Gesamtschau-Digital: Carl Huter
David Icke: The Biggest Secret. Forbidden Knowledge. The Key to our Past - Part 66

Breaking the spell

What I am about to outline is the information the Brotherhood most want to suppress. It is the knowledge that you are in control of your destiny and no-one else is. You always have been and always will be.

Reading this book you may find that strange. After all, have I not detailed how the Brotherhood have controlled the world for thousands of years? Yes, but how have they done that? By manipulating the way humanity thinks and feels. How we think and feel creates our physical experience and if we allow an outside force to manipulate our mind and emotions, we will allow them to control our physical experience, our destiny. But we can change that in an instant if we take back control of our thinking and emotions. Creating our own reality and deciding our own destiny is, at its heart, a very simple process. It can be summed up by “What we give out is what we get back”. It works like this...

Our mind and emotions resonate wavelengths of various frequencies depending on how we are thinking and feeling. This applies not only to our conscious self, but also our subconscious, that cauldron of suppressed thoughts, attitudes and emotions that we would rather not deal with. You can resonate the vibration of anger from that level without actually feeling the emotion consciously at the time. For instance, an adult who is holding on to suppressed anger about their childhood, will still be broadcasting that frequency, even though they might not be consciously aware of being angry. This will draw to them, by the law of vibrational attraction, other people who are consciously and subconsciously angry. I know, I’ve been there. In the words of a song I heard in the United States: “When you hold anger, guess what comes to you? A lot of very angry people do.” 

Our mental and emotional ‘vibes’ of all kinds are broadcast as a series of wave patterns and these draw towards us similar wave patterns in the form of people, places, ways of life and experiences. What we give out, we attract to us.

Within this cocktail of vibrations are our conscious thoughts and feelings and the astrological patterns we take on at birth and/or, some say, conception. When we are born we absorb the energy pattern in the Earth’s field at the time and in the place we enter this world. This pattern depends on where the planets are in their cycles and, therefore, which of their energies are most effecting the Earth. Every second the energy field is changing and so when and where we are born matters enormously to the energy field we inherit. We choose where and when we are born to take on the energy pattern most appropriate for our lifeplan. Look at the endless evidence of how people in certain professions tend to be born in the same period of the year. 

The Babylonian Brotherhood, particularly through Christianity and ‘science’, has sought to condemn astrology as either evil or ridiculous to encourage people to dismiss it. Once again, Christians have done excellent work for the Brotherhood in this regard, most of them without any idea of the Agenda they were advancing.

Die Welt-Botschaft: United True Science and True Re-ligio von und nach Carl Huter (1861-1912)
Quelle: Carl Heinrich Huter 1962. C. Heinrich Huter ist Sohn von Carl Huter (Hinzugefügt)

Anmerkung Timm: Der Privatgelehrte und Nichtakademiker, Carl Huter (1861-1912) - der Begründer wissenschaftlicher und praktischer Menschenkenntnis - hat sich weniger mit Astrologie beschäftigt. Sein ältester Sohn, Heinrich Huter, dafür um so mehr. Carl Hutes Sohn, Heinrich Huter, gab in den 30er Jahren letzten Jahrhunderts eine enorm umsatzstarke Zeitschrift über Astrologie heraus. Heinrich Huter prägte übrigens auch den Begriff „Neues Deutschland“. Dieser Begriff wurde später von den Machthabern der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik für Ihr Organ der Ein-Parteien-Diktatur, SED, also ihrer politischen propagandistischen Zeitung, verwendet. Heinrich Huter und Carl Huter bitte trennscharf auseinander halten!

Begriff „Neues Deutschland“
Heinrich Huters Astrologischer Kallendar. Organ des Zentralkomitees der Sozialistischen Einheitspartei, 28.11.1958 (Hinzugefügt)

This cocktail of interacting vibrations draws towards us a reflection of itself. When we think we are a victim and we are not in control of our lives, we will synchronise with the energies (people, experiences) which resonate to that frequency. We will therefore create a victimised, powerless physical experience. When we believe that the best things in life happen to others, they do, because we are not connecting with the energies that will manifest the best things in life. When you believe you will never have enough money, you won’t. Money is an energy and if you are going to attract that energy, you need to make a vibrational connection with it. Thinking that you will never attract money, consciously or subconsciously, ensures that you will be out of sync with that energy and you stay poor. 


The Brotherhood know this and they have created an energy flow which attracts money to them. Fear of something is always guaranteed to attract what you fear. The energy of fear attracts like energy and so what you fear becomes what you physically experience. Fear of being without money becomes the circumstances in which you are without money. Fear of being alone, rejected or attacked all become that physical experience unless you deal with the source of the energy which manifests these things - YOU. 


