Gesamtschau-Digital: Carl Huter
David Icke: The Biggest Secret. Forbidden Knowledge. The Key to our Past - Part 54

Bearbeitung Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm


The Goddess and the King


A genciesunder the control of this spider’s web of interconnecting families and interests were responsible for the murder of Diana, Princess of Wales. Of that I have no doubt. But please don’t take my word for this. Look at the evidence and judge for yourself.

Many people dismiss the idea that Diana was assassinated because it would be impossible to kill her in a public situation and then cover up the evidence. After all, there would need to be coordination between so many different agencies. Well that’s precisely what happened in the United States with the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in 1963 and that was even more difficult to cover up. It wasn’t staged as an accident which immediately creates the diversion of was it an accident or was it murder? The Kennedy assassination was quite clearly murder. He literally had his brains blown out in front of hundreds of onlookers and it was captured on film by one of them, Abraham Zapruder. In .. And The Truth Shall Set You Free, I feature the Kennedy killing in detail and you will see that the same people who supported or arranged the assassination were also appointed to the commission of the Chief ‘Justice’ and 33rd degree Freemason, Earl Warren, to investigate what happened!

Source: David Icke (Hinzugefügt)

Among the Warren Commission ‘team’ were Allen Dulles, the head of the CIA sacked by Kennedy, and the paedophile, rapist, Bohemian Grove member and pornographer Gerald Ford, who would later become President of the United States after Richard Nixon was removed by Watergate. When Representative Hale Boggs, the only Catholic on the Commission, began to question its findings, he died in a plane crash. How convenient.

Source: David Icke (Hinzugefügt)

Jim Garrison, the New Orleans District Attorney, is the only man to charge anyone with Kennedy’s murder. This was the CIA operative and former wartime friend of Winston Churchill called Clay Shaw. Garrison failed to win a conviction against the guilty-as-hell Shaw because many of the key witnesses were murdered before the trial. Garrison was astonished at the way apparently unconnected agencies, including the Dallas police, the FBI, the press, and the Washington establishment, could work so obviously as one unit to carry out the assassination and then cover it up. This was possible because of the networks I have been exposing in this book which have their operatives, ‘gofers’ and yes men, in all the agencies representing all sides and shades of opinion. Getting on for 40 years after the murder of President Kennedy in a public street on a public occasion we are no nearer to anyone being convicted. As usual the ‘culprit’ was identified immediately by those who were really responsible and he was eliminated so he couldn’t contradict the official ‘tale’. 

Dallas 22.11.1963

For Lee Harvey Oswald in Dealey Plaza, Dallas in 1963, read Henri Paul in the Pont de L’Alma Tunnel, Paris in 1997. Once the scapegoat has been sacrificed, no other story is entertained by the authorities and public interest wanes with the weeks, months and years. It’s an old and well tried technique. A President is killed in a public assassination; Lee Harvey Oswald, the scapegoat or ‘patsy’, is murdered in public a few days later; and those who orchestrated their demise go to their graves unexposed and unconvicted. The Princess of Wales could not be murdered in a staged accident and the whole thing covered up? You’ve got to be kidding.


As I’ve described the background to the Kennedy assassination in a previous book, I won’t repeat it all again here, but there are elements to that story that need to be highlighted and added to. Diana’s family, the Spencers, are of an Elite bloodline and so are the Kennedys, who come from the Kennedy clan of ancient Ireland and later Scotland. They are descendants of the Irish king, Brian Boru, also known as Brian Caeneddi, which later became O’Kennedy. They were the Lords of Ormond in what is now called north Tipperary.1 From around 1600 a Scottish branch of the Kennedys can be identified and this intermarried with the Irish line.2 The Scottish Kennedys became a powerful strand of the aristocratic bloodlines of Scotland and married into Scottish royalty. One notable Kennedy was Archibald Kennedy, the 15th Earl of Cassillis, better known as the Marquess of Ailsa. He lived from 1872 to 1943 and held many leading positions in the Grand Lodge of Scottish Freemasonry including Grand Principle.3 He was a member of the key Holyrood House Lodge no 44 in Edinburgh which has close ties with the British royal family.4 In the 18th century, a Matthew Kennedy from Ireland went to Paris to work with his good friend, the Illuminati frontman called Saint Germain, who presided over the Illuminati Lodge at Ermenonville near Paris.5 The lodge took part in blood rituals on an altar made from human bones.6 This Kennedy produced a work called A Chronological, Genealogical and Historical Dissertation of the Royal Family of the Stuarts who connect into the Merovingian line established in France. 

The JFK wing is related to the Fitzpatricks, a powerful Irish family with a coat of arms which includes the classic Brotherhood symbols of three fleur-delis, a dragon, and a lion.7 It seems likely that the Fitzpatricks go back to France and the Holy Grail story.

The family of JFK’s wife, Jackie Bouvier Kennedy (later Onassis), are related to the Auchinclosses, one of the major Elite Scottish bloodlines, via the marriage of Jackie’s sister into the Auchincloss clan. Other Auchincloss bloodlines have manifested as names like Bundy, Grosvenor, Vanderbilt, Winthrop and Rockefeller.8

Hugh D. Auchincloss Sr married Emma Brewster Jennings, the daughter of Oliver B. Jennings, who co-founded Standard Oil with John D. Rockefeller. James Shelby Downard describes Jackie Kennedy-Onassis, Caroline (Lee) Bouvier, and the writer, Gore Vidal, as the ‘stepchildren’ of Hugh D. Auchincloss.9 Vidal has described John and Jackie Kennedy as the “Sun God and Goddess”10 The Bouvier bloodline has been traced back to Grenoble, France, where it is first mentioned in 1410 and Jackie’s greatgreat-grandfather, Eustache Bouvier, fought in a French regiment under the command of George Washington.11 It was noted earlier that the Kennedys also married into the Dukes of Devonshire family at Chatsworth House, one of the leading Brotherhood families in England. The marriage of John Kennedy to Jackie Bouvier was another arranged marriage by the Eastern Establishment, the American bloodlines who run the United States according to the Agenda decided in the British Isles and France. Both bloodlines connect with the key centres of London and Paris. The fact that their marriage and presidency was known as ‘Camelot’ with its King Arthur and Mars connotations, is thoroughly appropriate because the King Arthur symbolism is used by the Brotherhood as part of their secret language. The Kennedy family have been closely involved with drugs, organised crime, the British monarchy, and the mind controlled slave operations like Project Monarch. This adds credibility to the claims by a recovered mind controlled slave I met who said she was taken to have sex with John F. Kennedy at the age of eleven - “Although they made me up to look about 16”.

Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962)

The Kennedy presidency was certainly not the way it was portrayed at the time. Kennedy had a stream of sexual partners and three of them, Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield and Zsa Zsa Gabor, were also girlfriends of Anton LaVey, head of the Church of Satan. Jayne Mansfield was a high priestess. Other long term relationships included two with members of Elite Scottish bloodlines, Lady Jean Campbell daughter of the Duke of Argyll, and Kay-Kay Hannon Auchincloss12 of the family to which his wife was related.

Joseph Patrick Kennedy (1888-1969)

Joseph Patrick Kennedy (* 6. September 1888 in Boston; † 18. November 1969 in Hyannis Port (Massachusetts) war ein US-amerikanischer Geschäftsmann, Politiker und Diplomat. Joseph P. Kennedy gilt als Begründer des Kennedy-Familie.
Er wurde als Sohn des irischen Einwanderersohns Patrick Joseph Kennedy und der Einwanderertochter Mary Augusta Hickey in den Vereinigten Staaten geboren. Am 7. Oktober 1914 heiratete er Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald (1890 - 1995), die Tochter des Bostoner Bürgermeisters, mit der er später insgesamt neun Kinder hatte, darunter den späteren Präsidenten John F. Kennedy.
Sein Vermögen baute er sich ab etwa 1929 mit Aktienspekulationen und offenbar auch aus illegalem Schnapshandel auf.[1] Allerdings besaß er auch eine Lizenz zum Import von medizinischem Alkohol, und verdiente entsprechend riesige Summen mit dem Verkauf von Alkohol-Lagerbeständen, als die Prohibition 1933 aufgehoben wurde. Den Handel mit Alkohol gab Joseph Kennedy erst 1946 auf, um das Image seiner Söhne nicht zu gefährden.[2] Sommerset Importers wurde an Abner „Longy“ Zwillmann und Joe Reinfeld verkauft; aus dem Verkauf der 17% Beteiligung an den Hialeah-Tracks erzielte er allein 8 Mio. US-Dollar.
Kennedy unterstützte aktiv den Wahlkampf von Franklin D. Roosevelt und wurde von diesem nach seinem Wahlsieg zum Vorsitzenden der Securities and Exchange Commission ernannt. Von 1935 bis 1937 war Kennedy Vorsitzender der Marinekommission. 1938 wurde er US-Botschafter in London, was er bis 1940 blieb. Kennedy war in dieser Zeit aktiver Befürworter der Appeasement-Politik des britischen Premierministers Chamberlain, was ihm den Ruf eines Nazi-Sympathisanten bescherte und ihn schließlich in Gegensatz zu Präsident Roosevelt brachte.
Er galt zeitlebens als Playboy. Seine Geliebte, die Schauspielerin Gloria Swanson, deren Filme er eine Zeit lang auch finanzierte, war ebenso häufig Gast in seinem Haus wie auch Filmstar Marlene Dietrich, die als Freundin der Familie galt. Nach der endgültigen Aufgabe seiner Alkoholaktivitäten 1946 zog er sich aus dem öffentlichen Leben zurück.
Im Dezember 1961 erlitt Kennedy einen schweren Schlaganfall, der sein weiteres Leben stark beeinträchtigte. Warnungen seiner Ärzte hatte das Oberhaupt der Kennedy-Familie, der es hasste, nicht alles unter Kontrolle zu haben, nicht beachtet. Nach dem auf seinen Schlaganfall folgenden Krankenhausaufenthalt konnte er kaum noch sprechen und saß im Rollstuhl. Der Patriarch starb 1969 im Alter von 81 Jahren auf dem Familiensitz in Hyannis Port.

Behind JFK’s rise to fame was his father, Joseph Kennedy, a member of the Brotherhood’s Pilgrim Society. He was a crook with close connections to the Mafia and other organised crime. His fortune was assured when Winston Churchill awarded him the franchise to import British liquor into the United States. Joseph Kennedy was an associate of the Rothschilds and the Bronfmans, another ‘Jewish’ crime family in Canada which owns the liquor giant, Seagrams. Among Joseph Kennedy’s contacts in Britain when he was US Ambassador to the Court of St James’s in London were the Astors and the Rothschild bloodline offshoot, the Sassoons. Another intimate friend was Sir John Wheeler-Bennett, a leading executive of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Joseph Kennedy’s wife, Rose, came from the Black Nobility Fitzgerald family.

Rose Kennedy (1890-1995)

Rose Kennedy (* 22. Juli 1890 in Boston als Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald; † 22. Januar 1995 in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts) war eine der beliebtesten Frauen der US-amerikanischen Kennedy-Dynastie. Daneben war sie nach Ansicht vieler Analysten die graue Eminenz hinter der Politik der Kennedy-Männer. Sie war die Mutter des 35. Präsidenten der USA, John F. Kennedy, des ehemaligen Justizministers Robert F. Kennedy und des US-Senators Edward Kennedy. Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald war das ältestes Kind des Politikers John Francis Fitzgerald (genannt "Honey Fitz") und seiner Gattin Mary Josephine Hannon (1865 - 1964). Sie heiratete am 7. Oktober 1914 Joseph P. Kennedy, mit dem sie neun Kinder hatte.
Ihre Familie erzog sie streng, die Kinder mussten sich bei Tisch über Politik unterhalten und wurden in den Ferien in Cape Cod auch sportlich gedrillt. Später starben drei von vier Söhnen gewaltsam, eine Tochter entfremdete sich ihr und starb bei einem Flugzeugabsturz, und Rosemary, ihr Lieblingskind, blieb nach einer missglückten Lobotomie geistig behindert. Vier ihrer zahlreichen Enkelkinder musste sie ebenfalls begraben.
An Ostern 1984 erlitt Rose Kennedy im Alter von 94 Jahren einen schweren Schlaganfall. Die Familie wurde auf dem Familiensitz in Palm Beach zusammengerufen, da alle meinten, es wäre das letzte Osterfest der Matriarchin. Die letzten elf Jahre ihres Lebens verbrachte sie in geistiger Umnachtung. Am 22. Januar 1995 starb sie auf dem Familiensitz in Hyannis Port im hohen Alter von 104 Jahren an einer Lungenentzündung. Source: Wikipedia (Hinzugefügt).

The Fitzgeralds were one of the mighty Black Nobility clans of Italy which supported William the Conqueror’s conquest of England in 1066. This established Black Nobility rule of the British Isles via ancient families like the St. Clairs/Sinclairs. So the ‘F’ in JFK was a Black Nobility family going back thousands of years. 

Rose’s father and JFK’s grandfather was John E (Honey Fitz) Fitzgerald, the vote-rigging mayor of Boston. The Fitzgeralds lived in Hanover Street near the former site of the Green Dragon Tavern in Boston, home to the St Andrews Lodge which was heavily involved in the manipulation of the American War of Independence and orchestrated the Boston Tea Party.13


Joseph Kennedy was a member of the Order of St John, the British version of the Knights of Malta, and the Bouvier family was intermarried with the Radziwills who established the Knights of St John/Knights of Malta in Poland in 1610 and also helped to establish the order in the United States.14 The Kennedys support the Knights of Malta hospice movement in the United States via the Kennedy Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction and Bioethics at the Jesuit-controlled Georgetown University. The hospice movement, while presented with a compassionate face, is a front to gather support for euthanasia. Most people involved with the hospice movement are compassionate, it is the motivation of those who are manipulating it that I am talking about. 


Once euthanasia is accepted in law, it opens the floodgates for the legalised murder of what Kissinger calls the “useless eaters”. As has been well documented in the countless biographies of JFK, he endured a loveless childhood under the iron rule of his father Joe and mother, Rose. He wasn’t even told that his brother Teddy had been born and it was only when he came home from boarding school that he realised he had a new brother. There were no hugs, no show of affection, and the Kennedy children were not allowed to show pain. His upbringing has all the classic signs of the mind control techniques the Elite use on their own children.

Boy JFK                                            Boy Prince Charles

Prince Charles went through exactly the same upbringing under his aggressive and deeply unpleasant father, Prince Philip. JFK was groomed from an early age to take high office for the Brotherhood and he was supported by all the classic names like the Rothschilds, Tafts, Russells, Rockefellers, and media barons like Henry Luce, the head of Time-Life, and Randolph Hearst, the most powerful newspaper tycoon in the United States. When Kennedy ran for political office, the Boston American newspaper, owned by Hearst, refused to accept the paid advertisements of his opponent.15

But when JFK and his brother, Bobby, became President and Attorney General of the United States after their defeat of Richard Nixon in 1960, it seems that they began to pursue policies and people that were far from conducive to the introduction of their paymasters agenda. This included withdrawal from the Vietnam War, the introduction of some interest-free money, an assault on organised crime (in public at least) and, as Kennedy put it, a pledge to break up the CIA “Into a thousand pieces”. 

It doesn’t matter who you are, if you don’t do as you are told, you are removed in the most appropriate way, bloodline or not. The Agenda is far greater than any individual or family. I can’t help thinking, however, that there was more to the assassination than this and it has the feel of a long planned sacrificial murder, in accordance with the Brotherhood’s ancient ritual laws. The location of the assassination, Dallas, Texas is close to the 33rd parallel of the 33rd degree of latitude. The top level of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is the 32nd degree and the 33rd degree is only for those who have contributed significantly to the Great Work, the takeover of Planet Earth. 

JFK - Dallas 1963

Dealey Plaza is a mass of esoteric symbolism and is officially named after a 33rd degree Freemason called George Bannerman Dealey, an early executive of the Dallas Morning News. Dealey means ‘goddess line’. Ley can also mean rule or law in Spanish, so translating as ‘goddess-rule’. Either is perfect symbolism for the Brotherhood, especially the latter. Dealey Plaza, the site of the first Freemason temple in Dallas, is shaped like a pyramid with the capstone missing (see Figure 51 overleaf). The top is truncated by a railway bridge. The main pyramid is cut into two more by Main Street which runs directly through the centre. It is, in fact, three pyramids, two inside the one: the trinity or triad. Two energies interacting produce a third. If anyone thinks this is mere coincidence they should do a little research into the background of the Brotherhood secret societies at the top levels and see the staggering obsession they have with their symbols and rituals.

Figure 51: The pyramid with the capstone missing. This is Dealey Plaza where John F Kennedy was assassinated.

Kennedy was killed near the so-called grassy knoll on the right of the pyramid and Lee Harvey Oswald was murdered while under police ‘guard’ in an underground car park at the bottom of the pyramid on Houston Street. Only a few yards separate the two points. The old Court House nearby which looks into Dealey Plaza is decorated with gargoyles. On top of the Court House is the symbo:of the ancient Order of the Dragon or the Snake. Dealey Plaza, to the secret societies, is a Sun temple.

Kennedy was assassinated in an outdoor temple of the Sun by initiates of the Brotherhood network including the Knights Templar, the Knights of Malta, the Order of St John of Jerusalem, the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons. As James Shelby Downard writes: “Masonry does not believe in murdering a man in just any old way and in the JFK assassination it went to incredible lengths and took great risks in order to make this heinous act correspond to the ancient fertility oblation of the Killing of The King” 16

 De Molay burnt to death on the Ile de la Cite, the original Paris, in the shadow of Notre Dame Cathedral 1307.

Kennedy was shot just after noon when the Sun was “most high”. In ancient times it was said that when the Sun was “most high”, he was doing his father’s work in the temple (more symbolism used in the Jesus story). Kennedy was shot in the back, the head, and the throat, and they are the same wounds suffered by the mythical Hiram Abiff according to Freemasonic legend and initiation. Bill Cooper, a former operative with US Naval Intelligence, believes that the mythical Freemason hero, Hiram Abiff, is really a symbol for Jacques de Molay, the Grand Master of the Knights Templar when they were purged in France in 1307. De Molay was burnt to death on the Ile de la Cite, the original Paris, in the shadow of Notre Dame Cathedral, which the Templar’s had built on a former site of worship to the goddess Diana. 


His death was ordered by the Roman Church Inquisition with support from King Phillipe the Fair, who could well have been under the control of the Priory of Sion. Cooper says that the assassination of JFK was the revenge of the Knights Templar against the Church, the state and the people. Kennedy is the only Roman Catholic President of the United States, the same Church of Rome which killed Jacques de Molay. On Dealey Plaza today, standing near the points where Kennedy and Oswald were murdered, is the obelisk erected by the Freemasons after the murders. The obelisk is symbolic of the penis of Osiris in Egyptian legend and the one in Dealey Plaza has the flame or lighted torch at the top (see picture section). The eternal flame on the Kennedy grave in Arlington Cemetery is there for the same reason. The flame or lighted torch is the most obvious Brotherhood signature and on Kennedy’s grave the flame is within a circle, the ancient symbol of the Sun.

The Kennedy grave in Arlington Cemetery

Kennedy was also laid in state in the centre of a circle under the dome on Capitol Hill. There are 14 stones on the obelisk in Dealey Plaza, the number of pieces into which Osiris was cut by Set, according to Egyptian myth. The one part that his sisterwife, Isis, could not find was his penis, represented by the obelisk itself. She replaced the penis of Osiris with one she made herself and this became the symbol of the Brotherhood. The Dealey Plaza obelisk was built for, and dedicated to, a Freemasonic lodge of the Scottish Rite. They have found stone phalluses in cathedrals and churches hidden inside altars and when the investigation team of New Orleans District Attorney, Jim Garrison, searched the home of Clay Shaw they found penises.


In this book I’ve exposed the secret language at its basic level, but the depth to which it goes is astonishing. The science of numbers and names is one of these deeper levels of communication and symbolism which only an advanced initiate or focused researcher would fully understand. Numbers and names are, once again, vibrational frequencies and the amazing synchronicity of these is due, I feel, to the law of what I call vibrational attraction. Many of the number-name ‘coincidences’ will be consciously made to happen, but others are simply due to the energy field, the consciousness, of the person or people attracting to themselves vibrational fields which synchronise with the energy they are generating. This is how we create our own reality. 

Our inner self, our vibrating consciousness field, attracts other ‘fields’ -people, places, ways of life, experiences - which sync with the energy we are generating. It’s a vibrational attraction between like energy fields. Therefore, our outer physical experience is merely a reflection of what is happening inside. What we vibrationally project with our attitudes and emotions, we attract back to us in people, places, ways of life and experiences which vibrate to the frequency we are projecting or broadcasting. So when we change what is happening within us, we change our physical experience because one is a reflection of the other. It is this ‘magnetic’ attraction of like vibration to like vibration that leads to people living in streets of a certain name or having relationships with those of a certain name, etc., because everything has its own vibrational code, including sounds, numbers, words, colours and names. In ritual magic the correct sounds, words, incantations, and colours, are all used to manifest a desired energy field or vibratory field.

Levitating Stone

Erstellt 2007. Update 5. Januar 2008
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Quicktime Movie: David Icke 34 of 42.  Only if we know, who we are, can we know freedom. 9:59 min. 6.6 mb.