Gesamtschau-Digital: Carl Huter
David Icke: The Biggest Secret. Forbidden Knowledge. The Key to our Past - Part 65

This starts out in space with the ‘Star Wars’ technology which is part of a vast electromagnetic web on and around the Earth. It includes: Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) transmitters which are broadcasting their signals all over the world; microwave transmissions which include direct attacks on those the Brotherhood wish to kill or discredit through mind manipulation; the mobile phone networks which do enormous mental and physical damage and allow the owner to be tracked even when the phone is switched off; emissions from televisions, microwave ovens and other technology; and, of course, the microchip. The main reason for the campaign for a microchipped population is to suppress the awakening and disconnect us from the pulses that are setting us free. A CIA scientist told me that microchipping the population will give the Brotherhood control of a person’s thoughts, emotions and physical health.

A contact in the financial world, who accepts the reptilian connection from his own experience, gave me some interesting background to the modern energy systems. He had worked with a number of free energy inventors and he realised that free energy technology worked in a ‘clockwise’ direction and so was in harmony with the spin of the chakras. But most conventional electrical technology was ‘anticlockwise’, therefore in conflict with the chakras. He believed that this was helping to close down the chakra system and delink humanity from other levels of consciousness. This is one reason why the reptilian-Brotherhood have suppressed, often through murder, the development of free energy technology. The average wiring system in the home works at 60 cycles per second which is very detrimental to the body and affects brain wave activity. Brian Desborough told me how people develop back ailments and other problems if their bed is pushed against a wall which carries internal wiring. Their complaints often clear up if they move the bed a few feet from the wall. 

We live in a pulsating ocean of electromagnetism generated by ‘modern’ technology and this is constantly affecting human physical, emotional and mental health. The human mind, body and emotions are under an incredible assault in the countdown to the Great Shift because the Brotherhood are desperate to ensure that humanity as a whole does not make the consciousness leap that will take us beyond the reptilian frequencies.

The Brotherhood have also structured the ‘education’ system and the media to lock people in what I call the left brain prison. The left brain is the area which deals with the physical world view, ‘rational’ thought and all that can be seen, touched, heard and smelled (see Figure 62). The right brain is our intuition and our connection with higher dimensions. This is where you find the artist and creativity, inspired by our uniqueness of thought and expression (see Figure 63). The education system and its offshoots, like the media and science, are designed to speak to the left brain and to switch off right
brain thinking. This is why spending on the arts in schools is being cut back all over the world and rigid, left brain programmes imposed. 

‘Education’ fills the left brain with information, much of which is untrue and inaccurate, and it demands that this is stored and then regurgitated on the exam paper. If you do this like a robot you pass. If, however, you filter the information through the right brain and say “Hey, this is piece of shit”, you won’t pass even though you will be telling the truth. Isn’t education just wonderful?

Figure 62: The Brotherhood system seeks to imprison the human psyche in the left brain, the ‘rational’ Thtellect which only believes
what it can see, touch, hear or smell. The ‘education’ system and the media are structured for this and
most teachers, lecturers, scientists and journalists are left brain prisoners themselves.

Figure 63: when we open our hearts and minds we activate the right brain, the intuition and inspiration which connects with the cosmos.


With fear as the reptilians’ greatest weapon, the plan is to engineer events, real and staged, that will create enormous fear in the countdown years to 2012. This includes a plan to start a third world war either by stimulating the Muslim world into a ‘holy war’ against the West or by using the Chinese to cause global conflict. Maybe both. 


The bombs placed near US embassies in Africa in 1998 and the American response of bombing Islamic targets is all part of this. One of their key plans is called Project Bluebeam. One element of this is to use laser-generating satellites in the ‘Star Wars’ network in different parts of the world to project holographic images in the sky of UFOs, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Khrishna, etc. With each belief system convinced that their saviour has come, the potential for enormous religious conflict is obvious.

Messages will be broadcast (as they already are) on the Extremely Low Frequency (ELF), Very Low Frequency (VLF), Low Frequency (LF) and microwave bands which can be picked up by the human brain. This technology is highly sophisticated today and many people will believe that ‘God’ and their ‘saviour’ is talking to them when it is really the Brotherhood manipulators. Much ‘channelled’ information comes from this source already. 

