Gesamtschau-Digital: Carl Huter
David Icke: The Biggest Secret. Forbidden Knowledge. The Key to our Past - Part 67
Bearbeitung Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm 


But if we meet this challenge from a frequency range the Brotherhood cannot even conceive of - love - we will transform the world and the reptilian control will be no more. There are many reasons for this. Firstly, when we open our hearts to love, the heart chakra spins with tremendous speed and power, whipping up the frequency of our incarnate consciousness to the highest vibrational expression of life, pure love. As our soul is pure love, we reconnect with the awesome power of our multidimensional self (see Figure 64). The eggshell explodes.


The fast, short, wavelength of love also activates the ‘antenna’ in our DNA which reconnects us with the cosmos and an open heart chakra tunes into the cosmic pulse from the Earth, the Sun and the centre of the Galaxy, and transmits that changing drumbeat to our brain and every cell in our bodies. This will dramatically transform our minds, emotions and physical form as they synchronise with the quickening vibrations at this time of unbelievable change and evolution. The subsequent leap in our personal frequencies will lift us out of the vibrational pit of fear and onto levels far beyond the lower fourth dimension. 


The reptilian control will be over because they will be on a different radio station, if you like, and they will have to face the consequences of their own actions on their road to enlightenment. The choice is ours, fear or love, prison or freedom.

If the reptilians did not exist we would have to invent them because their current state of being represents something that human consciousness had to experience. If that was not so, the reptilians would be manipulating someone else. We would not have attracted them. They have given us a gift in our eternal evolution, a gift of experiencing the consequences of fear and of conceding our infinite power to another force, be it a parent, boss, peer pressure, or, ultimately, the reptilian-Brotherhood. 

Figure 64: When people are conditioned to close down their consciousness they delink from their eternal soul and all the love,
wisdom, knowledge and inspiration waiting to be tapped. It is not that we need to seek enlightenment - we are enlightened.
We just need to remove the barriers of fear which disconnect us from our own enlightenment outside the ‘egg shell’

The evolutionary process is about love, not punishment. It does not punish us for our actions, it gives us the consequences of them, which is very different. Without that we cannot evolve. We are loved along this journey by consciousness levels (other aspects of self) which seek to help us to become more loving and more enlightened, to be masters of ourselves. Our choice is how much of this experience we need before we learn and move on. Are we going to change now or do we require more wars, hunger, and suffering, before the light bulb flashes? Are we going to walk through the fastapproaching gateway to a whole new state of being? Or are we going to stay where we are and face another cycle of incarnation and reincarnation until another opportunity comes? The reptilian group I have highlighted are deeply imbalanced because they are disconnected from those levels of self which resonate to the rhythm of love. But they are still part of everything that exists, they are still you and me, an aspect of the glorious whole we call Cod. So if we hate them, we hate ourselves. If we are violent to them, we are violent to ourselves. And it would be all so self defeating. I say: forgive them for they know not what they do. By forgive and by love, I don’t mean to walk away and let them get on with it. They are seeking to impose their will and therefore there is a legitimate cause for a challenge to that. But if this Brotherhood control is caused by giving our minds, power and responsibility away, and by insisting that others do the same, it is ourselves we need to address, not only the behaviour of the reptilians. If we take back our power and set ourselves and each other free from imposition of thought, belief and lifestyle, it doesn’t matter what the Brotherhood do. Control from the centre will be impossible because you cannot centralise control of diversity, only uniformity.

Three things will transform life on Barth and remove the reptilian control of the human psyche:
1 We let go of our fear of what other people think of us and we express our uniqueness of view and lifestyle, even (no, especially) if it differs from the ‘norm’. At this point we cease to be a sheep following the flock.
2 We allow everyone else to do the same without fear of being ridiculed or condemned for the crime of being different. When we do this we cease to be the sheep dog for the rest of the flock, pressuring them to conform to what we believe is right.
3 No-one seeks to impose what they believe on anyone else, so always respecting free will and free choice.

There is no way the Brotherhood Agenda can survive such changes in attitude. People ask me what they should do in response to my information, but I never answer that question. The only person who knows what is best for you, is you. The trick is to clear the channel to your higher dimensions so you can connect with the highest level of your wisdom, love and inspiration to guide you to do what is most appropriate for you. We don’t need to sit around in smoke filled rooms or start new political parties. We need to remove the egg shell of low vibrational emotion - fear -and the law of vibrational attraction will connect us with all the people and organisations we need to transform the planet. When we get ourselves right, the world must come right because we are the world and the world is us. What we call society is the sum total of human thinking and feeling.


It is a reflection of our attitudes. When we change them, we change society. We are only a change of mind away from real freedom, the freedom to express our Cod-given uniqueness and celebrate the diversity of gifts, perceptions and inspiration that exist within the collective human psyche. The creative force is within us all and desperate to express itself. It is the suppression of this energy which leads to so much pent-up frustration and therefore violence and depression. Imagine you are a gifted artist or dancer, but peer pressure, parent pressure and the demands of the system insist that you work in a bank or sit next to a factory machine all day. 

Or you want to express your creativity and make a contribution to the world, but the Brotherhood manipulation of the financial system means that you can’t find a job. That all-powerful creative force within you cannot be suppressed, so it comes out in an imbalanced way, impregnated with the vibration of anger, despair or frustration, and so we have violence and the demand for drugs and alcohol to shut off the emotional pain. If we respected the value of all creativity and sought ways of allowing it to be expressed, these things would not happen on the scale that they do. Instead we demand that such creativity must ‘pay for itself’ or contribute to the economy - the Brotherhood’s economy. We know the price of everything and the value of nothing. If, however, we could open our hearts to a greater vision of possibility, we would unleash the creative force in everyone and allow it to express its uniqueness. 

What a world of incredible diversity and inspiration we would then experience. A world guided by the flow of the creative force and not by the profit demands of the Brotherhood bankers.

I talked at the start of the book about thinking the unthinkable. The information here has challenged you to do that. To consider the evidence that reptilians on another dimension of existence have manipulated humanity for thousands of years. To consider that far from being ordinary and powerless, you are extraordinary and all powerful.

Both are unthinkable for most people given the current level of conditioning. But they are not unfeelable. There is such a difference. You think with your intellect and that is so vulnerable to programming through the eyes and ears by the daily diet of lies, suppression and misrepresentation in the media and by all those Brotherhood clones to which it offers a platform. But when we feel, we are tapping into our heart centre, our intuition, that connection with the cosmos. How often has what you think and what you instinctively feel been in conflict? What transformed my life more than anything was the moment I decided to follow my intuition whenever it was at odds with my intellect.


Every time I have done this, my intuition has turned out to be correct. It can be challenging and painful sometimes because your intuition, which is unbounded by the need to follow ‘norms’, often stands out against convention. But it will always lead you to do what is best for you and your eternal journey of evolution through experience. For most people when they instinctively feel to do something, the chatterbox mind begins to list all the reasons why they should not do it. “You can’t do that, what will the neighbours say, or your family, the people at work, and the guys down the bar?”... “You can’t do that, you’ve got a mortgage, a car, a family, and the life insurance policies to pay for.”... “You can’t, you can’t, you can’t.” But you can, you can, you CAN. There is nothing wrong with the intellect. It keeps you grounded, stores and processes this-world information, and it has an important part to play. It is when it becomes our controlling force and sole decision-maker that we find ourselves in the prison of the mind. The intellect is there to make physical the guidance and inspiration of the intuition, not to dictate the odds. Don’t work for your mind, make your mind work for you.

So it’s not what you think about the information in this book that matters, it is what you feel about it. Some of the content will challenge your intellect to breaking point, but your intuition will have no such problem. To that level of you, it either feels right, or it doesn’t. If it doesn’t, walk away I am not trying to ‘convert’ anyone to a belief. I could not care less what you think or feel about me and my work. But I care passionately about your right to hear what is currently being denied to you. How you react to it is none of my business, let alone my concern. You are, however, going to see unfolding before your eyes in your every day experience, the Agenda I have described. 

You will never watch a news bulletin, read a paper, or hear a political or economic announcement, in the same way again. You will also see the weather changes advancing and staggering geological events as the transformation of the Earth’s energy fields continues apace. You will feel the gathering vibrations in your heart and your mind.


Your rapidly changing perception of life and yourself will open you to unimaginable possibility and potential. Thinking the unthinkable will become a way of life for those who grasp this opportunity to reconnect with all that exists. There are many who will consider this book negative, but they have misunderstood what is happening here. This information is rising to the surface after thousands of years at the same time that more and more people are waking up to who they really are. The same vibrational changes are responsible for both. There is a healing going on and for the healing to start the cause of the disease has to be addressed. The rising frequency is bringing to the surface all that has remained hidden, collectively and individually, to allow the healing to begin. This is why people who have opened up to the changing cosmic rhythm have found that all hell breaks loose in their lives at first. Relationships break up, jobs are lost, family and people they considered friends walk away.

There are many different experiences that people have. With me it was massive public ridicule because I never do anything by halves. You can think you have made a monumental mistake at the time, but quite the opposite is happening. We create our own reality and control our own destiny and the way we do that is overwhelmingly through our intent. So often people have said to me that nothing ever happens in their lives and nothing ever seems to work. But when I ask them what they really want to do they reply: “I don’t know, really”. Well if that is their state of being, their physical experience will reflect “I don’t know really”, and nothing of significance will happen. If, instead, you focus your intent on a specific goal, what you need to do to achieve it will always come towards you as one vibrational pattern attracts reflections of itself in people, experiences and opportunities. This is where the journey ends for most people. 

When they are faced with what they need to do to achieve their goal, they suddenly think that perhaps it wasn’t such a good idea after all! And that’s the question. You say you want something? OK, but how badly? Just a little bit? Fine, then don’t waste your time. With every fibre of your being? Well, go for it because the world is yours. I have seen countless people say they want to transform themselves and their lives and tune into the new vibration. But when the challenges have come, which are necessary to make that happen, they want out immediately and go back to life as before.

Helioda und Biophotonen
What are biophotons and how were they discovered?
"Biophotons, or ultra weak photon emissions of biological systems, are weak electromagnetic waves in the optical range of the spectrum - in other words: light. All living cells of plants, animals and human beings emit biophotons which cannot be seen by the naked eye but can be measured by special equipment developed by German researchers.
This light emission is an expression of the functional state of the living organism and its measurement therefore can be used to assess this state. Cancer cells and healthy cells of the same type, for instance, can be discriminated by typical differences in biophoton emission. After an initial decade and a half of basic research on this discovery, biophysicists of various European and Asian countries are now exploring the many interesting applications which range across such diverse fields as cancer research, non-invasive early medical diagnosis, food and water quality testing, chemical and electromagnetic contamination testing, cell communication, and various applications in biotechnology.
According to the biophoton theory developed on the base of these discoveries the biophoton light is stored in the cells of the organism - more precisely, in the DNA molecules of their nuclei - and a dynamic web of light constantly released and absorbed by the DNA may connect cell organelles, cells, tissues, and organs within the body and serve as the organism's main communication network and as the principal regulating instance for all life processes. The processes of morphogenesis, growth, differentiation and regeneration are also explained by the structuring and regulating activity of the coherent biophoton field. The holographic biophoton field of the brain and the nervous system, and maybe even that of the whole organism, may also be basis of memory and other phenomena of consciousness, as postulated by neurophysiologist Karl Pribram and others. The consciousness-like coherence properties of the biophoton field are closely related to its base in the properties of the physical vacuum and indicate its possible role as an interface to the non-physical realms of mind, psyche and consciousness.
The discovery of biophoton emission also lends scientific support to some unconventional methods of healing based on concepts of homeostasis (self-regulation of the organism), such as various somatic therapies, homeopathy and acupuncture. The "ch'i" energy flowing in our bodies' energy channels (meridians) which according to Traditional Chinese Medicine regulates our body functions may be related to node lines of the organism's biophoton field. The "prana" of Indian Yoga physiology may be a similar regulating energy force that has a basis in weak, coherent electromagnetic biofields."

Wissenschaftshistorischer Nachweis:
„Helioda“ = „Biophotonen“!

Schüler und Nachfolger von Carl Huter (1861-1912), nämlich Amandus Kupfer (1879-1952), stellt in seiner Zeitschrift „Der gute Menschenkenner“ Nr. 31 schon Juli-August 1935 klar,  schon 2 Jahrzehnte vor Alexander Gurwitsch hat der deutsche Naturforscher, Carl Huter, gest. 1912, die strahlende Lebenskraft in der Zelle und ihre Gesetze nachgewiesen. Kleine Zeichnung aus Huters Handbuch, 1910, belegt diese Tatsache:

Entdecker ist Carl Huter  - nicht Alexander G. Gurwitsch!

First discovered in 1923 by Russian medical scientist Professor Alexander G.Gurvich (who named them "mitogenetic rays") and in the 1930s widely researched in Europe and the USA, biophotons have been rediscovered and backed since the 1970s by ample experimental and theoretical evidence by European scientists. In 1974 German biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp has proved their existence, their origin from the DNA and later their coherence (laser-like nature), and has developed biophoton theory to explain their possible biological role and the ways in which they may control biochemical processes, growth, differentiation etc. Popp's biophoton theory leads to many startling insights into the life processes and may well provide one of the major elements of a future theory of life and holistic medical practice based on such an approach. The importance of the discovery has been confirmed by eminent scientists such as Herbert Froehlich and Nobel laureate Ilya Prigogine. Since 1992, the International Institute of Biophysics, a network of research laboratories in more than 10 countries, based in Germany, is coordinating research in this field which promises rapid development in the next decade. Source: and „Licht“ (Hinzugefügt).

Yet these challenges set us free. The reason we face personal and emotional mayhem when we start this journey is because of the need to clean out our emotional cesspit of suppressed and unprocessed emotional debris that we have pushed deep into our subconscious because we don’t want to deal with it. If we don’t clear the emotional gunge of this and other physical lifetimes, we can’t reconnect with our multidimensional self. We can’t be free of the reptilian manipulation and control from the lower fourth dimension. So when we say we intend to transform, that intent draws to us the people and experiences necessary to bring that suppressed emotion to the surface where we can see it and deal with it. The same is happening collectively as the information presented in this book comes into the light of public attention, so we can see it, address it and heal it.


Much of the New Age is in denial of this collective cesspit because it doesn’t want to face its own personal cesspit. It would rather sit around a candle and kid itself it is enlightened while, in fact, it is an emotional wreck with a crystal in its hand. The information in this book is part of the healing of Planet Earth and the human consciousness as the veil lifts on all that has remained hidden and denied.


Hey, this is a wonderful time we’re living through here. We are tuning to the cosmic dance, the wind of change, the rhythm of reconnection with all that is, has been, or ever will be. You have come to make a difference, for yourself and for the world. You have the opportunity to do that now, now, now. Crasp it and let’s end this nonsense. 


A few can only control billions because the billions let it happen. We don’t have to. And we can change it just by being ourselves, allowing other people to be themselves, and enjoying the gift of life. This is not a time to fear and it’s not a time to hide. It is a time to sing and a time to dance. Take your partners, please. Let’s go!

Der gute Menschenkenner Nr. 84. 1940


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Levitating Stone

Erstellt 2007. Update 5. Januar 2008
© Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm

Die  Kronen symbolisieren die höhere Natur in jedem Menschen, sein individueller potentieller innerer Adel. Jedermann ist verpflichtet seinen inneren Adel nach Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter zu heben.
Quicktime Movie: David Icke about Re-ligio.  Infinite Love is the only Truth, Everything else is Illusion. 10:00 min. 8.7 mb.