Gesamtschau-Digital: Carl Huter
David Icke: The Biggest Secret. Forbidden Knowledge. The Key to our Past - Part 41

Bearbeitung Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm


Alex Houston, a rapist, paedophile, and drug runner, according to Cathy, was an entertainer, a ventriloquist and stage hypnotist, who, she says, also had his mind and mouth worked by someone else - the US government’s mind control network. She says it was his job to maintain her and Kelly in their programmed mode by following the instructions he was given, which included food and water deprivation and constant trauma. Houston used his travel to venues as a cover to transport Cathy and Kelly to their ‘assignments’ and Cathy says this introduced her to the truth about the United States country music industry and, indeed, the entertainment industry in general.

Boxcar Willie

Country music, she discovered, was used by the Brotherhood’s US agencies to distribute massive amounts of drugs into American society and as a cover for its mind control projects. It was these agencies, she says, which paid for the promotion and hype that turned a singer called Boxcar Willie into a country music star. Some of this promotion, Cathy says, took the form of high-tech television commercials designed to have a hypnotic effect on the viewer. He became the leader, she writes, of the country music segment of the ‘Freedom train’ - the internationally recognised code name for the slave operations of Project Monarch. The name Boxcar Willie was not selected at random, it would seem. It makes a statement about the man and his role. Cathy names Boxcar Willie as a paedophile rapist of mind controlled women and children, including Kelly, who, she says, he raped regularly in three different mental institutions.49 He is also heavily involved in the cocaine operations controlled by the government agencies, she says, and he was the man Bill Clinton’s friend, Bill Hall, began to work with after Clinton persuaded him to become involved.50 It was Boxcar Willie who inspired the moving of the country music ‘capital’ to Branson, Missouri, to be close to the CIA mind control and drug operation based at Lampe, Missouri, according to Cathy in her book.51

Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962), JFK and Robert Kennedy

Many people in the entertainment industry are either connected with the conspiracy or mind controlled by it, she says. One of the latter was Marilyn Monroe, a lover of President John F. Kennedy. Both were to be murdered. The singer, Madonna, is a mind controlled slave according to Springmeier and Wheeler in their book on this subject.


Snuff-Film (v. engl. to snuff out = jemanden auslöschen) bezeichnet die filmische Aufzeichnung eines Mordes, der zum Zweck der Unterhaltung des Zuschauers und mit kommerzieller Absicht begangen wurde. Der Zweck des Mordes selbst ist seine Aufzeichnung. Die Aufzeichnungen der Ausführung eines Mordes, die jedoch keine unterhaltende und kommerziellen Absichten verfolgen, bezeichnet man hingegen nicht als Snuff. Source: Wikipedia (Hinzugefügt).

Springmeier says he was given a catalogue of the Vidimax occult porn video club based in New Jersey which included a video involving Madonna. It sells videos of people being murdered (snuff videos), cannibalism and sacrifices.52 Springmeier and Wheeler say Madonna was a mind controlled slave given the name, Louise Chiccone, living in New York East Village when a film was made of her being raped and the rapist being taken away and sacrificed. Vidimax sell this video apparently for $19 to their members.53 If, as they say, Madonna is a multiple, she will most likely have no recollection of this. Elvis Presley, a member of the Theosophical Society, has been named as a multiple slave by survivors and Cisco Wheeler, herself a recovering slave, says that her experiences led her to believe this about Elvis. His handler was his manager, ‘Colonel’ Tom Parker, she says.54 When Elvis died (if he did), the Sun International Corporation released a Presley album called Orion with a winged sun-disc on the cover. This is an ancient Egyptian and Sumerian symbol used by the Order of the Oriental Temple and other Brotherhood groups.

Bill Clinton and Barbara Streisand

Barbara Streisand is a mind controlled asset of the Brotherhood, as revealed in detail by the recovered slave, Brice Taylor, in her book, Thanks For The Memories. Another mind controlled singer, according to Cathy, is Lorretta Lynn, a slave of the CIA. Her mental and emotional problems are caused by this, Cathy says. Lorretta’s road manager Ken Riley is a paedophile and best friend to Cathy’s handler, Alex Houston. Both were connected with US congressman, Gary Ackerman, the ‘Democrat’ from New York, who, Cathy reports, ran an elaborate drug operation through Long Island docks.55 A mind controlled woman named by Mark Phillips is Seidina ‘Dma’ Reed, the daughter of actor-singer, Jerry Reed. 

Jerry Reed

Seidina had been used many times with Cathy in pornographic films, he says, under the control of her husband, the sadist, David Rorick, (also known as Dave Rowe). Rorick was trained in mind control by Alex Houston and Seidina’s famous father Jerry Reed knew all about it, according to Mark Phillips. Seidina was a favourite sex slave of Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the US.56

Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the US

The singer and actor Kris Kristopherson, a drug-addicted alcoholic born into a CIA family, according to Phillips, is also involved as a seriously imbalapced controller and mind manipulator of slaves, Cathy recounts in her book and public statements.57 She writes that she was tortured by him and Michael Aquino, using high voltage electric shocks.58 Kristopherson, a Jesuit, is an associate of Senator Robert C. Byrd, Cathy’s controller, she says. In that position, Byrd was, in mind control parlance, said to be ‘married’ to Cathy even though she was officially married to Alex Houston. Cathy says of Kristopherson in her book:

... Kristopherson nearly strangled me to death with his penis which further sexually aroused him, late in the Summer of 1987 during another incident related to Byrd.”59

A world famous psychopath and drug runner for the government, Cathy writes, is the rock and roll legend, Jerry Lee Lewis, a friend of Elvis Presley. Cathy says she was threatened on many occasions with the words: “We’ll sell you to Jerry Lee”. Frank Sinatra and JFK’s brother, Ted Kennedy, are reported by recovering slaves to have been particularly brutal, also. I spoke at a conference on mind control in the United States and met Brice Taylor who, like Cathy O’Brien, also became a Presidential Model. Her handler from the time she was a little girl in southern California was the comedian, Bob Hope, a member of Bohemian Grove. She had also worked extensively with Henry Kissinger, a highly skilled programmer, and Nelson Rockefeller, the four times Governor of New York. Rockefeller became vice-president of the United States when the paedophile, Gerald Ford, replaced Richard Nixon after Watergate. Brice claimed to have been forced to have sex with John F Kennedy when she was or[ly 12, although she said: “I was made up to look 16”. Bob Hope is also named by Springmeier and Wheeler in their book as a slave handler and as a British Intelligence operative during the Second World War as he toured the world hosting concerts for the troops.60 Hope and media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, were both awarded ‘knighthoods’ by the Roman Catholic Church in Los Angeles, California. They became Knights of the Order of St Gregory and while I was writing this book Hope was given an honorary knighthood by the Queen to elevate him to the same rank as Bush, Kissinger, and the other chosen few the Windsor’s reward for services to the cause. Bob ‘isn’t he a hoot’ Hope has been used to draw many top names in Hollywood into the net and one of his most famous films, The Road To Mandalay, was appropriately named because the most elite group at the Bohemian Grove is known as the Mandalay Camp. Hollywood and the entertainment industry is rife with both slaves and handlers.

Another famous figure named by Springmeier and Wheeler as a Satanist is the world’s best known ‘Christian’ preacher, Billy Graham.61 Springmeier and Wheeler have assembled a list of people who have seen Graham ‘in action’. They also say he uses Project Monarch slaves for sex and he launders drug money through his evangelical operation. Graham is a Brotherhood stooge who carries messages between world leaders.62 The witnesses say that Graham is a multiple who switches personalities, and the ‘person’ people see at the pulpit is only one compartment. There are others which are very different. ‘Christianity’ is a cover used by countless Satanists and programmers and Dr Loreda Fox says in her book, The Spiritual And Clinical Dimensions of Multiple Personality Disorder, that “Most survivors whom I have worked with had Satanist parents who were high in positions in churches; many were pastors”.63 

Christianity was the creation of the Brotherhood and is still controlled by it. Billy Graham, a 33rd degree Freemason, is a close friend of George Bush and Henry Kissinger. He and Bush famously ‘prayed’ together after Bush had given the go ahead to kill countless men, women and children in the Gulf War.  Another friend of Graham, Allan Dulles, was the Satanist Director of the CIA, who helped to fund Hitler. Dulles was one of the main architects after the war of MKUltra and Project Monarch. Billy Graham’s first three Christian crusades were funded by William Randolph Hearst, the American newspaper tycoon and high degree Brotherhood initiate.64 Other world tours have been funded by bloodline families like the Rockefellers, Whitneys, and Vanderbilts. The main people in the Billy Graham Crusades and his Evangelical Association are Freemasons and they have included William M. Watson, President of the Occidental Petroleum Corporation of the Brotherhood frontman, Armand Hammer (Arm and Hammer). The Billy Graham television shows put messages on the screen carrying Monarch activation codes, Springmeier and Wheeler say.65 When Billy Graham’s family first went to the United States they were known as the Frank family and were related to Jakob Frank the leader of a branch of Satanism called Sabbatuanism, later, due to his leadership, Frankism.66

The evidence that Springmeier and Wheeler present to support these claims about Graham is simply enormous and covers some 24 pages. A Presidential Model told me that Pope John Paul II is a programmed multiple and that certainly fits the picture.

Cathy O’Brien says that she and her daughter, Kelly, escaped from Project Monarch when Mark Phillips came on the scene. He says he worked with Alex Houston on a big business deal involving Hong Kong and China, but then he was told by a representative of the Chinese Ministry of Defence about Houston’s background and his involvement with the CIA, drugs, money laundering, child prostitution, and slavery. Phillip’s informant, who, he says, produced documentary proof, said that Houston was a “very bad man” and that his crimes were “of the White House”. Mark Phillips writes in Trance Formation Of America:

“My first response to this ‘officer’ was that Houston was too stupid and crooked to be connected with US ‘Intelligence’. This comment was quickly countered with a gut-wrenching photograph of Houston. He was smiling a demonic grin while apparently having anal sex with a small, very young, frightened black boy. Later he was identified to me as Haitian.”67

Phillips says he made contact with an old friend, now dead, who had been an Air Force general in the Intelligence Division and maintained close connections with the upper levels of US and foreign intelligence. He says the general told him about the CIA slave trade world-wide and that Cathy and Kelly had been subjected to trauma-based mind control. Mark Phillips recalls:

“I was growing numb. The first words out of my dry mouth were: ‘How would you spring these people out of it?’ “He smiled and said: ‘I wouldn’t! What are you going to do with them if you get them out?’ Before I could answer, he interrupted and said: ‘Look. You’re still the same, but nothing else is with Uncle (the USA). Now most of the CIA, FBI, and the Mob (Mafia) are the same and they’re making moves on the military. ’“68

Phillips says he was insistent that he wanted to attempt a rescue and he writes that his friend gave him the mind control codes (based on Christianity and God) that would activate Cathy to go with him. The full and detailed story is told in their book. Phillips says he took them to Alaska while leaving messages for the authorities that he had no intention of exposing the truth. He said he told them he would “...take them to Alaska and play like a voiceless chameleon”. This he hoped would spare their lives at this stage, he says. Phillips told me that they have also been helped by many good people in Intelligence who want to root out this sickness. There is an internal ‘war’ unfolding within the Intelligence community, it would appear. In Alaska, Mark Phillips says he used his knowledge of mind control, with covert support from his contacts, to deprogram Cathy’s compartmentalised mind. This immense task absorbed almost every spare waking moment month after month after month, he says. Cathy began to remember what had happened, she says, and what a story she now had to tell. Kelly’s deprogramming proved even more difficult and she suffered from severe asthma caused by the constant trauma she has suffered. 

Attempts were made by the CIA mind controller, Dr Louis Jolyon West, and his associates, to take Kelly from Cathy and Mark. Eventually the authorities used the ‘law’ to ensure they had control of her once again. Kelly became a political prisoner under the custody of the State of Tennessee.

This is a story constantly repeated. Brice Taylor and Arizona Wilder lost their children when they broke away. Brice’s daughter is also called Kelly, a common illuminati name for such children. Her daughter was also sexually abused by Bush. The media and public were banned from court cases involving Kelly O’Brien and she was denied the right to an independent attorney, Cathy says. The court also banned the words ‘president’, ‘politics’, ‘New World Order’, ‘mind control’ and ‘George Bush’69 All this was ‘justified’ by the interests of ‘national security’. These restrictions were significantly eased after the publication of their book. The authorities refuse to deprogram Kelly from her Project Monarch-MKUltra mind control by invoking the National Security Act (amended by Reagan in 1984) which allows them the excuse of ‘national security’ whenever they want to put the lid on something. Whenever you see governments using the guise of ‘national security’ to deny justice and information, what they really mean is the security of their own criminal behaviour. Cathy and Mark say they have had their life threatened many times, but they have sent their information, with documented and sometimes audio tape support, to a catalogue of US politicians, government agencies, and pressure groups, including presidential candidate and Brotherhood yes man, Bob Dole. The silence has been deafening.

Cathy says she witnessed many conversations about the New World Order which support the themes that I and scores of others have written about, including the plans for a military coup of the United States. As Cathy’s experiences confirm, the attempt to complete the takeover of the world is not a theory, it is REAL. It’s happening now.

Cathy says that she heard both Reagan and Bush insist that the only way to “world peace” is the “mind control of the masses”. She reports that she was able to observe the planning of the New World Order project, Education 2000, while under the control of another of her and Kelly’s programmers and sexual abusers, the reptilian Bill Bennett, a Jesuit-trained mind controller, who became US Education Secretary under Reagan-Bush.70 She was then placed under the control of Bill Bennett’s associate Lama Alexander, the former governor of Tennessee, with whom Cathy says she had been forced to take part in a Satanic ritual in an affluent area of Nashville.71 Bill Bennett’s brother, Bob, who is also alleged to have raped Kelly at the Bohemian Grove in 1986, later became legal counsel to Bill Clinton.72 Another of Bill Bennett’s roles was to head a ‘war on drugs’ for George Bush! Well at least Bennett could not be accused of a lack of experience in the subject. The Bennetts’ were the ones who took her through one of her reptilian experiences I described earlier in the book. 

Cathy says she was used to compromise and provide ‘favours’ for key politicians to ensure support for Education 2000. She learned that this project, also known as America 2000 and Global 2000, is designed to increase children’s ‘learning’ capacity while destroying their ability to critically think for themselves.73 Our children are being mind controlled every day at school and most of the teachers don’t even know they are doing it, because they have been conditioned by the same system. A friend who works in education research in the United Kingdom has had access to suppressed surveys which show that children are asking fewer and fewer questions about the ‘facts’ they are told in school -particularly after they move to the senior schools.

Cathy says she witnessed how the United Nations is just a vehicle for the manipulators. George Bush referred to the New World Order as his ‘neighbourhood’ and talked of how he simply told many other world leaders, like King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, what to do and say. No doubt the same applies to Saddam Hussein with whom Bush shared oil ‘kick backs’ totalling hundreds of millions of dollars (see .. And The Truth Shall Set You Free). The US Secretary of State (formerly UN ambassador), Madeleine Albright, is a Brotherhood initiate. I call her the High Priestess of US politics. George Bush once described her in Cathy’s presence as... “the reverend mother of all sisters (slaves)”74 Albright knows about the US government mind controlled slaves and supports that policy. Yet there she was in front of the television cameras at the United Nations and as Secretary of State, lecturing other countries on human rights.

Cathy recalls that Brian Mulroney, the Canadian Prime Minister and child rapist, talked about the plan for the New World Order while with Cathy and Reagan at the same White House cocktail party at which she met Albright. Cathy says she was subsequently taken to a White House bedroom with other slaves, including one controlled by the US Senator, Arlen Spector. Mulroney then arrived to rape them after activating their sex slave programming.75 Cathy says she noticed that one of the slaves had a red rose tattooed on her left wrist and other people she met over the years, including Mulroney, wore the symbol of the red rose which indicates membership of the Order of the Rose, an Elite offshoot of the Rosicrucians. Other people connected to the Order of the Rose include Clinton, Bush, Byrd, Bennett and Trudeau. How fascinating, then, that the United Kingdom Labour Party should change its party symbol in the 1980s to a... red rose.

The handlers of slaves like Cathy carry with them a black or grey three-ring notebook - often these days a laptop computer - which lists the access keys and triggers.76 Others memorise them. The data contains details of the methods of torture, the dates it happened, and the most important parts of the code are said to be written in ‘Enochian’ Hebrew (the ‘magical’ language of the Egyptian mystery schools), and Druidic symbols.77 The scale of what is going on simply defies the imagination. I was told by a contact about thousands of caged children kept at the China Lake Naval Weapons Center in the California desert at Ridgecrest. This is in the same region as the mass grave for ritually murdered children at Lancaster, California, I mentioned earlier.

Vast areas of land in this region between Los Angeles, the infamous San Bernandino Valley and Las Vegas, Nevada, are occupied by the United States Forces. It is also one of the greatest areas of Satanism on the planet. It includes the Edward’s Airforce base, China Lake, and the town of Bakersfield. Springmeier and Wheeler write that other programming sites close to China Lake are Papa Ludo’s Store and Tavern which has a secret underground programming centre, and Scotty’s Castle in the appropriately named Death Valley.78 The ‘local’ for the CIA personnel operating at China Lake is the Hideaway Tavern. Northwest of the airfield at China Lake the authorities have built a hexagram (Star of David - Seal of Solomon) on the ground, each section of which is a quarter of a mile long.79 These lands run into the deserts of Nevada which are full of Brotherhood operations in and around their wholly-owned city of Las Vegas. I have driven through all these areas and it is one of blackest places you will ever experience.

Interestingly, the Springmeier-Wheeler research also documents the involvement of the China Lake Naval Weapons Center which I had also heard from other sources. They say that ‘batches’ of babies numbering one, two and three thousand, were kept at China Lake in cages piled to the ceiling of large hangers.80 The cages, known as ‘Woodpecker Grids’ were electrified and the babies were tortured with powerful electric shocks.81 A male survivor of Project Monarch tells of seeing the rows and rows of cages at China Lake and one of the programmers, he said, was dressed like a catholic priest.82 He described how the electric current running through the cages made a humming sound and he said that children were sacrificed by people in black hooded robes in front of the children in the cages. This took place on a marble slab which served as an altar.83

Charles Manson was a slave programmed at China Lake and his cult was based only 45 minutes drive away at the Myers and Barker ranches.84 Josef Mengele (Dr Green or Greenbaum) and Ewen Cameron (Dr White) both worked at China Lake after the war. It was then called the Naval Ordinance Test Station or NOTS.

Survivors of China Lake recall flashing lights. The flashing creates disassociation, particularly with those who are programmed, and this is why the phenomenon of flashing lights was introduced into our culture. Discos and pop concerts are an obvious example. The operation at China Lake is closely connected with the California Institute of Technology at Pasedena.85 Children are transported to China Lake by train, car and air. One of the main delivery routes into China Lake is by plane from the Santa Rosa airstrip near Bohemian Grove. The airstrip was built during World War Two as a training base. 

FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, has a radio station there.86 FEMA is officially the government agency which responds to disasters like hurricanes and tornadoes. But in truth it is a major arm of the Brotherhood and it is building concentration camps in the United States capable of holding thousands of people. This is no theory, video footage exists of some of these places. They have railway lines running into them in classic Nazi fashion.

The tops of the barbed wire fences, which were formerly designed to keep people out, have now been changed to keep people in. The Santa Rosa strip is supposed to be closed, yet planes are leaving there every night and they do not put their lights on until they are hundreds of feet in the air.87 They land at China Lake early in the morning. If you think the numbers of children claimed to be involved are an exaggeration, the truth is that this is only a fraction of the children in mind control projects and Satanic abuse rings in every country in the world. The children come through the breeding programmes, through adoption agencies (particularly, it seems, Catholic ones), some from kidnapping in the Third World, and from parents who sell their own children.

They also come through the network of Social Services agencies. There are organisations whose job it is to find children of the right genetic background for these projects. The best known was the CIA/FBI group called the Finders and programmed children are also trained to procure other children. One case which came to light in February 1992 involved an American lawyer called Patrick Gagel, who exported three thousand children from the United States to Peru for ‘adoption’ and they were never seen or heard of again.88 Gagel was arrested by Peruvian police, but then released after pressure from ‘on high’89 This is another common theme in which the perpetrators of such abominations can operate outside the law. Don Ecker, the state director in Idaho for the UFO investigation network known as MUFON, wrote the following in the July-August1989 edition of UFO magazine:

“According to a recent report just received from Westchester County, New York, researchers have discovered that in a small area of the county, which has been the site of numerous UFO overflights and reported human abductions, over 3,000 missing children reports have surfaced. After extensive investigation by local police departments, these children have not yet been found at centers for young runaways or in red light districts. Researchers and law enforcement officials are baffled.”90

Levitating Stone

Erstellt 2007. Update 9. Januar 2008
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Quicktime Movie: David Icke 21 of 42.  Only if we know, who we are, can we know freedom. 9:57 min. 6.3 mb.