So its no good blaming anyone else for your life. You have either created it by your own thoughts and feelings or the Brotherhood has done so because you have allowed your thoughts and feelings to be manipulated by religion, the media, politics, doctors, teachers and all the rest.

Whichever it is, the one responsible for your life is... YOU. No getting away from it, I’m afraid, you are stuck with it. But then, this news is just wonderful. It means that if you created the present reality that you don’t like, you can just as easily create a new reality that you do like. You are in control. You have all the answers. You are the centre of your own universe and you can make it whatever you choose. You are simply incredible. Feel it, live it and your world will be transformed.


My book, I Am Me, I Am Free, is all about this need to restore our mental and emotional powers because unless we do so we can never be free. But we need to do more than that. We need to set ourselves free, yes, but just as importantly we need to set each other free.

Barcode Human

We have been manipulated by the Brotherhood into our personal prisons and the prisoners have been further manipulated into policing each other. Humanity is both the sheep and the sheep dog. The Brotherhood set the religious, political, medical and scientific ‘norms’ by controlling those professions and, therefore, the norms promoted by the mesmerised media. Most people then live their lives within these norms and allow them to programme their sense of possibility, potential and who or what they are.


This is the eggshell and if people want to concede their uniqueness and infinite power in this way, fine, go ahead. Couldn’t care less. But what happens is that those who live in these prisons are not satisfied with that. They insist that everyone else does the same. It’s not enough for them to believe in a religion, they also seek to impose that belief on everyone else or condemn them if they do not accept that religion’s view of life. 


There would be no religious wars if we respected each others’ right to believe whatever we choose, so long as we don’t impose it on anyone else. I don’t have a problem with people taking part in Satanic ritual if everyone involved is making that choice while in complete control of their own thinking processes. People want to sacrifice each other and all involved have made a free choice? Go ahead, but please, someone clear up the mess. Eventually they will learn from the experience and evolve to a higher level of understanding. If George Bush, Henry Kissinger, the Windsors and the rest of the gang want to start a self-contained community and run it as a fascist state with everyone willingly taking part, please feel free. They’ll have no challenge from me. I’m interested when these things are imposed on people through secrecy and manipulation or by physical, mental or pharmaceutical force. Surely we can summon the maturity to think for ourselves and allow others to do the same? Is that really too much to ask? If it is, we are in serious trouble.


The only way the few can control the world is if the masses help them to do it: and we do. I have spoken to audiences about freedom and had wild applause, but do we understand what the word means? “Yes, freedom, that’s what we want!” Oh really? Then why do many of these same people who wildly applaud the concept of freedom, insist that those who are not Christians are lesser human beings or the Devil incarnate? Why do they insist (the Muslims, Hindus and ‘Jews’, as well) that their children are brought up from birth to believe what they believe, at the expense of other views and information? The times I have been asked at meetings in America if I am a Christian, as if I become more credible and believable if I am. The very need to ask that question is confirmation that the questioner is in mental servitude to a belief system of Brotherhood creation. 


And that’s the point. We are imprisoned by what we are manipulated to believe. The power of belief to entrap a mind is incredible. The Brotherhood do not care what you believe as long as you believe something to the exclusion of other possibilities. I am quite happy to change my views on any or all the information in this book if that is where new information leads me.

I am not attached to it because I am only seeking the truth, whatever it is. If it is something different to what I think now, fine. So be it. Rigid beliefs defend themselves from all comers because the belief becomes the person’s sense of self, their sense of security, and so they would rather cling on to the belief than face the mental and emotional challenge of letting it go. But we are now facing a time of the most phenomenal change in which all beliefs are going to crumble. You can write the future on a blank piece of paper far easier than one that is full of old data. You can plant new flowers on an empty piece of garden far easier than one still consumed by weeds. It is time to clear our minds of belief and be open to all possibility. Only then can we be free to tap into infinity.


What I have detailed in this book is one level of the picture, the one which most directly affects people in human bodies today. But there are other levels to consider also. It is important to realise that two conflicting statements can both be equally true depending on the level from which you observe the same situation. An example is to say on one hand that this world is imperfect and on the other that everything that happens on the Earth is perfection. How can both be true? Well they are. From the perspective of everyday life, the world is not perfect. We have wars, hunger, disease, unhappiness and pain of all kinds. That’s true. But from the perspective of the evolution of humanity everything is perfect. That’s equally true. The only way we can evolve is by learning from experience and that means experiencing the consequences of our thoughts and actions. If there were no unpleasant consequences for our actions, how could we possibly learn and evolve to higher levels of understanding? 

It would be like a child daubing paint all over the walls of your house or throwing stones through your windows. If the child did not face the consequences and see that such behaviour is deeply upsetting for the home owner, what would happen? The child would go on daubing paint over other houses and smashing more windows. Humanity has given its mind away all these thousands of years and if we are to regain that power to consciously control our own destiny, we have to be kicked in the backside by facing the consequences until, at last, the penny drops and the light goes on. So we have the wars and conflicts and manipulations of all kinds. I don’t hate these reptilians. I want to love them because that is what they need so desperately Their behaviour can only come from a lack of self-love because only by loving yourself for what you are, can you begin to truly love others for what they are. So I love you Queen of England, Queen Mother, Prince Charles, Prince Philip, Pindar, Henry Kissinger, George Bush, Edward Heath and all the rest. If these people would only love themselves this nightmare (and their nightmare) would be over.

Until they do, their heart connection to their infinite soul (pure love) will remain closed and they will continue to manifest these same attitudes and this behaviour. I would also stress again, before I finish, that when I talk of reptilians I am talking only of those who are seeking to manipulate humanity, not the species as a whole. Many of the reptilian species are trying to help us break the spell and even the manipulating reptilians are possessed by a fifth dimensional force. In the end we’re all One, anyway.

I know that many people who are aware of the Brotherhood and its Agenda feel the only way to respond is by stockpiling weapons and preparing for an armed defence of their liberties. I can’t think of a response more certain to bring about the very fascist state they say they want to avoid. The idea of meeting violence with violence is so obviously contradictory and so utterly devoid of the faintest spark of intelligence, that one wonders how few brain cells must be activated to conjure such a thought. When you meet violence with violence what do you get every time? Twice the violence. Yes, that’s going to make an enormous contribution to peace. Also, when anyone uses violence against the system, it gives the Brotherhood a public excuse to use its hightech weaponry to blow away the opposition in the name of the rule of ‘law’. I think we need to be just a touch more subtle than stockpiling weapons, somehow. I have met some of the more extreme Christian patriots in the United States and as I said to one: “I don’t know which I dislike more, the world controlled by the Brotherhood, or the one you want to replace it with”. This particular guy talked about freedom and the need to defend it with armed resistance while claiming that black people were genetically inferior to whites and that the Native Americans were only “looking after” the lands of America “until we (the whites) arrived”. He would have got on so well with his hero, the Founding Father Thomas Jefferson. But here we see the theme again. People like this chap will, I’m sure, end up in armed conflict with the Brotherhood forces at some point.


Indeed it is inevitable unless he changes his attitudes, because what will happen is that the two same states of being under different names (the Brotherhood and the extreme Christian Patriots) will attract each other into their lives to play out their drama of mutual violence. They both believe in the use of violence and so they are both in the same frequency range. They may call themselves by different names, but they are not opposites, they are oppo-sames. The confrontation has to happen for them to evolve and learn that violence solves nothing. Never has, never will. When you hear the Christian Patriots describe their alternative to the Brotherhood Agenda they say they want to have “One nation under God”. OK, but who’s version of God? The Christian God? The Muslim God? The Hindu God? The God as visualised by Ethel in New York or Bill in Los Angeles? No, they mean, of course, the Christian God, the vision of God that they believe in. They don’t actually want to replace the Brotherhood Agenda with freedom, but with their own version of dictatorship. Again, because both want to impose their will on others and suppress other lifestyles and beliefs, they are bound to attract each other because they are operating within the same frequency range. What is true of the extreme Christians is equally true of the extreme Muslims, Hindus, Jews and other religions. To an extent the same was true of the Native Americans when the white Europeans came.


The Native American culture contains some tremendous wisdom and has a far greater understanding of the connection of all things. But let’s not go overboard here as so many in the New Age Movement often do with their starry-eyed vision of Native America. Before the whites came scores of Native American tribes used to war with each other simply because they were in different tribes. There was much slaughter and conflict.

Such a macho, war-paint mentality will attract into its life another energy that equally thinks that violence is justified. Whenever you have two groups who think violence is an option they are a vibrational confrontation waiting to happen.

Der gute Menschenkenner Nr. 84. 1940

Fortunately many Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jews and Native Americans are not extreme and there is an alternative to violence. We can either learn from the hardest and most painful of experience or we can use our intelligence and our love to observe this situation and change our state of being without a gun being fired. Then these confrontations will be avoided because there will no vibrational attraction between the Brotherhood and those who wish to scupper their Agenda. We can do it without confrontation. The reptilian vibrational connection to humanity is through the emotion of fear. They are themselves consumed by fear which is why they behave as they do. If they can manipulate humanity into a state of fear, as they have, they make the vibrational connection which allows them to control the human psyche. They are also playing at home, you might say, because they are experts on the emotion of fear. This reptilian group are the very expression of it. If we seek to stop the reptilian-Brotherhood with a confrontation on their home ground of fear by using hatred, aggression and violence, then forget it. The game is already over. 

Levitating Stone

Erstellt 2007. Update 5. Januar 2008
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Bearbeitung Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm