Montag, 3. August 2009
NASAs Apollo-11 Crew gewählt nach C. Huters Menschenkenntnis
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm
Carl Huter: Hauptwerk Menschenkenntnis
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm
Albrecht Dürer und Carl Huter
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm
Steht der Kampf um die Macht bevor - Part 2
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm
Steht der Kampf um die Macht bevor - Part 1
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm
Albrecht Dürer: Die vier Bücher von der menschlichen Proportion
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm
Carl Huter: Innere Erschließung einer höheren geistigen Welt - Part 11
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm
Carl Huter: Innere Erschließung einer höheren geistigen Welt - Part 10
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm
Carl Huter: Innere Erschließung einer höheren geistigen Welt - Part 9
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm
Carl Huter: Innere Erschließung einer höheren geistigen Welt - Part 8
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm
Carl Huter: Innere Erschließung einer höheren geistigen Welt - Part 7                        
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm
Carl Huter: Innere Erschließung einer höheren geistigen Welt - Part 6
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm
Carl Huter: Innere Erschließung einer höheren geistigen Welt - Part 5
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm
Carl Huter: Innere Erschließung einer höheren geistigen Welt - Part 4
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm
Carl Huter: Innere Erschließung einer höheren geistigen Welt - Part 3
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm
Carl Huter: Innere Erschließung einer höheren geistigen Welt - Part 2
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm
Carl Huter: Innere Erschließung einer höheren geistigen Welt - Part 1
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm
Plato: Critias - Atlantis
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm
Enthüllen und Verhüllen des Körpers in Bibel, Mythos und Kunst - Part 2
mit besonderer Rücksicht auf Albrecht Dürers "Selbstbildnis als Akt"                                      
Enthüllen und Verhüllen des Körpers in Bibel, Mythos und Kunst - Part 1
mit besonderer Rücksicht auf Albrecht Dürers "Selbstbildnis als Akt"                                    
Athena and Eve. The Real Meaning of Greek Myth - Part 2
the two antagonistic sons of the first family
Now if Zeus and Hera are pictures of Adam and Eve, we would expect them to have two antagonistic male children just as the first man and woman did. Zeus and Hera had two male children: Hephaistos, the elder, and Ares; and they were as averse to each other as Kain and Seth.
Adam and Eve had three sons: Kain, Abel and Seth. But Kain killed Abel, evidently before the latter had offspring. Since Seth replaced Abel, we look at Adam and Eve as having two sons, each of whom, in turn, had offspring. In the Scriptures, the line of Seth is the line of Christ. The book of Matthew traces the lineage of Christ through David to Abraham; and the Book of Luke further traces the lineage of Abraham to Adam through his son Seth. This is often referred to as the line of belief in the Creator-God or the line of faith. On the other hand, the Scriptures define the line of Kain as one of unbelief in the Creator-God. According to I John 3:12, "Kain was of the wicked one," a straightforward reference to "the ancient serpent called Adversary and Satan, who is deceiving the whole inhabited earth"(Revelation 12:9).
The Greeks deified Kain as Hephaistos, god of the forge. They deified his younger brother, Seth, as Ares, the troublesome god of conflict and war. In the Judeo-Christian tradition, Kain is the evil one whose way is to be shunned. In the Greek religious system, Ares, the Seth of Genesis, is the traitor and the one who causes ruin and woe.
By his Roman name, Vulcan, we associate Hephaistos, the deified Kain, immediately with the forge and the foundry. According to Genesis 4:22, the members of Kain’s family were the fi rst to become forgers "of every tool of copper and iron." These surely included the hammer, the axe and the tongs—the tools most often associated with Hephaistos in Greek art.
Hephaistos’ banishment from, and return to, Olympus (a place where the Creator is excluded from the pantheon) is a "myth" which constituted an essential element of Greek religion; it appeared painted, sculpted and bronzed throughout the Archaic and Classical periods. In the Greek religious system, the banishment of Hephaistos corresponds, in Genesis, to Kain’s being commanded to wander the earth by Yahweh: "A rover and a wanderer shall you become in the earth" (Genesis 4:12). According to Greek sources, it was Hera or Zeus, or both, who banished their eldest son. Since the Greeks rejected the Creator-God, it makes sense that they would attribute the banishment of Hephaistos to his parents instead.
Kain wandered for a time but then defied Yahweh again and ceased his wandering:
And knowing is Kain his wife and she is pregnant and bearing Enoch. And coming is it that he is building a city, and calling is he the name of the city as the name of his son, Enoch (Genesis 4:17).
The return of Hephaistos to Olympus in Greek religion corresponds to Kain’s ignoring Yahweh’s command to wander, and his building a city instead. Out of that city, the defiant line of Kain prospered as he and his offspring embraced the wisdom of the serpent.
As a reward for his return, Hephaistos received the beautiful and sensuous Aphrodite as his wife. Just as Kain’s wife was most likely his sister, so Aphrodite was the sister of Hephaistos. Zeus is the father of both Aphrodite and Hephaistos, and Aphrodite’s mother, Dione, is the same woman/goddess as Hera, but from a different and more ancient oral tradition.
In Plato’s dialogue, Cratylus, Sokrates describes Hephaistos as "the princely lord of light." 11 According to Robert Graves, his name is a contraction of hemeraphaestos, which means "he who shines by day." 12 On a vase scene from the Archaic period, the young Hephaistos stands on his father’s lap in the presence of his mother, Hera. He holds two torches and is hailed as "light of Zeus." 13 Hephaistos shines because he is Eve’s eldest son, Kain, who rejects the Creator and embraces the serpent’s enlightenment, the very basis of Zeus-religion.
Athena and Eve. The Real Meaning of Greek Myth - Part 1
Figure 1. The Parthenon as it appears today atop the Akropolis of Athens, from the north-west
Olympic Games. Athen 2004. Opening: Helix/DNS. Hinzugefügt
The Parthenon
Ancient Greek religion, what we call mythology, tells the same story as the Book of Genesis, except that the serpent is the enlightener of mankind rather than our deceiver. Athena represents Eve—the reborn serpent’s Eve in the new Greek age. She and the Parthenon and the entire ancient Greek religious system celebrate the rejuvenation and re-establishment of the way of Kain (Cain) after the Flood. Though on one hand Greek idolatry violates the teaching of the Word of God, on the other, if properly understood, it reinforces the truth of the Scriptures.
Athena’s magnificent temple, the Parthenon, is the national monument of Greece (Figure 1). From 447 to 432 BC, during the Classical Age, the ancient Athenians built for Athena one of the most superb architectural works of antiquity. Featuring more sculpture than any other Greek temple, the Parthenon dominated their Akropolis—the high place of the city. Inside stood her forty-foot-tall gold and ivory idol-image. Later in this article, we are going to take a close look at Athena’s famous Parthenon statue as it has been reconstructed in the Parthenon in Nashville, Tennessee, from ancient replicas and descriptions of it. We are not going to be able to understand very much about Athena’s idol-image, however, unless we see where she fits into the history of humanity as the Greeks saw it. We need some background. Fortunately, the Greeks provided it in their myths and art.
Masaru Emoto: Beauty and Memory - Water
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm                                      
Albrecht Dürer: Selbstbildnis. München. 1500                            
Quicktime-Movie: They Want Your Soul. 16.58 min - 6 mb. 2006
„The most famous of Durer's self-portraits is the one painted in 1500, symbolically marking the important ending of the old, and beginning of the new century. The end of the 15th century was marked with apocalyptic prophecies of the end of the world and as opposed to eschatological endings of the previous century, the portrait represents the figure of Saviour blessing 'a new beginning' since the world obviously survived another promised end. Durer was at the age 28.“
Albrecht Dürer: Lehrbuch der Malerei                        
Bezug: Carl Huters Wissenschaften - Psycho-Physiognomik und Kallisophie sowie Die vier Apostel, München und Lempertz
Dr. Calligaris: Heilungsprozesse und Parapsychologische Fähigkeiten
Die Forschungen von Dr. Calligaris
Die Forschungen von Dr. Calligaris führten ganz automatisch zu diesem Zusammenhang, der ganz simpel bei der Erforschung von Nervenkrankheiten begann, Herr Calligaris war Nervenarzt.
Für einen Wissenschaftler wie Dr. Calligaris reichte nicht die Feststellung, daß nicht sein darf, was nicht sein kann. Er suchte nach den Ursachen, warum manches ganz anders erschien, als in den normalen Lehrbüchern beschrieben steht. Er schrieb selbst mehrere Lehrbücher dieser Art.
Es gibt reproduzierbare Verbindungen zwischen den Organen, den Gemütszuständen, und den dazu gehörenden Gedankenbildern.
Jeder Mensch bildet in den Ausstrahlungen seiner Gedanken die Bilder der Gegenstände ab, die er betrachtet, bzw. die er sich gerade vorstellt.
ALBRECHT DÜRER „Die vier Apostel“: München und Lempertz - 2 + 1 Tafeln                              
Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm                                            
Carl Huter: Naturwissenschaftliche Menschenkenntnis            
 Bearbeitung: Medical-Manager Wolfgang Timm