Project Bluebeam also involves the manifestation of ‘supernatural’ phenomena of many kinds to terrify the population and amid the terror and conflict, also via holographic image in the sky, the Brotherhood ‘saviour’ will come. It must be emphasised also, as we consider Project Bluebeam, that the crop circle phenomena does not have to be extraterrestrial or ‘supernatural’, as most investigators believe. It could be, but it doesn’t have to be. In the period before the complex crop patterns first appeared in the 1980s the technology was developed which could create them. This was a high frequency gamma-ray beam device which was developed for the military. Some of the main characteristics of the genuine crop circles (many have been hoaxed) are: the stalks bend at the lowest node and do not break; the cell structure changes; the crop pattern emits microwave energy; dead animals inside are carbonised; a high frequency sound or clicking noise is heard when the pattern is first formed; plasma lights are sometimes seen. Every one of these effects would be caused by the gamma-ray beam device. The scientist and researcher Brian Desborough says:

“The high frequency gamma-ray beam would cause the moisture in the nodes to boil, swelling and softening the nodal cells and causing the straw to bend in the direction swept by the beam. Such beams are capable of creating extremely fine detail; the high frequency sound which is emitted from newly-formed crop circles strongly suggests that the beam systems employed in this duplicitous act incorporate Mossbaur technology. The soil within the circle would emit radiation and any creature unfortunate enough to be irradiated by the beam would be carbonised... Prior to commencing a crop circle, the gamma-ray beam would require adjustment for focus and power setting. This could account for the one or more small circular depressions usually to be found adjacent to the crop circle.”

Some people will ask why, if they are made by the authorities, such an effort would have been made to discredit them with hoaxers to the point where the media now ignore them. It’s a very good question, but the fact remains that human technology can make them and we should know that. Incidentally, Desborough suggests that flight TWA 800, the jumbo jet which exploded shortly after take-off from New York, was struck by a Mossbaur beam weapon. The autopsy on the victims revealed that their blood had gelled in their veins and their brains had ‘turned to mush’. This is what the weapon would produce, and at the time the aircraft was flying near the Brookhaven Naval Research Station where this very weapon was developed.

The UFO scam

The main ambition for Project Bluebeam is to convince the people that the Earth is being invaded by extraterrestrials. It is vital we do not buy this crap. The extraterrestrials are not invading, they’ve been here for thousands of years and they look, on the surface, like you and me. In 1938 the actor Orson Welles claimed to be broadcasting live from the site of an ‘alien’ landing in New Jersey. He wasn’t, he was using actors and special effects to broadcast from a radio studio. The programme, a broadcast of the ‘novel’ War Of The Worlds by H. G. Wells, caused terror and panic in the place the invading Martians were said to be. One guy committed suicide and there were traffic jams of people trying to get away because they thought the Martians had come. Welles said it was just a play and people had misunderstood. 

This was in fact an experiment to see how people would react to such a situation and they used a story written by H. G. Wells, a Brotherhood clone who advocated the reptilian Agenda, including mass mind control. Think about it. If you wanted an excuse to globally centralise all government, finance, military, police and other institutions, you would need a threat to the planet as a whole. What better way than to kid the people they are being invaded from space? You would have a global problem, a global demand that “Something must be done” and an opportunity to offer a global solution: a world government and army to meet this ‘threat’. That is the plan we are now being prepared for.

Back in the 1960s during the Kennedy administration, it is claimed that a group of 15 experts in their various fields were brought together to produce a report into ways of controlling the population and centralising power without the use of wars. It became known as the Report from Iron Mountain, an underground facility in New York State, where they held their first and last meetings. One of the members leaked the contents to a friend who leaked it more widely, it is said. I detail the report in .. And The Truth Shall Set You Free. It is claimed to be a hoax, but if it was, it was an inspired one. Two of the recommendations it made to centralise power were: a threat to the global environment and a threat from an extraterrestrial invasion. The report was completed in 1966, the story goes, and in 1968 came the Club of Rome, the Brotherhood-front I talked about earlier, which created the environmental movement. The environmental recommendation in the Report from Iron Mountain clearly happened. 

Now they are playing the extraterrestrial card. For decades the idea of extraterrestrials was dismissed and laughed at by the media, but suddenly, now the time is right, they are taking it more and more seriously. UFO ‘research’ in the United States has been funded by Laurance Rockefeller and this has included a panel of nine scientists led by the Stanford physicist Peter Sturrock. He told American television that they had found ‘compelling physical evidence’ that something is going on that they do not understand. Now, I wonder what that can be? And look at the stream of fear-based extraterrestrial television programmes and movies like Independence Day (made by 20th Century Fox owned by Rupert Murdoch), Alien Resurrection (made by 20th Century Fox owned by Rupert Murdoch) and X-Files (made by Fox Television owned by Rupert Murdoch). And, I should add, Rupert Murdoch is owned by the Brotherhood.


Underpinning these messages are the countless reports of UFOs being seen and the experiences of large numbers of people who claim to have been abducted by extraterrestrials. I am not saying this does not happen at all, but some things we can say.

The ‘abductees’ invariably recall one, some or all of the following: missing time, clicking or buzzing sounds, sexual feelings and a sulphurous odour. Brian Desborough points out that these are all typical of contact with intense electromagnetic fields and are caused by neurochemical changes in the brain as he explains in detail. As long ago as 1930, Professor Cazamalli discovered that hallucinations could be induced by electromagnetic frequencies of 500 Megahertz. These phenomena can even be stimulated by areas of geopathic stress in the Earth and by overhead power lines, both of which produce electromagnetic fields and they can certainly be produced by the electromagnetic technology used by the Brotherhood in their mind control projects. The effect and potential of electromagnetic fields to take people into altered states of consciousness and to trigger many ‘supernatural’ phenomena is enormous. 

Unless we understand this, extraterrestrial explanations can be given for very terrestrial events. This applies to plasma balls and lights in the sky which are commonly caused by electromagnetic projections from the Earth. The modern explosion of UFO sightings did not begin until after the Second World War, by which time the Germans for one had developed forms of ‘flying saucers’. 


Project Paperdip was the British Intelligence-American Intelligence operation to spring the top Nazi scientists, engineers, geneticists and mind manipulators from Germany and take them to North or South America. This would have transferred this ‘UFO’ knowledge across the Atlantic and it was soon after this that the flying saucers were reported in increasing numbers in the United States. The famous Roswell incident happened in 1947. Cattle mutilations have been blamed on extraterrestrials because, it is said, there is no human technology that could dissect the cattle and drain their blood in
this way. But Brian Desborough points out that this is not true. A portable laser of the type necessary was developed by the US Airforce Phillips Laboratory for use by special forces personnel and it was after this that the cattle mutilations began. Some of the first ones happened near the chemical warfare laboratory at Dulce in New Mexico and Desborough suggests that the cattle are being abducted as part of this research.

This would explain why many of them are daubed with luminous paint which can only be seen at night. These cattle can be winched aboard a craft, their body parts removed, and returned to a different area of the field, so leaving no footprints and creating a great ‘mystery’. Many uninformed (or otherwise) UFO researchers say that craft like the one at Roswell must be extraterrestrial because they are made of a material with a noncrystalline structure which cannot be produced on Earth or cut with human tools. Not true again. Desborough says that the process of producing such metals is called splat cooling.

“Molten metal is deposited on a cryogenically-cooled surface (which) results in a noncrystalline product. Similarly, when metal is compressed at temperatures approaching absolute zero, the metal attains a room temperature hardness of a diamond.”8

The UFO ‘research’ community is alive with Brotherhood disinformants and intelligence gatherers. A number of the main ‘whistle-blowers’ and UFO authors are members of an intelligence unit known as the Aviary because their code names are all birds. It makes you wonder how ‘former’ intelligence operatives are allowed to talk freely about secret projects when to do so should mean severe action against them and the loss of all pension rights for violation of their oath of secrecy. Then there’s the technology known as EDOM (Electronic Dissolution of Memory) which is used on former intelligence operatives to extinguish knowledge the authorities do not want revealed. Other Aviary members or operatives include many of the hypnotists who ‘help’ the ‘abductees’ to recall their ‘memories’ of ‘alien’ abduction. Some of the ‘star’ contactees have connections to secret projects. 

George Adamski was involved with scientists at the Point Loma Naval Electronics Laboratory and a similar operation in Pasadena, when he announced his extraterrestrial contacts to the world. The microchips which are claimed to have been implanted in abductees by extraterrestrials are, in fact, very much of the Earth. They were developed by a consortium of engineers from Motorola, General Electric, IBM and the Boston Medical Center. One example is the IBM 2020 chip used in the Project Monarch mind control programme. These are also implanted in their unsuspecting patients by doctors and dentists under contract to the intelligence agencies. More and more books are now being published about evil aliens who are invading the planet and so where is all this leading? I’ll let Henry Kissinger answer that one in a passage from a speech at the 1992 Bilderberg meeting at Evian-Les- Bains, in France. It was written down, it seems, by a Swiss delegate. Kissinger said:

“Today, America would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil.
“The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.”

That’s the reason for the UFO scam. Problem-reaction-solution. The extraterrestrials are not invading they are already here and they are the ones, operating through physical bodies, who will offer to ‘save’ us! The UFO investigator and lecturer Nono Hayakawa says this plan is called ‘Project Panic’ and that high technology equipment will be used to create an optical illusion of a UFO invasion. This will give governments and the United Nations the excuse to call a global state of emergency and all those emergency powers and executive orders will be implemented. 

The Y2K computer ‘virus’, which is predicted to bring chaos across the Millennium, is another manipulated ‘problem’ with this in mind. As I detailed earlier, the executive orders passed this century by Presidents of the United States without Congressional debate or approval will allow the Government to take over transport, energy, your home and all media. These executive orders allow the Government to tell you where you will live and to put you to work in any way they want. Your children can be taken away from you, anything goes when those orders are enforced by a manufactured ‘emergency’.

You will find that similar powers are available to all governments in these circumstances. Other aspects of the Brotherhood Agenda, across the ‘Millennium’ and the years to 2012, include: a global financial collapse to introduce the one-world electronic currency; conflicts and terrorism galore; and a whole range of other events to terrify and dispirit the human population into unquestioning servitude.

But it doesn’t have to be like this. You are not an ‘ordinary’, ‘powerless’ human being. You are an aspect of eternal consciousness, a genius waiting to happen. All you need to do is open your heart, open your mind, reconnect with that genius and grasp your infinite power to create your own destiny. That is our challenge in this incredible time of opportunity and we are going to see freedom return to this planet for the first time in so, so long.

Der gute Menschenkenner Nr. 84. 1940

Anmerkung Timm: Die „wahre Machtzentrale“ in jedem Menschen, die höhere Natur im Menschen, hat der Privatgelehrte und Nichtakademiker Carl Huter (1861-1912) - Begründer der Menschenkenntnis - bahnbrechend in seinen zahlreichen Werken publiziert. Diese „wahre Machtzentrale“ in jedem Menschen nannte Carl Huter mit seinem Begriff „Helioda“. Diese Leitempfindungskraft hat Carl Huter erstmals überhaupt wissenschaftlich im Zentrosoma der lebenden Zelle nachgewiesen. Was Künstler, wie Albrecht Dürer, intuitiv mit Mitteln ihrer Zeit erahnten, und dieser beispielhaft systematisch in seinen Werken, „Die vier Bücher von der menschlichen Proportion“, angebahnt hatte, vollendete Carl Huter in seiner „Kraftrichtungsordnung“ schon zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts in seinem Zeitalter universaler Wissenschaften mit seinen Mitteln meisterhaft!


1 Gregg Braden, Awakening To Zero Point (Laura Lee Productions, 1996).
2 From The Ashes Of Angels, p 18.
3 David Icke, The Truth Vibrations (Gateway Books, Wel low, Bath, England, first published by Aquarian Books in 1991).
5 “Solar Cycle Status Report”,taken from the Solar Website, July 4th 1997.
6 Ibid.
7 John Rhodes, the Reptoid website.
8 Brian Desborough, “An Overview of UFO Contact and Abduction Phenomena”, information paper for author, 1998.

Levitating Stone

Erstellt 2007. Update 5. Januar 2008
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Bearbeitung Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm