Gesamtschau-Digital: Carl Huter
David Icke: The Biggest Secret. Forbidden Knowledge. The Key to our Past - Part 64

It could be, however, that there was a magnetic pole shift more recently, about 3,500- 600 years ago from examination of the ice in Greenland and the polar regions. Every time the Earth has experienced the rapid fall in the magnetic field that we are seeing now, it has led to a pole shift when magnetic north and south change places. People like Braden estimate that the Earth will stop rotating for some days before it begins to spin in the opposite direction. As you can see when the flow of electricity through an iron bar is reversed, the poles reverse. As the planet spins in the other direction, the flow of electricity will reverse and so, therefore, must the poles. 


If the planet stopped rotating, one side of the Earth would be in constant sunshine and the other in darkness in this period and that is what the ancients said happened thousands of years ago. The Peruvians talked about the ‘long night’ of three days and in the Bible there is reference to daytime lasting 20 hours, the longest day. 

The Hopi Tribe record how the Sun rose twice in one day. First it rose in the west and set in the east and then later it rose in the east and set in the west - the cycle ever since. Other ancient accounts say the Sun used to rise in the west and set in the east, another indication that the Earth used to spin the other way.

Back in the early 1990s when I was just waking up to these things, I was given some channelled information by a psychic which said: “The world is changing and the north will become south and the east, west. So it has been commanded since the beginning of time.”3 Spot on, it would seem. 

Brian Desborough, the scientist-researcher in California, also told me that some major geophysical events are happening which are subject to a media blackout. He confirms that the Earth’s geomagnetic field is dropping at an exponential rate and will soon reach zero. He believes, as I do, that we are, to say the least, in for a very bumpy ride geologically. The US Geological Service says that the Earth’s magnetic field drops to zero every 500,000 years, then slowly rebuilds, and that these are periods of cataclysmic Earth changes, earthquakes and volcanoes, because of the temporary halt in the planet’s rotation. I think it happens more often than that.

19.5 (19.47)

According to Brian’s contacts, the Sun’s magnetic field has already dropped to zero and it appears to have reached a higher level of conversion of hydrogen to helium. He says that solar flares are being emitted above and below the Sun’s equator at a latitude of 19.5 degrees. This is the point where energy is exchanged between rotating spheres and it is at this latitude on the Earth that the pyramids are located. The energy being received from the Sun at these latitudes must now be phenomenal.


We have followed the connection between changes in the resonance from the centre of the galaxy, to changes in the Sun, to changes in the Earth. It goes on from there to the human heart, then the brain and to every cell in the body The more you open your heart the more powerful this flow and the quicker you will synchronise with the rising vibrations and transform into a higher state of consciousness. 

19.5 (19.47)

If you close your heart and close your mind, you will be resisting these changes and more and more of your energy will be spent fighting the very energies that will transform your life and set you free. Also, your body will get increasingly out of sync with the energy around you and the consequences, mentally, emotionally and physically will be obvious. You can stand in this fast flowing river trying to hold it back, or you can relax, lie on the air bed and flow with it. It is your choice and whatever happens you live forever. If we allow ourselves to be infused by this high frequency light, our bodies will repair themselves and we will not age. We will live in physical bodies indefinitely if we wish to and our mental and psychic powers will know no bounds, no limitations. 


If it is also correct that we are entering a massive electrical field called a Photon Belt we are going to experience some amazing things. The ancients knew of these great cycles of change and all the ancient calendars of the Egyptians, Maya, Tibetans, Chinese and others end in the period we are living through now. That Egyptian calendar dates back some 39,000 years and the Mayan one perhaps 18,000. The Maya said that there would be a transition period between the old world and the new as one version of time was replaced by another. They called this period ‘No Time’ and they said this would begin in July 1982 and lead to the shift on December 21th 2012. 

„No Time“

The effect of all this on humanity is easy to see. I have visited more than 20 countries in the last few years and there is an awakening unfolding in all of them. Not yet the majority by any means, but the numbers are gathering by the day as this spiritual alarm clock awakens people from their slumber. It is the quickening vibration of the Earth, and indeed the galaxy in general, which is giving the impression that time is passing faster and faster. 

This is an illusion because there is no time, in truth, but it feels that way because the frequency is getting faster. I remember I was given a channelled communication through a psychic in the early 1990s which said that the day was coming when time would seem to be moving so quickly it would be frightening. That moment is near. It’s nothing to worry about, just a natural cycle, but it will present many challenges and therefore infinite opportunities.

The universe, like the whole of the physical world, is a hologram - beams of light colliding to create the appearance of three-dimensional form. It is like throwing stones into a pond and watching the waves collide and create patterns. Two scientists in the United States, Terrance and Dennis McKenna, suggest that the universe is a hologram of 64 waves or time scales and this is why we have the 64 hexagrams of the 1-Ching, 64 keys of the Tree of Life, and the 64 codons of the DNA. Their computer analysis suggests that all 64 of these waves are going to peak together in 2012. This is going to make the next few years a period of staggering change. The McKennas’ say that the speed of change has gone on doubling in a smaller and smaller time frame, manifesting as the leaps in technological development in this century. Projecting forward they say that this will continue to the transformation year of 2012 when in a period of 384 days there will be more transformations of consciousness than in all the previous cycles put together. 

After this there will be a six day cycle in which events will move even faster and in the last 135 minutes there will be eighteen further enormous leaps in human consciousness, culminating’ in the last .0075 of a second when another 13 will occur. I don’t think we’ll be watching The Price Is Right while this is happening somehow. “I say dear, I think I’ve just gone though a number of life-changing transformations while that last advert was on. Cup of tea?”

As I write these words the cycle of solar flares is increasing rapidly and heading for maximum power and effect between 1999 and 2002 (see Figure 61). This is not the transformation, but it is part of the gathering cycle. A good source of information on these subjects is the Solar Web Site.4 It is significant that the solar cult of the reptilianhumans should create a measurement of time which synchronised their year 2,000 with the maximum burst of solar flares in this cycle (cycle 23 as it is known). 

Circle 23-24 Sunspot Number Prediction (September 2007)

These solar storms of highly charged energy are likely to increase thunderstorm activity, weather changes, incredible auroral displays in the sky and, possibly, cause widespread power cuts and satellite malfunctions. The underground bases and cities built by the Elite in this century are in preparation for the monumental changes that are going to occur between now and 2012. The Telstar 401 satellite was destroyed by, apparently, higher than normal electron densities and they were nothing compared with what is to come. 

In March 1989 the electrical grid in Quebec, Canada collapsed within two minutes amid a similar storm of solar energy and, again, far greater storms are now expected. The maximum years for major geomagnetic storms is projected to peak between 1999 and 2002; severe storms should peak between 1999 and 2005; and the year for the maximum number of minor storm days is predicted to be 2005 as solar cycle 23 goes into decline.5 The biggest solar flares of this solar cycle are reckoned to be 10,000 times more powerful than those observed in the mid-1990s.6

Figure 61: The dramatic increase in solar flares which will be bombarding the Earth across the Millennium years.
These figures are the numbers of major flares in each month.

The Brotherhood have technology to mess with the weather and they use it, no doubt about that. But the phenomena I have described in this chapter are the real reason for the dramatic changes in global weather patterns which are becoming more extreme by the month. We have seen nothing yet. As I said, amid great public ridicule in Britain in the early 1990s, enormous changes in climate patterns and extremes of weather are likely in this period, along with geological effects as the Earth restructures herself and prepares her body for the shift in the same way that humans are having to do. We and the Earth are being challenged to synchronise our consciousness and its physical expression with the rapidly accelerating frequencies now bathing the planet. 


The Brotherhood are seeking desperately to hide these facts by blaming the weather changes on the ‘Greenhouse Effect’ or ‘El Nino’. They know that once people realise that something very different is happening the dominoes will fall and the game will be up. It was the Brotherhood who created the New Age Movement to divert the awakening. The term New Age is the name of a Freemasonic magazine. A mind controlled slave of the American Government, now recovering, confirmed to me that the New Age was launched covertly by Henry Kissinger and others while she was under his control in the 1970s. Whenever I have made these points, New Agers have dismissed the idea because, they say, the Brotherhood would not want the people to encompass a different view of life. No, not in an ideal world they wouldn’t, but this is not an ideal world for them because the energy changes are waking people up. The Brotherhood knew this was coming and what its affect would be. They couldn’t jump in a spacecraft and fiddle with the Sun or go into the centre of the galaxy to switch off the new vibration. Their only alternative was to hijack the awakening consciousness and lead it into another culde- sac, another rules-and-regulations-religion, where it would be no threat to the Brotherhood Agenda. This they have done with the New Age Movement. There are some very sensible and aware people within the New Age doing some great work, but so many others are in denial of what is going on in the world. They are being misled by other dimensional entities, Brotherhood transmissions on the psychic frequencies and channelled communications from the lower fourth dimension. 

They sit around their candles or wait for an extraterrestrial ‘Ashtar Command’ to come and whisk them off the planet in a spaceship. Ashtar is a Brotherhood concoction and a play on words with ancient deities like Ashteroth and Ishtar, another name for Queen Semiramis. Much of the New Age mentality will not even talk about the Brotherhood manipulation because ‘it’s negative’. Yes it is and it will stay that way until we acknowledge it and change it.

Running away or hovering near the ceiling won’t make a difference. So much of the New Age is not spirituality as change, but spirituality as escapism. It is suppressing and diverting the awakening, not advancing it.

We are clearly being prepared for revelations about the reptilians, because the highly charged, higher frequency energies will increase dramatically the number of people who see the reptilians of the lower fourth dimension. Arizona Wilder told me that the number of sacrificial rituals has increased massively since the 1980s because the reptilians need more and more human blood and energy to hold their human form. They need the microchipped control in place before they are seen openly as reptiles as the vibrational changes advance. The changes are taking away the reptilians’ vibrational cover and the truth has to come out. In preparation for this there is a very long list of movies and television programmes for adults and children about reptile humanoids, friendly and otherwise. 

I have mentioned The Arrival and V: The Final Battle, but there are many more. In Stargate, the story of time-travelling to an ancient Egypt controlled by extraterrestrials, the possible reptile nature of the ‘alien’ is revealed when his skin is ripped away at the end. Stargate: SG-1 continues the theme of reptilians occupying human form; Enemy Mine and Dreamscape, both starring Dennis Quaid, feature reptile humanoids; Theodore Rex is about a seven foot tall upright-walking dinosaur; Babylon 5, the television series, includes the reptile humanoids called the Narns and the same theme can be seen in Star Trek; Star Trek, The Next Generation; Space Precinct; Sea quest DSV; Outer Limits, and elsewhere. Steven Speilberg’s Jurassic Park and Lost World bring dinosaurs back to life and his video animation for children, We’re Back, features two-legged speaking dinosaurs. In one scene a T-Rex is taken into a spaceship, endowed with intelligence and taken forward in time to the present day. Children’s movies and television series are awash with reptilian imagery. Mario Brothers is based on the idea that the dinosaurs were not wiped out by the meteorite and in fact the impact created a parallel dimension where the dinosaurs continued to live and thrive and evolved into intelligent humanoids. The film’s heroes go into an underground passage where they fall into that other dimension and battle with humanoid dinosaurs to prevent the invasion of this dimension. Dinotopia and Dinotopia: The World Beneath, the children’s books by James Gurney, are stories of an inner-earth world in which intelligent reptilians and dinosaurs living under the ground with humans. Land Of The Lost features a family who travel back in time to a dinosaur-dominated land where they are attacked by a race of reptile humanoids called the Sleestak. In one episode, a reptilian humanoid studies humans who radiate ‘emotional heat’ - the human emotional energy on which the reptilians thrive. The children’s series, Barney, is about a friendly reptilian and Mutant Ninja Turtles are amphibian-reptilian fighters of crime and injustice. Dinosaurs in the early 1990s was a children’s television programme about a loveable family of dinosaurs, interestingly called the Sinclair family! One of them is called Earl! Cartoons like Dinosaucers; Mutant League; G. L Joe and Dino Power House also include intelligent reptile beings.7 A coincidence? Of course not.

For a long time the reptilian-Brotherhood has been preparing to stop humanity making the consciousness shift. The pyramid hierarchical nature of their structure has allowed them to instigate the same plan through countless different institutions and agencies. First they have attacked us at the physical level with drugs, food additives and fluoride in the water. The ancient methods of healing (known today as alternative or complementary) are under constant assault from the medical establishment which is awash with Freemasons and under the control of the Brotherhood pharmaceutical cartel.

The Rockefeller empire alone now owns more than 60% of the pharmaceutical industry in the United States. These, and the other wings of the global pharmaceutical cartel, fund the ‘research’ into new treatments and, of course, these ‘treatments’ always turn out to be drugs. There is an excellent book documenting this called The Medical Mafia by a Canadian doctor, Guylaine Lanctot, which is available through Bridge of Love Publications. The pharmaceutical cartel interlocks with the major global ‘food’ producers like Nestle, Kellogg, Proctor and Gamble and the rest. Through this network the Brotherhood can orchestrate a concerted attack on the human body and its mental processes through the drugs, vaccines and food additives. Genetically-engineered animals and food is part of this, also. When one of the British scientists involved in the development of genetically-engineered food publicly questioned its safety, he was immediately sacked. So much for living in a country with freedom of expression.

Der gute Menschenkenner Nr. 84. 1940

Fluoride in the water is a mind suppressant and so are sweeteners like aspartame which you find today in almost all the soft drinks. These additives are designed to make it more difficult for the brain and the cells to tune into the new frequencies. Workers in the food factories have no idea what they are doing as they just follow orders. The decisions are being taken at a much higher level. It is the same with vaccinations, one of the biggest medical scams of them all. The doctors (most of them) and the nurses have no idea of the damage they are doing to a child’s body, mind and immune system, when they administer vaccinations. But those who orchestrate the vaccination programmes certainly do. The Brotherhood have also created a highly complex network of technology to capture the human collective consciousness and delink it from the rest of its multidimensional self. 

Anmerkung Timm: Näheres zum Multidimensionalen Selbst und wie Teiles dieses Selbst gezielt stimuliert werden können, ist experimentell vom Italiener Calligaris bis 40er Jahre des 20. Jahrhunderts nachgewiesen worden und in seinen zahlreichen Werken (italienisch) publiziert worden. Am Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges sind alle Publikationen von den U.S.A. vor Ort in Italien eingesammelt worden und unter Verschluss gehalten.

Levitating Stone

Erstellt 2007. Update 5. Januar 2008
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Bearbeitung Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm