Gesamtschau-Digital: Carl Huter
David Icke: The Biggest Secret. Forbidden Knowledge. The Key to our Past - Part 10

The Suns of God

Nothing has served the reptilian Agenda more than religion. Still today in America religion controls the minds and limits the thinking of the Christian patriot movement which has seen through many other smokescreens and identified many aspects of the Brotherhood conspiracy. What they cannot face, however, is that their own religion is a massive part of that conspiracy.

That is not to condemn all people who call themselves Christian. There are many who express a loving spirituality through their Christian beliefs. I am talking of the institution of Christianity and its arrogant indoctrination and imposition of its desperately limited vision of life which has created a mind-prison for literally billions of people over almost 2,000 years. All the world’s major religions, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism and Islam, came out of the very same region of the Middle and Near East from which the Aryan race and the reptile crossbreeds emerged after the cataclysm of perhaps 7,000 years ago.

Source: David Icke (Hinzugefügt)

These religions were designed to imprison the mind and engulf the emotions with fear and guilt. They were usually based on some ‘saviour-god’ figure like Jesus or Mohammed and only by believing in them and following their dictates can we find ‘God’ and be saved. That is precisely what the Babylonian priests said about Nimrod when the blueprint for control-by-religion was being moulded in Babylon. Those who refuse to believe this hogwash are condemned to stoke the fires of hell for all eternity.

Staggeringly, billions upon billions have fallen for this scam over thousands of years, and still do. That’s fine if they want to give their minds and their lives away, but many insist that everyone else must do the same and that’s not fine. Seriously not fine. Most of the people reading this book will be from the parts of the world dominated by Christianity and Judaism and so I shall take those as the main examples of how symbolic stories have become literal truths and how the manipulation of these stories has produced the most powerful form of mass mind control yet invented.

To understand the true background to the religions, we need to appreciate the basis of all ancient religion going back to the Phoenicians, the Babylonians and beyond. It was the Sun. The hierarchy focused on the Sun because, as I outlined earlier, they understood its true power as an amazing generator of electromagnetic energy which is affecting our lives and behaviour every second of every day. The Sun contains 99% of the mass of this solar system. Just think about that. The Sun is the solar system and when it changes, we change. Understanding these Sun cycles, and the changing nature of the energy it projects, allows you to anticipate how human beings are most likely to react to various events at different times. As with the texts that form the basis of the various religions, there are two levels of knowledge in Sun worship. In the ancient world, the hierarchy focused on the Sun because they knew its effect at a deep level, while the masses worshipped the Sun because its heat and light had an obvious and crucial role in ensuring an abundant harvest. In the same way, an initiate of the esoteric knowledge will read the Bible differently to a Christian or Jewish believer. The initiate will recognise the symbolism, the numerology and the esoteric codes, while the believer takes the text literally So the same text acts as a means of passing on esoteric knowledge to the initiated and creates a prison-religion for the masses who are not initiated. Great scam.

To understand the ancient Sun symbolism is to understand the major religions. In the ancient world they used one particular symbol (see Figure 13) for the Sun’s journey through the year. As we will see in a later chapter, this is still a fundamental symbol used by the Babylonian Brotherhood. It symbolised both the Phoenician depictions of Barati and was on the shield of her British expression, Britannia. The ancients took the circle of the zodiac (a Greek word meaning animal circle) and inserted a cross to mark the four seasons. At the centre of the cross, they placed the Sun. So many of the pre-Christian deities were said to have been born on December 25th because of this symbolism. On December 2lst-22nd, you have the winter solstice when, in the northern hemisphere, the Sun is at the lowest point of its power in the annual cycle. The Sun, the ancients said, had symbolically ‘died’. By December 25th, the Sun had demonstrably begun its symbolic journey back to the summer and the peak of its power. The ancients, therefore, said that the Sun was ‘born’ on December 25th. The Christian Christmas is merely a renamed Pagan festival, as indeed are all Christian festivals. Easter is another.

About March 25th, the old fixed date for Easter, the Sun enters the astrological sign of Aries the ram or the lamb. At this time the ancients used to sacrifice lambs because they believed this would appease the gods, most notably the Sun god, and ensure abundant harvests. In other words they believed that the blood of the lamb would mean that their sins would be forgiven.

Figure 13: The ancient symbol for the annual cycle of the Sun from which so many symbols and symbolic stories have originated.
You can see this symbol in the depictions of Barati and Britannia in Figure 12.

In ancient Babylon, Tammuz, the son of Queen Semiramis, was said to have been crucified with a lamb at his feet and placed in a cave. When a rock was rolled away from the cave’s entrance three days later, his body had disappeared. I’ve definitely heard that somewhere before. The ancients also symbolised the Sun as a baby in December, a youth at Easter, a strapping, immensely strong, man in the summer, an ageing man losing his power in the autumn, and an old man by the winter solstice. The modern depiction of Old Father Time is a version of this. They also symbolised the Sun as having long golden hair (sun rays) which got shorter as he lost his power in the months of autumn. Now look again at the Old Testament story of Samson -Sam-sun. He was incredibly strong and had long hair, but he lost his power when his hair was cut. The problems started when he entered the House of Delilah - the astrological house of Virgo, the virgin, through which the Sun passes as autumn approaches. Summoning his last burst of power, Sam-the-Sun, pushes down the two pillars, which are classic Brotherhood symbolism going back at least to ancient Egypt and are still used by the Freemasons today. Samson is Sam Sun - a symbolic story of the Sun’s annual cycle. There wasn’t any such person. In Hebrew, Samson means I understand, the God of the Sun.

Figure 12

To the orthodox Christian, Jesus is the only begotten Son of God who died so our sins could be forgiven. But you will find exactly the same claims for a stream of ‘gods’ in the ancient world long before the name of ‘Jesus’ was even heard of. Indeed, we know his name wasn’t Jesus because that’s a Greek translation of a Hebrew name. The term Son of God would seem to originate at least as far back as the Aryan Gothic kings of Cilicia who took the title ‘Son of the Sun God’, a tradition adopted by the Pharaohs of Egypt.1 To many in the New Age, Jesus is Sananda, a high initiate of some spiritual hierarchy who incarnated to infuse the Earth with the ‘Christ’ energy. Or, depending on who you talk to, he was an extraterrestrial on a similar mission. To others he was claiming to be the King of the ‘Jews’ by right of his King David bloodline. But did Jesus actually exist? Did Moses, Solomon and King David exist? I would say categorically no. There is no credible evidence for the existence of any of them outside the biblical texts and they are certainly not credible. So where did they come from?

The Old Testament

In 721 BC, it appears that Israel was overrun by the Assyrians and the Israelites or Canaanites were taken into captivity. However, the tribes known by official history as Judah and Benjamin, survived for more than a hundred years after that, before they were conquered and captured by our friends, the Babylonians, in around 586 BC. It was in Babylon, that ancient capital city of the reptile-Aryan priesthood and hierarchy, that the Hebrew priests, the Levites, began to create a manufactured history which obscured the truth of what really happened. I mean, ask yourself, is a Brotherhood who arranged for the destruction of ancient knowledge and libraries all over the world going to write down the true history in their texts or are they going to produce the version they want the people to believe? During and after their stay in Babylon, with its wealth of inherited knowledge and stories from Sumer, the Levites mixed truth, often symbolic truth, with fantasies and this concoction became the foundations of the Old Testament.

The so-called Israelites did not write these texts or agree with what they said. Even if you accept they even existed, the Israelites had long dispersed by the time the Levites inked their pens. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers, which together make up the ‘Jewish’ Torah, were all written by the Levites or under their supervision during or after their period in Babylon. This bunch of human sacrificing, blood drinking fanatics and black magicians, who you would not trust to tell you the time, compiled the law which Jewish people to this day are supposed to follow. Likewise many Christian fanatics quote this stuff as the word of God! It is not the word of God, it is the word of the Levites under the direction of the reptile full-bloods and crossbreeds of the Babylonian Brotherhood.


The Sumerian Tablets prove beyond question that Genesis was a much edited and condensed version of Sumer records. The Sumerian story of Edin became the Levite’s biblical Garden of Eden. Remember the story of ‘Moses’ being found in the bulrushes by the Egyptian princess? The same tale was told by the Sumerians-Babylonians about King Sargon the Elder. The story of Moses is make-believe, as is the Egyptian ‘captivity’, the Exodus, at least in the form described, and also the creation of the 12 tribes via Jacob.

These texts were written by the Levites, the heads of which were reptilian mystery school initiates in Babylon. Their stories are symbolic and coded for initiates to understand and the masses to take literally. According to the Levites, Moses was given his laws and commandments by God on top of a mountain. Again and again we see the symbol of mountains. One reason for this is that the top of a mountain is closer to their symbol of God - the Sun. Mount Sion means Sun Mountain. The Sun rising over the eastern mountains is still a major Brotherhood symbol today. The story of the Israelites and Jews is largely a fantasy - the veil behind which the truth has been hidden. No-one has been ‘had’ more comprehensively over these thousands of years than the people who have considered themselves Jewish. They have been terrorised, used and manipulated in the most merciless and grotesque fashion by their hierarchy to advance an Agenda which the Jewish people in general have not even begun to identify. There is no greater example of this manipulation than the way the reptilian bloodlines like the ‘Jewish’ Rothschilds funded and supported the Nazis and allowed the rank and file Jewish people to reap the unspeakable consequences. The Levite story of Exodus is a smokescreen to hide the fact that the ‘Hebrew’ knowledge was stolen from the Egyptian mystery schools after they were infiltrated by the Babylonian Brotherhood. The Egyptians considered the ‘Jehovah’ revelation to be a robbery committed against the sacred sciences.2 

Manly P. Hall, the Freemasonic historian and initiate, said that black magic dictated the state religion in Egypt and that the intellectual and spiritual activities of the people were paralysed by complete obedience to the dogma formulated by the priestcraft. What a perfect description of the Levite-Babylonian mode of manipulation and of all the religions, like Christianity, which were to emerge from the lies they peddled. And that’s a crucial point to remember. Judaism, Christianity and Islam all base their beliefs on these same stories written by the Levites after their stay in Babylon. We are looking at a point in history which was to define and control the world from then until now. The knowledge the Levites stole from Egypt and expanded as a result of their stay in Babylon, became known as the Cabala (Kabala, Qaballa), which comes from the Hebrew root, QBL, meaning mouth to ear. This is the method used to communicate the most secret information to initiates. The Cabala is the esoteric stream of what is called Judaism, which in fact is a front for the Babylonian Brotherhood, as is the Vatican. The Cabala is the secret knowledge hidden in codes within the Old Testament and other texts. Judaism is the literal interpretation of it. This is a technique you can see in all the religions. An example of the Levite coding is the names of the five scribes, Garia, Dabria, Tzelemia, Echanu and Azrel, in the second book of Esdras or Ezra. The names and their true meanings are:

• Garia: Marks which ancient scribes used to indicate that the text is either defective or has another meaning.
• Dabria: Words comprising a phrase or text.
• Tzelemia: Figures, something figured, or indicated in an obscure manner.
• Echanu: Something which has been changed or doubled.
• Azrel: The name of Esdras/Ezra, the suffix ‘el’ meaning the work of Ezra.3

These five names for ‘scribes’ therefore read as one phrase to an initiate: “Marks of warning - of the words - figured in an obscure manner - which have been changed or doubled - which is the work of Ezra.”4 There is a book called The Bible Code5 which claims to have identified a code in the Hebrew version of the Old Testament which predicts the future. As one of these codes predicted that Lee Harvey Oswald would kill President Kennedy, you’ll excuse me if I remain extremely unconvinced about its credibility. Is there anyone left who still believes that Oswald killed Kennedy? But while I question claims in The Bible Code, there is a code in the Bible, an esoteric code for initiates. They either made up characters to fit their symbolism or vaguely based them on living people who they usually massively misrepresented. Here are some examples of codes in the Bible. A common theme in all mystery school traditions is of 12 disciples, knights or followers surrounding a deity. The number 12 is a code, among other things, for the 12 months of the year and the houses of the zodiac through which symbolically travels the Sun, the ‘god’, symbolised as 13. This is the ‘sacred 12 and one’ as some people describe it and it is one major reason why the numbers 12 and 13 keep recurring. Thus you have the 12 tribes of Israel, 12 princes of Ishmael, 12 disciples or followers of Jesus, Buddha, Osiris and Quetzalcoatl. 

There is also King Arthur and his 12 Knights of the Round Table (the zodiac circle), Himmler and his 12 knights in the Nazi SS, and the woman (Isis, Semiramis) with a crown of 12 stars in the Book of Revelation. In Scandinavia and that whole northern region you find the Odin mysteries, again inspired by the same Aryan race from the Near East. In this tradition, you find twelve ‘Drottars’ presiding over the mysteries with Odin. The sacred 12 and one again. These stories are not literally true, they are mystery school symbolism. This continues today with these same symbols used by the Brotherhood secret society network in national flags, coats of arms, advertising and company logos.

European Union,  a circle of 12 stars as its symbol = Brotherhood Creation

That Brotherhood creation, the European Union, has a circle of 12 stars as its symbol. We are talking sacred numbers and geometry here. The proportions of Egyptian statues, whether big or small, were multiples or sub multiples of 12 or 6.

Mercury Monument Dedication
November 10, 1964
The 13-foot-high astronomical symbol for the planet Mercury lies atop a cross symbolizing the sign of valor while the number "7" in
the center signifies the nations seven original astronauts – Carpenter, Cooper, Glenn, Grissom, Schirra, Shepardand Slayton. (Hinzugefügt)

The numbers 7 and 40 are also code numbers in the Bible and the mysteries. So in the Bible we have seven spirits of God, the seven churches of Asia, seven golden candlesticks, seven stars, seven lamps of fire, seven seals, seven trumpets, seven angels, seven thunders and the red dragon in Revelation with seven heads and seven crowns. The story of Jericho has Joshua marching his army around the city for seven days, accompanied by seven priests carrying seven trumpets. On the seventh day they circled Jericho seven times and the walls came tumbling down. In the story of Noah, seven pairs of each animal go into the ark and seven pairs of each type of bird. There are seven days between the prediction of the deluge and the rain and seven days between the sending of the doves. The ark comes to rest on the 17th day of the seventh month, Noah leaves the ark on the 27th day, and after the flood he begins his seventh century. Many of the names for the symbolic deities, such as Abraxas of the Gnostics and Serapis of Greece have seven letters. 

Then there is 40. Adam enters Paradise when he is 40 years old; Eve follows 40 years later; during the Great Flood it rains for 40 days and 40 nights; Seth is carried away by angels when he is 40 and is not seen for 40 days; Moses is 40 when he goes to Midian and he stays for 40 years; Joseph is 40 years old when Jacob arrives in Egypt; Jesus goes into the wilderness for 40 days. The Bible is the word of God? No. It is written in the esoteric code of the mystery schools. 

The Arabian literature was also compiled by and for initiates of the mysteries and here you find the same codes. The Arbaindt (the forties) are stories which all relate to the number 40 and their calendar has 40 rainy and 40 windy days. Their laws constantly refer to 40. Another series of Arabian books, the Sebaydt or ‘seven’ are based on that number.

These number codes have even deeper meanings than the more obvious ones of days, months and the zodiac. Numbers also represent vibrational frequencies. Every frequency resonates to a certain number, colour and sound. Some frequencies, represented by numbers, colours and sounds, are particularly powerful. Symbols also represent frequencies and they affect the subconscious without the person realising it is happening. This is another reason why certain symbols are seen in secret societies, national flags, company logos, advertising and so on.

There is no historical evidence for the existence of a man called Moses except in the texts produced by the Levites and other writings and opinions stimulated by those texts. Some say this was a cover name for the Egyptian pharaoh, Arkenaten, and I would certainly not dismiss that, but the official background to ‘Moses’ and his name have no historical basis. Nothing was known about the ‘Moses’ story, or the ‘plagues’ inflicted upon the Egyptians, until the Levites of Babylon wrote Exodus centuries after it was supposed to have happened. All the animals of Egypt were killed three times according to the story! What did they do, die and immediately remanifest? There was no murder of the first born of Egypt and so the Feast of the Passover has no historical basis, it was created as a result of a story invented by the Levites. Their references to the lamb’s blood on the doors is code for the ancient symbolism of the lamb. There is no official book in Hebrew which makes any mention of the Pentateuch (the laws of Moses) before the Levites went to Babylon. As for the Israelites being captive in Egypt, evenDeuteronomy describes them as ‘strangers’, not slaves, in this period.6 So where did the name Moses come from? Every initiated person who attained the highest rank in the Egyptian mystery schools was called a Muse, Mose or... Moses.7 Manetho, the Egyptian historian of the third century BC, quoted by the Jewish historian, Josephus, says that he was a priest at Heliopolis or ON (Place of the Sun), and that afterwards he took the name of Mosheh or Moses.8 The word Moses means: he who has been taken away, he who has been put out from the waters, who has been made a missionary, an ambassador, an apostle.9 The Chief Priest in the Egyptian temples was called EOVE or EOVA, hence the emergence of the name Jehovah,10 and the Hebrew language is really the sacred language of the Egyptian mystery schools.11 The general language of Egypt was called CBT, QBT or CBT, and is better known as Copt or Coptic. 

The sacred language of the mystery schools took its name from OBR or ABR which, in these times, meant the passage from one place to another and a transition of some kind. Exactly the point of the original mystery school teachings, a transition to greater enlightenment. ABR became Ambres, the name of the holy doctrine reserved for initiates, and it was also written as Ambric, Hebric, Hebraic and... Hebrew.12 The Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters, but the original, before the time of ‘Moses’, only contained ten, and its true meaning was known only to the priests.

Hebrews were not Israelites or Jews, they were initiates of the Egyptian mystery schools, or at least their founders were. No wonder it has proved impossible to identify a genetic Hebrew or Jewish ‘race’. Cohen, the Jewish name for priest, comes from Cahen, the Egyptian pronunciation for a priest and a prince.13 Even circumcision, that uniquely ‘Jewish’ tradition, came from the Egyptian mystery schools and was performed at least as far back as 4,000 BC. You could not be initiated unless you were circumcised. The Hebrew religion did not exist in Egypt and there was no Hebrew law because there was no Hebrew ‘race’. The only worship was Egyptian worship. The Hebrew religion, language and race only emerged when initiates of the Egyptian mysteries, later to be known as Levites, took the knowledge out of Egypt and invented a whole history to cover what they were doing, who they were working for and where they came from. The terms ‘Hebrew’ and ‘Judaism’ are another way of saying Egyptian. This is one reason why we have the constant use of symbols by today’s Brotherhood which relate to Egypt, including the pyramid with the capstone missing. This is symbolic of the Great Pyramid at Giza and the Egyptian mystery schools, together with much deeper meanings.

At the entrance to the mystery school temple in Egypt were two massive obelisks. These are often represented as two pillars by the Freemasons and in buildings designed and funded by initiates. Hence the two pillars that Samson pushed over. Every initiate in the mystery schools was given a secret name and this also continues with the Brotherhood today. One connection to the Hebrews in Egypt could be the invasion of the Hyksos or Shepherd Kings. The Egyptian historian, Manetho, reported that a strange and barbaric race invaded and took control of Egypt. When they were eventually driven out, he said, they journeyed through Syria and built a city called Jerusalem.14 The Hyksos could well be a group of similar description called the Habiru who came out of the former lands of Sumer, as did, according to the Old Testament, the one called Abraham.

King Solomon and his temple are more symbolism. There is, again, no independent evidence for a person called King Solomon. Not once has his name appeared in any inscriptions. Before the Levites wrote their texts, the Greek historian Herodotus (c. 485-425 BC), travelled and researched the lands and history of Egypt and the Near East. He heard nothing of the empire of Solomon, the mass exodus of Israelites from Egypt, or the destruction of the pursuing Egyptian army in the Red Sea. Nor did Plato in his travels to the same area. Why? Because it is all invention. The three syllables in Sol-om-on are all names for the Sun in three languages.

Manly P Hall wrote that Solomon and his wives and concubines were symbolic of the planets, moons, asteroids and other receptive bodies within his house - the solar mansion.15 Solomon’s Temple is symbolic of the domain of the Sun. In Talmudic legend, Solomon is presented as a master magician who understood the Cabala and cast out demons. This is more symbolism of the secret knowledge held within the fabricated stories of Hebrew ‘history’. The books of Kings and Chronicles, which recount the building of Solomon’s Temple, were written between 500 and 600 years after the events they are supposed to be describing. Hebrew chroniclers of the Temple of Solomon are so over the top, it’s hilarious. It was supposed to occupy 153,600 workmen for seven years and its cost, worked out by Arthur Dynott Thomson, would have been £6,900 million. And Thomson was writing in 1872! What would it be today? Such figures are ludicrous and yet further examples of the make-believe behind these tales.

They are symbolic, not literal. Another point. If Solomon didn’t exist, why should we believe that his ‘father’, King David, did? I keep reading accounts of his life and the only sources quoted are the Old Testament texts written by the Levites! There is no other evidence. It’s a con. So is the idea of the King David-Jesus bloodline being taken to France by ‘Mary Magdalene’ to become the Merovingians as suggested in many books over recent years. As the scholar and researcher, L. A. Waddell, points out:

“There is absolutely no inscriptional evidence whatsoever, nor any ancient Greek or Roman reference, for the existence of Abraham or any of the Jewish patriarchs or prophets of the Old Testament, nor for Moses, Saul, David, Solomon, nor any of the Jewish kings, with the mere exception of two, or at most three, of the later kings.”16

The consequences of all this for the people who have called themselves Jewish, and for humanity in general, have been quite appalling. The Mosaic Law, the law of ‘Moses’, is the law of the Levites - the law of the reptilian full-bloods and crossbreeds of the Babylonian Brotherhood. What it is not, is the law or word of God. The Torah and Talmud, both compiled overwhelmingly in and after their time in Babylon, are a mental bombardment of highly detailed laws governing every area of a person’s life.

There’s no way that was given by ‘God’ on the top of a mountain. The Levites wrote it and then invented Moses to hide this fact. Other ‘laws’ have been constantly added or revised since, to cover all eventualities. The pages of these Levite texts contain a constant and sickening theme of extreme racism against non-Judeans and the need to ‘utterly destroy’ anyone who defies them - exactly the way Manly Hall described the methods of the black magic priests. They encourage murder and mayhem of every conceivable kind. The Talmud must be the most racist document on Earth. Here are just a few examples of the depth of its spiritual sickness:

“Just the Jews are humans, the non-Jews are no humans, but cattle” Kerithuth 6b, page 78, iebhammoth 61

“The non-Jews have been created to serve the Jews as slaves” Midrasch Talpioth 225

“Sexual intercourse with non-Jews is like sexual intercourse with animals” Kethuboth 3b

“The non-Jews have to be avoided even more than sick pigs” Orach Chalim 57, 6a

“The birth rate of non-Jews has to be suppressed massively” Zohar 11, 4b

“As you replace lost cows and donkeys, so you shall replace non-Jews” Lore Dea 377,1

Israel Shahak
A Surviver Of The Belsen Concentration Camp (Hinzugefügt)

But this is not just a grotesque diatribe of racism. Look again. It is the very attitudes that the Draco reptilians and their underlings have towards humans. Remember this horrific stuff was not written by Judeans or ‘Jews’ as a people. They are victims of these beliefs, not the authors. It was written by the Levites, representatives of the priestly bloodlines of the reptilians and the Babylonian Brotherhood, who have no more allegiance to the Jewish people than did Adolf Hitler. To blame it on ‘the Jews’ is a nonsense and exactly what the Brotherhood want people to do because it creates enormous opportunities to divide and rule, the very foundation of their control. What horrors this manipulation has caused for ‘Jew’ and ‘Gentile’ alike. It is the same with the Jewish oral law called the Mishnah, completed by the second century AD. Israel Shahak, a survivor of the Belsen Concentration Camp, is one of the comparatively few people now known as Jews, who has had the courage to openly challenge and expose the Talmud. Shahak, in his book Jewish History, Jewish Religion, highlights the stunning level of racism on which the ‘Jewish’ (Levite, Brotherhood) law is founded. He tells how the extreme end of this ‘faith’, as represented by the orthodox rabbis today, makes it a religious offence to save the life of a Gentile, unless there would be unpleasant consequences for Jews not doing so. The charging of interest on loans to a fellow Jew is banned, but by Talmudic law they must charge a Gentile as much interest as they possibly can. It is demanded that Jews must utter a curse every time they pass a Gentile cemetery and that when they pass a Gentile building they must ask God to destroy it.

Jews are forbidden to defraud each other, but that law does not apply to the defrauding of Gentiles. Jewish prayers bless God for not making them Gentiles and others ask that Christians may perish immediately. A religious Jew must not drink from a bottle of wine if a Gentile has touched it since it was opened. The Jewish writer, Agnon, after being awarded the Nobel Prize for literature, said on Israeli radio: “I am not forgetting that it is forbidden to praise Gentiles, but here there is a special reason for doing so - that is, they awarded the prize to a Jew.”17 These are the laws of the belief system called ‘Jewish’ which is constantly complaining about, and condemning, racism against Jews!

The very belief system is founded on the most extreme racism you will ever encounter. Yet the cry of “anti-Semitic” is used to discredit researchers who are getting too close to the truth about the global conspiracy. Benjamin Freedman, a Jew who knew the top Zionists (Sionists, Sun cultists) of the 1930s and 40s, said that anti-Semitism should be eliminated from the English language. He went on:

“Anti-Semitism serves only one purpose today. It is used as a smear word. When so-called Jews feel that anyone opposes their real objectives, they discredit their victims by applying the word “anti-Semite” or “anti-Semitic” through all the channels they have at their command and under their control.”18

One of these channels is an organisation based in the United States, and operating worldwide, which was set up precisely to condemn as racists those exposing the Brotherhood. It is called the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and I have been a target for them myself, something I find very comforting and confirmation that I am going in the correct direction. It has great support from non-Jewish sycophants who wish to keep the ADL sweet and to feed their own desire to posture their sense of self-purity. I’ll take the sanctimonious, holier-than-thou, ‘anti-racist’ movements seriously, when they begin to protest against all racism and not just that which suits their political correctness. The smell of hypocrisy makes my nostrils ache. This Levite racism is not followed by the overwhelming majority of Jewish people and many have rebelled against the strict race laws that demand that Jews only interbreed with Jews. Most people who call themselves Jewish are brought up from birth to be the frightened, indoctrinated puppets of this vicious Levite hierarchy which has metamorphosed as the Pharisees, the Talmudists and the extreme Zionists of today, controlled by the fanatical rabbis dispensing the ‘law’ of the Levites of Babylon on behalf of the reptilians. Most people who follow the religions spawned from these sources have no idea of their true origin or agenda. This is the privileged knowledge of a tiny Elite at the top of the secret society network who set up and manipulate the religions and their advocates. They are not concerned for their followers, be they Jews, Roman Catholics, Muslims, whatever.

Nothing emphasises what a sham all these religions and races really are than the present day peoples we are told are ‘Jewish’. As Jewish writers and anthropologists have said, there is no such thing as the Jewish race. Jewishness is a faith, not a race. The whole concept of a ‘Jewish’ people was manufactured as a cover story. Alfred M. Lilenthal, the Jewish writer and researcher, said:

“There is no reputable anthropologist who will not agree that Jewish racialism is as much poppycock as Aryan racialism... Anthropological science divides mankind into three recognised races: Negro, Mongolian and Oriental, and Caucasian or white (although some authorities refer to a fourth race - the australoids)... Members of the Jewish faith are found in all three races and subdivisions.”19

The point is, however, that within the Jewish faith and other cultures, is a race, a hidden race operating undercover, which carries the bloodlines of the reptilian fullbloods and crossbreeds. These bloodlines appear, on the surface, to be part of these faiths and cultures when, in fact, they are there to imprison and manipulate. So it is with the Levites. It gets even more farcical, and indicative of what a smokescreen world we live in, when you realise that most people who call themselves Jewish today have no genetic connection whatsoever to the land they call Israel. Yet it is this very connection that was used to justify the imposition of a ‘Jewish’ homeland on the Arab peoples of Palestine! Again, as Jewish writers such as Arthur Koestler have exposed, all except a small minority of people who created and populated the State of Israel, originate genetically in southern Russia, not Israel. The hooked nose which is considered so ‘Jewish’ is a genetic trait of southern Russia and the Caucasus, not Israel. In 740 AD, a people called the Khazars had a mass conversion to Judaism. Koestler writes:

“The Khazars came not from Jordan, but from the Volga, not from Canaan, but from the Caucasus. Genetically they are more related to the Hun, Uigar and the Magyar than the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax that history has ever perpetrated.”20

Flag Israel

Anmerkung TIMM: Eine Beratung des Staatsgründers und ersten Staatspräsidenten von Israel beim Huter-Schüler und physiognomischen Schriftsteller Amandus Kupfer. In der «Denkschrift für Huter-Freunde», herausgegeben von Käthe Kupfer im Jahre 1962, kann man lesen: «Nach dem ersten Weltkrieg fand die Huter'sche Psychophysiognomik durch die Tätigkeit von Amandus Kupfer auch Eingang in speziell jüdischen Kreisen. Angeregt durch sein Buch "Grundlagen der Menschenkenntnis" war Monic Kincler in dem holländischen Zionistenblatt "Bar Kochba" und in US Zeitungen (z. B. "New Yorker Staatszeitung und Herold") mit umfangreichen Abhandlungen über Carl Huters Psychophysiognomik hervorgetreten. Auf seine dringende Empfehlung hin war Chaim Weizmann, ein damals bedeutender Zionistenführer, und mehrere weitere Herren, die von einem Zionistenkongress in Wien kamen, bei Amandus Kupfer in seinem Hause und fragte ihn um seine Meinung und Rat, ob es wohl richtig sei, dass er und seine Gesinnungsfreunde einen eigenen jüdischen Staat anstrebten, und ob sie diesen zu verwirklichen wohl imstande seien. Amandus Kupfer überlegte und antwortete, dass dies das beste sei, was er, Weizmann, und seine Freunde tun könnten und dass sie bestimmt Erfolg haben würden - Chaim Weizmann wurde nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg der erste Staatspräsident des jüdischen Nationalstaates Israel.» Der hier angesprochene Zionistenkongress fand im Sommer 1925 in Wien statt. Im Anschluss an diesen Kongress suchten die erwähnten Herren Amandus Kupfer in seinem Haus in Schwaig bei Nürnberg auf.

Quelle: Kupfer, Käthe. Denkschrift 1962

Chaim Weizmann (1874-1952) hat einen wesentlichen, wenn nicht den entscheidenden Beitrag geleistet zur Gründung des Staates Israel. Ob sie Weizmann von Amandus Kupfer, falls ihm dieser von der Staatsgründung abgeraten hätte, auf einen anderen Weg hätte bringen lassen, ist natürlich ungewiss. Vielleicht wird eine zukünftige Forschung in den Publikationen und im Nachlass von Chaim Weizmann und seinen Begleitern Dokumente finden, die auf diese Beratung Bezug nehmen. Es ist jedenfalls bemerkenswert, dass sich im Jahr 1925 der Führer der zionistischen Bewegung und spätere israelische Staatsgründer bei dem bedeutsamsten Huter-Schüler und Physiognomen, Amandus Kupfer, beraten ließ. Weizmanns Familie genießt nicht nur in England, sondern auch in Israel und in der ganzen Welt großes Ansehen. Ein Neffe von Chaim Weizmann war israelischer Staatspräsident. Dass Amandus Kupfer mit seiner Empfehlung nicht beabsichtigte, einen Staat zu fördern, der andere Ethnien und Religionen radikal verdrängt, sondern eher einen Staat, in dem nebeneinander verschiedene Ethnien und Religionen leben können, kann man, ist man Kenner seiner literarischen Werkes, als sicher betrachten. Es ist auch gewiss, dass Kupfer die Staatsgründung nicht deshalb empfahl, weil er die Juden auf diese Weise aus Deutschland entfernen wollte. Es sind ihm keine antisemitischen Absichten nachzuweisen, da Amandus Kupfer keine antisemitischen Tendenzen hatte. Dasselbe ist auch von der Huter'schen Psychophysiognomik zu sagen. Carl Huter (1861-1912) hat zu dieser Frage verschiedentlich Stellung genommen. Der Begründer der Menschenkenntnis  lehnte jede Form der Diskriminierung, auch die aus ethnischen Gründen, ab. Er kritisierte den zu seiner Zeit offen prangenden Rassen- und Klassengeist ebenso wie das auf Klassenkampf gerichtete Verhalten der Sozialdemokraten und Kommunisten.

There are two main sub divisions of those who call themselves Jewish, the Sephardim and the Ashkenazim. The Sephardim are the descendants of those who lived in Spain from antiquity until the 15th century when they were expelled. The Ashkenazim are the ancestors of the Khazars. In the 1960s, the Sephardim were estimated to number some half a million, but the Ashkenazim numbered about eleven million. These eleven million have absolutely no historical connection with Israel whatsoever, but they are the ones who invaded Palestine and created the State of Israel with the justification that ‘God’ promised them that land in the Old Testament. Who wrote the Old Testament? Their priests, the Levites! And who wrote the New Testament which created Christianity? People controlled by the same force which controlled the Levites, the Babylonian Brotherhood.

Levitating Stone

Erstellt 2007. Update 13. Januar 2008
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Bearbeitung Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm