim of removing their power, will find it almost impossible to manifest its true self. Those chosen for programming are usually very intelligent because people with low intelligence and creativity have been found to be almost impossible to program to the level required. Springmeier and Wheeler say that at the age of three the Elite Brotherhood children selected for later advancement into the hierarchy are taken before the Grand Druid Council and formal approval is given at a presentation by the Queen Mother of the Council. Interesting how George Bush told Cathy O’Brien that Madeleine Albright, the US Ambassador to the United Nations and Secretary of State, was the ‘Reverend Mother of all slaves’. I stress again that this Grand Druid Council has nothing whatsoever to do with the many thousands of people who call themselves Druids today and they are not connected with these events in any way. We need to understand that the use of a name by the Brotherhood does not mean that everyone using that name is involved. Most of the Druids I have met in Britain are lovely people with love in their hearts and I have no desire to cast condemnation on them. Quite the opposite.


The most preferred candidates for programming are fittingly, like Cathy O’Brien, blond-haired and blue-eyed ‘Caucasians’ who are not physically defective in any way. The Brotherhood bloodlines are not only those which carry the names of the classic bloodline families. The Brotherhood also use ‘breeders’, women who give birth to their unofficial children. They use ‘brooder’ families where women bear Brotherhood children, or rear children from the time they are babies, who are connected to classic bloodline families, although there appears to be no relationship.

Children are swapped, sent to foster parents (like Sir Francis Bacon), or mothers suddenly ‘give birth’ when no-one even knew they were pregnant, which, of course, they weren’t. This allows Brotherhood bloodline members to be placed in the positions of power in politics, banking, business, the media and the military, without there being an outcry from the public that the same families are in all the positions of control.

Those who are not put through the birth trauma and programmed from the womb have to begin their ‘preparation’ before the age of six because this type of programming is more difficult after that. Some are still brought into the programme after that age, but this is rare. These children are put through even more gruesome torture to break down their developing minds. The programmers find out what phobias and fears the children have and use those to terrify them. This includes putting children in dark confined places with spiders and snakes. The children are told that if they ‘play dead’ the snakes and spiders won’t bite them, so encouraging them to dissociate. Putting them in coffins emphasises that. They are forced to kill and eat other children and they are immersed in excrement, urine, and blood. Most of the slave children will have experienced all these things and more by the age of four or five.93 One common sign of programming or childhood sexual abuse are eating disorders like bulimia. That is not to say that all bulimia is caused by that, of course not, but it is a regular occurrence in ritually abused and mind controlled people, as is attempted suicide and self mutilation. Finding it difficult to hold a stable relationship is another and so is a squint in the left eye. Cathy O’Brien says she was tortured by having a needle pushed into her eye. This eye trauma, and sometimes the insertion of a microchip behind the left eye, is quite common. 

Baron Guy de Rothschild has a drooping left eye. He is a major slave handler and programmer, but he would have been put through childhood trauma as part of his preparation for his role in the Brotherhood. The programmers create monsters and then those monsters create the next generation of monsters while the whole thing is controlled by the reptilians. The idea is to break the children’s spirit so they will do exactly as they are told without question. That is precisely the aim and the methods of the British public school system and its like around the world, a system which, like the deeper mind-programming projects, are turning out the leaders and administrators who run the world to the Brotherhood reptilian Agenda.

The false memory scam

When Cathy O’Brien and thousands around the world began to recover their memories of abuse, the authorities retaliated with an organisation called the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) which has sought to discredit their stories. It began in the United States in 1992, fronted by Pamela Freyd and her husband, Peter, a mathematician at the University of Pennsylvania, who have both been accused by their daughter, Jennifer, of abusing her as a child. Branches of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation have appeared in other countries, including the UK, and, as a result, many journalists have written deeply destructive articles dismissing the memories of mind control and ritual abuse victims as illusions. The FMSF claim that the victims of abuse are suffering from false memories and are not remembering what really happened. Of course this can happen, but the False Memory Syndrome Foundation is not satisfied with ‘some’. It wants all of them to be dismissed in this way, which is utter nonsense. It has hounded responsible therapists, accusing them of putting the memories into their clients minds. Why the therapists would want to do that has not been explained, nor how those people who have never forgotten their childhood sexual and Satanic abuse could be suffering from a false memory. 

A FMSF ‘scientific’ adviser, Doctor Harold Merskey, testified in court that a woman claiming that her doctor sexually abused her as a child might be suffering from false memory syndrome, when the doctor had already been struck off for previous paedophile activities he had admitted. Merskey had not even examined the woman and said his conclusion came from observing her in the court!


One of the leaders of the FMSF Doctor Ralph Underwager, was forced out when it was revealed publicly that he and his wife, Hollida Wakefield, had given an interview to a Dutch paedophile magazine called Paedika in 1993, in which he said that sex with children was “An acceptable expression of God’s will for love”. Three members of the Advisory Board of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation in the United States have been Doctor Martin Orne, a notorious CIA mind controller at the University of Pennsylvania; Doctor Louis Jolyon ‘Jolly’ West at the University of California, another infamous CIA mind controller (featured, like Orne, in .. And The Truth Shall Set You Free); and James Randi, a magician known as The Amazing Randi. Amazing indeed to hear a tape of him, as I have, propositioning teenage boys for sex and boasting about his ‘nine inch willy’. Or maybe that tape and the transcript in my file is a false memory.


Randi has also been used to discredit psychic powers and phenomena through a ludicrous organisation called the Committee for the Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal or CSICOP. This is headed by Paul Kurtz, the chairman of Prometheus Books, which publishes the works of James Randi and books about children’s sexual encounters with adults. Kurtz is Professor emeritus of Philosophy at New York State University in Buffalo. Another member of CSICOP, Vern Bullough, the Professor at the Faculty of Natural and Social Science at the University of New York, is the ‘Human Sexuality’ Editor at Prometheus Books.


He is also a board member of Paedika, the Dutch paedophile magazine which interviewed Ralph Underwager of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. A number of people are board members of both FMSF and CSICOP.


What a web we weave. Discrediting psychic phenomena, life after death, or the memories of childhood ritual abuse, its all the same to these guys. And what do both organisations have in common? They serve the Brotherhood Agenda by suppressing the exposure of the mind control and ritual abuse networks and the knowledge of the true nature of life. I am also staggered sometimes by the ‘research’ of some ‘conspiracy writers’ who dismiss the existence of Project Monarch and the highly detailed and documented work of people like Springmeier and Wheeler. If you read such authors in the light of the evidence presented here and elsewhere, one wonders if these ‘conspiracy writers’ are merely poor reseachers or part of the agenda to lead people away from the truth. One writer comes to mind immediately who turns out ‘conspiracy’ books full of old information with no original research and yet dismisses the detailed documentation and personal experience of Springmeier and Wheeler.

The Global Satanic Ritual - Paedophile Network

How easy it has been to keep people in ignorance by destroying the true records of the reptilian involvement in human history and by selling a version of life that is a perversion of the truth. It means that people are so divorced from reality that even when they are given the true, or truer, picture of the world, most people either laugh at the reptilian information or go into a state of complete denial over Satanism and mind control. “They wouldn’t do that”, I hear people say. Oh yes they would, and they do, and they are doing it to someone now. The reptilians can continue with the global dictatorship in all its grotesque forms because most people aren’t bothered what is going on in the world and who is controlling their lives and those of their cildren.

Source: Amandus Kupfer, Weisse Fahne, s.3, „20er Jahre“ 20th century (Hinzugefügt)

Anmerkung Timm: Der bedeutsamste Schüler vom Begründer der wissenschaftlichen Menschenkenntnis, Carl Huter (1861-1912), nämlich Amandus Kupfer (1879-1952) verweist auf den Huterschen wissenschaftlichen Nachweis, „daß neben Kraft und Stoff das Empfinden als primäre Energie in allen Dingen vorhanden ist, als der Geist welcher in der Materie lebt. Die Materie ist also nicht absolut tot, es scheint auf den ersten Blick nur so, sie ist in Wirklichkeit mehr oder weniger beseelt. Die Empfindungsenergie ist das Umbildungs- und geistige Entwicklungselement. Vorzugsweise das lebende Eiweiss ist stark mit Empfindungsenergie geschwängert. In der lebenden Zelle kommt das Empfinden so stark zur Konzentration, daß es zur obersten Leit- und Richtkraft wird. Es erwachst zum Sichbewusstein und Leben“. Der Buchtitel übersetzt „Und die Wahrheit wird Euch frei machen“ des englischen Autors, David Icke, trifft den Kern! Diese Web-Präsenz stellte im Auftrag vom kleinen Verlag „Carl-Huter-Zentral-Archiv“ weltweit erstmals die diesbezüglichen Original-Quellen „Menschenkenntnis“ von Carl Huter und Amandus Kupfer digital als Gesamtschau gratis und unter hohem Arbeitsaufwand repräsentativ 2007 ins Netz. Der Nicht-Akademiker und Privatglehrte Carl Huter betonte treffend: „Die Wahrheit ist auch eine Macht“! Der überwiegend degenerierte „Royal-Clan“, gemeint alle Königshäuser weltweit, sein weltweit operierendes Netzwerk aus teils naiven unwissenden Helfershelfern, aus teils wissenden schwarz-magischen Initiierten scheinen real auf den ersten Blick ihre Agenda eines Globalen Faschismus final fast durchgesetzt zu haben - und zwar fast völlig unbemerkt auf Kosten von Millionen gefühlslos abgeschlachteten Menschen auf allen Erdteilen; auf Kosten von oft bestialisch gefolterten  Menschen; auf Kosten von zig Tausenden ihren Müttern geklauten Kindern als Sexsklaven für satanische Opferrituale und sexuelle Perversionen mittels „Mind Control“ über Jahrhunderte bis heute -  in Wirklichkeit scheitert diese Agenda final an ihrem fehlerhaften Welt- und Menschenbild! Möglich wurde die beinahe Zielerreichung eines Globalen Faschismus aufgrund der Ignoranz von Milliarden von Menschen in der Vergangenheit bis heute. Jede Web-Seite dieser weltersten Gesamtschau-Digital: „Carl Huters Menschenkenntnis“ enthält an der Fussleiste Symbole von zwei kleinen goldfarbigen Kronen mit folgender Feststellung: „Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben“. Noch in diesem Jahrhundert findet real der Machtwechsel auf dem Planeten Erde statt. Das wahre Wissen von Re-ligio und Wissenschaft hebt dessen künstliche unnatürliche Trennung auf. Religion und Wissenschaft sind vereint! Diese Vereinigung von Religion (nicht gemeint alle gegenwärtigen fehlerhaften und manipulierten Glaubensrichtungen) und Wissenschaft (nicht gemeint das Akademische Wissen in Universitäten, welches wahres Wissen unterdrückt) wird den Menschen unumkehrbar aus seinem Mentalen Gefängnis befreien. Menschenkenntnis ist das Tor („The Gate“)!

Source: DAVID ICKE (Hinzugefügt)

They are so pressured by debt and fear that they keep their heads down and their eyes closed; or they are more concerned at the price of beer, the latest ‘scandal’ on the television soaps, or how their soccer team is doing. Michael Aquino, the Satanist at the US government’s Psychological Warfare Department, once told Cathy O’Brien: “95 per cent want to be led by the other five per cent and the 95 per cent do not want to know what is really going on in government”. How sad that this is actually true. Anyone who still believes that the outcome of soccer matches or the price of beer is really important in the wider picture of life on this planet, might benefit from reading the following. It is an account in Cathy’s own words of what happened to her child, Kelly, again and again:

“Kelly became violently physically ill after her induction into George Bush’s ‘neighbourhood’ and from every sexual encounter she had with him thereafter. She ran 104-6 degree temperatures, vomited and endured immobilising headaches for an average of three days (as is consistent with high voltage trauma). These were the only tell4ale evidences aside from the scaring burns left on her skin. Houston forbade me to call a doctor, and Kelly forbade me to comfort her, pitifully complaining that her head ‘hurt too bad even to move’.

And she did not move for hours on end. Kelly often complained of severe kidney pain and her rectum usually bled for a day or two after Bush sexually abused her. My own mind control victimisation rendered me unable to help or protect her. Seeing my child in such horrible condition drove my own wedge of insanity in deeper, perpetuating my total inability to affect her needs until our rescue by Mark Phillips in 1988.

“Kelly’s bleeding rectum was... one of (the)... physical indicators of George Bush’s paedophile perversions. I have overheard him speak blatantly of his sexual abuse of her on many occasions. He used this and threats to her life to ‘pull my strings’ and control me. The psychological ramifications of being raped by a paedophile president are mind shattering enough, but reportedly Bush further reinforced his traumas to Kelly’s mind with sophisticated NASA electronic and drug mind control devices. Bush also instilled the ‘who ya gonna call?’ and ‘I’ll be watching you’ binds on Kelly, further reinforcing her sense of helplessness. The systematic tortures and traumas I endured as a child now seem trite in comparison to the brutal physical and psychological devastation that George Bush inflicted on my daughter. “94


Come on gang, I know this chapter must have been terribly hard to read, but it’s time to wake up. This has GOT to stop.


1 The Illuminati Formula, p 1.
2 Ibid, pp 371-372.
3 Ibid, p 355.
4 Ibid, p 2.
5 Ibid.
6 Ibid, p 11.
7 Ibid, p 355.
8 Ibid, p 56.
9 Ibid, p 1.
10 Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips, Trance Formation Of America (Reality Marketing, Las Vegas, USA, 1995). It is also available from Bridge of Love Publications in the UK and Europe. See back of this book.
11 Ibid,p83.
12 The Illuminati Formula, p 40.
13 Ibid, p 102.
14 Trance Formation Of America, p 213.
15 Contact newspaper, the Phoenix Project, February 7th 1995, p 17.
16 Ibid, p 18.
17 Trance Formation Of America, p 115.
18 The Illuminati Formula, p 99.
19 Ibid, p 381.
20 Trance Formation Of America, p 100.
21 Ibid, p 194.
22 Ibid, p 101.
23 Ibid.
24 Contact newspaper, March 7th 1995, p 33.
25 Trance Formation Of America, p 101.
26 Ibid, p 170.
27 The Women’s Encyclopaedia Of Myths And Secrets, pp 754, 755.
28 The Illuminati Formula, p 369.
29 Ibid.
30 John W. DeCamp, The Franklin Cover Up: Child Abuse, Satanism And Murder In Nebraska (AWT Inc., Lincoln, Nebraska, 1992).
31 Trance Formation Of America, p 127.
32 Ibid, p 128.
33 Ibid, p 111.
34 Ibid, p 162.
35 Contact newspaper, September 12th 1995, p 15.
36 Ibid.
37 The Illuminati Formula, p 378.
38 Ibid.
39 Trance Formation Of America, p 183.
40 Ibid, p 178.
41 Trance Formation Of America, p 150.
42 Ibid, p 155.
43 Contact newspaper, September 12th 1995.
44 Trance Formation Of America, p 155.
45 The Illuminati Formula, pp 375, 348.
46 Contact newspaper, September 12th 1995, p 12.
47 Ibid, p 13.
48 Trance Formation Of America, p 111.
49 Ibid, p 156.
50 Ibid.
51 Contact newspaper, March 7th 1995, pp 33-34.
52 The Illuminati Formula, p 352.
53 Ibid.
54 Ibid, p 355.
55 Trance Formation Of America, p 124.
56 Ibid, p 31.
57 Ibid, p 117.
58 Ibid, p 118.
59 Ibid, p 120.
60 The Illuminati Formula, p 353.
61 Ibid, pp 126-150
62 Ibid, pp 128, 132.
63 Dr Loreda Fox, The Spiritual And Clinical Dimensions Of Multiple Personality Disorder (Salida, Colorado), p 196.
64 The Illuminati Formula, p 133.
65 Ibid, p 138.
66 Ibid, p 143.
67 Trance Formation Of America, p 12.
68 Ibid, pp 13-14.
69 Ibid, p 223.
70 Ibid, p 179.
71 Ibid, p 172.
72 Ibid.
73 Ibid, p 175.
74 Ibid, p 176.
75 Ibid, p 177.
76 Ibid, p 4.
77 Ibid.
78 The Illuminati Formula, p 34.
79 Ibid.
80 Ibid, p 32.
81 Ibid.
82 Ibid, p 34.
83 Ibid.
84 Ibid.
85 Ibid, p 33.
86 Ibid.
87 Ibid.
88 Ibid.
89 Ibid.
90 Extraterrestrial Friends And Foes, p 74.
91 The Illuminati Formula, p 73.
92 Ibid, p 23.
93 Ibid, p 25.
94 Trance Formation Of America, p 158.

Levitating Stone

Erstellt 2007. Update 9. Januar 2008
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Quicktime Movie: David Icke 22 of 42.  Only if we know, who we are, can we know freedom. 9:56 min. 6.7 mb.