Gesamtschau-Digital: Carl Huter
David Icke: The Biggest Secret. Forbidden Knowledge. The Key to our Past - Part 09

Official history asks us to believe that the people of Britain were savages who were ‘civilised’ only after the Romans came. This is not true and in fact the Romans said the opposite. Roman records say that the Britons were generally civilised and their customs much the same as the Gauls. Of course they were. They were the same people with the same origins. The Britons used gold money and there was trade with the European continent, as British coins of the period found there have confirmed. It was only the people of the interior of Britain, still uninfluenced by the Phoenician culture closer to the coasts, whom the Romans regarded as uncivilised when they arrived. Many of the roads regarded as ‘Roman’ were not built by the Romans at all. They were pre-Roman roads which they repaired. The Romans admired the efficiency of the British armies, particularly their use of war chariots. You won’t be surprised to know by now that these famous ‘British’ chariots were the same as those used by the Hittites or Catti described by the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II around 1,295 BC at the Battle of Kadesh, a Hittite-Phoenician port. 


In about 350 BC, three centuries before the Romans arrived, the explorer and scientist, Pytheas, sailed around Britain and mapped the land scientifically with latitudes. Pytheas was a native of Phocca in Asia Minor, Phocca deriving from Phoenicia, as did an adjoining port called Phoenice.40 By this time the Phoenicians had organised the tin trade, from their mines in Cornwall in the west of England across Gaul/France to Marseilles, from where it was taken by sea to the lands of the Mediterranean and Aegean. The first Phoenician tin-port in Cornwall was Ictis or St Michael’s Mount in Penzance Bay. St Michael, one of the great heroes of Christianity, was in truth a Phoenician deity.

There is endless evidence to prove the ancient link between the British Isles and Ireland and the culture of North Africa and the Near East. They say if you want to expose corruption, follow the money. Well if you want to identify the passage of people and cultures, follow the language. The Irish language today is English which replaced Gaelic and Gaelic itself evolved from a now lost earlier language. Gaelic speaking missionaries in the Middle Ages had to use interpreters to communicate with the Picts, the ancient people of what became Scotland, and Cormac, a Gaelic-speaking Irish king of the ninth century, referred to the language of the people of Munster in south west Ireland as the ‘iron language’. But even Gaelic connects us very firmly into the Middle East. In Conamara, in the west of Ireland, is a community which still speaks Gaelic as its first language. Their sean-nos (old style) singing, the basis of all Irish music, is amazingly similar to the native songs of the Middle East. Even trained ears find it almost impossible to distinguish between the chants of the Gaelic singers and those of Libyans. Charles Acton, the music critic of the Irish Times, wrote:

“If one listened for hours in the desert of an evening to Bedoum Arabs singing narrative epics... and then returned to Ireland and heard a fine sean-nos singer using the same mel ismata and rhythm, one finds the resemblance almost uncanny. So, too, if one listens to (the Spanish) “canto jondo” 41

There were major sea trading routes between Ireland and Spain and Spain and North Africa in ancient times through which the passage of bloodlines, knowledge and culture was transported. The Spanish Arch in Galway in the west of Ireland commemorates this, as does the Conamara dancing known as ‘the battering’ which is virtually the same as Spanish Flamenco. The stick dance performed by the Wexford Mummers in Ireland is of North African origin. The word ‘mummer’ comes from Mohammedan. The Irish symbol, the harp, came from North Africa and so did the name of that other classic symbol of Ireland, the shamrock. Any three leaf plant is known in Egypt as a shamrukh. The rosary beads, the symbol of devout Roman Catholics, come from the Middle East and are still used by the Egyptians. The word ‘nun’ is Egyptian and their garments are from the Middle East. According to Arbois de Juvainville, the author of a work called Cours De Literature Celtigue, the Irish were known as ‘Egyptians’ in the Middle Ages. There are obvious connections between Irish books and those of the Egyptians. They employ the same styles of illustration and the colours used in the Irish Book of Kells and Book of Durrow are of Mediterranean origin. The red used in these books came from a Mediterranean insect, the Kermococcus vermiho, and others came from a Mediterranean plant, the Crozophora tinctoria. The crossed arms pose of many Egyptian portrayals of their god, Osiris, can be seen in Irish manuscripts. The Irish sweaters made on the Isle of Arran carry, according to at least one expert on the history of knitting, designs first given to them by Egyptian Coptic monks.42  The main blood group of Arran (Aryan?) is different from most of the Irish population. The old Irish sailing craft called pucan was invented by the North Africans and used on the Nile. Excavations at Navan Fort, near Armagh City, found remains of the Barbary ape estimated to have lived about 500 BC. The Barbary ape today is mainly associated with Gibraltar, but its home in 500 BC was North Africa.

Libyan dragonskins (mercenaries) were believed to have been at large in Ireland 2,000 years ago. In the second century, the geographer Ptolemy, who lived in Alexandria, could name sixteen tribes in Ireland. The Irish sport of hurling is mirrored by the game called Takourt in Morocco. Irish ritual was, like all the cultures inspired by the Phoenician-Aryans, focused on the Sun. The Earth mound at Newgrange in Ireland has a narrow passageway of some 62 feet which is perfectly aligned with the Sun as it rises on December 2lst/22nd, the winter solstice. So much so that the golden sunlight fills and illuminates the whole passage and the chamber at the centre. The entrance to structures in the Mediterranean, particularly the one at the Palace of Minos in Crete, are the same. The distinctive Round Towers of Ireland are, according to some orientalists, of Phoenician origin.43 Again all this fits perfectly into the story I am revealing here.

The Phoenicians came from the Middle and Near East, one of the global centres for the Anunnaki-reptilians and, according to the research of Professor Phillip Calahan I mentioned earlier, the round towers are aligned with stars systems in the northern sky - especially Draco. The connections between Ireland and the Berbers of Morocco deserves a special mention. They are a light-skinned mountain people, some blue-eyed and blondhaired. They are associated with the Atlas Mountains which are themselves associated with Atlantis and named after Atlas, a son of the legendary ruler of Atlantis, Poseidon. Berber art has many similarities to the Irish version and anyone speaking Gaelic could comfortably understand the Berber tongue. The main Berber clans like M’Tir, M’Tuga and M’Ghill, are obvious origins or derivatives of the Ireland-Scottish MacTier, MacDougal and MacGhill. The term Mac means ‘children or child of’ and the Arabs use the term Bini, as in Bini M’Tir, which means the same. Missionaries who first explored the lands of the Berbers found that they used bagpipes, as do the Irish and Scots. Early invaders of Ireland were known as the men with the leather bags. An Irish goatskin drum found in Kerry is a twin of the Moroccan drum, the bindir. The violin and the guitar also originate in North Africa. The Viking wing of the Aryans invaded Ireland and founded many towns, including the present capital city of Dublin. But, not surprisingly in the light of the evidence you have been reading, the famous Viking galley with the high front and stern was a Phoenician design used by the Egyptians.


Rock carvings at Newgrange appear to depict this design thousands of years earlier. The name Idris is well known in Wales and the saints and kings of the Muslims have been called Idris for centuries. In the British Museum is a Muslim coin, a gold dinar, which has the name ‘Offa’ stamped upon it. Offa was the King of Mercia in England in the 8th century and he is said to have built the 120 mile earth ‘wall’ between England and Wales known as Offa’s Dyke. The name Wales comes from ‘Weallas’ meaning Land of Foreigners. The Welsh, like the Irish, explored the northern waters around Iceland before the Vikings and it is said that the Welshman Prince Madoc went ashore in America three centuries before Columbus. That’s very possible because if he had access to the knowledge of the Phoenicians, he would have known that the Americas were there. The Venerable Bede of Cymbri (approximately the Welsh) said they were an Eastern people who migrated after the flood from the lands of the Bible to the British Isles.44

When the Irish settled in parts of Wales and Cornwall, some of the displaced people moved to Armorica, now Brittany, on the French coast. There you find the fantastic forest of standing stones called Carnac, a name which comes from Karnac in Egypt. The Breton language is a mixture of old Welsh and Cornish - Aryan. Brittany means Little Britain and relates again to Barat and Barati. Amorica means ‘land facing the sea’, a perfect description of America approached from the Atlantic. This is surely the true origin of the name America, and not Amerigo Vespucci, the explorer from Florence who was the contractor for Christopher Columbus in Spain. The Isle of Man was also populated by the Irish Aryans and it became a very sacred land. It was one of two places in Britain, Anglesea in North Wales was other, where the Arch Druids were based. These were the highest ranked members of the ancient British priestly class, who inherited their knowledge from the Phoenicians and later the Babylonian Brotherhood.

The Isle of Man’s three legs symbol is not unlike that ancient Phoenician symbol for the Sun, the swastika. Irish connections with Ethiopia have also been identified. An American researcher, Winthrop Palmer Boswell, wrote a book called Irish Wizards In The Woods Of Ethiopia in which she showed the similarities between Irish and Ethiopian folk stories. The baobab tree is held in great reverence by Ethiopians and Berbers and ‘banba’ is an old name for Ireland.

This reverence for trees in North Africa was expressed in the British Isles and Europe by the Druids and the giant or Titan race, the reptilian-human crossbreeds of the ancient Near East, were often symbolised as trees because of their height. In his 1833 book, Phoenician Ireland, Joachim de Villeneuve, insisted that Irish Druids were the ‘snake priests’ of the Phoenician seafarers. This would certainly explain the origin of the Balor of the Evil Eye, the Irish version of the North African god Baal, and the celebration in May of the Baal ritual, Beltane. The evil eye relates to the hypnotic stare of the reptilians. The Sun god of the Phoenicians was Bel or Bil and later became known by the Canaanites and Babylonians as Baal - Nimrod. 


The Druids became the carriers of the mystery school tradition in Britain, Ireland and France or Britannia, Eire and Gaul as they were then called, and some of them became deeply corrupted by the influence of the reptile-human bloodlines of the Babylonian Brotherhood which established control of the Aryan priesthood as the centuries passed. The origin of the word Druid is not certain. A Gaelic word, druidh, means ‘a wise man’ or a ‘sorcerer’, but it may come from the Irish word, Drui, which means ‘men of the oak trees’.45 The Druidic Mysteries were taught in the darkness of caves, forests and groves with the oak tree symbolising their Supreme Deity (very much in line with the Watcher tree-symbolism). They did not worship the oak tree, it was a symbol and anything which grew upon it, like mistletoe, became sacred. The holly bush was another sacred symbol of the Druids and this is where we get the name Hollywood in Los Angeles, the centre of the global film industry which was created by modern initiates of the Babylonian Brotherhood. It has remained in their control and Hollywood is one of their most important vehicles for mass mind conditioning. Hollywood is indeed a place of magic as it casts a spell on humanity’s perception of itself and the world. The Druids knew about astrology and astronomy and they celebrated the birth of the Sun on December 25th. The Moon was also very important to them. Particularly sacred was the night of the new Moon, the sixth day, and the full Moon.

As with the Blue Degrees of modern Freemasonry, the Druid initiates were divided into three groups. The teachings given to each level in the forest groves of ancient times and the Freemasonic temples of today are virtually the same. The first level of the Druid School was the Ovate who was dressed in green, the Druidic colour for learning. The second was the Bard, who wore sky blue representing harmony and truth. They had the task of memorising some of the 20,000 verses of Druidic poetry within which the mysteries were hidden. The third, the Druid, would be dressed in a white robe, their symbolic colour for purity and the Sun. To become an Arch-Druid, a spiritual leader, you had to pass six levels of degree. The Druids had total power over the population for a long time and some deeply unpleasant rituals emerged after their mystery school network was taken over by the Babylonian Brotherhood. The basic moral code was taught to all people, but the secret knowledge was, as with all these networks, preserved for initiates under the strictest secrecy. Eliphas Levi, the famous esotericist, said of their healing methods:
“The Druids were priests and physicians, curing by magnetism... Their universal remedies were mistletoe and serpent’s eggs, because these substances attract astral light in a special manner. The solemnity with which mistletoe was cut down drew upon this plant the popular confidence and rendered it powerfully magnetic.”46

The Druids, like the other mystery religions, were carriers of advanced knowledge which has been kept from the people, and some of them used it for less than positive reasons. I am not condemning the Druids as a whole and I certainly do not wish to cast a negative interpretation on the work of modern Druids. Knowledge is neutral and the same knowledge can be used with good or malevolent intent. But there is no doubt that the Druidic religion was infiltrated and began to manifest the classic rituals and behaviour of the reptilians, including human sacrifice. The Brotherhood today still uses Druidic rituals in its own black magic ceremonies.

Going home?

The evidence of the connections between the Middle-Near East and and the British Isles and Ireland is simply enormous. You can follow the flow of peoples, knowledge, culture, language, deities, symbols and rituals, very comfortably. I wonder, however, if this was all travelling between these two areas of the world for the first time from around 3,000 BC or whether, in the ancient past before the Venus cataclysm, it had all gone in the reverse direction. Could it be that the origins of the Middle-Near East cultures had actually been in what became the British Isles and Europe, and after 3,000 BC it was taken in the reverse direction. I can’t present detailed evidence of this at the moment, but my research is moving that way. If the British Isles and parts of Europe were badly affected by Earth upheavals, maybe there was a mass movement of the advanced race from many parts of the world to safer lands, particularly in the Near East.

Certainly, the Babylonian Brotherhood and others with advanced knowledge were very keen to make their way to Britain and establish their headquarters there. London became the epicentre of their operations and it remains so to this day. There must be a very important reason for that and I think it relates to the energy fields in these lands. The British Isles is a really sacred place to the Brotherhood because it is the centre of the Earth’s energy grid. It is not without reason that there is a greater concentration of stone circles, standing stones, ancient mounds and sites, in areas of Britain than in almost anywhere else in the world. Those who understand how to manipulate energy and consciousness would seek to base their activities at the heart centre of the planetary energy grid and they have done this by operating so much of their Agenda from the British Isles.


London is also a major site on the Earth’s magnetic grid and it became the capital not only of Britain or Barat-land, but also of the Babylonian Brotherhood. To them, it is their ‘New Troy’ or ‘New Babylon’. The city of Troy in Asia Minor, the place made famous by the Trojan Wars and the Wooden Horse legend, was another Aryan centre. It was the old capital of the Hittites. Many of the reptile-Aryan bloodlines appear to have been based in Troy and it remains a sacred place for those at the upper levels of the secret society network who are aware of their true origins. Troy or Troia means ‘three places’ in Greek and Hebrew, an allusion to the trinity, another belief that Christianity has stolen from the ancient world. In English, Troy or Troia is Tripoli, the name of the capital of Libya today and home to that Brotherhood frontman, Colonel Gaddafi. 

Once again, Troy relates to the extraterrestrial full-bloods and crossbreeds, hence the constant obsession with that name by the Brotherhood. In the Iliad epic, believed to have been written by the Greek poet, Homer, it states that Troy was founded by Dardanus, the son of the Greek god Zeus, who was a Titan - the reptilian bloodline. Zeus was depicted as both an eagle and a serpent. He was said to have been born in Arcadia, in Sparta, and after the Trojan War many Spartans migrated into what is now France. Terms like ‘New Troy’, therefore, relate to centres for these same bloodlines.

The destruction of Troy around 1,200 BC

Most people don’t realise that London was founded as the ‘New Troy’. After the destruction of Troy around 1,200 BC, the story goes that Aeneas, born of a royal bloodline, fled with the remnants of his people and settled in Italy. There he married the daughter of Latinus, the king of the Latins, and through this line later emerged the Roman Empire. According to many traditions, the grandson of Aeneas, a man called Brutus, landed in Britain around 1,103 BC with a group of Trojans, including some from colonies in Spain. They referred to Britain as the ‘Great White Island’ after the white cliffs which abound on the South Coast. In the south west of England is the town of Totnes in Devon, a short distance inland from Torbay, the oldest seaport in the area.

Here there is a stone called the Brutus Stone on which, the legend says, the former Trojan prince stood after he first landed. Welsh records say that Brutus was met by three tribes of Britons who proclaimed him king. Brutus founded a city he called ‘Caer Troia’ - New Troy. The Romans would later call it Londinium. London became the operational centre of the empire of the Babylonian Brotherhood, and it still is, along with Paris and the Vatican. In the King Arthur stories, London or New Troy, is Troynavant, King Arthur’s eastern gateway city and King Arthur’s Camelot apparently means Martian City or City of Mars. Artefacts discovered by the German archaeologist, Heinrich Schliemann, at the site of ancient Troy, contained many of the markings found on British megalithic stones. They were also decorated with the swastika, the Phoenician-Aryan symbol of the Sun. Once again, they were the same people. All the white peoples are and it is the white race which has taken over the world, quite demonstrably. Just look around you at who controls all the reigns of global power. White people.

And within this race and others, going back to antiquity, are the reptile bloodlines who are today centred on London, New Troy, or more appropriately New Babylon. The bodies of these Elite bloodlines are occupied or controlled by the reptiles of the lower fourth dimension and most of the lesser Aryan hierarchy have no idea that this is so. I will focus on this reptilian-Anunnaki network and chart it into the modern world when we have considered the truth about the religions which the reptilians have used so effectively to batter the human race into mental, emotional and spiritual submission.


1 Brian Desborough, The Great Pyramid Mystery.
2 Ibid.
3 Ibid.
4 Ibid.
5 Ibid.
6 Geoffrey Higgins, Anacalypsis (first published 1836, republished in 1972 by Health Research, P0 Box 850, Pomeroy, WA, USA 99347), volume I, p 368.
7 The Great Pyramid Mystery
8 Ibid.
9 Ibid.
10 Ibid.
11 Ibid.
12 Ibid.
13 Ibid.
14 Ibid.
15 Ibid.
16 First Book of Enoch, 7:2-6.
17 The Universe (Life National Picture Library, Time-Life International, Netherlands, 1964), pp 85-94.
18 Ibid.
19 Ibid.
20 Adrian G. Gilbert and Maurice M. Cotterell, The Mayan Prophecies (Element Books, Shaftesbury, England, 1995).
21 Quoted in The Occult Conspiracy, p 28.
22 Manly R Hall, The Secret Teachings Of All Ages (The Philosophical Research Society, Los Angeles, California, 1988), p Al.
23 From The Ashes Of Angels, p 93.
24 L. A. Waddell, The Phoenician Origin Of Britons, p 11.
25 Ibid, p 13.
26 Capt E. Raymond, Missing Links Discovered In Assyrian Tablets (Artisan Sales, Thousand Oaks, California, 1985), p 145.
27 The Phoenician Origins Of Britons, p 48.
28 lbid,p39.
29 lbid,p40.
30 Michael Hesemann, The Cosmic Connection (Gateway Books, Wellow, Avon, England, 1996), p 107.
31 The Phoenician Origin Of Britons, p 231.
32 Richard Hoagland, Monuments On Mars (North Atlantic Books, California, USA, 1996).
33 The Cosmic Connection, p 108.
34 The Great Pyramid Mystery
35 Rig Veda.
36 The Phoenician Origin Of Britons, p 65.
37 Ibid.
38 lbid,p62.
39 Ibid, p 27.
40 Ibid, p 54.
41 Bob Quinn, Atlantean, Ireland’s North African And Maritime Heritage (Quartet Books, London, 1986), p 19. A very good summary of the evidence connecting Ireland with North Africa.
42 Heinz Edgar Kiewe, “The Sacred History of Knitting”, quoted in Atlantean, pp 159,160.
43 Atlantean, p 30.
44 Steve Jones, In The Blood (Harper Collins, London, 1966), p 126.
45 The Secret Teachings Of All Ages, pp XXI l-XXI II.
46 Ibid.

Levitating Stone

Erstellt 2007. Update 13. Januar 2008
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Bearbeitung Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm